Why does a child have excessive salivation and how to get rid of it?

Baby enjoys drooling and blowing bubbles at a certain age (usually 3 to 6 months) when he enjoys stimulating the sensitive endings in his mouth. The increased salivation that often precedes the appearance of a new tooth probably soothes irritated, painful gums somewhat. If there is a lot of drooling and your child appears ill, you should consider that he or she may be having difficulty swallowing and consult your child's doctor .


Call an ambulance if:

  • a child with a sore throat or cold begins to drool heavily; breathing becomes difficult and noisy; The child gasps for air with his mouth wide open. This could be the onset of epiglottitis, a dangerous condition requiring immediate hospitalization.


If a child suddenly starts drooling heavily, breathing becomes difficult, and he is unable to speak, it is possible that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. Call an ambulance and begin first aid measures (see Choking).

Is the baby 1-6 months old? Is he irritable? Has a desire to chew and chew on hard objects, including your finger? Teeth cutting - normal condition Calm the child down and give him a pacifier. Some children feel better if they are offered to chew on special rubber rings; others like to chew cool objects (see Toothache)
Does your child have nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, headache, sneezing, cough, fever? Are the cervical lymph nodes enlarged? ARVI (cold); sore throat, possibly streptococcal Call the pediatrician . To reduce the temperature, give paracetamol in consultation with your doctor (see also Fever, Runny nose)
Are there white spots or sores on the baby's mouth? Are they painful? The child may have stomatitis Consult your pediatrician for advice . He will prescribe the necessary treatment. A good home remedy is to rinse your mouth with baking soda.
Is the child sitting, noisily breathing deeply, with his mouth wide open and his chin down? Heat? Severe sore throat? Epiglottitis - swelling of the epiglottis - the formation covering the windpipeThis is an emergency: call emergency services . Calm the child; panic will make breathing difficulties worse. The disease occurs only in children over 3 years of age (see also Difficulty breathing)
Has your child suddenly started gasping for air? Has your face turned blue? Is he unable to speak, trying to clear his throat? Choking due to foreign body entering the respiratory tractThis is an emergency: call an ambulance and begin first aid (see Choking). If there is no breathing or pulse, begin CPR
Did the child suddenly fall? Are your limbs twitching? Salivation? Convulsions Call an ambulance immediately (see Seizures)


The role of saliva in children

Saliva has several important functions. When a baby begins to eat solid food, saliva moistens and softens it; Maintains sufficient moisture in the mouth and makes swallowing easier; washes away food debris from teeth, protecting them. Saliva also contains digestive enzymes that convert starch into sugar (there is not enough of this enzyme in early life, so in the past mothers often chewed food before giving it to their young child). Saliva has an alkaline reaction - this helps prevent caries.

What is hypersalivation?

Increased salivation can be attributed to natural physiological processes between the ages of 2 and 8 months.

Intensive production of excessive amounts of secretion by the salivary glands is called hypersalivation.

The etiology of ptyalism can be pathological or physiological. In newborns, due to underdevelopment of the salivary glands, there is no salivation.

Increased salivation can be attributed to natural physiological processes between the ages of 2 and 8 months.

If signs of hypersalivation appear at an older age, then this indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body.

In medical practice, the following types of hypersalivation are distinguished:

  • True. Associated with increased secretion of the salivary glands. Depending on the etiology, it can be bulbar, somatic, medicinal and psychogenic.
  • False. Caused by dysfunction of the physiological process of swallowing saliva.

Important! With a severe degree of development of ptyalism, the integrity of the skin may be damaged under the influence of the constituent components of saliva.

Why is that bad?

  • ✓ Excessive salivation can irritate the skin of the chin and perioral area, causing the child to develop a rash and bothersome irritation.
  • ✓ Excess secretion gets on clothes and surrounding objects, the child may feel discomfort, just like the people nearby.
  • ✓ Children over 3 years of age may experience psychological discomfort from such a problem. Peers may make fun of him, laugh, the child will be embarrassed by drooling, withdraw into himself.

Causes of increased drooling in a child

In medical practice, certain provoking factors for the development of hypersalivation in children of different ages are identified.

