Express implantation in case of complete absence of teeth (on the upper or lower jaw)

Permanent prosthesis on implants. Give up removable dentures forever.
  • start smiling without embarrassment,
  • don’t be afraid that the prosthesis will fall out,
  • eat well,
  • remember the taste of your favorite dishes,
  • forget about pain, sore gums,
  • discomfort from bad breath,
  • start living a NEW life.

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We use revolutionary technologies for implanting all teeth, which have proven themselves all over the world. These are solutions that will give you a new life without problems and constant trips to the dentist.

The absence of all teeth is a problem that today faces almost every second person over 60 years of age. But researchers note that many problems that were once common among older people are becoming younger. And today, almost half of 30-year-olds already need the restoration of at least one lost tooth. We see this in our own practice - more and more people come to us with problems such as advanced periodontitis, the absence of a large number or all of their teeth.

Vladimir Alekseevich, 64 years old

“Removable dentures are a thing of the past! I am enjoying my new teeth with implants. I had no teeth for a long time, but I wore removable dentures. They put a lot of pressure on the psyche - it’s difficult to get used to them. I decided to have all my teeth implanted. I’m definitely 10 years younger both externally and internally!”

  • without bone grafting
  • the entire treatment takes no more than a week
  • lifetime warranty
  • fast and simple rehabilitation
  • beautiful, comfortable and functional dentures

watch a video with a patient
Are you afraid to restore your teeth? See what this can lead to:

  • you will have a lisp
  • you will look much older than your age,
  • you won't be able to smile confidently
  • the lower third of the face will become shorter, asymmetry will appear,
  • cheeks and lips will be sunken,
  • you will not be able to eat normally, you will develop gastritis, stomach ulcers,
  • The jaw joint will be destroyed, which will lead to constant jaw pain and headaches.

Look at the collage below - this is a photo of our patient before and after implantation of all teeth. Do you see the difference? Before teeth restoration - wrinkles, reduction of the lower third of the face, thinner lips due to the fact that they lack support in the form of front teeth. And look at the photo after - what a transformation took place. And it is not only external - all our patients note that after installing prosthetic structures they cannot contain their happy smile.

Are you ready to give up your toothless life, but don’t know which method to choose? In this article you will find the most complete information - the pros and cons of each treatment method. Or call us, we will tell you much more in 5 minutes.

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Features of implantation of the upper and lower jaws

Each of the jaw bones has its own structural features. For example, in the lower jaw bone tissue is most often found in types D1 and D2.

Options for dental implantation in the lower jaw >>

After tooth loss, the bone shrinks less, remains quite strong and its structure is usually uniform. Here, most situations are resolved quite simply - you can use fewer implants, and they take root faster. Approximately from 2-3 months, depending on the model; by the way, the healing process today is most often accompanied by the simultaneous use of new teeth.

The situation with the upper jaw is more complicated. The bone itself is “softer” - more porous, type D3. Just above the jaw bone in the distal (lateral) sections are the maxillary or nasal sinuses. In fact, these are cavities that have a fairly thin shell.

Types of methods for installing implants for the upper jaw >>

After tooth loss due to cellular malnutrition, the spongy portion of the jaw bone begins to decrease in size (a process called atrophy). The softest bone type, D4, is most commonly found in this area. The vacuum causes the bone to lose volume in height, and the bottom of the maxillary sinus, accordingly, is much closer than before. What does this mean? Because when installing implants (if the doctor selects them incorrectly in length), there is a high risk of damage to the sinus membrane - you can simply pierce it with the tip of the implant (officially this process is called perforation).

In addition, the bone tissue of the upper jaw is looser, so two-stage crestal implants take longer to take root - at least 4 months, even the best models, and in general - about six months.

It is precisely because of the difference in the anatomical structure of the upper and lower jaws that it is necessary for each individual patient to select not only implant models, but also protocols for their installation. You can rest assured in the individual approach of the Smile-at-Once clinic: we will select only the solution that will last you for the rest of your life, because we give a lifetime guarantee for treatment.

We restore teeth without complications and for sure! 3D diagnostics and planning help doctors plan the placement of implants with maximum accuracy and taking into account the individual characteristics of the jawbone structure!

