How is ultrasonic teeth cleaning done and how much does it cost?

The health of the dentition directly depends on the quality of care. The main prevention of oral diseases is regular cleaning. It is necessary to use toothbrushes, pastes, and floss daily. But home treatments are not enough for quality care. They do not allow you to remove hardened plaque and tartar. In modern dentistry, several methods are used to cleanse enamel. The Zuub Clinic offers its clients the safest and most effective technology.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning allows you to qualitatively eliminate all formations, without harming the enamel, and acts as a preventive measure for major oral diseases.

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning

The usual soft plaque that forms in the dentition can be easily removed with a brush or floss. But the formations harden over time and turn into stone. It is impossible to remove it with a brush. It is not possible to qualitatively remove plaque that contains components of tobacco smoke, coloring pigments of tea and coffee drinks. The use of chemicals creates a risk of damaging the enamel structure. This procedure is especially dangerous in case of increased sensitivity.

Ultrasonic cleaning uses a special device to remove plaque. Skyler creates an ultrasonic wave. Its length and frequency are selected by a qualified specialist for the patient personally, taking into account the condition of the enamel. Therefore, ultrasonic teeth cleaning is absolutely safe.

The wave, passing through a layer of plaque and stone, destroys their structure and forces it to separate from the surface of the teeth. After this treatment, formations are easily removed from the enamel. The wave penetrates into the interdental and subgingival spaces, fissures, and any hard-to-reach places. This ensures high quality processing.


In order for the equipment to serve for a long time, careful and competent treatment is necessary.

  • Keep the device clean.
  • Before each use, the nozzle and key must be sterilized.
  • Do not install the attachment while the pedal is on (remove your foot from it).
  • Check to see if the liquid is spraying through the nozzle.
  • A damaged nozzle must be replaced with a new one.
  • It is unacceptable to sharpen a worn-out attachment; it must be replaced.
  • When screwing in the nozzle, do not apply any force.
  • Control the fluid supply and do not allow it to accumulate between the hose and the nozzle.
  • The hose must not be pulled during operation.
  • After work, you must first turn off the power and then unplug it from the outlet.
  • When attaching an attachment from another manufacturer, make sure that the threads are correct.

Water should flow into the handpiece without interruption, immediately after pressing the foot pedal. If this does not happen, check the attachment of the tip to the hose.

Skyler components must not be boiled in water, sterilized in alcohol or iodine solution, or dried in an oven or microwave. To sterilize parts, you must comply with the requirements specified in the instructions. This will ensure long life of the device.

Various problems may arise when operating devices. They are mainly caused by improper fastening of tips or other parts. The cord may also be damaged or the pedal may be loose. For other problems, please contact your dealer.

Do not install the equipment near flammable objects. Be careful when transporting. It is unacceptable for the skyler to get wet or to be exposed to the directed rays of the sun for a long time.

The autonomous Skyler must be stored in a dry, ventilated room. If you do not use the equipment for a long time, once a month you need to pass water through it and plug it into the network. 5-10 minutes are enough for this.

Warranty service for skylers is provided for a year.

How often should you brush your teeth?

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is an excellent preventive procedure that allows you to maintain their health and beauty and prevent diseases. The wave not only destroys tartar and plaque. It destroys pathogenic bacteria, eliminating the risk of creating a source of inflammation. During the procedure, pigment spots and layers of dyes are eliminated. Teeth become 1-2 shades lighter, which makes your smile more attractive.

The frequency of professional treatment depends on individual characteristics. Each person develops tartar at a different rate. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a safe procedure and can be performed from one to 4 times a year.

Cleaning the enamel is part of the preparation for dental implantation and prosthetics. Sometimes ultrasound treatment is required to process canals when installing a complex filling to ensure reliable fixation. In such cases, the procedure is prescribed by a specialist.

What to choose?

The problem of choice depends on functionality, quality and price. Let's look at different types of skylers.

Air driven

These devices are the cheapest, but are not very powerful. Installing the skyler is not difficult: the device is mounted on the air hose of a permanent installation.


The installation consists of integrating the electrical unit into the doctor's stationary unit. Built-in devices are distinguished by the highest power and are easily placed in a free slot in a stationary installation. Built-in appliances have a large selection of attachments.

With connection to a water source

These models are considered more comfortable and versatile to use than built-in ones. The set of functions depends on the manufacturer; you need to carefully study the instructions.


Ease of transportation from office to office. Removable hoses are easy to detach and wash. Skylers are equipped with an automated control system for mains voltage, supply of solutions, connection of nozzles and hoses, and operating mode. At the slightest problem, the sound warning system turns on; in the event of a breakdown, the device automatically turns off.


  • for removing dental plaque;
  • for periodontal curettage;
  • for surgical procedures;
  • for the treatment of carious lesions;
  • for endodontic therapy (endochucks).

When purchasing, you need to open the package and make sure that all components are in place.


The cost of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is determined individually; it depends on several factors:

  • state of the dentition;
  • availability of additional procedures;
  • clinic categories.

