Tooth removal before prosthetics price in Moscow


Therapeutic dentistry

Treatment of pulpitis

Is your tooth throbbing, hurting and twitching so hard that it’s impossible to sleep? Does the very sight of hot and cold food make you shiver?

All these are typical signs of pulpitis - inflammation of the neurovascular bundle (dental tissue). Do you want to have a beautiful smile and healthy teeth? The ideal solution is treatment of dental pulpitis at the PROFI-Dent clinic, the price of which is very affordable!

We provide a full range of dental services, including tooth-preserving surgeries that allow you to preserve your natural tooth and avoid installing crowns or implants.

The cost of treating tooth pulpitis depends on the complexity of the case, the number of root canals, treatment method, etc.

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Tooth pulpitis: symptoms, treatment

All you have to do is ignore the resulting caries and not contact the dentist in a timely manner, and after a while you will have to go to the dental clinic urgently.

Symptoms of inflammation of dental tissues:

  • sudden sharp, throbbing pain, significantly worsening at night and radiating to the neck, ear, and other areas of the face;
  • pronounced reaction to any stimulus (temperature, mechanical);
  • the appearance of putrid odor from the mouth;
  • change in enamel color;
  • temperature increase.

Timely treatment of pulpitis of permanent teeth allows you to preserve the neurovascular bundle, which is necessary for the normal functioning of dental units, so if you experience any discomfort, contact your dentist!

Cost of tooth depulpation (depulpation)

How much does it cost to depulp an upper front or lower back tooth?

The cost of tooth removal in Moscow on a turnkey basis depends on the following factors:

  • microscope applications
  • dentist qualifications
  • pricing policy of the dental clinic.
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Treatment methods for pulpitis of permanent teeth

Depending on the stage of the disease, different therapeutic approaches are used:

  • Biological – involves the use of physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at eliminating the infectious and inflammatory process in the pulp (laser therapy, etc.).
  • Drug therapy – direct and indirect drug therapy.
  • Surgical – amputation of the pulp or complete removal of the neurovascular bundle.
  • Specialists select tactics strictly individually in each clinical case, depending on objective complaints and obtained diagnostic data.

Possible complications after depulpation

Illiterate or careless manipulations by a doctor can result in a number of complications:

  • residual pulpitis (inflammation of the remains of the pulp that has not been completely removed);
  • fracture of the pulp extractor at the root of the tooth;
  • puncture of the tooth cavity with root fracture;
  • exit of the filling material beyond the root apex (excessive pressure on the lower jaw nerve), etc.

To avoid complications after pulp removal, when choosing a clinic, focus not on the lowest prices, but on the experience of the dentists.

At DoctorSmile, after removal of a nerve, an X-ray examination is required to check the quality of cleaning and filling of the root canals.

Advantages of contacting PROFI-Dent

The main objective of the PROFI-Dent clinic is to provide a full range of dental services at the highest level of quality.

Our advantages:

  • modern equipment that allows you to avoid diagnostic errors and act precisely on the affected area;
  • a full range of services, including tooth-preserving operations;
  • absence of pain and discomfort even during the most invasive procedures;
  • use of the latest materials and new generation drugs;
  • attractive price.

Treating tooth pulpitis in PROFI-Dent dentistry means solving the problem quickly and as efficiently as possible!

All our regular clients can undergo a free preventative dental examination once every 6 months!

How does the procedure work?

Vital depulpation is considered a priority. During this procedure, the dentist uses special instruments to remove the affected areas of the pulp and dentin, stop the bleeding, sanitize the resulting cavity and install a temporary filling. After 10-14 days, if there are no complications, a permanent filling is installed.

The devital method of pulp removal is more complicated and includes the following steps:

  1. The doctor uses a bur to open the affected tooth cavity and remove the destroyed tissue.
  2. Using a disposable pulp extractor tool - a special long curved needle - the dental nerve is removed.
  3. Expands and cleans dental canals.
  4. Fills canals.
  5. The surface of the tooth is polished to give an aesthetic appearance.