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What patients say about treatment

Konstantin Aleksandrovich New teeth immediately and forever! After complex all-on-4 implantation

Andrey Pavlovich After complex implantation of all-on-4 with delayed loading of the prosthesis

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Selfie and review after implantation of all teeth, including the use of zygomatic implants

Natalia Alexandrovna With words of gratitude for the new smile! After all-on-4 implantation

Rakhilya Khairovna 2 years after basal dental implantation

Irina Arkadyevna After complex implantation of all-on-6 with immediate loading

Natalya Vladimirovna 1.5 years after all-on-4 implantation: re-prosthetics

Alexander Sergeevich New teeth in 3 days and forever! Thanks to the doctors!

Ian Michael After comprehensive all-on-4 dental restoration

Samvel Zavenovich Re-prosthetics after complex implantation all-on-4

Surkova Lyubov Anatolyevna 1.5 years after all-on-6 implantation

Tatyana Borisovna With words of gratitude to the doctors for a new smile!

— New teeth immediately and forever! After complex all-on-4 implantation

With a team of doctors who performed complex dental restoration using the all-on-4 protocol with immediate loading with a fixed prosthesis. And also a year later - after changing the adaptive prosthesis to a permanent one, the service life of which is more than 10-15 years.

Konstantin Alexandrovich

New teeth immediately and forever! After complex all-on-4 implantation

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— After complex implantation of all-on-4 with delayed loading of the prosthesis

A wonderful mood after undergoing prosthetics as part of all-on-4 implantation. In the photo - immediately after the installation of implants and adaptive prostheses, and also a little more than a year later - after re-prosthetics. Now the patient has permanent dentures installed, the service life of which is estimated at decades. In both photos - with the attending physician, orthopedic dentist Yuri Vasin.

Andrey Pavlovich

After complex implantation of all-on-4 with delayed loading of the prosthesis

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— Selfie and review after implantation of all teeth, including the use of zygomatic implants

With words of gratitude to the attending physicians - a review and photo after prosthetics using the all-on-4 technology: “Many thanks to Evgeniy Aleksandrovich for the excellent job done! Yuri Alexandrovich for his beautiful smile! May God bless you with health and prosperity. Happy New Year!"

Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Selfie and review after implantation of all teeth, including the use of zygomatic implants

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— With words of gratitude for the new smile! After all-on-4 implantation

With your attending physicians after complex implantation of all teeth using the all-on-4 protocol. On one jaw - with delayed loading (a removable denture is installed while the implants are healing), on the second jaw with fixation of a frameless prosthesis using the “teeth in 1 day” technology. An individual solution is selected for each patient! Taking into account the clinical picture and condition of the oral cavity.

Natalya Alexandrovna

With words of gratitude for a new smile! After all-on-4 implantation

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— 2 years after basal dental implantation

With words of gratitude for a new smile! After basal dental implantation. In the photo - with the attending physicians: maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist Roman Bespalov and orthopedist Stanislav Chorny immediately after implantation and prosthetics. And also after 2.5 years - comprehensive hygiene as part of free service.

Rakhilya Khairovna

2 years after basal dental implantation

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— After complex implantation of all-on-6 with immediate loading

Photo as a keepsake after complex implantation. Together with the doctor, the patient chose the all-on-6 solution using original Nobel Biocare implants with immediate installation of a fixed prosthesis. In the photo - with orthopedic dentist Viktor Nepochatykh, who directly performed prosthetics on implants.

Irina Arkadyevna

After complex implantation of all-on-6 with immediate loading

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— 1.5 years after all-on-4 implantation: re-prosthetics

With orthopedic dentist Zhargal Dulgarov after changing the adaptive prosthesis to a permanent one. The patient began treatment in our clinic back in May 2021. During this time, all-on-4 implantation was performed on original Nobel Biocare implants with immediate and delayed loading. A permanent prosthesis was installed on one jaw in November, now it’s time to re-prosthetize the second jaw. The patient chose a comfortable option made of ceramic composite – a durable and very aesthetic material.

Natalya Vladimirovna

1.5 years after all-on-4 implantation: re-prosthetics

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— New teeth in 3 days and forever! Thanks to the doctors!

A beautiful smile and a great mood after complex implantation with immediate loading according to the all-on-4 protocol. A non-removable adaptive prosthesis was installed on the 3rd day, which allowed the patient to return to a full life immediately. In the photo - with one of the attending physicians who was responsible for the prosthetics stage - orthopedic dentist Bair Sambuev.

Alexander Sergeevich

New teeth in 3 days and forever! Thanks to the doctors!

