How to help your baby teething

Date of publication: 04/04/2016

until September 30

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If a child begins to behave restlessly, sleep poorly at night, sulk and be capricious, this does not always mean that he is sick. Maybe he's just teething.

Erupting teeth irritate the nerve endings in the gums, which explains changes in the baby’s behavior. The child puts everything into his mouth, feeling the need to bite and gnaw - this makes it easier for him to tolerate the itching of the gums. The gums turn red and swell. At this time, saliva is released abundantly; it simply flows from the child’s mouth. In some cases, diarrhea (diarrhea) and fever may occur.


– a serious event for the body that requires effort. As a result, immunity may decrease, which creates a favorable situation for various infections to enter the body. Therefore, during this period it is especially important to monitor the health of your baby.

Scheme for using gels during teething -

During teething, gels are applied to the gums 3-4 times a day (plus additionally before bedtime) - using a finger or a cotton swab, after which you rub the gel into the gums with gentle massaging movements. The gel will rub in better if you first dry the moist mucous membrane at the site where the gel is applied - using a dry gauze swab or sponge (otherwise the gel will slip off and be swallowed).

An important point is that the treatment of gums with gels should be carried out not before meals, but after meals and oral hygiene. In infants (especially if the treatment is carried out before the child goes to bed), it is advisable not to use gels with the anesthetic Lidocaine - to avoid swallowing problems and choking with saliva. Also, you should not use drugs that have a strong, pronounced taste (such as Cholisal gel), which will already increase the production of saliva in the child.

Also, if necessary, you can combine the use of a gel for topical use in the oral cavity with systemic drugs. These can be – 1) homeopathic medicines in dragees such as “Dantinorm Baby” or “Dentokind”, 2) a convenient form in the form of suppositories for the drug “Viburkol”. Starting from 3 months, with severe pain and/or temperature during teething, Panadol and Nurofen can also be used. Read about the effectiveness of systemic drugs at the link below.

→ Drugs for teething in children

How can you help your baby and alleviate his condition?

First aid is the care, affection and kindness with which parents are obliged to surround their child. Indeed, in an atmosphere of love and tenderness, even getting sick is not so scary, and small children feel this truth very well.

To protect your baby from infections, it is necessary to maintain hygiene in the house; it is especially important to ventilate the room well while the baby is on a walk or in another room. If any infection has entered the room, ventilation will reduce the risk of its spread to a minimum.

Don't forget about gum toys. The fact is that during this period the baby experiences considerable itching in the gums, and the teether is made of a pleasant, soft material. They can not only scratch your gums, but also cool them, since these devices are filled with cold water.

If you notice that in addition to the teether, additional help for the gums is needed, you can purchase a special tooth gel with the appropriate age mark: from 0 or 6 months. This drug relieves itching, pain and swelling of the gums.

Also, be careful when using antipyretics. The fact is that temperature is a friend of man, even the smallest. If the temperature rises to 38 or even 39, it means that the body is fighting the infection well. Therefore, by lowering the temperature, you will deprive the child’s body of its natural ability to fight infection. In addition, a sharp drop in temperature is very harmful to the body. In folk medicine, there are good methods that effectively, and most importantly safely, reduce the temperature: these are wraps with a damp cloth. Soak a cotton cloth or gauze in cool water and wrap it around your baby's feet. This method is not only antipyretic, but also relieves other unpleasant symptoms: headache and body aches.

Also, do not rush to give your child medications if the baby has a slight tummy ache or a runny nose. Any medical medicine is produced chemically, which is not so good for the child’s health. In addition, teething is not a dangerous process, so such strict measures should not be used. But it is still necessary to alleviate the child’s condition, for which proven folk methods are excellent - herbal decoctions. Pain in the tummy is very well and quickly soothed by a weak infusion of peppermint, which, moreover, will help the baby calm down and fall asleep faster. The same herb also helps with vomiting. In addition, peppermint is an antispasmodic, which means it copes well with headaches. In addition to mint, you can prepare a light decoction of chamomile or oregano. Natural eucalyptus or Kalanchoe extracts are good for a runny nose, but they are not always available at hand. You should prepare for this in advance by asking your local pediatrician for a prescription for preparing an ointment for the common cold at the pharmacy. Such remedies are made from herbs. They are natural, safe and effective.

In order to survive the teething period as painlessly as possible, try to prepare all the means in advance, and do not forget to consult with your pediatrician.

Healthy teeth and good health

FDC will be a pleasant find for you and your family on the path to impeccable aesthetics and good health.

Anti-inflammatory toothpastes for children –

In the arsenal of oral hygiene products for young children, there are several toothpastes that have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce gum sensitivity during teething. Their use on an ongoing basis for child oral hygiene will increase the effectiveness of the use of gels for topical use or systemic homeopathic preparations (

  • Paste SPLAT “BABY Vanilla” (from 0 to 3 years) –

    produced in Russia, and the active components are licorice extract, prickly pear extract, arginine, a complex of milk enzymes (lysozyme, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase). Most of these components have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the sensitivity of the gums during teething. Price per tube 40 ml from 150 rubles.

