The perfect smile: how to get it and how much does it cost to make your smile perfect?

A smiling person is more successful than one who constantly frowns and keeps his lips pursed in displeasure. This statement has long been proven by a number of sociological surveys and statistics. But what if a person frowns and smiles not because he is constantly in a bad mood, but because he considers his smile ugly and is embarrassed by it?

People are embarrassed about their own smile for various reasons, but most often due to some kind of dental problem. Caries, darkened fillings, chips on teeth, yellowness, unattractive shape of teeth - all this negatively affects the aesthetics of a smile and forces us to hide it. But all these problems are solvable and correctable; modern dentistry is capable of giving anyone a perfect, Hollywood smile.

What dental technologies help create the perfect smile and how much does it cost to make your smile Hollywood? We will tell you about this in detail in our article.

Parameters of an ideal smile

If you think that to create a perfect smile it is enough to have white, even, beautiful and healthy teeth - you are mistaken. The Hollywood smile has a number of parameters that the dentist working on its creation will take into account.

Let's briefly go through the existing modern standards that an ideal smile should meet:

  • All horizontal lines must be parallel to each other. When creating a Hollywood smile, horizontal lines mean the lines of the eyes, lips, the line of the cutting edge of the front incisors, as well as an imaginary line between the cutting edges of the fangs;
  • The size of the teeth should harmoniously decrease in the direction from the center to the edges and, moreover, the width and height of the teeth should also meet certain parameters, in addition, the teeth should be connected at specific points, and the edges of the teeth included in the upper dentition should have a certain bend. With an ideal smile, the upper lip almost completely covers the gum line of the teeth.

When creating a Hollywood smile, the dentist must take into account a lot of important points and, of course, carry out the work so that the new smile makes the person’s face younger, more attractive and more beautiful.

Take a short test and calculate the cost of treatment!

Take a short test

  • What teeth need veneers?
  • Choosing a tooth shape
  • Choosing teeth color
  • Choosing a laboratory
  • Cost calculation


Manukyan Artavazd Genrikovich

Chief physician of the clinic

Modern dentistry

All specialists at the VID clinic regularly undergo advanced training both in Russia and abroad, so they are always up to date with the latest treatment methods. And the clinic’s advanced technical equipment allows you to apply this knowledge in practice. One of the main trends in modern dentistry is the desire for maximum safety and painlessness of treatment. And this manifests itself already at the diagnostic stage. Often, an infection that destroys a tooth can be located in the most inaccessible and curved canals, which cannot be examined and treated without special equipment. The VID clinic has a computed tomograph that allows you to take pictures of the tooth in different planes and identify the source of infection. And with the help of a powerful microscope, the clinic’s doctors will be able to eliminate it even in the most secluded canal. This technology allows you to save the patient’s own tooth and prevent its removal.

Where to start working on creating the perfect smile?

If you dream of a beautiful Hollywood smile, like celebrities from the screen and covers of glossy publications, then the first thing you should do is cure your teeth from caries, restore those elements of the dentition that are severely damaged or completely absent.

If those teeth that are included in the smile area are destroyed by more than 50%, it would be more correct to restore them not by filling with a composite material, but by installing crowns. Severely damaged teeth will need to be filled with large fillings, which do not have a high-quality and reliable fixation and can break and fall out under stress. In most cases, fillings break and fall out along with part of the tooth, and if the root part is also damaged, then the tooth will have to be removed and then restored with implantation.

In addition, even fillings made from high-quality materials darken and sag over time. These changes negatively affect the aesthetics of the teeth and will be clearly visible on the front teeth that fall into the smile area.

Installing crowns will help avoid such problems and, moreover, will significantly improve the aesthetics of the dentition. After all, when making a crown for you, the dentist can give the structure a correct and beautiful shape that fits into the standards of an ideal smile.

To create a Hollywood and beautiful smile, it is recommended to install ceramic crowns, because crowns made of this material:

  • They have a high level of aesthetics. In terms of transparency and light transmission, dental ceramics are as close as possible to natural tooth enamel. Thanks to these characteristics, ceramic crowns look natural;
  • Ceramics have sufficient strength to flawlessly withstand the load that occurs when chewing food;
  • By placing ceramic crowns on your teeth to achieve a Hollywood smile, you will not encounter problems such as bluish gums or the appearance of a dark line at the edge of the gums in contact with the crown. These problems arise when inexpensive metal-ceramic crowns are used in the restoration of teeth in the smile area.