Among them, the most common reasons why salivation is increased are:

NameDescription and ageAdditional symptoms
TeethingA natural physiological process between the ages of six months and 4 years. Gradual increase in the amount of saliva production. It is characterized by the constant release of transparent saliva of a liquid consistency from the oral cavity. Hyperthermia of the whole body, increased tearfulness, nervousness, sleep disturbance, constant anxiety and rapid fatigue. The gums are inflamed and red, itchy and painful.
Oral diseasesA pathological condition associated with the development of inflammation in the oral cavity at any age in children. The most common diseases include stomatitis and gingivitis. Accompanied by a large amount of saliva with white opaque inclusions. It is also possible that there is blood in the saliva. With stomatitis, ulcers are observed on the oral mucosa, which at an advanced stage can bleed.
Also, the surface of the tongue becomes covered with a whitish coating and severe pain appears. With gingivitis, inflammatory processes are observed in the gum tissue, accompanied by local hyperthermia, swelling and discoloration.
Gastrointestinal diseasesThey can develop in a child at any age. The most commonly diagnosed pathologies in this case include: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, hepatitis, gastritis. Large salivation is accompanied by the following symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdominal cavity, heartburn, constipation.
Nervous system diseasesAbnormal development of the brain and its congenital injuries. Certain forms of cerebral palsy. Also with systematic severe stress or high psycho-emotional overexcitation. These conditions can develop at any age. Therefore, salivation increases regardless of age category. Increased nervousness and tearfulness of the child. Inconsistency of development with the age of the baby and his lack of correct reactions to a certain stimulus.
Fungal infectionsDamage to the oral mucosa by pathogenic microorganisms and its inflammation is accompanied by increased hypersalivation. The secreted saliva most often contains white flakes, which are formed during candidiasis and other fungal infections. The risk group includes children of any age category. The presence of a white coating on the surface of the tongue, lack of appetite, pain when swallowing and chewing food.
Constant or periodic feeling of burning and itching in the mouth.
PoisoningIntoxication of the body with toxic substances, potent drugs, heavy metals and concentrated chemicals. Age category of children from 2 years and older. Vomiting, dizziness, irregular breathing, fainting, diarrhea, watery eyes, dermatological rashes. Formation of ulcers due to chemical burns.
Inability to swallow salivaThis pathological process manifests itself in children aged 1 to 4 years. The swallowing reflex is not developed in children with allergies, since due to allergic rhinitis the child uses his mouth for breathing. Therefore, saliva flows out on its own. Redness of the eyes, difficulty breathing, dermatological rashes, cough.
AllergyHypersalivation of this etiology develops in children of any age. Increased secretion of saliva (a lot of saliva) is observed when consuming certain foods that are allergens. It can also be skin contact or inhalation of allergens. Runny nose, rashes in the nasolabial fold area, fever, watery eyes, itching and burning. Increased moodiness and tearfulness.
Worm infestationsExcessive secretion of saliva can be caused by the presence of various types of parasites in the child’s body. A special risk group includes children of any age who come into contact with animals, open soil and frequent games in dirty sandboxes. Eating unwashed vegetables and fruits is also dangerous. Saliva becomes cloudy. Increased anxiety in the child, sudden loss of appetite and body weight, itching in the anal area, nausea, vomiting.
Side effects of drugsWhen undergoing a therapeutic course using medications, hypersalivation acts as a side effect.Additional symptoms may include various signs corresponding to the side effects of each group of drugs.
Injuries, etc.Often one of the consequences of a fall is inflammation of the salivary glands, which provokes increased secretion of saliva. Most often, this cause of hypersalivation is observed in children over 6 years of age. Damage and inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​the grass. Pain on palpation.

Important! There are many factors that provoke increased salivation in children.
Among them it is also worth highlighting a number of neurological pathologies, diseases of the eyes and ears, as well as diphtheria.

Acceptable frequency of regurgitation.

As a rule, they indicate a frequency of 6-8 times a day in small portions; you can also find data on regurgitation 2-5 times a day and a volume of ⅔ tablespoons. If the number of regurgitations increases, fever, and vomiting appear, contact your pediatrician. If weakness is added, this is a reason to call an ambulance.

Especially close attention is required when spitting up like a fountain. You need to offer the child water and carry it in a column. If the regurgitation was a one-time occurrence, there is no need to worry.

How to get rid of this?

First of all, you need to determine the causes of excessive salivation. If it is pathological, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor and drug treatment.

If increased salivation is a physiological process, then parents need to alleviate the baby’s condition and support him during the period of hypersalivation:

  • The restoration of the baby’s health depends on quick and adequate treatment.

    When pathological changes occur in the oral mucosa in a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The restoration of the baby’s health depends on quick and adequate treatment.

  • To get rid of hypersalivation , the cause of which is stomatitis or gingivitis, dentists prescribe medications that destroy infectious agents and promote rapid regeneration.
  • If there is a helminthic infestation or a somatic disease , the symptom of which is increased secretion of the salivary glands, the child should be taken to see a doctor, examined completely and treated with medications that normalize salivation.
  • Natural remedies will help improve the condition of the little patient. For stomatitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with table salt solution or herbal infusions, and for gingivitis - with sea buckthorn oil.
  • You can reduce the secretion of saliva by strengthening the immune forces of the child’s body. For this purpose, they protect children from emotional stress, often take them for walks on the street, give them healthy food enriched with vitamins, and develop them physically by participating in various sports sections.
  • Always use a bib. Treat the skin of the face with nourishing creams, and if necessary, dry the skin on the chin with the addition of zinc.
  • Using pacifiers will help the baby reflexively swallow saliva when it is released in abundance.

