About different methods of gargling from the point of view of evidence-based medicine

Gargling with a solution of hydrogen peroxide quickly destroys the pathogenic microflora that causes the disease. This procedure will cleanse the mucous membrane and damaged tissues, neutralize pus, and prevent intoxication. The fact that perhydrol successfully fights almost all infections, viruses, bacteria, fungi and ailments has been proven by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin.

If hydrogen peroxide is properly diluted with water, the treatment will not cause harm. But the benefits will be tangible and noticeable after the first rinse. Let's talk about the correct proportions and treatment regimen for various throat diseases in adults and children.

First about the dangerous, and then - in detail about the correct methods

⛔️ Potassium permanganate solution. You cannot use potassium permanganate to gargle. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate is a very strong oxidizing agent that is difficult to prepare at home. A solution that is too strong can cause serious burns to the mucous membrane.

⛔️ Iodine solution. Gargling with iodine solution is dangerous - you can burn your throat and get poisoned. Like potassium permanganate, a strong solution of iodine can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. Iodine is also a biologically active substance that can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, iodine is quickly absorbed through the skin - that is, you can get an overdose of iodine even while rinsing.

Fact No. 2. A solution of salt or soda is enough

Salt solution in warm water. International recommendations for patients with sore throat [, , , , , ] contain only one gargle - warm water with salt. You can prepare your own saline solution, but it is important to follow the instructions. A salt solution that is too strong will not work - it can damage the already inflamed mucous membrane. The correct proportions are: a quarter to a half teaspoon of salt (1.5-3 g) per 1 glass of warm water (250 ml).

Soda solution. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) exhibits weak antibacterial properties [, ] and is generally harmless - in any case, soda is allowed to be added to toothpastes.
Doctors from some foreign and Russian clinics believe that baking soda solution for sore throat works no worse than saline solution. The correct proportions are: half a teaspoon of soda (3 g) per glass of warm water (250 ml).

Fact No. 3. Gargling is not harmful, but it is not necessary to do it 5 times a day.

✅ There is no point in rinsing the entire glass of saline solution. Just one sip is enough.

✅ There is no need to swallow the saline solution - after rinsing, the liquid needs to be spit out. But if you do swallow the solution, nothing bad will happen.

✅ With a properly prepared solution, you can gargle as much as you want. Evidence-based medicine does not provide any restrictions or recommendations on the number of procedures per day. Experts at the Cleveland Clinic recommend gargling with the solution every three hours, that is, 5 times a day. But in fact, this is not necessary - in most international recommendations, patients are encouraged to focus on their well-being and their own feelings. For some people, one or two treatments per day may be enough.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Treatment of sore throat with peroxide is indicated for every patient. The only contraindication to the procedure is the body’s predisposition to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects occur if a person at the time of therapy exceeds the concentration of the solution. After rinsing, you may feel a slight burning sensation, but this is a normal reaction of the body. The symptom passes quickly and does not harm the person.

Children's body

Many doctors emphasize that another contraindication to treating sore throat with peroxide is childhood. But this rule can be neglected if we are talking about particularly dangerous cases. At the same time, the baby’s reaction to the drug is monitored. It is forbidden to use undiluted liquid for rinsing.

For sore throat in children, hydrogen peroxide in the form of tablets is used. 1 PC. dissolve in two glasses of warm boiled water. This volume will be a lot, especially since new liquid is prepared each time. It is enough to take a quarter of the tablet and dilute it in a glass of water. A child’s body is different from an adult’s, and therefore does not need such an amount of the substance.

Important Treatment of wet (wet) cough during pregnancy

During therapy, not only the dose of hydroperite is reduced, but also the number of rinses. The baby will not be able to withstand more than 3 procedures.

In this case, it is easier for children to explain all the intricacies of rinsing and avoid swallowing liquid.

Gargling for sore throat is one of the types of safe and painless treatment. The only drawback is the burning sensation, but this cannot be avoided. If everything is done correctly, in a few days the surface of the mucous membrane will be restored, and the patient will feel like a full-fledged person.

Fact No. 4. “Folk” and “pharmacy” gargles are not needed

Decoctions of medicinal herbs. International recommendations are wary of herbal gargles - some of their components can interact with other medications and may be unsafe for children, people with chronic diseases and pregnant women.

However, people abroad are interested in herbal medicine, so herbal rinses are being studied quite actively. According to some works, certain herbal infusions - for example, based on chamomile (Asteraceae), common thyme (Lamiaceae), or sage (Lamiaceae) - can be used for gargling. Although there is no rigorous evidence of effectiveness, these weak antiseptics are believed to work much the same way as saline solutions - that is, they relieve a sore throat. All other popular rinses in our country are used mainly in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. No one has studied the effectiveness of these drugs for sore throats, and the safety of some of them raises serious doubts.

Chlorhexidine and furacilin. Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial drug that is used, including in dentistry, to treat gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammations in the oral cavity []. Furacilin (active ingredient - nitrofural) is an antiseptic that can be used to rinse the nasal cavity for sinusitis []. These antiseptics do not harm the mucous membranes, so gargling with them is safe. However, no one has studied the effectiveness of these drugs for sore throats, so it is not a fact that gargling will be effective.