Naturally, before you begin dental treatment, in order to get a beautiful smile, you must undergo the procedure of oral sanitation and whitening. Beautiful teeth cannot be yellow and covered with plaque and tartar; in addition, sanitation and whitening will help you see the true shade of your enamel and choose the right materials for fillings and crowns.

Why do you need to smile?

A healthy smile has aesthetic value and creates an attractive appearance, which improves a person’s communication skills. The “quality image” associated with dental health has many important aspects:

  1. Good mood. This increases trust and sympathy for this person, which significantly reduces the risk of developing somatogenic or neurogenic diseases. One of the studies conducted in the USA proved that local and general immunity factors work more effectively in positive people compared to sad people burdened with many problems.
  2. Improving social adaptation. A large circle of friends and acquaintances, always ready to help, is an excellent means of preventing psychosomatic pathologies (stress, neurotic disorders).
  3. Production of endorphin and serotonin. Smiling, a person produces “happiness hormones” in large volumes. This allows you to look at any problems and difficulties as temporary, easily removable factors that get in the way.
  4. Prevention of atrophic changes in facial muscles and premature aging of facial skin. Frequent bright positive emotions improve blood flow in the microvasculature, which leads to increased oxygenation of all facial tissues and maintains the muscles of the facial area in good shape.

A beautiful smile is an indicator of a person’s health and success

It is important! People who smile often usually have no problems in their personal lives and at work. They look younger and more attractive.

Correcting your bite to get a Hollywood smile

Beautiful teeth and a perfect smile are straight teeth. But alas, not many people can boast of a naturally ideal tooth shape; statistics show that almost 90% of people have one or another malocclusion, leading to curvature of teeth, the formation of large interdental spaces, and incorrect position of teeth in rows.

If you have problems with your bite that are preventing you from achieving a perfect smile and beautiful teeth, you will need a consultation with an orthodontist. During the appointment, the doctor will evaluate the initial clinical data and select the appropriate bite correction technique. You don’t need to think that in order to correct bite defects and get beautiful teeth, you will definitely have to wear braces. If malocclusions are minor, they can be corrected by wearing individual orthodontic aligners.

Orthodontic aligners for bite correction are made individually for each patient, so you will not experience any discomfort when wearing them; the designs are made of transparent polymer material, aesthetic and invisible on the teeth.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you want results from wearing orthodontic aligners, and they will help you acquire straight, beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile, you must wear them every day and for the time specified by your doctor. If you know that you are not disciplined enough and may forget to put on/take off your aligners on time, it is better to initially choose a different method of bite correction.

But even if your orthodontist tells you that in your case you can’t do without braces, don’t worry. In modern dentistry, there are many types of different braces that can be worn on the teeth and not experience psychological discomfort. For example, lingual braces, ceramic and synthetic sapphire braces.

Lingual braces are worn on the inner surfaces of the teeth and therefore remain invisible to prying eyes; sapphire and ceramic braces are aesthetic orthodontic structures that look aesthetically pleasing on the teeth and do not spoil the beauty and attractiveness of the smile.

If, when correcting your bite, the period of correction is important to you, and you want to get beautiful teeth and an aesthetic smile as quickly as possible, then it is best to opt for metal braces. They are inferior in terms of aesthetics to structures made of ceramics and sapphire, but at the same time they are able to quickly and effectively correct even the most complex malocclusions.


There are many exercises and proprietary techniques aimed at developing and maintaining an ideal smile. The most popular are:

  1. Chameleon. It is necessary to open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible, pointing its tip in front of you. The position should be maintained for 4–5 seconds, then rest for a few seconds.
  2. Elephant. Inhale as much air as possible, then exhale sharply. The lips should be curled into a tube (similar to blowing out a match).
  3. Camel. Initial state: cheekbones are pulled to the sides, lips are slightly parted. You should slowly imitate the chewing process, while drawing the number 8 with your lips.
  4. Cheshire Cat. Initial state: lips are folded into a tube, all facial muscles are in a relaxed state, the corners of the lips are drawn out to the sides as much as possible (image of a smile). You need to take a deep breath and exhale the air slowly for 5-7 seconds.
  5. Whale. The lips are folded into a tube, while maintaining the minimum possible clearance (5–8 millimeters), the cheeks are inflated with air. Take a deep breath, then exhale the air, creating pressure. Exhalation is done in bursts.
  6. Fish. The lips are folded into a tube and stretched out in front of you as much as possible. You need to open your mouth slightly and close it again, similar to a fish that has just been taken out of the water.
  7. Dudka. Whistling any melody for 3-4 minutes. Sounds should be as loud and clear as possible.

