Hollywood smile: how it is made in dentistry, what is the price of a Hollywood smile in Moscow

Hollywood smile - this is what we say when we see a beautiful, attractive smile on another person. The owners of Hollywood smiles are actors, singers, politicians and other celebrities. But they didn’t get such attractive smiles from nature – in 90% of cases, a Hollywood smile is the painstaking and talented work of dentists.

Any person can, if they wish, become the owner of a real Hollywood smile - to do this, just go to a dental clinic and undergo a series of procedures that will help you achieve the desired level of smile aesthetics.

How to create a Hollywood smile in dentistry, how much will the service cost in Moscow? The article we prepared will answer all these questions for you!

Calculate the cost of treatment by taking a short test in 20 seconds!

Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

Whitening at the dentist

You can get closer to a Hollywood smile if you simply resort to teeth whitening. Today, several methods of this procedure are offered, which will make the appearance of the dentition better - they will visually appear smoother and healthier.


The use of chemical compounds makes the method both the most effective and the most dangerous to health

Zoom teeth whitening is currently considered the best and most effective process.

The method involves the use of chemical compounds, due to which teeth become 3-4 shades lighter after just one session.

The use of chemical compounds makes the method both the most effective and the most dangerous to health.

The principle is to apply a special composition to the teeth , causing the enamel to open and acid to penetrate into it.

An oxidative reaction results, causing the color to become lighter, but at the same time dentin damage occurs.

Other disadvantages include the following factors:

  • High cost - at least 15 thousand per session.
  • Over the course of several weeks, tooth sensitivity increases—drinking hot drinks or drinking cold drinks is almost impossible.
  • For several weeks after the session, you should give up tea and coffee, smoking and other products that can stain the enamel.
  • Whitening often occurs unevenly - this is due to the uneven distribution of acid in the exposed enamel.

Reviews about Zoom whitening are mostly negative:

  • Firstly , dentists promise whitening by 8 tones in one session, but patients themselves note only 2-3 tones.
  • Secondly , the promised long-term result is not fixed - the teeth quickly turn black within a year after the session.


Beyond is a new cold whitening that uses a chemical composition based on hydrogen peroxide.

The composition is applied to the teeth being treated, and then an accelerator is used - a device that acts on ultraviolet light. The procedure is referred to as cold bleaching and is therefore safe to perform regularly.

The disadvantages of whitening using the presented technology include the mandatory observance of prohibitions - drinking coffee, tea and other coloring products after the session.

Among the advantages are:

  • safety;
  • possibility of teeth whitening up to 10 shades in one procedure;
  • using a gentle bleach gel;
  • Possibility of use in advanced cases, as well as in cases of tooth pigmentation and other pathologies.

The cost of one session is about 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, dentists and patients stipulate that the results will be maintained for several years.

Beyond Polus teeth whitening steps

Vector paro rpo

The presented technique is safe, since bleaching is done with weak ultrasound. Vector paro rpo is a special device with a stream of water applied to the tip. It reduces the dangerous impact, which, when in contact with enamel and gums, leads to the destruction of their top layer.

The advantage of this treatment is to clean the periodontal sacs to a depth of 10 mm. The enamel is not destroyed - natural removal of tartar occurs. The cost of one procedure is about 10 thousand rubles.

It is noted that there is no need to expect a dazzling result - the device removes yellowness due to the elimination of tartar and other pigmentation. The enamel remains intact and the teeth become white.

Teeth brushing Vector Paro

Air flow

The Air flow procedure is used similarly to the previous one - this is a device that acts on the teeth with water, air and fine soda. The procedure is also safe for dental health and requires subsequent avoidance of products that stain the enamel.

You should not expect whitening, since the principle is to eliminate plaque, but with partial penetration into the enamel. The result from Air flow is better than from Vector paro rpo. The cost of one procedure is from 13 to 15 thousand rubles.

Air flow teeth cleaning

Laser whitening

Laser whitening is more effective and of higher quality, which is explained by the application of a special composition with hydrogen peroxide to the teeth and subsequent exposure to the laser.

