Why do jams occur in the corners of children’s mouths and how to get rid of them?

What are bumps in the corners of the mouth?

“Cracks” mean cracks that appear in the corners of the lips and spoil the appearance of the child. Such grooves often become inflamed because they are in contact with saliva. After some time, they dry out and can form a crust. Other names for this pathological process are:

  • angular cheilitis;
  • angulitis;
  • angular stomatitis.

In some cases, the symptoms are complicated by the occurrence of erosions at the sites of the races, which bring significant pain. If you do not pay attention to angulitis in time, this can lead to a complete refusal of the child to eat. After all, any slight opening of the mouth causes severe discomfort.

Indentations in the corners of the mouth may be complicated by the formation of ulcers and erosions

Types of pathology

The following types of angulite are classified:

  1. Streptococcal. Often occurs with complications. It is caused by streptococcus bacteria, which invades through a damaged area on the lips.
  2. Candida. It is a consequence of fungal infection and can often be combined with stomatitis. It is characterized by the formation of a white coating, under which there are ulcers.
  3. Mixed. This species is provoked by different flora. At the same time, races are complicated by both bacterial and fungal flora.


A useful video that discusses methods for treating cracks in the corners of the lips

Small cracks, blisters, and wounds in the corners of the lips indicate weakened immunity in children and adults. The body's defenses are reduced, and the number of opportunistic flora increases.

The problem cannot be neglected, otherwise you can get serious inflammation and herpetic rashes. Complex therapy includes the use of ointments, masks, and decoctions for superficial healing of damaged dermis. Internal causes can be eliminated by taking complex vitamins, regulating the diet, and treating intestinal dysbiosis. This material will tell you why nail polish bubbles.

Causes of seizures in children

Today, there are a number of reasons why spots in the corners of the mouth may occur:

  1. Lack of B vitamins. At the same time, the child has dry skin, brittle nails and split ends.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the absorption of beneficial elements and vitamins into the blood deteriorates.
  3. Bacteria. Failure to comply with hygiene often provokes the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, which, under favorable conditions, begin to actively multiply. This is especially common among children who put dirty hands into their mouths.
  4. Fungal infection. In this case, angulitis becomes a consequence of the activation of fungi of the genus Candida in the body.
  5. Deficiency of iron and zinc in the child's body. This phenomenon is typical with poor nutrition. When the diet does not include fresh vegetables and fruits, buckwheat porridge and greens.
  6. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Often the provocateur of this disease can be stomatitis.
  7. Decreased immunity. Children with weakened protective properties of the body often suffer from a similar disease.
  8. Infectious pathologies. Angulitis can be a consequence of scarlet fever, tonsillitis and other diseases.
  9. Allergy. The body's pathological reaction to certain foods can manifest itself in a similar way.

One of the provoking factors for the appearance of spots in the corners of the lips in children is the habit of licking their lips in windy and cool weather. As a result, delicate skin dries out and cracks. When bacteria enter, angulitis occurs.

Why angulitis occurs - video


Symptoms of angulitis

Leaks in the corners of the mouth in children may manifest the following symptoms:

  • redness in the area where the lips meet;
  • cracks that cause pain during talking and eating;
  • ulcers that often form at the site of the grooves;
  • bleeding from cracks with significant opening of the mouth.

Quite often, children with angulitis become apathetic. They refuse to eat, play outdoor games, and do not brush their teeth, because all of these actions cause bleeding and intense pain.

With angulitis caused by staphylococcus, the infection can spread to nearby tissues

Diagnostic tests

In order to differentiate this disease from others, a number of studies are carried out:

  1. Visual examination by a pediatrician. In this case, the doctor determines by eye the presence of angulitis and its severity.
  2. General blood and urine analysis. It is carried out to determine the general condition of the body. In this case, special attention is paid to the level of ESR (average erythrocyte sedimentation rate), which changes in the presence of infectious pathologies. An increase in leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process.
  3. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Ultrasound examination of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and thyroid gland allows us to exclude the presence of chronic diseases of these organs.
  4. Blood chemistry. This reveals a deficiency of B vitamins, iron and zinc. In addition, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones, as well as liver parameters, are determined.
  5. Allergy tests. They are carried out with the aim of detecting disease provocateurs from the outside. Quite often, an allergy to citrus fruits can manifest itself in a similar way.

We are looking for the main reason why the corners of the mouth may crack and hurt

“Why do the corners of my lips crack and turn red?” - A question that has an answer. The delicate skin of the lips is constantly exposed to negative external factors. Fashionable shades and delicate texture - matte lipstick Max Factor.

Changes in temperature, air humidity levels, and strong winds greatly dry out the surface of the lips and the dermis around the mouth. It loses its elasticity, peels, and cracks.

The main internal causes of seizure include:

  • Lack of vitamins B, A, E. They are responsible for regeneration, elasticity, and strength of the skin.
  • Low blood hemoglobin level, initial stages of anemia. The supply of oxygen to tissues deteriorates, which leads to a decrease in the protective forces of the dermis.
  • Disturbance of the intestinal microflora, leading to an increase in the number of E. coli. As a result, the level of toxins in the body increases, and seizures occur.
  • Decreased immunity due to various diseases, stressful situations, sleep disorders. A weakened immune system leads to the growth of opportunistic flora of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • The bad habit of licking your lips on the street, which leads to overdrying of the dermis.
  • Incorrect selection and wearing of dentures. As a result, salivation increases and the skin around the mouth becomes constantly moist.
  • Allergic reaction to food, drinks, cosmetics, toothpaste.