Depulped teeth, due to loss of vitality, can change their color and darken; in this case, an endobleaching procedure is indicated, after which the color of the tooth enamel becomes lighter.

How much does it cost to cure tooth pulpitis?

All dental procedures and operations in our clinic are carried out using advanced equipment, modern technologies and minimally invasive techniques.

You can get acquainted with the information on how much it costs to treat tooth pulpitis in our clinic in the price list:

Price list for dental
Consultation with a dentist-therapistFOR FREE
Anesthesiafrom 100 - 500 rub.
Treatment of 1-channel pulpitisfrom 6,500 rubles
Treatment of 2-channel pulpitisfrom 8,000 rubles
Treatment of 3-channel pulpitisfrom 9,500 rubles
Processing 1 channelfrom 800 rubles
Filling 1 channelfrom 700 rubles


The need to remove dental pulp may arise in the presence of an inflammatory process, injuries and periodontal diseases. In this case, the final decision on the procedure is made by the attending physician, who needs to analyze a number of factors - namely, the general health of the patient, age, reasons for the development of the pathological condition, and the presence of concomitant periodontal problems.

Depulpation is carried out in the following cases:

  • acute or chronic pulpitis;
  • tooth injuries that resulted in a fracture of its crown;
  • the presence of residual effects after previously performed pulp removal;
  • secondary infection of the pulp and development of inflammation;
  • development of complications of cervical caries;
  • periodontal lesions near the diseased tooth;
  • surgical treatment of dental cysts;
  • the need to prepare for further orthopedic or orthodontic treatment.

The final cost of tooth depulpation depends on a number of factors, including the complexity of the procedure. The price of depulping one tooth in dental clinics in Moscow starts from 3,000 rubles and above.

Where to perform tooth removal in South Butovo

If you want to receive high-quality dental services in Moscow, the specialists of the Imed clinic (Yuzhnoye Butovo) are happy to welcome you. We carry out tooth depulpation before prosthetics according to the following principles:

  • Careful preparation for the manipulation (X-ray, CT).
  • Using one of several types of anesthesia (depending on the patient’s age and general physical condition).
  • Use of sterile European instruments and reliable equipment.
  • Careful work by an experienced doctor with more than 1,500 satisfied patients behind him.
  • Using a Dental Microscope

After depulping the tooth, we give recommendations on oral care. You can contact Imed from 08:00 to 21:00 every day, without weekends or holidays.

Indications for tooth depulpation before prosthetics

  • This manipulation is often used in case of acute pain in the patient, in the presence of inflammation of the surrounding tissues, when the neighboring teeth begin to “achieve”.
  • If there is the development of deep caries, during which the inflamed areas of tissue began to disintegrate near the nerve endings. The problem must be eliminated or it will lead to chronic pulpitis.
  • If pulpitis has already begun, there is an inflammatory process of the root tubules, the pulp is removed partially or entirely.
  • In case of injury or chipping of a tooth, when the fascicular nerve is ruptured or the pulp is exposed.

Dental depulpation is also often performed before prosthetics; the dentist makes this decision on an individual basis. Accordingly, the price of the service will depend on many factors, ranging from the number of teeth to be replaced, and ending with their anatomical features, condition, and age of the patient.

The dentist examines the patient for contraindications and, if none are found, then removes the nerve. Depulpation during prosthetics is advisable in the following cases:

  • aesthetically, without depulpation it is not possible to make the desired inclination of the tooth stump.

If pain occurs in a healthy tooth under a crown, the dentist will make a hole in the crown and remove the nerve directly through it. The resulting hole is then filled with composite material.

To avoid complications during the nerve depulpation procedure, dentists at the Academy Dent clinic use the most modern medical equipment and instruments with diamond coating and a water-air cooling system. For local anesthesia, the drugs ultracain and ubistezin are used.