The laser beam is directed so that it whitens each tooth individually. The presented method is used for whitening in the presence of ceramic crowns and dentures.

The procedure is safe, but the only drawback is the cost. For one procedure you can pay up to 25 thousand rubles.

This is important: Laser whitening has contraindications.
These include pregnancy and adolescence, bleeding gums, the presence of fillings in the smile area, and increased sensitivity of teeth and gums.

Teeth cleaning and whitening

If you want to join the Hollywood smiles club , your teeth must be white and free of plaque and tartar. Special procedures help solve this problem - professional teeth cleaning and whitening. These procedures will be quite enough to achieve a Hollywood smile if your teeth are straight, healthy, beautifully shaped and sized.

You will need to visit the dentist’s office, where, after an examination, a specialist will select the appropriate method for cleaning and whitening your teeth. The cost of a Hollywood smile, for which whitening and cleaning is enough, will be quite affordable, but only a doctor can tell you the exact price of the service - after you jointly choose the technologies by which the procedures will be carried out. And they are different. For example, teeth cleaning can be carried out using ultrasound or an air-abrasive method (Air Flow technology), and whitening can be chemical, laser or using cold light lamps (photo whitening).

How to achieve a Hollywood smile at home?

If it is not possible or you are afraid of teeth whitening using chemical means in dentistry, it is recommended to use home whitening methods.

Here are the following methods:

  • Peroxide – use hydrogen peroxide 3%. Apply a small amount onto cotton wool and wipe your teeth thoroughly. To see results within a week, you should resort to using the method twice a day.
  • Baking soda – apply a small amount to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual. You are allowed to use the presented method no more than 2 times a week.
  • Activated Charcoal – Activated carbon tablets are crushed into powder and rubbed on the teeth. It is allowed to carry out the procedure 3 times a week.
  • Strawberries - in the summer you can whiten your teeth while eating strawberries, but you should not get carried away with this, as you can damage the enamel and provoke subsequent staining. To whiten, just rub strawberry pulp on all your teeth. This can be done every other day during the season, but after treatment, do not eat foods with pigment for the next 5-6 hours.
  • The inner side of the citrus peel is similar to a strawberry. You should rub your teeth with small pieces of crusts, and then sit with your mouth open for 5 minutes.
  • Gentle whitening with green tea - brew strong green tea, use the leaf product for this, not in bags. Moisten a toothbrush in the cooled tea leaves and brush your teeth. The method can be used daily, but only at night, so as not to consume any products later.

Please note: The most effective way to whiten teeth at home is with baking soda and citrus peels. They are the most dangerous for enamel. It is better to use green tea to only erase plaque and remove stone without damaging the enamel.

Unhealthy snacks

Stress and staying at home also affected our eating habits: we began to snack on junk food.
Sweet and fatty snacks help fight bad mood and boredom, which is why we were so drawn to them during self-isolation. Eating delicious food can really help take your mind off things, but it can also be detrimental to your dental health. Sugar contained in sweet foods reacts with bacteria in the mouth and together form an acidic environment. In such conditions, tooth enamel is quickly destroyed and caries forms. Caramel, chocolate, lemonades and other simple carbohydrates are especially harmful.

If you notice that you have been consuming buns and sweets more often since the start of the pandemic, make an appointment with your dentist. Perhaps during this time problems have already appeared that are not too late to solve. And replace gooey marshmallows and caramels with creamy cakes. This consistency does not stick to the enamel and is easily washed out with tea. In addition, do not forget about hygiene: it is enough to rinse your mouth with water after each chocolate bar to neutralize the acidic environment.

other methods

There are other ways to quickly whiten your teeth at home - to do this you will have to use different whitening compounds in different forms. You will see results from them faster than using traditional methods.

