How to brew chamomile to rinse gums

What are the benefits of chamomile?

The queen of medicinal plants belongs to the Asteraceae, or Asteraceae, family. The genus “chamomile” includes at least 20 species of low herbs that have a strong but pleasant aroma and bloom in the first year of life.

The action of chamomile has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body, and the medicinal effect is explained by the high content of essential oil in the inflorescences. To obtain maximum benefits, it is important to properly prepare and store plant materials.

Collection and storage rules

You can collect grass at any time of the year, but the inflorescences are considered the most useful. If they are harvested at the beginning of summer (mid-June), the herbal mixture will delight you with a high concentration of essential oils and medicinal substances.

A characteristic feature of chamomile is a yellow pad in the center, framed by a corolla of white petals.

How to prepare a medicinal plant yourself:

  • Only the heads of inflorescences are collected;
  • for drying, lay out in one layer;
  • dried without heating the herbal mass, but in a draft.

An important condition for proper drying is that the plant must retain its aroma and slight bitter taste, and not change color and structure.

Composition and benefits for the oral cavity

Among the abundance of useful substances in the composition of the medicinal plant there is a high percentage of vitamin C, tannins, salicylic and nicotinic acid. In addition to essential oils, chamomile contains iron, iodine, and calcium. For the restoration and healing of gums, the presence of carotenoids, carotene, choline, and B vitamins is most important.

These substances, together with flavonoids, give the inflorescences unique medicinal effects used to treat dental problems:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial.

Chamomile decoction for gums soothes itching, eliminates bad breath, and effectively and quickly cures ulcerative lesions on the mucous membrane. The beneficial substances contained in the medicinal plant help strengthen the immune system and prevent the proliferation of viruses and pathogenic bacteria that have settled on the oral mucosa.

We prepare our own medicine

Chamomile tea is sold in any pharmacy, and its price is very affordable. Therefore, today few people are engaged in independently harvesting flowers. But if you love outdoor recreation, why not collect some fragrant medicine and please your loved ones with healthy aromatic tea?

It is very important to know the distinctive characteristics of medicinal plants. Remember that there is only one type of chamomile that has healing properties. The medicinal chamomile flower has a hollow pad in the center, and the petal corolla is located just below.

June is the best time to collect medicinal chamomile

The best time to collect is in mid-June. It is during this period that chamomile contains many beneficial substances. In the northern regions they begin to collect it a little later. The place where chamomile grows is also of great importance. So, you should not collect it near busy roads and near large populated areas. The ideal place is a clearing located many kilometers from the city limits. When harvesting, the stems are plucked 3 cm below the inflorescences.

Dry the chamomile in a shady, not cold place on a clean cloth, stirring from time to time. Linen bags are used for storage. The collection can be used for various purposes: prepare fragrant teas and decoctions for medical procedures, and use in home cosmetology.

If you are treating a toothache with chamomile, remember that it only helps relieve symptoms. To completely solve the problem, contact your dentist.

Why does toothache occur?

Gum diseases are accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process caused by pathologies of the stomach or intestines, improper oral care, and nutritional deficiencies. The teeth are covered with hard and soft dental deposits, which damage the gum structure.

Dentists call the following diseases the most common causes of the inflammatory process: The onset of periodontitis is accompanied by the development of inflammation in the tissues surrounding the tooth. The process, accompanied by damage to the ligamentous apparatus, leads to tooth mobility with subsequent destruction.

To get rid of inflammation and remove pus, use chamomile decoction after opening and cleaning dental pockets.

With gingivitis, point inflammations around the tooth are detected, and swollen gums begin to bleed. In addition to antibiotic ointments, for local treatment, doctors prescribe rinsing with chamomile infusion; the procedure reduces bleeding gums and inflammation of the mucous membrane. To defeat the disease, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Periodontal disease is one of the most common gum diseases; the pathology is associated with impaired blood supply to tissues. This leads to divergence of teeth, exposure of their root part, and the development of a purulent process in the gum pockets. Rinsing with a decoction of the herb stops bleeding, disinfects the cavity of the pockets, reducing inflammation of the gums.