Important! Self-medication of hypersalivation in children is strictly prohibited. Only the help of a qualified specialist will help to correctly establish the etiology of the pathology, on the basis of which appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Control and prevention measures

  • ✓ You can offer your child special teethers and rubberized toys specifically for growing teeth.
  • ✓ Keep the child occupied, stimulate the process of swallowing saliva, offering him a pacifier, nibbler with a treat.
  • ✓ Bibs with a waterproof lining will protect your baby’s clothes from getting wet.
  • ✓ Regularly remove saliva from the skin and treat vulnerable areas with baby cream to prevent the occurrence of pustular rashes.

Gymnastics and massage of the facial muscles in some cases is a very effective measure. In addition, an older child who can already chew and take solid food on his own can be offered solid foods, for example, apples, carrots, for additional training of the masticatory muscles.

In what cases is it safe, and in what cases is medical assistance necessary?

When teething, children drool heavily; this physiological process does not require any therapeutic measures.

Drooling in this situation is safe and all mommy’s actions boil down to timely replacement of bibs and clothes.

But if such symptoms appear in young children, it is worth visiting your local pediatrician:

  • When teething, children drool heavily; this physiological process does not require any therapeutic measures.

    Salivation flows heavily and it is difficult for the baby to breathe through his nose. Hyperthermia is noted. We can assume the development of an infection caused by viruses or bacteria.

  • Congenital swallowing reflex disorder.
  • Abnormal development of muscle tissue of the pharynx or tongue.
  • Red eyes, nasal congestion, coughing and sneezing.
  • If the tongue has increased in size and constantly falls out of the mouth.
  • Saliva has a cloudy color and thick consistency.
  • A child at the age of 3 months cannot hold his head up, there is a pulsation of the fontanelle, constant fatigue and moodiness.

Important! Despite the fact that one of the main reasons for increased salivation is the process of teething, doctors recommend not to take risks and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Secretion of saliva and stages of its formation

Every day our body produces from 1 to 2 liters of saliva, which we swallow without noticing. Another thing is with babies: they have an involuntary flow of salivary fluid, and children cannot yet control this condition. Drooling usually continues until the child is 18 to 24 months old. The process is very common during the teething period, so mothers and fathers should be prepared for the fact that the infant will drool everywhere: on clothes, things, toys.

When a small child drools like a river, this is normal and is considered a sign of the baby’s physical development:

  • At 1-3 months this happens often, especially when the baby is in a supported sitting or horizontal position.
  • At 6 months, parents notice that drooling increases (due to the appearance of the first teeth) when the son or daughter reaches for toys or mutters.

  • At 9 months the baby is already crawling, saliva production decreases, but teething can still stimulate drooling.
  • By 15 months, the child will already be walking and running, and saliva will be practically invisible. However, fine motor activities that require concentration can lead to involuntary flow of saliva.
  • At 18 months, the baby no longer drools, but this happens occasionally when dressing and playing.
  • At 24 months, drooling is minimal.
  • What role does saliva play for a child’s body?

    A baby's drooling and bubbles indicate that your baby is going through a new phase of growth. The saliva itself contains useful enzymes that help digest semi-solid and solid foods, which is especially important for babies 4-6 months old. Saliva neutralizes stomach acid and promotes the formation of the inner mucous membrane. It coats food and makes swallowing easier.

    Neurological disorders

    In rare cases, excessive salivation indicates neurological disorders (cerebral palsy, various abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system). In this case, the following are observed:

    Such conditions are diagnosed by specialists in the first months of a baby’s life and require serious and long-term therapy. Excessive drooling is a secondary symptom.

    Parents should regularly wipe their baby's chin, neck and chest to avoid skin irritation. If your child constantly sucks his fist or keeps his fingers in his mouth, you need to keep his hands clean. If possible, you should disinfect all objects that he may lick. The lack of necessary hygiene measures leads to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body, weakened by the underlying disease. The development of an infectious process can significantly worsen the baby’s condition.

    Teething period

    Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. The child becomes whiny and irritable. The process of tooth extraction is accompanied by pain and the formation of wounds on the gums. They can greatly disturb the baby, bringing him a lot of suffering.

    Salivation helps make pain less intense: saliva has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Teething is greatly extended over time and sometimes lasts up to 2 (and even 3) years.


    Important! Increased salivation up to 2 years of age is most often caused by natural causes and is physiological.

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