The following methods can be considered for whitening at home with the help of preparations:

  • Teeth whitening with special strips

    Whitening pastes - sold in all specialized stores. Most people use them incorrectly because they use them like regular toothpaste. The whitening effect is achieved by including special abrasive substances in the composition, which, with constant use, destroy the enamel. You are allowed to use toothpaste with a whitening effect no more than 1-2 times a week.

  • Strips – whitening strips are used twice a day for 30 minutes for two weeks. They can achieve 4 tones of whitening. The use of strips has a side effect - burning of the gums due to the influence of the compound contained on the strips.
  • Pencils – whitening pencils help in whitening and cleaning teeth. For processing, you should use a specially attached brush, which is placed on the pencil and a separate processing is carried out.
  • gels are recommended for use with a mouth guard. They are applied in the morning and evening, the composition is washed off naturally with saliva.

When choosing a teeth whitening product, it is recommended to pay attention to ease of use.

Whitening using enamel remineralization

Remineralization saturates tooth enamel with “building” elements – calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. As a result, it becomes stronger and lighter (but not by much, only 1-2 tones). In dentistry, a special two-phase system is used - deep fluoridation, suitable for adults and children with mixed dentition. At home, you can use pharmaceutical remineralizing gels (for example, ROCS), which are available for adults and for children from 2-3 years of age.

On a note! All of the above measures will not make the smile snow-white, like that of a screen star, but, nevertheless, they will lighten it a little - and this will still be noticeable from the outside. But to make your teeth truly white, i.e. To whiten them significantly (by 8-15 tones), you need to turn to professional bleaching.

Whitening with trays

Trays are another interesting teeth whitening product. They are divided into 2 types - purchased and custom-made.

In total, mouthguards are divided into 3 types:

  • Store-bought mouthguards are characterized by bleaching with hydrogen peroxide with additional abrasives

    Standard ones are the most popular, they can be easily purchased at a pharmacy for 2-3 thousand rubles. The set includes 10 caps - 5 for the top row and 5 for the bottom. Their gradual use allows you to improve the appearance of your teeth in 2-3 weeks.

  • Thermoplastic - specially used material for manufacturing reduces discomfort, which is explained by thermal effects, after which the mouth guards are deformed to fit the existing jaw shape. The cost of such products reaches 6 thousand rubles.
  • Custom-made - they are made by the dentist based on the impression obtained from the client’s jaw. The cost of such mouthguards reaches 15 thousand rubles.

Store-bought mouthguards are distinguished by bleaching with hydrogen peroxide with additional abrasives. On the other hand, custom-made products require the dentist to prepare the composition for the process.

He prepares a special composition containing peroxide and additional components in individual proportions. Custom-made mouth guards have the advantage of affecting only the surfaces of the teeth.

You should use purchased or custom-made mouth guards without any differences. They are simply worn at night.

Photobleaching – ZOOM technique and others

Why do stars have snow-white teeth? The answer is simple - to improve their appearance, they turn to specialists. For example, one of the most popular methods is photo-whitening ZOOM 3 and ZOOM 4. Its essence is that a gel containing bleaching substances - hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide - is applied to the tooth enamel. Next, the doctor turns on a special lamp with ultraviolet light, under the rays of which a chemical reaction begins in the gel. Its components penetrate the enamel and lighten it by 10-15 tones, making it truly snow-white.

In addition to the ZOOM method, Amazing White and Beyond are widely used. But they have a slightly different concentration of active substances, there is no ultraviolet light in the lamp, and the brightening effect is less pronounced than that of Zoom.

Contraindications to whitening procedures

It is better to resort to bleaching after consulting a doctor, so as not to provoke complications.

For the presented procedure, a list of contraindications has been compiled, which includes:

  • enlarged pulp;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • damaged enamel;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of a large number of fixed dentures, as well as fillings;
  • presence of tooth fracture, caries, gum disease;
  • reduced sensitivity threshold;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • diagnosed temporomandibular joint disease.

To whiten your teeth at the dentist, you will have to sit for a long time with your mouth open. If this cannot be done due to the presence of a certain pathology of the jaw, then the procedure should be abandoned.