Treatment of sore throat

Sore throat is one of the most common infectious diseases, which often causes complications in patients. If it is too late to start treatment, then other, more dangerous diseases may arise against the background of this disease. A characteristic feature of angina is that it causes an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane. Bacteria that penetrate the throat cavity first destroy beneficial microflora and subsequently spread further throughout the body.

Treatment of sore throat is a rather lengthy process. When the doctor confirms the diagnosis, the patient needs to purchase the prescribed medications at the pharmacy, not forgetting to buy hydrogen peroxide.

Regular gargling with hydrogen peroxide will help you recover faster from a sore throat. As a result of the use of this product, active oxygen is released, and this is where the effect of peroxide is manifested when it comes into contact with the damaged mucous membrane.

All this leads to the fact that the throat cavity gradually begins to clear itself of pus, blood and harmful bacteria, which caused the inflammatory process. Thus, hydrogen peroxide has a disinfecting effect, helping to quickly soothe the affected surface of the mucous membrane.

However, given the seriousness of the disease, many patients are concerned about the question of how to properly gargle with peroxide for a sore throat? In fact, preparing a solution for rinsing is quite simple and does not require much time. There is no need to worry about a possible overdose, but it is still better to follow the recommended proportions so that the drug can have the maximum therapeutic effect and have the proper effect on the healing process.

  1. First, take a glass of water into which you put 1 teaspoon of a three percent solution, or you can replace it with a regular hydropyrite tablet.
  2. Now you need to take another glass, but pour a small amount of boiled water into it.
  3. Next, you can start rinsing for more than 2 minutes.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you should rinse your throat with clean water, thereby clearing the mucous membrane of all substances from the solution.

Doctors recommend using hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of sore throat because it has a tonic effect on the oral cavity, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the main treatment. It should be borne in mind that the therapeutic effect of using the solution is manifested only if it is in direct contact with the oropharynx. It is at this moment that harmful bacteria are removed. After the final victory over the sore throat, rinsing with hydrogen peroxide is stopped, and then they begin to take herbal medicines in order to cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic bacteria.

What else will help with a sore throat?

In addition to gargling, there are other ways to relieve discomfort in the throat on your own: drink warm or cool drinks and broths; eat soft, cool foods; install a humidifier - inhaling air saturated with water vapor relieves discomfort. You can try treating your throat with an anesthetic spray or buying pharmaceutical lozenges without antibiotics. Although there is little evidence that these remedies help, they will not cause harm. If your throat hurts very badly, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever: paracetamol or ibuprofen are best. Remember that aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age - this can lead to serious complications.

When to see a doctor

Painful sensations in the throat are associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx or tonsils, which is caused by microbes - viruses and bacteria.


In 90% of cases, a sore throat is a symptom of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), or, more simply, a cold. With ARVI, a runny nose, sore throat and cough occur, but the temperature does not rise above 38 ° C. There are no medications that directly affect the viruses that cause colds. All that remains is to relieve the symptoms, including a sore throat, and wait until the cold goes away on its own - usually this happens in 7-10 days. If the cold does not go away within this period, you need to consult a doctor.


In about 10% of cases, a sore throat is due to a bacterial infection. As a rule, the causative agent is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. With streptococcal inflammation, a person feels worse than with a cold: in addition to a sore throat, the temperature rises above 38 ° C and the lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged. If the symptoms do not go away on their own within 2-5 days, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics. This will help avoid serious complications - for example, ulcers in the throat or rheumatic fever.

Treatment of sore throat with peroxide

The disease is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils and lymphoid tissue, in which an inflammatory and purulent-infectious process develops. In this case, the nasopharynx becomes coated with plaque, which is washed off during rinsing.

Pus may accumulate, which requires the use of peroxide: it prevents the proliferation of bacterial microflora and is used to prevent suppuration. You can lubricate inflamed tonsils. Ointments are prepared on its basis.

The substance is very effective, but nevertheless a number of requirements and conditions must be observed. First of all, you need to understand that it should not enter the stomach. It should only rinse the throat and spit out. Along with it, pus, accumulations, and deposits are removed. A reaction of plaque dissolution also occurs, where pathogenic microflora dies, which is an etiological factor in angina. In some cases, peroxide may simply slow down the process of bacterial growth.

It is important to consider that peroxide is not a remedy that directly relieves inflammation. However, it indirectly helps reduce inflammation

This is due to the fact that microorganisms die, and accordingly, the inflammatory process is relieved. By itself, as monotherapy, peroxide is ineffective.

The mechanism of action is that it has a weak antimicrobial agent. A chemical reaction is carried out with bacterial microflora, through which free oxygen is released. It has a bactericidal effect, killing bacteria. It destroys their cell wall, which leads to death. The resulting air bubbles also help remove toxins from the body.

It is also necessary to take into account that pure oxygen can also have a toxic effect on the body’s cells, so it is not advisable to abuse it.

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