Technique for performing the Fish exercise

It is important! A set of exercises should be performed 4-5 times every day. When the exercises are easy, you can increase the number of repetitions (but not more than 1 per day). It should also be taken into account that it is not only the lips and nearby muscles that should smile, but the entire face.

This group allows you to create a symmetrical smile for patients who have suffered an acute disorder of cerebral blood supply (ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, transistor ischemic attacks). Their effectiveness has been proven.

Veneers and Lumineers for a perfect Hollywood smile

It also happens that a person’s teeth are healthy, but he is still dissatisfied with their appearance. For example, there are old, darkened fillings on the teeth, there are chips, cracks in the enamel, fluorosis, or the color of the enamel is yellow or gray and cannot be lightened with regular whitening. Veneers and Lumineers can help solve these problems and get beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile.

Veneers and lumineers are special types of prostheses that are used exclusively for aesthetic restoration of teeth. Veneers and lumineers cannot restore damaged teeth, but they are irreplaceable when a person wants perfectly beautiful teeth and a smile like that of Hollywood celebrities.

Veneers and lumineers are thin ceramic plates that are fixed to tooth surfaces and thus mask all aesthetic defects of the teeth in the smile area. Veneers can be made to match the color of the patient’s teeth or snow-white - if a person dreams of beautiful teeth like stars and politicians. The smiles of all media personalities are not a gift of nature, but the painstaking work of dentists!

THIS IS IMPORTANT: the advertising of some clinics directly states that lumineers can be placed on teeth without grinding the enamel, but such advertising is disingenuous: in reality, everything will depend on the individual structure of your teeth. It is possible that in order for you to get beautiful teeth and a perfect smile, even under lumineers you will have to grind down the enamel. Or it may turn out that installing veneers does not require preliminary work with the tooth enamel.

How can you get beautiful teeth and a Hollywood smile with the help of veneers and lumineers? You need to come to the clinic and undergo a dental examination. If during the examination no contraindications to veneers and lumineers are identified, then the aesthetic restoration of your smile will proceed according to the following scheme:

  • 1. Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out, the need to grind down the enamel for the installation of veneers/lumineers is determined.
  • 2. If necessary, a thin layer of enamel is removed from the teeth. This procedure is carried out so that the veneers can be firmly fixed to the tooth surfaces and look natural.
  • 3. Impressions are taken from the prepared teeth, from which veneers are produced in a dental laboratory.
  • 4. When the veneers are ready, you will be invited to the clinic and the finished plates will be secured to the dental surfaces using a special adhesive composition.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Worried that you might not like your new smile with veneers? In our premium dentistry clinic in Moscow “Aesthetica”! — computer modeling technologies are used to see how your smile will change after restoration with veneers, orthodontic treatment or installation of crowns!

How beautiful it is to smile

A beautiful smile consists of a whole complex of components, in which teeth play not the first role. The ideal image is created by the eyes, facial muscles, condition of the skin and lips. Any smile should be symmetrical.

Basic characteristics

From an aesthetic point of view, a beautiful smile must meet the following standard criteria that are used to evaluate models:

  1. The central upper incisors are slightly longer and wider than the other teeth, and are located exactly in the center. The length corresponds to the incisors.
  2. In a relaxed state, the upper edge of the central incisors is slightly visible. This feature is especially well expressed in young people (up to 40–45 years), then, due to age-related involutive changes, a similar feature is not observed.
  3. The line that connects the edges of the two upper centrally located teeth should “overlap” the edge of the lower lip and be parallel to it. If this distance increases, then the face looks older.
  4. A small area of ​​gum is visible (about 0.2–0.6 mm). If a larger volume of gum is visualized, then the image of a “horse smile” is created.
  5. Chewing teeth (molars and premolars) are located in a common arch of teeth. Their absence in the image gives the impression that large teeth were lost during life.
  6. When viewed in profile, the upper teeth are positioned straight and seem to support the lip located above. In case of pathology (bulging or recessing), the lip and the skin above it follow the dental profile, which creates a spoiled image.

The beauty of a smile is assessed according to a whole range of indicators

For girls, a smile will not seem attractive without other elements of appearance:

  1. Condition of the lips. The absence of microcracks and areas of peeling, active inflammatory processes in the corners of the mouth create an additional positive note in the entire image. The correct selection of lipstick depending on the volume of the lips is also important. The use of moisturizing hygiene creams is recommended, especially during the cold season.
  2. Skin on the face. The absence of wrinkles, inflammatory changes, and blackheads can only be achieved through daily facial care: washing, using moisturizing gels, masks with the necessary vitamins and microelements.
  3. Hairstyle. Indicators such as healthy and well-groomed hair, regular use of properly selected haircuts, and lack of oily shine are no less important elements.
  4. Natural makeup with calm shades of lipstick and emphasis on the eyes.

