Constant thirst, dry mouth

Dizziness and dry mouth are a common sign of general malaise in the body. Moreover, a defeat of this kind may indicate both problems of the body itself and unfavorable environmental factors.

Elimination of an unfavorable factor leads to normalization of the condition. If the causes of symptoms are internal to the body, these are significant problems that require careful examination and treatment.

Symptoms, such as dizziness, malaise, dry mouth, headache, are quite nonspecific.

Therefore, when they develop, the only right choice is to visit a specialist for examination.

Etiology of the clinic

The reasons that provoke dizziness, dry mouth, discomfort and malaise are different and numerous.

These are one of the most common manifestations of pathology, so the occurrence of these signs cannot be ignored.

Sometimes dry mouth, dizziness and severe malaise are the only signs of severe malfunctions in the body, which can often be fatal.

For the most part, dizziness, dry mouth and malaise develop with the following pathologies:

  • impaired blood flow, vasospasm,
  • head injury
  • influence of drugs,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • poisoning with chemical elements, alcohol, food,
  • menstruation, pregnancy,
  • stress, fatigue.

Each etiological factor acts both separately and in combination. With the primary violation of one link, complete destruction of a particular process occurs.

That is why, when the first signs appear, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination.

The most common causes of pathological deterioration in well-being include stress overexertion and exhaustion.

A violent emotional explosion is observed in advance. Then tachycardia, deep and rapid breathing, dizziness, weakness and malaise develop.

In some cases, body hyperhidrosis is also noted. What other reasons for such a clinic?

The pathological process, which is accompanied by dry mouth and other symptoms discussed above, is based on disruptions at the hormonal and metabolic levels.

Under conditions of severe stress, a sharp release of adrenaline and norepinephrine occurs.

Significant dosages of such elements trigger a cascade of accelerated processes. First of all, severe tachycardia and hypertension appear.

Under the influence of stress, any body begins to work many times faster and more productively.

As a result, every stressful situation ends in weakness and dry mucous membranes. Dizziness and headaches cannot be ruled out.

2. Reasons

Xerostomia - dry mouth - can be caused by taking medications, and there are a lot of medications that “dry out” the oral cavity: antihypertensives, antiallergic drugs, NSAIDs, antidepressants, antibiotics, etc. Another common cause is pathology of the salivary glands themselves - for example, obstruction of the ducts or radiation damage. “Your mouth gets dry” and directly depends on situational factors - for example, in a state of stress or sudden fear, when the release of adrenaline almost instantly puts the body into an alert (reacting to a threat) state. Forced breathing through the mouth with a runny nose, too dry and/or dusty air, drinking large doses of alcohol the day before, spicy or salty foods, smoking, intense loss of moisture through sweat during heat or physical activity - all these reasons are well known and widespread.

However, dry mouth also occurs after massive blood loss (for example, due to trauma, internal bleeding, abdominal surgery under general anesthesia), during acute purulent-inflammatory processes (for example, peritonitis as a result of a perforated ulcer), many gastroenterological and psychoneurological diseases (in which the central, cerebral regulation of salivation is disrupted).

Polydipsia, as stated above, is most often combined with xerostomia (one can say vice versa), but in some cases, unquenchable thirst has a different clinical meaning and a different origin. Dehydration as such is a rather complex phenomenon, and it is not always caused by a direct deficiency of fluid intake. In some cases, the mechanisms of absorption and retention of water in the body are disrupted - primarily with damage to the endocrine and urinary systems. For example, since ancient times, polydipsia has been included in the obligate tetrad of symptoms of diabetes mellitus - a severe progressive endocrine-metabolic (hormonal-metabolic) disorder, in which an increase in glucose concentration triggers a complex chain of pathological changes in literally all systems of the body.

Finally, polydipsia as a symptom is included in the structure of several psychopathological syndromes (panic attack, hysterical neurosis or accentuation, depression, etc.).

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Intoxication disorders

A defeat of this kind very often provokes dry mouth, dizziness and general malaise.

The etiology of poisoning is often:

  • alcohol,
  • food products,
  • medicines,
  • chemicals.

To decide on the required amount of therapy, it is important to first determine the root cause of the lesion.

The patient can only overcome a mild degree of intoxication on his own. If you suspect the development of complications or progression of the pathology, it is important to immediately call an ambulance.

We must not forget that the female body is indeed considered more delicate and sensitive.

Thus, weakness and dry mouth can be caused by infectious agents, blood loss, or sunstroke.

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The axial, leading symptoms are mentioned at the beginning of the article and probably do not need additional explanation. However, the situational and anamnestic context in which such symptoms arise is of great diagnostic importance. Any doctor to whom a patient turns with constant thirst and dry mouth will definitely clarify many details: at what time of day, in what circumstances, whether thirst is accompanied by general weakness, malaise, a feeling of insatiable hunger, fever, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, white coating on the tongue, dizziness, frequent or rare urination, diarrhea, etc. If the patient is a woman of fertile age, a question about possible pregnancy will certainly be asked.

The above symptoms can occur in a variety of combinations, and some of these symptom complexes suggest a very serious pathology. In any case, laboratory and instrumental examinations will be prescribed (depending on the specific clinical picture and the most likely root cause).

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Severe migraine attacks, dizziness, nausea, lethargy and malaise in women increase significantly during menopause.

The reasons for such a clinic are a sharp deficiency of estrogen. It primarily affects the functioning of the salivary glands.

At the same time, a feeling of stickiness, tingling and severe dehydration of the body develops.