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Disease of the teeth, gums, and larynx leads to the proliferation of bacteria inside the oral cavity. The presence of wounds with crusts indicates a streptococcal or fungal infection.

Folk recipe - chamomile infusion

How to cure jams in the corners of the lips in children

If angulitis occurs, you should first consult a doctor for advice. It is very important to identify the cause of the disease so as not to provoke a relapse. In the future, an integrated approach to treatment is provided. The most common method of therapeutic intervention is medication, which is characterized by the following measures:

  1. Lubricating the corners of the lips with healing compounds. If the cause of angulitis is a candidiasis infection, then use the antifungal ointment Clotrimazole. When bacteria are the provoking factor, antibacterial compounds are used, for example, Tetracycline and Erythromycin ointments. Methyluracil and Levomekol, which are also used to lubricate the affected area several times a day, have an excellent healing effect. The course of treatment is at least a week. In the presence of deep cracks, topical glucocorticoids are used, for example, Hydrocortisone cream, which promotes rapid tissue restoration.
  2. Taking homeopathic remedies. Echinacea tincture is especially effective in stimulating the immune system. It is used only with a doctor’s prescription and is used for at least a month, adding a few drops to water once a day.
  3. The use of vitamin therapy. This method of treatment is especially important, since pockets in the corners of the mouth often provoke a deficiency of nutrients in the body. To compensate for the lack of necessary elements, taking vitamin complexes such as Pikovit, Complivit and Alphabet is recommended.

Treatment of newborn children should be carried out with extreme caution. In this case, taking glucocorticoids and other systemic drugs is contraindicated. For infants, races are lubricated with Vaseline or chamomile ointment. If the child is breastfed, then the woman should review her diet by including more vitamins.

Treatment with glucocorticoid ointments is also not recommended for children aged 5 years. At this age, the body is sensitive to antibiotics, so such drugs are used only topically. The importance of hygiene should be taught to 5-year-olds so that they understand the dangers of licking dirty hands.

Children aged 7 and 10 years old require a comprehensive approach to therapy. You need to use the remedies listed above and be sure to ensure that the child does not eat dirty fruits or lick his lips during the frosty season. It is necessary to convey to children the importance of school meals and eliminate all dry snacks from the diet.

Drug treatment of angulitis - gallery

Clotrimazole is an antifungal drug

Tetracycline ointment kills a wide range of bacteria

Methyluracil promotes tissue healing

Levomekol is an antimicrobial drug

Hydrocortisone is a local glucocorticosteroid

Echinacea tincture strengthens the immune system

Pikovit for children is available in different forms

Complivit for children replenishes the lack of essential substances

The alphabet is designed for three times a day

Additional treatments

When treating angulitis, it is very important to follow a diet. At the same time, citrus fruits should be excluded from the child’s diet during therapy, as they irritate the corners of the lips and can aggravate the situation. To improve immunity and speed up the healing process, it is recommended to eat more plant foods: fresh vegetables and fruits. It is good to include foods rich in B vitamins in your diet. These include:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • almond;
  • Walnut;
  • fish;
  • pasta;
  • wheat;
  • corn.

Traditional methods of treatment are also used quite often. For the treatment of children they are used only externally:

  1. Juice from fresh cucumber and aloe. This will require both ingredients in equal quantities. Squeeze 20 ml of juice from aloe and cucumber and mix. Then add 1 dessert spoon of Kalanchoe contents. Mix everything again and use 3 times a day to wipe cracks for at least a week.
  2. Propolis. To prepare the healing composition you will need 0.5 tsp. beekeeping product and 5 tsp. melted butter. Propolis must be thoroughly crushed and placed in a glass container. Then add warm oil and mix thoroughly. Use the mixture 3 times a day to treat problem areas for a week.
  3. Green tea. The large-leaf version without flavorings has an excellent effect. A strong brew will be required. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. green tea, pour 250 ml of boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes. Then you should soak a cotton pad in the tea leaves and apply it to the affected area for 5 minutes. The procedure must be carried out 2 times a day for 10 days.

Traditional methods of treating angulitis - gallery

It is better to squeeze cucumber juice through a juicer.

Aloe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect

Kalanchoe stimulates regeneration processes

Propolis relieves inflammation

Butter softens and nourishes

Green tea needs to be brewed very strongly.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for treatment for lesions that occur in the corners of the mouth is good. With a timely approach to therapy, the disease can be quickly eliminated without complications. However, if treatment measures are not taken in time, the pathology can bring a lot of unpleasant consequences, the main one of which is the unaesthetic appearance of the child. The disease is also complicated by the addition of a secondary infection. If treatment measures are not taken, the infection can get into the constantly forming erosions, penetrating into the deeper layers of the dermis. Large areas of suppuration will take a very long time to eliminate. In addition, this will increase the pain.

Preventive actions

Basic preventive measures:

  1. Monitor your child's diet. Nutrition should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins to maintain immunity at the proper level. Instead of sweets and dry drinks, it is better to give children fruits and nuts.
  2. Teach your child to observe the rules of hygiene. Immediately after walking, playing or when returning from school or kindergarten, you must wash your hands.
  3. Daily walks in the fresh air are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body and support the immune system.
  4. In the autumn and spring periods, give children vitamin complexes that prevent the development of deficiency of certain useful substances.
  5. Wean your child from putting his fingers in his mouth and from eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  6. In the summer, children should be hardened.
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