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— After complex dental restoration all-on-4

Our patient from the UK flew to Moscow on business and at the same time decided to undergo comprehensive dental restoration. For this purpose, the original all-on-4 protocol was chosen on Nobel Biocare implants with the installation of a fixed prosthesis immediately. The result is full functionality of the teeth and high aesthetics of the smile! In the photo - with one of the attending physicians, orthopedic dentist Viktor Nepochatykh.

Ian Michael

After comprehensive all-on-4 dental restoration

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— Re-prosthetics after complex implantation all-on-4

With words of gratitude for a new life! Re-prosthetics after complex implantation of all teeth using the all-on-4 protocol on original Nobel Biocare implants. At the first stage, an adaptive prosthesis was installed, at the second - from a durable ceramic composite.

Samvel Zavenovich

Re-prosthetics after complex implantation of all-on-4

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— 1.5 years after all-on-6 implantation

With orthopedic dentist Dmitry Creamer almost 1.5 years after complex implantation using the all-on-6 protocol on Nobel Biocare brand implants. Re-prosthetics were carried out using a complex of digital diagnostics and planning to produce the most comfortable prosthesis.

Surkova Lyubov Anatolevna

1.5 years after all-on-6 implantation

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

— With words of gratitude to the doctors for a new smile!

With the attending physicians - ch.l.h., implantologist Roman Bespalov and orthopedic dentist Dmitry Sidorov - after complex all-on-4 implantation with immediate loading with fixed adaptive prostheses. New teeth immediately and forever! With a lifetime warranty and free service.

Tatyana Borisovna

With words of gratitude to the doctors for a new smile!

Doctor: Specialization: Experience:

3 days

View all reviews

Implantation with bone tissue augmentation - is sinus lift possible at the same time?

The need to restore bone volume occurs in 80% of cases of single or partial restorations. Sinus lifting is aimed at increasing the height of bone in the areas between the roots of the teeth and the maxillary sinus. The operation is performed open or closed.

  • For minor deficiency, a low-traumatic closed sinus lift technique is used, which can be combined with implantation. It is carried out simultaneously with the installation of implants.
  • In case of severe bone atrophy, an open sinus lift is performed before installing implants. Implantation is possible after 5-6 months, when the artificial bone tissue has completely taken root.

How many implants are needed for a prosthesis for the entire row?

Previously, it was believed that only two implants were enough. However, this approach is sometimes used today. Two implants are placed in the frontal zone and a complete prosthetic structure for an edentulous jaw, designed for approximately 10-12 crowns, is attached to them. Sometimes they are connected by a beam. But in fact, such a system is doomed to failure from the very beginning of use: the implants will be overloaded, because it is on them and the distance between them (more precisely, on the beam) that all the pressure that occurs during chewing will fall. This means they will become mobile very quickly and will have to be removed. Practice shows that the service life of such a system is only a couple of years.

Today, THREE pieces per jaw is the absolute minimum. We are talking about the Trefoil protocol, for which Nobel has developed not only special implants, but also an attachment system and a special connecting beam that extends beyond the boundaries of the outermost implants. The company worked on this protocol for a very long time - almost 15 years, until they brought it to the market in impeccable form.

It is impossible to repeat the Trefoil system on implants of another brand - there are no components. Therefore, the minimum number in other situations is four. But again, you need to pay attention not only to the condition of the bone tissue, but also to the model and brand of the implant used, since they must be designed for installation at an angle, fixation in the deep parts of the jaw bone and have a high degree of primary stabilization in order to withstand the load from the prosthesis with crowns. Both immediate and delayed.

What's included in the price

Our Center has developed a case-based “turnkey” payment system. Implantation of upper teeth combines cases for installing an implant, crown or prosthesis. If necessary, cases of tooth extraction, bone and soft tissue plastic surgery are added.

The implantation case includes:

  • local anesthesia
  • implant and its installation
  • auxiliary operations for basic bone tissue augmentation, including regeneration stimulators
  • applying and removing sutures
  • postoperative examinations and CT scans during the rehabilitation period
  • antibiotics, painkillers (delivered at home)

The crown installation case includes:

  • crown and its installation
  • taking impressions
  • abutment

Is it possible to secure a full denture with mini-implants?

