Why does an unpleasant odor occur when flossing between teeth and how to get rid of it?

The general name for a disease that is characterized by very bad breath is halitosis. Quite common cases are those in which the stench comes from the interdental spaces .

The patient usually notices this problem when using dental floss - it is from it that the unpleasant odor emanates, which is felt by interlocutors and others when communicating with a person.

What is the cause of stench between teeth, how to diagnose the cause and is it possible to treat the disease yourself?

Common causes

There are many causes of halitosis; the main cause can only be determined by a dentist. The most common are:

  • Poor oral hygiene. Failure to brush your teeth in a timely manner or the absence of an irrigator and dental floss in your daily care routine results in pieces of food remaining between the teeth. As the particles decompose under the influence of bacteria, they begin to emit a fetid odor of rotting.
  • Infectious diseases of teeth and gums . If caries is not treated in a timely manner, processes of tissue decomposition begin inside the tooth, which causes a pungent odor. Stomatitis caused by fungus or periodontal disease also leads to necrosis of oral tissue.
  • Smoking and alcohol increase gum disease
  • Dry mouth caused by the use of certain medications or regular public speaking.
  • Liver and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus - these diseases are also precursors of unpleasant odor.

If there are no serious health problems, the carious cavities are healed, but the smell on the thread is still present, then the reasons may be the following:

  1. Poorly installed crowns and dentures . Food can accumulate in the spaces between the gum and the crown, which, if not properly hygienic, causes a stench.
  2. Accumulated tartar , which is chosen by anaerobic bacteria for their vital activity.
  3. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs and abuse of pastes and liquids with antibiotic effects.

Most of these problems can be resolved with regular visits to the dentist. To restore the microflora, you need to take medications prescribed by your doctor (Hilak-Forte, Linex-Forte) and increase your fluid intake.

Why does the smell appear?

A putrid odor accompanies the destruction of tooth tissue. It can be triggered by various reasons, but all of them can be divided into two large groups: medical error and poor oral hygiene.

The most common medical errors:

  • Installing a crown with a small gap. Visually, such a gap is usually invisible, but food debris easily penetrates through it under the crown. There they begin to rot, causing an unpleasant odor. The rotting mass is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. They begin to develop quickly, which further aggravates the problem and can cause an inflammatory process.
  • Incorrect installation of the crown or use of low-quality materials. The crown is fixed with dental cement. High-quality material has a long service life. But when the clinic uses low-quality consumables, the cement gradually crumbles. The prosthetic structure loses the necessary tightness, gaps appear, and the crown begins to wobble. Food debris clogged into the cavity begins to rot and creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. It’s easy to avoid such a problem - get prosthetics done in a good clinic. Our dentistry employs experienced doctors and dental technicians, and we use high-quality consumables. Therefore, the likelihood of cement destruction and depressurization of the structure is reduced to almost zero.
  • Oxidation of metal elements of the crown. Such problems arise when using cermets. The metal frame begins to oxidize, and the resulting oxides affect the supporting tooth. As a result of chemical reactions, the tooth is destroyed. All these processes are accompanied by a smell and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Installing a crown on a weak tooth. The supporting tooth on which the crown is installed must be healthy. The weak one will continue to deteriorate under the prosthesis. Rotting processes are accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

When contacting the ARDC clinic, you do not have to worry about medical errors. Before prosthetics, you will be given a full examination and diagnosis. A strong support will be selected to install the crown. Weak units are removed. If necessary, the doctor will recommend implantation and install the implant in place of the extracted tooth.

The tooth is ground down for the crown, so during the period when the dentures are made, it remains unprotected. To avoid destruction after grinding, temporary prostheses are installed in our clinic. These are inexpensive acrylic structures that allow you to lead a normal lifestyle. This approach reduces the risk of developing secondary deep caries under the crown.

Poor hygiene can lead to dire consequences. After prosthetics, the doctor gives recommendations on caring for the oral cavity, implants, and dentures. The dentist will recommend you a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste, and special devices that will allow you to thoroughly remove plaque.

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Why is halitosis only felt when flossing?

There are two reasons why a patient smells only from the thread::

  • The first is poor sensitivity to one’s own “flavors.” It is caused by the fact that the receptors quickly adapt to the constant unpleasant odor produced by one’s own body. A person may not notice that their breath smells bad , but the odor is concentrated on the dental floss - so it is more difficult not to pay attention to it.
  • The second reason is that the processes of tissue decomposition have just begun and affect exclusively the interdental space. In this case, only the thread will smell; the smell will not be felt directly from the mouth, or it will remain very weak for some time.