If a dentist has to remove plaque and stones from all teeth, the cost of the procedure will be quite high. A patient who regularly undergoes professional treatment will not have to spend a lot of money.

After eliminating the formations, a number of additional procedures can be carried out: polishing, fluoridation, the cost of which is included in the total amount.

In high-category clinics, the price of cleaning is usually higher, since they employ highly qualified specialists and use effective drugs.

Bottom line

Modern ultrasonic scalers are the latest generation of dental devices that can be used to analyze and monitor the condition of tooth enamel and orthodontic implants. Smart devices themselves detect the accumulation of plaque and send a signal. Using a scaler, you can carry out a high-quality and gentle procedure for removing tartar. The scaler is also used as an irrigator to irrigate the oral cavity during and after treatment.

There are two types of skyler models: stand-alone and built-in. For stationary offices, built-in ones are chosen. However, stand-alone scalers can also be used in your office. They are cheaper and do not require installation.

Sources used:

  • Chilikin, V.N. Latest technologies in aesthetic dentistry / V.N. Chilikin. — M.: MEDpress-inform
  • Ronkin, Konstantin Modern methods of teeth whitening / Konstantin Ronkin. - M.: Dental Kaleidoscope LP, 2011.
  • Official website of the Russian Dental Association

Teeth brushing technology

The duration of the procedure depends on the amount of work. On average, ultrasonic teeth cleaning takes 40-50 minutes. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • examination of the oral cavity, assessment of the condition of the enamel, selection of wavelength and frequency;
  • distribution of a special preparation on the surface of the teeth;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • polishing

The procedure does not cause pain or discomfort, and no anesthetic drugs are used.

Our clinic employs qualified specialists with extensive practical experience. They will accurately assess the condition of the enamel and correctly select a safe operating mode. A special gel is applied to the enamel to increase the effectiveness of the wave. With its help, tartar, thick plaque, and age spots can be eliminated faster.

Special pastes are used to polish teeth after brushing. The procedure allows you to give the enamel ideal smoothness, eliminate unevenness and microcracks. This will prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth and prevent its accumulation for a long time. If the enamel is weakened, fluoridation is performed to strengthen its structure.

Principle of operation

The device is developed based on ultrasonic stimulation of tissue, which destroys solid formations. The dentist coordinates the frequency of ultrasound vibrations, selecting the optimal mode. During operation, a liquid is constantly supplied that washes the oral cavity, removes separated plaque and anesthetizes the patient.

It consists of a main unit with a fluid supply coordinator, a power supply, a power pedal, a removable hose with a tip and fluid supply functionality.

The scaler tip easily integrates various attachments and other dental instruments.

Stages of cleaning plaque with a skyler:

  1. The nozzle of the device is inserted into the oral cavity, and ultrasonic waves are applied through it. During operation, liquid is constantly supplied to clean the removed deposits. The liquid is removed from the oral cavity using a saliva ejector. Since the nozzle glides over the surface of the enamel, this protects soft and bone tissues from possible injury.
  2. After removing plaque, the enamel is polished. This is necessary to remove remaining pieces of hard deposits and clean the surface from uneven surfaces. For polishing, abrasives can be used, as well as the addition of bleaches.
  3. After this, fluoridation of the teeth is carried out. This is necessary to strengthen thinned enamel after removing hard deposits and enriching the enamel with mineral elements.

How harmful is brushing your teeth?

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning belongs to the category of safe, gentle techniques that do not harm the enamel or the body. But before carrying out the procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary, as there are certain contraindications. Processing cannot be carried out if:

  • arrhythmias;
  • ARVI;
  • hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis;
  • implants, orthopedic structures;
  • high enamel sensitivity.

This procedure is not performed on children and adolescents whose bite formation has not yet completed.

The essence of the procedure

The procedure is performed in a dental office. The session takes approximately 1-1.5 hours. An ultrasonic scaler for cleaning teeth is a special device that produces vibrations of a certain frequency and amplitude. First, the surface is coated with a special gel. Vibrations stimulate the release of oxygen. Active oxygen destroys deposits.

The compact dental scaler cleans the surface of stone and stains, cleans the periodontal canals under and above the gums, and cleans the root tubules. After cleaning, the surface is ground and polished with special means. Reviews from patients confirm that an excellent effect is achieved. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure!

Dentistry “Zuub” – teeth cleaning

Each person decides for himself whether he needs to see a dentist for professional teeth cleaning. But we recommend not to neglect this opportunity to preserve their health and the attractiveness of their smile.

Tartar does not cause any problems and may remain invisible on the inside of the teeth. But it is an ideal environment for pathogens. The result of their vital activity is acids that destroy the structure of gum tissue and enamel. Therefore, bad breath will definitely appear, and inflammatory processes in the gums will begin, provoking the appearance of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning will help cope with these problems and prevent negative consequences. At the Zuub clinic you will find:

  • impeccable service;
  • high quality and safety of procedures;
  • reasonable prices.

Comfortable conditions, modern interior, polite attitude will help you relax and calmly prepare for the procedure. A highly qualified dentist with extensive experience will work with you. He will select the wavelength and frequency that will not harm the enamel.