Prosthetics with crowns and bridges

In cases where teeth are severely damaged, have large fillings, or have had their canals treated many times, the optimal solution is to install crowns made from modern materials (ceramics, ceramic composite, zirconium dioxide). You can also install a whole bridge of several crowns if a large number of teeth are destroyed or some of them are missing.

However, dentists now recommend installing implants rather than bridges. Because bridges quickly fail under chewing load, but implants last forever - and provide the highest comfort and aesthetics of a smile.

How to maintain a snow-white smile?

You can maintain a snow-white smile after whitening in the following ways:

  • Brush your teeth regularly – at least 3-5 minutes;
  • be sure to use dental floss to remove food debris from hard-to-reach places;
  • use toothpastes for sensitive teeth;
  • use mouthwashes that contain fluoride;
  • stick to a protein diet - eat fish, chicken, potatoes and boiled rice, baked goods without filling, boiled egg whites.

To prolong your whitening results, avoid eating the following foods:

  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • from fruits and vegetables (except green);
  • sauces with coloring matter.

Among other things, it is prohibited to drink coffee and black tea, red wines, as well as various compotes and juices from fruits and vegetables.

2nd place: Dmitry Nagiev, 52 years old

What has been done: ceramic crowns, dental restoration, veneers. Dmitry Nagiyev takes care of his figure, has developed his own style - he has brought his appearance to almost ideal. The teeth, of course, could have been made more modest, but he really wanted to keep his signature grin.

Expert comment: Dmitry lost almost all of his teeth, it took a long time to eliminate the consequences of caries, several teeth had to be restored or almost the entire outer part had to be restored. The chewing teeth are protected with crowns and have linings. All this cost Nagiyev a tidy sum, but it will last forever.

Cost of a smile : minimum 900 thousand rubles.

Life hack: regaining lost teeth is an expensive proposition. Good oral care can help prevent serious problems. A very wise and necessary investment in your health would be to purchase an electric toothbrush, dental floss, and a tongue scraper.

Drastic measures to make your teeth perfect

Creating a Hollywood smile is impossible if a person has crooked or simply ugly teeth. First, you will have to undergo a course of treatment - wear braces for alignment, use the installation of crowns and other services to make your teeth perfectly straight.

To straighten teeth and whiten, you should undergo preparatory procedures, which include:

  • Veneers or lumineers are special “artificial” teeth that are applied over the old, previously ground one. Veneer is a ceramic veneer of dazzling white color. Lumineer is a thin ceramic veneer that can be easily removed for cleaning. The advantages include quick straightening of crooked teeth - they are simply sharpened and an even and regularly shaped crown is installed on top. Veneers are durable, but are subject to fracture upon impact. The cost of one veneer is from 25 thousand rubles.
  • Artistic restoration of teeth is a comprehensive measure to restore the appearance of the dentition and their treatment. Here, filling is used, tooth extension using an installed pin, and often you have to resort to grinding and veneering. Restoration is lengthy and expensive - one tooth requires up to 7 thousand rubles (this is in the absence of a veneer). The disadvantage is the darkening of the filling material if it was used on the front teeth. The advantage is in the treatment of open canals with fillings.
  • Prosthetics – manufacturing of removable jaws or fixed dentures. Removable ones are cheaper - depending on the type, their cost varies from 10 to 60 thousand rubles (the price is also affected by the number of teeth). Fixed is the installation of dental crowns, bridges or implants. In this case, titanium or zirconium is used to replace the missing root. A ceramic crown or implant is placed on top. Removable ones have no side effects, while non-removable ones lead to metal rejection, causing complications to develop.
  • Orthodontic treatment – ​​braces systems are designed to straighten the teeth. Depending on the scale of the problem, it can be installed immediately on the top and bottom rows. The systems are made of metal or plastic and require careful daily cleaning. Improper care leads to the formation of stains on the teeth, which subsequently require removal through partial whitening. The cost of a braces system depends on the type and number of bases attached to the tooth surface, and can reach 100 thousand rubles. The disadvantage is the unaesthetic appearance of the oral cavity.