Full mini-implantation was very popular five years ago - just a few thin implants, which were placed in a matter of minutes without massive incisions, made a real revolution among patients. And many doctors took up this idea - mainly to make money. But in reality, it was immediately clear: such implants are thinner and smaller. They cannot become a full-fledged support for the prosthesis and an alternative to standard-sized models - they simply will not withstand any chewing load. Therefore, the only option when their use can be considered is as temporary support for removable dentures. For example, at the stage of preparation for the main implantation or in a situation where implantation is impossible right now due to health reasons, you first need to undergo appropriate treatment.

Which implantation method is best for restoring all teeth?

Mini-implantation can definitely not be considered as an effective solution in case of complete absence of teeth. There are two protocols left - classic full two-stage implantation with delayed loading and one-stage implantation with immediate loading. But in case of complete absence of all teeth, again, not every method is suitable.

With the classical approach, a permanent prosthesis can be placed only after the implants have completely fused with the bone tissue, that is, the process of osseointegration has been successfully completed. This method is only relevant for situations where there is sufficient jaw bone tissue. Usually, if it is not enough, then extension is carried out. But if all teeth are missing, such an operation will not only be very labor-intensive, but also very expensive. The bone will have to be replanted in several procedures; a large number of implants in the absence of teeth will also require several installation operations. Abutments and a permanent prosthesis are not placed immediately - only after the implants become one with the bone, that is, they grow together. This means that we will have to return to removable prosthetics again. Thus, complete rehabilitation takes a year at best, but in reality – 1.5-2 years.


  • Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dentist (special offer) 100001

    For free


  • SGS implant + turnkey crown

    24 900 ₽


  • Osstem implant + turnkey zirconium crown

    29 900 ₽


  • Astra Tech implant + turnkey zirconium crown

    59 900 ₽


  • Nobel implant + turnkey zirconium crown

    59 900 ₽


  • Straumann implant + turnkey zirconium crown

    59 900 ₽


  • Prosthetics of all jaw teeth on 4 implants

    149 900 ₽


Implantation of the upper jaw is difficult due to the anatomy and structural features of the jaw, the location of the maxillary sinuses, and therefore requires careful planning. Loss of upper teeth leads to rapid atrophy of bone tissue; the atrophic process progresses over 2-3 months. The pronounced loss of the alveolar ridge makes reconstruction difficult in the future. Implantation of the implant restores the load on the bone and stops atrophy.

In just 1 day you can achieve your goal and completely change your life.

As the name implies, with one-stage implantation with immediate loading, the entire prosthesis will be fixed immediately, that is, immediately, without waiting for the implants to fully engraft. But, of course, subject to certain requirements: when choosing implant models that can actually be loaded with a prosthesis (manufacturers write about this in the review of their products), with their correct positioning in the jawbone, with good primary stability, and also when installing a certain type of prosthesis . In particular, during the manufacture of which a metal base is created that will stabilize the installed implants, that is, keep them stationary even when you begin to actively use new teeth.

Doctors at the Smile-at-Once center are followers of the Immediate Load Implantation school (which translates from English as “implantation with immediate load”) and were among the first in Russia to use this technique in their practice. The clinic’s specialists have certificates from the International Foundation of Implantologists, Nobel, Straumann, Oneway Biomed, and are also accredited masters of immediate loading with the right to train Russian colleagues.

Undoubtedly, implantation with immediate loading in the absence of teeth is more advantageous from all sides: bone grafting is not needed (even in a complex upper jaw), there is no need to return to removable dentures, and rehabilitation is faster.
In fact, you get new teeth in 1 day, with a lifetime guarantee on treatment. One-stage implantation with immediate loading

The cost of implantation and prosthetics (in rubles, the price is “turnkey”)900,000 for 2 jaws on implantsfrom 200,000 for 1 jaw on implants (depending on the protocol and brand of implants)
Duration of treatmentfrom 2-4 to 18 monthsno more than 7 days
Number of visits to the doctor10-253-5
Number of hours spent with a doctorfrom 7 to 30 hoursto 10


Recommendations after dental implantation of the upper jaw are as follows:

  • try to avoid increased stress at first - do not blow your nose (both after bone grafting and for the first time after fixing the implant), do not chew hard foods, postpone flights;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene - brush your teeth and use recommended rinses, visit a doctor according to the schedule;
  • limit physical activity;
  • avoid visiting the bathhouse, beach, pool;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor.

Following the doctor’s recommendations will reduce the risk of complications and ensure a long service life of the implants.

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