Explanation. The reason for the complex effect of rinsing the mouth with chamomile solution is associated with a decrease in the level of sensitivity of nerve receptors. The therapeutic effect is also manifested by a decrease in swelling against the background of a decrease in the degree of the inflammatory process.

How to use chamomile to treat gums and teeth

Traditional medicine recommends treating inflamed gums and toothache with herbal decoctions, among which properly prepared chamomile inflorescences are recognized as the most effective plant. Doctors advise using herbal pharmaceutical preparations.

The reason for this recommendation is due to the high concentration of pigments in self-prepared solutions. Long-term use of home rinses leads to the appearance of a yellowish tint on the teeth.

Ready-made drugs from the pharmacy

The pharmacy chain offers several types of rinses for sore and bleeding gums, which contain chamomile extract:

  1. Stomatophyte. The opaque brown solution contains a large range of plant components, including chamomile inflorescences. A specifically smelling liquid with the addition of ethanol is used to treat inflamed mucous membranes with gingivitis, periodontitis, and stomatitis. Before use, the concentrate is diluted with water - 10 ml per quarter glass of water.
  2. Rotokan. The water-alcohol solution contains an effective mixture of medicinal herbs - the effect of chamomile is enhanced by extracts of calendula and yarrow. To rinse the gums, dilute 1 teaspoon of the drug in a glass of water. For extensive lesions of the oral mucosa, dentists recommend using the application method with a concentrated solution of the product, not diluted with water.
  3. Romazulan. By including an alcoholic extract of chamomile flowers in a therapeutic regimen, the development of the inflammatory process in tissues (internal, external) is blocked. For gastritis, colitis, flatulence, the medicine is taken orally; for burns and dermatitis, lotions are used. Rinsing, taking into account a certain dosage, helps against acute inflammation of the gums and irritation of the mucous membranes with dentures.

Acute pain can be relieved by using a strong chamomile decoction. To prepare it, you will need 5-7 tablespoons of plant material (dry), which needs to be steamed with a glass of boiling water.

After infusion (30 minutes), the solution should be cooled slightly, but it should not be cold to prevent irritation of the nerve endings. You should rinse exactly the part of the mouth where the pain is felt; to enhance the effect, the medicinal composition can be supplemented with 2 tablespoons of echinacea or sage.

Treatment of gingivitis with chamomile

To help with the symptoms of gingivitis, doctors recommend using an infusion of medicinal herbs, rather than a decoction. The condition for preparing the infusion is the absence of boiling, which allows you to preserve the abundance of beneficial properties of the unique plant raw materials.

How to brew chamomile to rinse gums:

  • pour a full tablespoon of chopped (dry) herbs into a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for one hour in a hermetically sealed container;
  • strain, rinse the gums with warm infusion at least 5 times a day.

Important point. The infusion of chamomile flowers is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to steam a fresh portion before the procedure.

Rinse rule

Before the procedure, it is necessary to clear the oral cavity of food debris in order to achieve maximum penetration of the medicinal composition into the gum tissue and to the affected nerves.
While rinsing, you need to keep the infusion in your mouth longer, and in case of severe inflammation of the tissues, therapy is enhanced by applying tampons moistened with chamomile oil.

Recipe: to prepare the medicine you will need 2 cups of vegetable oil and 1 cup of flowers, which must be mixed well in the oil. To infuse, the mixture is sent to a dark place for 2 weeks, then filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

A correctly performed procedure is completely safe for the patient’s health. The use of chamomile for mouth rinsing is not accompanied by any systemic effect on the body. Light symptomatic therapy is allowed for pregnant women, but does not replace the full treatment of inflammation, despite the high effectiveness of the herbal procedure.

Gargling with chamomile

Chamomile is a unique medicinal plant that people have been using for hundreds of years to eliminate various ailments.
It is also effective in the fight against various throat diseases. The medicinal effect of this beautifully flowering herb is associated with its unique composition, which is based on: essential oils, flavonoids, phytosterols, tannins, mucilages, triterpene alcohols, coumarins, ascorbic acid and salicylic acid.

Chamomile is such a safe medicine that it can be used by patients of any age without any fear.

Sore throat occurs with all viral infections, which are widespread in the autumn-winter period and affect most people to one degree or another.