Dental prosthetics

Artistic restoration

A doctor will help you choose a method for restoring and treating your teeth after undergoing an examination and x-ray. Often a complex technique is used. If you only have one crooked tooth, braces may be required.

Treatment and artistic restoration of teeth

with diseased teeth . Therefore, all units damaged by caries will have to be treated. During treatment, the dentist will remove all tissues affected by caries and restore the teeth with composite material or, more simply put, put fillings on them.

Fillings can also be used to hide aesthetic defects such as wide interdental spaces and chipped teeth. But a Hollywood smile acquired through artistic restoration requires careful and regular care, and in addition, the installed fillings will need to be changed from time to time.

How much does a Hollywood smile made using artistic restoration cost? The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors: the complexity of the treatment, the number of fillings that will need to be placed to eliminate all dental defects.

Other secrets to a perfect beautiful smile

A beautiful smile is achieved not only by snow-white teeth.

It is recommended to do the following:

  • tidy up the skin of your lips - use moisturizing creams and other products to eliminate dry lips (pay special attention to the corners);
  • try to smile so that only the upper row of teeth is visible;
  • Brush your teeth regularly and use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh.

The ideal smile is sincere, no matter what it is: with only the top row exposed or both.

3rd place: Miley Cyrus, 26 years old

What was done: veneers and alignment. Miley spent her very first salary on a dentist. Uneven teeth and a yellowish color irritated the singer so much that for many years she has been bringing her teeth to an unreal whiteness.

Expert Comment: Apparently she has ceramic or porcelain veneers installed. This is the highest class among veneers. Their approximate cost is 25-30 thousand rubles per tooth (Miley installed 16 pieces). The cost may vary depending on the installation method - with or without turning. These teeth will last 15-20 years with proper care. Miley straightened her teeth with braces and a plate (alignment), which must be worn for at least 20 hours a day; this could cost more than 50 thousand rubles.

Cost of a smile : minimum 750 thousand rubles.

Life hack: bonding, a procedure in which a special polymer gel of the desired shade is applied to the teeth, is several times cheaper than veneers. When it hardens, it becomes invisible. The effect lasts up to ten years.

How to learn to smile “Hollywood style”?

Becoming the owner of a Hollywood smile is not just about whitening your teeth. If you are initially hesitant to smile with genuine joy, dental treatment will not help.

In order to start training, you need to stand in front of the mirror and do the following:

  • exhale through your mouth, after pursing your lips tightly;
  • then stretch out your lips, folding them into a tube, in this position make a figure eight;
  • in the same starting position, stretch your lips as far as possible;
  • loosen your lips, smile in the mirror so that you like your own reflection;
  • move away from the mirror and return to it after a while, smiling at the chosen option;
  • along with a smile, practice the look.

The presented exercises should be performed for as long as possible until the facial muscles remember the movements and perform them automatically.

Zac Efron and gappy

Because of the gap between his front teeth, Zac Efron seemed to the producers a little too simple to participate in serious projects. However, he did not give up on his dream and turned to the services of the best dentists. The result is the main role in the film “High School Musical” and getting into the top of the richest people in the world under 25 years old.

Of course, celebrities' perfect smiles are part of their profession. But any ordinary person can take a step towards their dream and get the desired Hollywood smile. Today there are many opportunities for this, which are quite affordable for those who do not own yachts and villas on the ocean.


Irina Krutikova, 36 years old, Moscow: “Before traveling abroad I decided to whiten my teeth. But I didn’t have time, so I went to the clinic and used laser treatment. The result was impressive, the teeth became significantly whiter. But then I had to deal with sensitivity. As a result, during my vacation I carefully selected my food items and ate practically nothing. Plus from bleaching – minus 6 kg in 10 days.”