If the process is started, as the disease progresses, not only the floss, but the entire oral cavity will smell. Moreover, it will no longer be possible to ignore the stench.

Particular attention should be paid if traces of pus appear on the threads after cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this symptom indicates the onset of serious diseases - osteomelitis, periodontitis, gingivitis.

If there is no attention to the problem, the teeth may begin to become loose, and inflammatory processes may spread to the entire gum.

Signs of tooth decay under the crown

Tooth decay under the crown is a dangerous situation for the body. The process is accompanied by the proliferation of pathogenic flora. With the blood flow it enters all organs and systems.

Symptoms of tooth decay under a denture:

  • halitosis – the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • mobility of the dental structure;
  • darkening of a molar, incisor or canine;
  • taste of pus in the mouth;
  • receding gums, exposing the neck of the tooth;
  • tissue hyperemia, bleeding from the gums;
  • pain when biting, temperature change.

Do not delay in seeing a doctor. The sooner you start treatment, the greater the chances of saving the tooth under the crown and preventing the development of complications. Price list with orthopedic services – follow the link.


To independently determine the source of the unpleasant odor, you need to check what symptoms of halitosis are present, whether there are:

  • in some places pale gums, swelling, film on the teeth;
  • redness and pronounced bleeding of the gums, including after flossing;
  • the presence of a small amount of pus between the teeth;
  • sores on the gums;
  • pustules on the tonsils;
  • caries.

If you have symptoms, you should visit your dentist . You should definitely see a doctor immediately if your teeth start to hurt, become loose, and your gums bleed. If you suspect kidney or liver disease, consult a physician. The doctor will prescribe primary tests (ultrasound, urine, blood tests) and recommend a specialist.

Very often, diabetes mellitus and kidney failure are characterized by a constant inflammatory process in the body, decreased immunity and impaired oral microflora. To eliminate the unpleasant odor in this case, it is necessary to eliminate the primary disease, paying increased attention to oral hygiene during treatment.

When should you not use dental floss?

Floss is considered one of the simplest and safest hygiene tools; it is simple and inexpensive to use, just a few minutes of free time is enough. However, even this device has contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • if your gums are bleeding, you can aggravate the situation and introduce an infection into the soft tissues;
  • with periodontal disease - floss can damage weakened gums, provoke bleeding and even inflammation, plus there is a risk of infection on neighboring dental units;
  • in the presence of caries - the disease weakens the teeth, makes them brittle and brittle; if floss is used carelessly, fragments may break off from the affected tooth, therefore, before purchasing floss, it is highly advisable to treat the entire oral cavity;
  • for any inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity during the period of exacerbation;
  • You cannot floss crown and bridge prostheses - there are special threads for such structures.

If you know how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss and use it along with toothpaste and brush, you can achieve excellent results: a charming smile and fresh breath will delight you every day.

How to get rid of it yourself?

What should you do if you have an unpleasant odor? The first place to start is to ensure good oral hygiene. Choose a high-quality, suitable brush (medium hardness), a toothpaste without an antibacterial effect and an alcohol-free rinse aid. To enhance the effect after each meal :

  • use dental floss or irrigator;
  • rinse your mouth with water with minimal addition of soda or mouthwash;
  • use a toothpick from time to time;
  • rinse removable structures after every meal; if you have fixed artificial structures, take care of them as carefully as you would your teeth.

Before going to bed, to relieve inflammation of the gums and throat, floss and rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Warm water with soda, infusion of chamomile or sage helps well. If you are prone to stomatitis, regularly use dental gels and soda lotions on problem areas.

Chew a small amount of propolis once a day - it will eliminate inflammatory processes and cleanse the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Also, as a daily rinse, you can buy a ready-made propolis tincture at the pharmacy and rinse your mouth twice a day - a teaspoon of the product in a glass of warm water.

How to treat unpleasant odor from under a crown

At the initial stage of treatment, the doctor must identify the reasons for the appearance of a bad odor from under the dental structure. Diagnostics includes:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity.
  2. X-ray of the tooth, according to indications - maxillary sinuses, orthopantomogram.
  3. Development of a patient management plan.

Based on the examination results, the doctor will suggest therapeutic or surgical treatment. You may need to consult a periodontist or otolaryngologist.