If you intercept the onset of the disease, when your throat still hurts a little, or is just slightly sore, and start urgently rinsing with chamomile, you can prevent the further development of the disease.

This happens because the plant has a powerful antiseptic effect and does not allow pathogenic bacteria to penetrate further into the body, stopping them at the level of the pharynx.

If we look at the statistics, during the period of seasonal flu and colds, chamomile becomes the most purchased medicinal plant, and this is more than justified. With the help of rinses based on this unique healing herb, you can cope with diseases such as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • throat thrush;
  • acute inflammation of allergic origin of the mucous membranes of the throat;
  • inflammation due to injury to the mucous membranes of the throat.

For all these throat health problems, preparations made from chamomile are simply irreplaceable. To achieve an excellent therapeutic effect, however, you should know exactly how to prepare the composition for rinsing and how to carry out the procedure itself.

It is not allowed to use either a too concentrated composition, as this will lead to excessive drying of the pharyngeal mucosa, or a too weak one - in this case, the required therapeutic result will not be achieved.

In addition, the peculiarities of therapy in children and adults should certainly be taken into account.

How does chamomile help a sore throat?

The high medicinal properties of chamomile are due to the fact that it has a wide spectrum of action. When rinsing with medicines based on it, the patient receives the following effect on a sore throat:

  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant.

Chamomile has an even stronger effect on quite a few bacteria than antibiotics, which is why the result of therapy becomes very noticeable after the first rinse.

What chamomile medicines are used to gargle the throat?

To treat a sore throat, depending on the disease, use a chamomile preparation prepared according to one or another recipe.

The easiest medicine to prepare for gargling is the classic chamomile infusion, which can be used for any disease of the throat, as well as the oral cavity.

In order to get it, you should take 2 heaped tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and pour them with 1 glass of just boiled water. The composition must be infused in a thermos for 60 minutes. Use it after careful straining.

This rinse tastes very bitter, and the child may refuse to put it in his mouth. In this case, you can add honey to it, but not sugar. If the remedy is used to eliminate throat thrush, no honey is added to it and 1 teaspoon of boric acid is poured into 1 glass of infusion.

Treatment with this composition is carried out until the throat is completely gone. Even if there is still slight redness in the absence of pain and soreness, continue rinsing.

If the sore throat is caused by a fungal infection, then eucalyptus should be added to the chamomile gargle, which will enhance the antiseptic effect. For this medicine, chamomile and eucalyptus are mixed in a 2:1 ratio and then 3 heaping tablespoons of the plant mixture are poured into a thermos with 500 ml of just boiled water.

Infuse the medicine for 2 hours. If you don’t have a thermos, you need to prepare not an infusion, but a decoction. For this purpose, plant raw materials, taken in the same quantity, are poured with 2 glasses of water and brought to a boil over low heat, after which they are cooked for 2-4 minutes. As soon as the temperature of the product becomes acceptable for rinsing, it is filtered and used.

When gargling is used for purulent inflammation of the throat and very severe swelling, the infusion is prepared as strong as possible. In this case, take 4 heaped tablespoons of chamomile flowers for 1 glass of boiling water. The product should not be used for children.

Compositions with chamomile should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to the plant, bronchial asthma or tumors in the throat.

How to rinse in children

Rinsing should absolutely not be done for children under 3 years of age, as they may choke during the procedure due to their inability to fully control the muscles of the pharynx. For children from 3 to 10 years old, rinsing should be carried out under the strict supervision of adults.

Gargle a sore throat, regardless of the type of illness and the age of the child, 4 times a day, using 1/2 cup of chamomile medicine per procedure. To rinse for 20 seconds, you need 1 sip; if there is honey in the medicine, the procedure can be extended to 30 seconds.

How to gargle for adults

For persons over 16 years of age, rinsing is carried out 6 times a day. For 1 procedure, 250 ml of the drug is used. Gargle a sore throat for 40 seconds with a sip of medicine. When there is abundant purulent discharge in the throat, before gargling with chamomile, rinse it thoroughly with warm boiled water to cleanse it.

When used correctly, chamomile copes well with throat diseases and significantly speeds up recovery.