  • 2 methods of tooth removal
  • How is depulpation performed?
  • Depulpation before prosthetics

Pulp fills the root canals and crown of the tooth. This organ consists of connective tissue and performs certain functions: protective, receptor, plastic and trophic. If an inflammatory process develops in the pulp tissues, the doctor diagnoses pulpitis and determines the method of treatment.

Depulpation is a surgical method of therapy that is used for inflammation of the pulp of permanent and baby teeth, if the canals are well passable.

As a result of depulpation, the infection is stopped and periodontal damage is prevented. The pulp is removed from the coronal part and the cavity of the root canals of the tooth, then the treated cavities are filled.


Inexpensive insertion of teeth

RUB 3,450

Is it painful to remove a nerve from a tooth?

Modern strong anesthetics make dental treatment painless. Against the background of prolonged development of the inflammatory process or the use of painkillers, the effectiveness of anesthesia may decrease. This problem is solved by administering additional doses of the drug (calculated individually).

For patients intolerant to local anesthetic agents, endodontic treatment is performed under anesthesia or sedation.

How is tooth depulpation performed?

After preliminary anesthesia, the affected pulp tissue is removed from the crown and root canals. This is a labor-intensive operation.


  • Determines the order of actions in advance;
  • Prepares medicines and instruments;
  • Performs hygienic treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions;
  • Performs pain relief taking into account the general health of the patient and the characteristics of his body, ensuring an effective result for the entire duration of the manipulation;
  • Removes pathologically altered tissue to provide access to the dental cavity;
  • Removes pulp from the coronal part of the tooth, disinfects the cavity, and provides free access to the root canals;
  • Widens the entrance to the canals to provide free passage for instruments;
  • Removes pulp from canals using a pulp extractor, extracts nerves;
  • Stops bleeding from the canals, if necessary, applies diathermocoagulation;
  • Expands and processes root canals;
  • Performs fillings and conducts x-ray control.

Restoring the shape of the tooth is carried out using photopolymer compounds or using ceramic onlays.

Indications/contraindications for tooth removal

We always strive to keep the tooth alive and perform depulpation only when diagnosing absolute indications. Absolute indications for depulpation (nerve removal) before prosthetics include:

  • Indications
  • Relative contraindications
  • Absolute contraindications


  • Deep caries, accompanied by significant destruction of hard tissues;
  • Inflammation of the pulp or periodontium;
  • Increased angle of the dental axis;
  • Impossibility of preparing a tooth for prosthetics without opening the pulp chamber;
  • Anomaly in the shape and position of the tooth.

Relative contraindications

  • the presence of dangerous infectious diseases;
  • stomatitis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • blood diseases;
  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system; acute mental disorders.

Absolute contraindications

In other cases, depulpation is not a mandatory procedure and the need to remove the nerve is discussed individually, taking into account the patient’s age, medical history, condition of the oral cavity and prosthetic teeth.

Contraindications for depulpation

There are contraindications to tooth depulpation, but there are not many of them. This procedure is contraindicated if the patient has the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases, ARVI;
  • mental illness;
  • acute leukemia;
  • heart attack, stroke and other disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hemorrhagic and acid diathesis;
  • inflammation, abscesses;
  • first and last trimester of pregnancy.

Disadvantages of depulpation:

  • After the nerve is removed, the nutrition of the tooth stops because there is no pulp. Teeth become more fragile and susceptible to chipping and cracking. To make the entire structure with the bridge more durable, specialists at the Academy Dent clinic place additional pins in the pulpless tooth for strength.
  • Tooth depulpation is a technically complex and time-consuming procedure. It requires special skill from a specialist, as well as the use of modern medicines and special instruments. You are lucky that the Academy Dent clinic has experienced dentists who have undergone special training and are 100% proficient in this manipulation. They will do everything possible to ensure that the prosthetics are successful and that the artificial teeth serve you for a long time.
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