The doctors of our clinic have the latest generation of devices in their arsenal. Their use guarantees effective removal of the most complex formations and high-quality teeth cleaning. The procedure will not cause discomfort, you will not have to endure pain. The result of the specialist’s work will be clean, absolutely smooth teeth. Lightening by 1-2 tones will restore the charm of your smile.

Despite the high quality and impeccable service, the procedure will not be burdensome for your budget and will not require exorbitant costs. The Zuub clinic offers affordable prices for ultrasonic cleaning.

Contact our specialists if you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful until old age.

If you have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment at our clinic.

Don't self-medicate! Even the smallest problem, if not treated correctly, can significantly complicate your life.

By contacting us, you can be sure that:

  • Get high-quality and free consultation .
  • You will receive the best prices for treatment and the opportunity to receive a special promotional price.
  • Only modern equipment and materials will be used.
  • You will be treated by professional doctors with many years of experience.
  • We offer treatment on credit or in installments. There is also the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.
  • We work seven days a week and without a lunch break, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

+7 (495) 132-02-96

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Rating of ultrasonic toothbrushes: popular models

Several manufacturers produce good ultrasonic electric brushes. The most famous are Emmi-dent, Donfeel and Megasonex. Every year, these brands release new and improved models, which are regularly mentioned in brush reviews and are among the top ultrasonic toothbrushes, according to users and dentists.

Each brand of brushes has its own characteristics. For example, Emmi-dent placed an ultrasonic chip directly into the cleaning head of an electric brush. This ensures deeper penetration into the gums and, accordingly, a better therapeutic effect. In this case, the bristles do not move during cleaning.

For brushes produced by Donfeel and Megasonex, the element that produces ultrasound is located in the body. Therefore, ultrasound does not penetrate the gums so deeply, but the brush provides combined cleaning of teeth with ultrasound and movement of the bristles.

Today our rating includes the following models from well-known manufacturers:

  • Megasonex;
  • Emmi-Dent 6 Platinum Carbo;
  • Donfeel HSD-010.

Let's take a closer look at each model to understand what characteristics helped them get into the ranking of the best toothbrushes.

Megasonex - time-tested reliability

This toothbrush was one of the first ultrasonic models. And although dozens of others have appeared since its release, Megasonex continues to firmly hold its place among the best.

The excellent characteristics of the model explain its popularity:

  • It operates at a safe therapeutic frequency (96 million pulsations per minute), which does not harm humans, but is destructive to bacteria.
  • It operates in three modes that allow you to select the intensity of the impact. Ultrasound without bristle movement, ultrasound with bristle vibrations of 9 and 18 thousand movements per minute.
  • A three-minute timer allows you to monitor how long you brush your teeth.
  • The set includes two convenient attachments that are easy to change.
  • Battery powered.

Emmi-Dent 6 Professional - gentle and effective cleaning

The use of this brush allows you to effectively remove plaque, prevent the formation of tartar, has an antibacterial effect, and a therapeutic effect for bleeding gums and caries. Thanks to its gentle action, Emmi-Dent 6 Professional does not injure the gums and teeth, making cleaning as comfortable as possible:

  • Operates on safe ultrasound at a frequency of 96 million pulsations per minute.
  • The ultrasonic chip is located under the bristles in the replaceable head, which ensures deeper penetration of ultrasonic vibrations into the tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Suitable for cleaning crowns, bridges, dentures, braces.
  • There are two cleaning modes - with and without vibration.
  • Manufactured in Germany using patented technology, approved by the Russian Dental Association.
  • Thanks to the lithium-ion battery, the brush does not need to be recharged for a long time. Can work offline for up to 17 days.

Supplied with a 75 ml tube of Emmi-dent paste. It does not contain abrasive particles that scratch the enamel. In combination with ultrasound, it creates nanobubbles that destroy the membrane of bacteria and effectively clean teeth from complex contaminants, even in hard-to-reach places: enamel microcracks, interdental spaces, and gum pockets.

Donfeel HSD-010 - a high-quality electric brush from a Russian brand

A good model of an electric toothbrush powered by ultrasound, produced by the Russian manufacturer Donfeel. In addition to deep cleaning of teeth, it has a massage effect on the gums. By slightly heating soft tissues, it improves blood circulation, metabolic processes, and helps strengthen blood vessels. Thanks to ultrasound, the beneficial components of toothpaste penetrate deep into the tissue and into hard-to-reach places.

The model has excellent characteristics:

  • Works in four modes. Regular, gentle cleansing, whitening and massage. The number of bristle movements per minute depends on the selected mode and ranges from 41 to 38 thousand.
  • The charging station is equipped with a special compartment with an ultrasonic lamp for storing and disinfecting attachments.
  • A powerful battery ensures reliable operation of the device without recharging for up to one month.
  • The set includes three nozzles: one hard and two medium hard.

The models reviewed are the best electric toothbrushes with ultrasonic action. Your dentist will help you choose the model that best suits you.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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