Folk recipes for effective rinses for gums

The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile are actively used by dentistry to help with diseases of the oral mucosa. To speed up the healing process, traditional healers recommend increasing the effectiveness of the medicinal plant by adding healing ingredients such as honey or other medicinal herbs with similar properties.

Chamomile tea for calm

Problems with gums in most cases disrupt the balance of the nervous system. To find peace of mind, we recommend preparing a soothing tea from modest flowers according to the following recipe:

  • Rinse the brewing container with boiling water;
  • add 5 tablespoons of dry raw materials;
  • pour boiling water over it and leave to steep.

The medicinal drink is consumed without sugar; if necessary, you can add a little honey and drink it warm, but not hot, several times a day. In addition to its calming effect on the nervous system, this tea effectively reduces the increased sensitivity of gum tissue and increases the body's resistance to various types of infection.

How to prepare a decoction of chamomile with calendula

To alleviate the condition of inflammatory gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease), irrigating the mouth with chamomile decoction will help. You can speed up the effect of the solution by adding calendula and yarrow to the medicinal composition. Cooking method:

  • take a tablespoon of each type of medicinal herb;
  • Place the mixture in a brewing container and pour boiling water over it;
  • Place in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain, and cool.

To relieve symptoms of the inflammatory process and relieve pain, rinse your mouth with the broth at least 4 times a day. After the procedure, you cannot eat or drink anything for 30 minutes. You can prepare two separate decoctions - from chamomile and calendula. Then, rinsing the mouth with chamomile for gum inflammation is alternated with irrigating with a decoction of calendula.

We prepare an infusion from chamomile for gum pain

To prepare a gargle that soothes pain not only in the gums, but also in the throat, steam a handful of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. This recipe does not require boiling the solution in a water bath, but the medicine must be infused for several hours.

The readiness of the rinse is determined by its color - it should turn light yellow. The procedure is performed after cleaning the dentition.

If you took a large portion of the herb, the rinse will turn dark brown. The use of a concentrated solution may cause an allergic reaction and irritation of the oral mucosa.

Chamomile honey in dentistry

Thanks to the honey recipe, it is possible to relieve the symptoms of stomatitis and periodontal disease, and manifestations of gumboil disease. Rinse the mouth with a warm solution every half hour, preparing a medicinal composition according to the following recipe:

  • pour a full tablespoon of chamomile inflorescences into a glass of hot (boiled) water;
  • the prepared rinse is infused for 20 minutes;
  • filter, squeeze out the cake, diluting with boiled water to the original volume.

Honey (1-2 tablespoons) is added only to the cooled composition so that the beekeeping product does not lose its medicinal properties in hot water. When treating dental diseases, you can use not only dry herbs, but also ready-made preparations.

To prepare a rinse for gums, dissolve 15 drops of Romazulan in a glass of boiled water, containing an alcoholic extract of chamomile flowers with the addition of oil from the same plant.

Chamomile treats toothache

A medicinal plant with a rich chemical composition is used to soothe toothache and block the inflammatory process in the gums. To enhance the effect of the phytosolution, sage leaves are added to it, which are also famous for their anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties against the backdrop of an astringent effect.

How to prepare a rinse with a strong antiseptic effect:

  • take 1 tablespoon of chopped sage leaves;
  • add 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers;
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over the vegetable mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

Rinse your mouth with warm infusion, holding it for a few seconds on the side of the diseased tooth or gum lesion. The infusion should not be boiled so that the essential oils do not lose most of their beneficial properties.

About the benefits of the queen of medicinal herbs

This plant has a unique formula that includes a whole complex of active components.

The healing properties of chamomile have long been known

For many years, cosmetologists and pharmacists have been trying to synthesize substances that nature itself put into healing herbs. But no synthetic drug can compare with the benefits of natural chamomile.

The effect of chamomile for toothache is explained by the following composition:

  • Flavonoids, which relieve inflammation and have an antiseptic effect
  • Microcompounds with analgesic properties
  • Selenium, zinc, copper - elements that promote tissue repair
  • Organic acids that renew tissues

Thanks to this formula, chamomile-based home remedies will help relieve pain, reduce swelling, and stop inflammation. But rinsing cannot be used as the only treatment method. Contact your dentist as soon as possible.

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