What the dentist can offer:

  1. Treatment of caries, sanitation of dental canals with their subsequent filling.
  2. In case of inflammation of the gums, the doctor will evaluate the quality of the installation of the prosthesis and the depth of the periodontal pockets. Their cleaning, rinsing with antibacterial solutions, and applications with medications are indicated. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic injections. After stopping the inflammatory process, physiotherapy is indicated for the mineralization of bone tissue.
  3. Installation of a new prosthesis - if the old crown cannot be restored, was installed with errors, or the patient has developed an allergy to the materials from which it is made.
  4. If tooth root cysts are identified, then their removal is indicated. Access is through an incision in the gum. The tooth can be saved.
  5. If perforation of the maxillary sinus is detected, the implant is removed. The sinuses are sanitized by an otolaryngologist. After stopping the inflammatory process, the bone tissue is restored, the bottom of the maxillary sinus is raised and a new implant is installed.

And most importantly! If a medical error has been made, self-respecting clinics provide treatment under a guarantee. Implantation, installation of crowns, dental structures are expensive services. And if the clinic does not provide a guarantee for its work, then you need to change the medical institution.

Additionally, conservative therapy is indicated - rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs, antibacterial drugs, training in the rules of oral care.

Prevention and an integrated approach to treating the root cause

If none of the recommended solutions eliminates the problem, be sure to visit a dentist:

  • cure caries, seal all holes that are the site of bacterial activity and accumulate food particles;
  • check the tight fit of artificial structures - crowns and dentures, and, if necessary, adjust them;
  • remove plaque and tartar.

Also, on a daily basis, thoroughly brush your teeth, use an irrigator, rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, brewed citrus peels, oak or eucalyptus bark). Avoid dental problems by visiting the dentist annually. When working in public speaking situations, always carry a water bottle with you and increase your fluid intake to avoid dehydration.

How to treat a rotten tooth

If you wait until the tooth completely rots, you can expect serious problems with the circulatory system, stomach and heart function, as well as symptoms such as hair loss, constant headaches and even impaired hearing and vision. Under no circumstances should one joke with such a diagnosis. Depending on why the teeth rot and how far the process has progressed, the doctor must determine the method of treatment. For example, if the source of decay is in the roots of a tooth, they will have to be completely removed, but if the tooth can be saved, the dentist must remove the damaged areas, clean and fill the tooth. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the dental nerve and fill the canals - such a tooth is considered dead and will begin to weaken and change color over time.

to cure or remove rotten teeth under anesthesia at the Family Dentistry Center not only efficiently, but also painlessly. Medexpert specialists use drug sedation, which allows dental treatment to be performed while you sleep. Under sedation, our pain threshold increases, anxiety and fear go away, and all vital body functions remain unchanged. This technology is widely used in European clinics, especially in pediatric dentistry.

Useful video

In the video you will see 10 ways to get rid of bad breath:

We should not forget that the source of the “aroma” is not always directly the spaces between the teeth . The odor may only be noticeable when flossing, but often coated tongue, sore tonsils, or sore throat make the breath feel foul.

Brushing your teeth and rinsing will only give a temporary effect, since the root cause is disturbances in the functioning of internal organs - the liver, kidneys, lymphatic or endocrine systems. To understand the true cause of the problem and find the right solution, you need to see a doctor and get tested.

Recognize the problem in time

How to determine on your own whether there is an unpleasant odor from a tooth?

There are simple and accessible diagnostic methods for this:

  1. Ask people around you. Surely, if there was a fetid amber, they would definitely pay attention to it. If this has not happened yet, you can ask them if there is a similar problem.
  2. Ask your doctor. During the examination, the dentist will report the presence of bad breath. He will even give advice for at least temporary odor elimination.
  3. Use floss. It is necessary to pass the floss between the teeth and make several back-and-forth movements. Then carefully remove and smell. The smell can be felt even during cleaning.
  4. Do a simple test. Apply a little saliva to the wrist area. Wait 10-15 seconds and smell the area. In the absence of symptoms, saliva can be rubbed to make sure. A foreign aroma indicates an accumulation of pathology in the front of the tongue. You can also take a regular teaspoon and rub it along the remote part of the tongue by scraping. Normally, plaque should be virtually absent, or in the form of transparent mucus without foreign impurities. The presence of a bad aroma may indicate upper respiratory tract diseases.

It is not always possible to recognize the problem on your own. The fact is that the epithelial cells responsible for detecting odors gradually simply get used to them.

As a result, there is no signal to the brain cells and the person believes that everything is fine. Only those around you and, of course, the dentist are able to indicate the presence of halitosis.

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