High temperature rises and persists after installation of dental implants

When is elevated temperature after implantation considered normal?

Dental implantation is a traumatic procedure, so an increase to subfebrile levels (37.0-37.5 °C) in the first few days is the norm . This means that the body has devoted all its efforts to healing tissues and fighting oral bacteria.

On days 5-7 after surgery, the indicators should return to normal . The increase is often accompanied by aching pain, which is also considered a natural reaction to injuries.

A high temperature (38.0-39.0°C) should be a cause for concern, especially if it rises sharply on the second or third day.

Features of sinus lifting

  • There are two methods of performing surgical intervention. The closed or gentle option is performed simultaneously with implantation. It is carried out as follows: in the bed formed for the artificial root, a hole is drilled to the maxillary sinus, then the bottom is raised with special tools or balloons, after which the cavity is filled with osteoplastic material and the implant is fixed. Open sinus lifting or lateral surgery is performed for significant bone tissue deficits and does not imply immediate installation of an implant. Here, access to the bottom of the sinus is made through the anterior surface of the gum.
  • Sinus lifting involves the use of osteoplastic material. They come in several types: autogenous (taken from the patient himself), allogeneic (taken from another person), xenogeneic (animal transplants) and artificial materials. The choice of one option or another is made individually and depends, to a greater extent, on the financial situation of the patient, as well as on health indicators and probable risks.
  • Preparation for surgery includes a number of laboratory and instrumental (x-ray) studies. The doctor must have a clear understanding of the patient’s health, the structure of his jaw apparatus and other features of a particular clinical case.
  • Sinus lifting is performed under local anesthesia, but in rare cases patients require general anesthesia.
  • Rehabilitation involves following a number of recommendations. On average, engraftment of the material occurs within 4-6 months, after which treatment is completed.

Each stage of bone grafting is extremely important, and following clear rules will help avoid complications. In addition, the patient should pay attention to the reputation of the clinic when contacting and the experience of the attending physician. Bone grafting is a modern operation that is constantly being improved. If the dentist constantly performs it and improves his own skills, then the patient can be confident in a favorable outcome of the treatment.

High rates last a long time - danger of complications

An elevated body temperature 7-10 days after implantation indicates the onset of an inflammatory process. Associated signs during the development of inflammation:

  • Implant mobility. Inflammatory processes in the wound disrupt osseointegration (fusion of the implant with bone tissue), which leads to its loosening.
  • Acute pain , aggravated by pressure on the structure.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane . Swelling and redness of the gums normally disappear within 5-7 days. If a symptom lasts longer than the specified period, this should be a reason to consult a doctor.
  • Bad breath may be a sign of suppuration of the wound surface.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes . Consolidation of the submandibular lymph nodes indicates the presence of an infection in the oral cavity.

Inflammation of the tissue around the implant may indicate that rejection has begun. Do not delay visiting a doctor, who will take all necessary measures to prevent it.

Rejection of an artificial tooth

This complication is extremely rare. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • peri-implantitis;
  • injury;
  • smoking after implantation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • insufficient amount of bone tissue;
  • allergic reaction to titanium.

But an experienced doctor will discover something is wrong even during the operation. The fact is that the implant will be mobile, and all manipulations will be extremely painful.

But if such a situation does occur, then it is necessary to remove the base of the tooth. In addition, the patient will be prescribed a course of vitamins that strengthen bones. It will be possible to repeat the installation of the implant in a couple of months, or choose alternative methods in case of allergies.

The best way to avoid complications after implantation of the upper teeth or lower dentition is to choose the right dental clinic. Modern equipment, high-quality materials, as well as properly trained specialists are all indicators of a good medical center.


What contraindications to implantation can lead to possible complications?

Restrictions can be absolute or relative. The first ones say that implantation is impossible. Ignoring will lead to complications for the patient. Absolute contraindications include:

  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • serious bleeding disorders;
  • mental disorders.

With relative restrictions, implantation is carried out after treatment and improvement of the patient’s condition. These include:

  • ARVI;
  • chronic infections;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • risk of bacteremia (against the background of rheumatism, endocarditis, as well as in patients with prosthetic heart valves);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • drug treatment that reduces the regenerative capacity of tissues.

How can I reduce or prevent pain during recovery?

After the operation, the implantologist describes in detail mandatory recommendations that will help you better endure the recovery period and prevent the occurrence of pain.

The list is always individual, but several general points stand out:

  • Regular use of painkillers. Advice: Take the first dose of the drug before the anesthetic wears off;
  • use of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents and mouth rinses;
  • To reduce swelling, and therefore discomfort, it is necessary to apply ice to the cheek;
  • sleep more often. Tip: while sleeping, rest on your back or on the side opposite to the operated one;
  • Do not eat spicy, salty, hard or food of critical temperatures, so as not to injure the operated area and increase swelling.


. In the first two months, the artificial root is especially vulnerable, it is important to follow all the instructions of the treating dentist!


After implantation surgery, your doctor will prescribe you certain medications that will help minimize the possibility of these complications occurring. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, carefully examine the surgical area, try to avoid solid foods (crackers, nuts), and monitor oral hygiene (carefully brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating). If something worries you, you should definitely contact a specialist, and not self-medicate or search for answers on the Internet. Doctors at the Golden Section clinic are always ready to answer all your questions.


New beautiful teeth made with implants are no longer a rarity.

Many people have achieved an attractive smile and improved their quality of life using this method. We welcome their opinions, reviews and advice in the comments to this article.

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Prices in our Center are natural and final

The cost of the surgical stage of installing the Nobel implant is from 60,000 rubles. Includes the cost of the implant, its installation, anesthesia, bone reconstruction, installation of formers, as well as pre- and post-operative examinations.

Levin Dmitry Valerievich

Chief physician, Ph.D.

Contact experienced doctors

The level of qualification of a specialist is indicated by:

  • practical experience working with implants;
  • portfolio of work and client reviews;
  • evidence of regular completion of advanced training courses;
  • reputation and popularity of the clinic.

Our Center employs highly qualified doctors and employees of Moscow universities. They undergo internships in the USA and Germany and regularly take advanced training courses. Our implantologists know the nuances of all time-tested implantation protocols and the latest innovations. We will try to help and not disappoint you.

Useful tips

For those who are faced with a choice, or for whom the operation to install an implant is already behind them, the following recommendations may be useful:

  1. Studying information. When choosing a clinic and a dentist directly, you should find out the opinions of people who have similar experience in this place and with a specific specialist.
    Information from the Internet and the media will be useful. A preliminary consultation with a dentist will help you make your choice.
  2. Data about your own health. After making a decision, you should clarify the presence or absence of any allergies to drugs and medical components. This will make the doctor's job easier and prevent some problems.
  3. Taking antibiotics. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to take prescribed antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics prevent inflammation and help implantation.
  4. Rinse. During the first week, it is recommended to rinse with Chlorhexidine solution after meals and before going to bed.
  5. Diet . During the postoperative period, it is important to follow the correct diet: exclude hard and sticky foods, avoid salty, spicy, and sweet foods.
  6. Vitamins . You should increase your intake of foods containing calcium. It is also recommended to take appropriate vitamins.
  7. Correct lifestyle . It is necessary to avoid places and situations where the implant may be subject to overheating, hypothermia, or muscle tension. More precisely, stop visiting saunas, steam baths and other similar places, limit sports training.
  8. Doctor's control. The dentist must be monitored throughout the entire healing period.

Strict compliance with all instructions and a responsible attitude towards your own health will help you solve the problem in the best way.

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