Anatoly Filippov, 29 years old, Novosibirsk: “I noticed that a lot of plaque began to accumulate on my teeth. They became yellower, I couldn’t find the reason, but I didn’t go to the clinic. I decided to use lemon at home. Then I used baking soda along with lemon. Within a month, the plaque was gone, now I use the same products for whitening - no more than once a week.”

Whitening with the Air-Flow system ("Air-Flo")

The Air-Flow system (“Air-Flo”) is usually used after ultrasonic cleaning and is included in the complex of professional oral hygiene. The essence of Air-Flow is that an air stream mixed with particles of water and a special cleaning powder (soda-based) is supplied through a special nozzle. This removes the dark bacterial film from the enamel and polishes the enamel. As a result, teeth look 1-2 shades lighter (the original natural shade), acquire shine1 and also become more protected, because It is quite difficult for bacteria to attach to a polished surface.


For those who are already faced with the problem of missing one, several or a large number of teeth, the most win-win option for solving the problem will be dental implantation. No removable denture will give you a Hollywood smile, no matter how far medical technology has advanced, but removable devices still cannot compete with implantation. Implants and fixed dentures will look so natural that no one will even be able to guess that you have artificial teeth.

Among other things, implantation with immediate loading, unlike removable prosthetics, will raise your life to a whole new level in the shortest possible time. You will be able to forget about dental problems forever, tighten up your face shape and smooth out unnecessary wrinkles, fully chew your favorite food and not be at all embarrassed to appear in public. The question naturally arises about how much a Hollywood smile obtained in this way costs. For example, in Moscow, prices for one implant with a crown start from 25,000 rubles; a comprehensive restoration of the entire jaw with the help of 4 or 6 titanium roots can cost from 180,000 rubles. Of course, it is expensive, but the result will meet your expectations one hundred percent. Moreover, you will receive new dentures in just three to four days.

Implant installation

Let's not forget that a Hollywood smile is not only about white enamel, but also about healthy teeth and proper bite. Even if you are planning to resort to professional help from dentists, you need to remember to maintain the result and carefully care for your teeth in a comprehensive manner, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, diversify your diet, take proper care of your teeth and remember to visit the dentist several times a year. Then we are sure that everyone around you will certainly ask you the question of where you can get the same Hollywood smile.

Video review of a patient about dental implantation in 3 days at the Smile-at-Once clinic.


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dental restoration

When is the help of orthodontists needed when correcting a smile?

An incorrect bite negatively affects a person’s overall health and appearance. Serious malocclusions cannot be corrected using dental onlays or crowns, but braces can do the job perfectly. It is not advisable for people with malocclusion to have any microprostheses installed, since it is impossible to predict how these structures will behave over time under such conditions. To achieve a Hollywood smile, you often cannot do without an orthodontist consultation and subsequent treatment.

Sometimes there is a so-called “gummy smile”, in which, if the teeth are exposed, the gums are noticeable by more than 2 mm. As a result, the face often looks completely unaesthetic. A small similar effect can be eliminated with the help of microprosthetics or plastic surgery of gum tissue. In case of pronounced imperfection, it is recommended to contact a specialist in maxillofacial surgery.

Growing teeth

This is still a matter for the future, but research in this direction is underway. Today two methods are used:

  • external, when the tooth is grown outside the patient’s body and transplanted into it in a rudimentary state in order to continue to grow in its row;
  • internal, when with the help of an injection a new one grows in place of the missing tooth.

In the future, this technology may make it possible to completely abandon implantation, but at the moment this is a matter of the future.

How are lumineers installed?

Note: The installation of lumineers should only be performed on completely healthy teeth; therefore, if there are problems with their condition, you must first treat them.

Next, a cast is made, according to which the overlays will be made, and at the same stage the color shade is determined. You can visually see the final result using a computer model. First, veneers are installed in a trial version, so that with the help of plastic overlays you can make sure that there are no inaccuracies, and if they are detected, accordingly, everything can be corrected. The final stage involves the installation of porcelain lumineers, secured with special cement.

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