Hormonal changes have a pronounced effect on the entire body. Restructuring in the visceral nervous system is characterized by periodic headaches, rapid heartbeat, dryness of the oral mucosa, drowsiness and lethargy.

Pathogenesis of symptoms

Why does thirst and dry mouth occur? These symptoms always indicate pathology in the oral cavity.

This is the main sign of problems with digestion or breathing. To find out the provoking factors, it is necessary to pay attention to how long the dry mouth lasts and at what time it bothers you.

It is important to consider the connection between dry mouth and sleep. Dry mouth is often associated with intense snoring and a stuffy nose.

It has been proven that periodic attacks of dry mouth are a direct sign of a smoker.

Indeed, due to the presence of tar and nicotine in cigarettes, the work of the salivary glands slows down significantly.

Dry mucous membranes, which is combined with general fatigue and loss of coordination, indicate hypotension.

If the dryness of the mucous membrane is combined with bitterness, rotten belching, there is evidence of damage to the liver, gallbladder or stomach.

It has been proven that the clinic more often indicates the development of:

  • cholecystitis (formation of gallstones),
  • hepatitis A,
  • biliary dyskinesia of hypo- or hypertonic type,
  • duodenitis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • gastritis,
  • amenorrhea,
  • neurological disorders.

To relieve discomfort, special medications may be prescribed to maintain the functioning of the salivary glands.

Dry mouth

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Make an appointment An adult produces about one and a half liters of saliva per day on average. It would seem, why so much?

In fact, saliva has many functions.

Firstly, it protects the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat from drying out. Secondly, it protects teeth from caries: it washes away food debris and plaque; slows down the growth of pathogenic bacteria that destroy enamel and cause inflammation of soft tissues; neutralizes acids that form in or enter the mouth. Thirdly, saliva thins food, which makes it easier to swallow and promotes a better sense of taste. And fourthly, saliva contains the digestive enzyme amylase, which begins to digest carbohydrates already in the oral cavity.

The mucous membrane is dried out by breathing through the mouth and snoring - this is most strongly felt upon waking up by people with impaired nasal breathing (for example, with a runny nose) and decreased tone of the soft palate.

There are many reasons for dry mouth, let's look at some of them:

1. Smoking.

Smoking and chewing tobacco causes dry mouth, both due to direct oral contact with smoke and due to decreased saliva production under the influence of nicotine.

2. Excessive salt intake.

Addiction to salty foods also does not contribute to the production of saliva, and the inevitable consumption of large amounts of liquid with salt will sooner or later lead to hypertension. Eating more than 5-7 grams of salt per day is not recommended even for absolutely healthy people.

3. Dehydration.

Dry mouth after physical activity or exposure to a hot, dry climate simply means that the body has lost a lot of moisture and needs to be replenished.

4. Disease.

If dry mouth has been bothering you for a long time, it makes sense to see a doctor - perhaps this is a symptom (sometimes the only one!) of some disease. Most often, dry mouth is a symptom of diabetes.

Also, a decrease in saliva production is observed when the salivary glands are damaged - inflammation, tumor, etc. Dry mouth can also be a symptom of an autoimmune disease - Sjogren's syndrome.

5. Taking medications.

Hundreds of drugs that are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases, depression and other mental disorders, allergies, infections, malignant neoplasms and other conditions can dry out the oral mucosa.

If dry mouth continues for a long time or appears while taking medication, you should consult a doctor.

Diabetes mellitus is a pathological condition characterized by chronically elevated blood sugar levels, which develops as a result of the influence of hereditary and external factors, threatening the development of serious complications in the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system.

There are two types of diabetes:

  • type 1 diabetes,
  • type 2 diabetes.

Type I diabetes usually develops in young people whose body does not produce insulin due to damage or loss of beta cells in the pancreas. As a result, the body cannot use glucose and it accumulates in the blood. One of the first symptoms of the disease is dry mouth, thirst, and frequent urination, as the body tries to “flush out” the increasing amount of glucose. Over time, the kidneys can no longer cope with such a load, and abdominal pain, vomiting, and dehydration occur.

Type II diabetes usually develops in people over 40 years of age and who are overweight. They may have normal, low, or even high insulin levels and still have high blood glucose and diabetes. Obesity can contribute to insulin resistance, i.e. The body's cells cannot use insulin properly. In this case, glucose cannot completely penetrate the cells and accumulates in the blood. You can get answers to your questions or make an appointment by calling:
(495) 956-91-03

Benefits of the service

Convenient work schedule

We work until late in the evening to make it convenient for you to take care of your health after work

No queues

The patient registration system has been debugged over many years of work and works in such a way that you will be seen exactly at the chosen time

Cozy interior

It is important to us that patients feel comfortable within the walls of the clinic, and we have done everything to make you feel comfortable

Attention to the patient

At your service there are attentive staff who will answer any question and help you navigate

Diagnostics and therapy

Only a thorough, comprehensive and detailed examination will reveal the true etiology of the process and make a final diagnosis.

In most cases, ECG and EchoCG are used to detail the patient's condition. Referrals for general clinical tests are required:

  1. A detailed blood test to detect anemia, inflammatory processes, etc.
  2. General urinalysis (UCA).
  3. TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone test).
  4. Test for thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine).

All examination results are reviewed by the attending physician. If necessary, the patient is given a referral to a therapist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist.

In some cases, consultation with a gastroenterologist or neurologist may be required.

The etiology of the process can be different, so it is extremely important to consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.

Self-medication is not able to completely cope with the etiology of the lesion. Treatment is prescribed only after a final diagnosis has been made.

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