A person’s appearance and attractiveness depend on comprehensive self-care

Features for men

Representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to:

  1. Actively use facial muscles when smiling to fully reveal your inner world.
  2. Don't expose your teeth. This move does not draw attention to “problem” teeth, which are extremely common in men, and also creates a certain mystery, which further increases women’s attention.
  3. Sight. The gaze should be directed, the eyes always look forward. This gives confidence to your smile.
  4. Beard. Either daily high-quality shaving or growing facial hair with at least weekly trimming is required.

How much does it cost to create a perfect smile?

The cost of creating a perfect, Hollywood smile is always an individual question. If your teeth are healthy, have a beautiful and even shape, without fillings, and your bite is correct, the cost of acquiring an ideal smile will be minimal; it will be enough for you to undergo professional teeth cleaning and whitening procedures.

The costs of creating an ideal smile will increase if you need prosthetic crowns or orthodontic treatment. The price for creating a beautiful smile will depend on the technology of prosthetics and the technique of bite correction.

If you want to get the smile of your dreams with the help of veneers, then you should know that usually these microprostheses are placed on all teeth included in the smile area. That is, veneers will need to cover 7-8 teeth in the upper jaw and the same number in the lower jaw. The price of one ceramic veneer will start at 35 thousand rubles; lumineers will cost more because they are produced not in Russia, but in the USA.

To find out what the exact price of an ideal smile will be for you, you need to visit the clinic and undergo an examination by several specialists at once - a therapist, an orthopedist and an orthodontist. For a beautiful and bright smile, we invite you to our clinic in Moscow - “Aesthetica”!

A complex approach

To prevent such problems or successfully solve them if they have already arisen, an integrated approach is required. This is precisely the principle of operation of the VID clinic. All dental specialists work here: therapists, hygienists, periodontists, orthodontists, surgeons, orthopedists and pediatric dentists. Each of them is a highly qualified specialist in their field and has extensive experience. This is very convenient for the clinic’s clients: firstly, there is no need to look for competent specialists in different clinics - they are all here; secondly, the problem of shifting the problem from one specialist to another is eliminated - the VID team of doctors is accustomed to coordinated work and guarantees an ideal result at every stage.

Causes of conical and awl-shaped teeth

The formation of conical and awl-shaped teeth may be due to the following reasons:

  • genetic changes that lead not only to a change in shape, but also to over-equipment of teeth;
  • incorrect formation of the primordium plate, leading to its splitting;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases that cause metabolic disorders in the human body;
  • vitamin D deficiency, which has a significant impact on the condition of the human skeletal system;
  • prematurity of the child or his dystrophy;
  • maternal illnesses suffered during pregnancy.

Tip 3. No soda

Sweet lemonades are more dangerous for teeth than many other products. Carbon dioxide, dissolving in sugar water, forms an acid that destroys enamel.

Photo from

If you allow yourself juices and lemonades, then do it occasionally and only through a straw. After use, it is advisable to rinse your mouth.

Advantages of adhesive reconstruction

· The materials do not cause uncomfortable sensations, as they do not produce the shrinkage effect that is typical for conventional fillings.

· When used correctly, the service life of the structure significantly exceeds the most modern fillings.

· You can change the shape of your teeth, visually correcting their incorrect position.

· The adhesive system looks absolutely natural. Often, even a dentist can determine whether restoration has been carried out only with the help of a dental chart. paenta.

What is adhesive reconstruction

Dentists perform anti-aging transformations using the method of adhesive dental reconstruction. Over the years, the tooth’s own enamel wears off, and the bite changes slightly, betraying age. Make a small correction in the shape, volume and length of the tooth - and everything immediately changes: the depth of the nasolabial folds decreases, the corners of the lips rise, and even facial asymmetry disappears.

“In order to restore the former youth to the face, it is necessary to raise the bite on the side teeth,” recommends our expert Kamil Khabiev. — With the help of restoration, only the front teeth are usually restored; ceramic onlays or crowns are fixed to the side teeth. This makes the face look younger.”

But all this, as dentists say, is a pleasant bonus. The main task of adhesive reconstruction is to make your smile dazzlingly white and your teeth perfectly straight.

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