  • Foam SPLAT “Junior Magic Foam” (any age) –

    This teeth cleansing foam contains licorice extract, lactic enzyme complex, as well as creatine and dipotassium glycyrrhizinate. All these components have an anti-inflammatory effect on the oral mucosa during teething. The cost will be starting from 260 rubles (per 50 ml tube).

Caring for emerging teeth

Teething is an absolute reason for making the first visit to the pediatric dentist. During the consultation, the doctor identifies all deviations in the structure of the child’s dental apparatus, assesses the condition of the frenulum of his lips and tongue, draws up a dental care plan and a plan for preventive visits to the dental clinic.

It is advisable to brush emerging teeth twice a day. Initially, you should use a baby silicone brush or a small piece of gauze without toothpaste for cleaning. A regular toothbrush can be used when the child is one year old, and toothpaste when he reaches two years of age. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the process of enamel mineralization. In particular, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets and include foods enriched with calcium, phosphorus and ascorbic acid in the baby’s diet.

A few final recommendations for parents:

Below we list some more tips for parents that will help you understand the behavior of a small child, for example, when he feels discomfort during teething.

1) The baby is constantly trying to chew something -

In this case, you can use a clean finger or special teething rings to massage the baby’s gums for 2 minutes (should be repeated several times a day). Finger massage calms most children, allowing them to relieve itching in the gums, but some children may protest against such a massage. Of course, it is best in this case to provide the child with special safe items for chewing (rubber teething rings). By the way, they can be additionally cooled, and then your baby will calm down even faster.

2) Refusal to eat –

Keep in mind that eating warm foods will aggravate teething symptoms, while eating cool, cool foods will provide relief for your baby.

3) If the skin around the mouth, chin is irritated -

You should regularly wipe the baby's skin around the mouth dry. If a rash or irritation occurs, you should treat the skin with a special baby cream that will contain various anti-inflammatory components.

4) If the baby rubs his cheek or ear -

In this case, the child is trying to say that he has some kind of pain or discomfort. And this does not mean at all that the child has ear inflammation, because... When teething, pain often radiates along nerve fibers to other areas. In this case, you should give the child a mild pain reliever, for example, Panadol and Nurofen. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. The author’s higher professional education in dentistry, 2. Based on 20 years of personal experience as a dentist, 3. The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EU), 4. National Library of Medicine (USA), 5. https://www., 6. “Pediatric therapeutic dentistry. National leadership" (Leontyev V.K.).

When do the first baby teeth appear?

It is generally accepted that a baby's first milk teeth appear at six months. In fact, they form in the baby's mouth while he is still in the mother's womb. At the sixth or eighth week of pregnancy, twenty teeth are born, which are called primordia. When the baby is six months old, he has milk teeth, deep under which, by that time, at the embryonic stage there are permanent teeth. There are cases when a child is born with teeth, but they are very rare. It happens that the baby’s dental system develops too early, and already at three months small white spots in the gums are visible in the mouth. Milk teeth may appear not at six months, but at one year. Although such a development of the situation is considered a deviation from the norm, as a rule, it is not associated with pathologies, but with various characteristics of the child’s body and heredity.

With rare exceptions, the children's dental system develops in this order:

  • Six months or about a year - four incisors appear in the mouth: two upper and two lower;
  • One year - twos appear, - another incisors - four pieces;
  • One and a half years - the appearance of molars, upper and lower;
  • Two years - eruption of fangs;
  • Three years - the appearance of a number of molars.

How to properly care for children's teeth?

You need to start caring for your baby’s oral cavity from the first baby teeth. The best toothbrush for a child under one year of age is mom’s or dad’s finger, which is wrapped in soft cloth, mostly gauze. During such brushing, it is very important not to frighten or upset the child, trying to turn this activity into an interesting game.

Children under three years of age who already have molars should buy a soft silicone brush and fluoride-free toothpaste. To ensure that your baby likes pasta, choose products with a pleasant, sweet taste. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not swallow the paste. It is very important not to scare the child away from brushing his teeth, but on the contrary, to show that this is an interesting and enjoyable activity. It’s good if parents themselves set an example for the child by brushing their teeth together. Try to ensure that by the age of three your child already knows how to brush his teeth. At the same time, you must control this process, check the result, and, if necessary, gently show the child where he made a mistake this time.

Teach your child to brush their teeth correctly from an early age, that is, after eating. After all, this is logical, because after breakfast, the teeth will see the brush and toothpaste only in the evening.

Another important rule for a child’s dental hygiene is to limit the consumption of sweets such as sweets, cakes, lollipops, cakes and sweet waters. To preserve healthy teeth for as long as possible, ideally it would be worth completely protecting your child from this kind of sweets. But we all understand that this is not easy. Therefore, an important and responsible task for parents should be to control the amount of sweets, because in addition to the danger of caries, sweets can also cause other problems in the body.

Taking care of your baby's teeth will help him avoid many problems in the future, such as caries, toothache, malocclusion and disproportionate growth of facial bones. Thanks to the right actions and responsible approach of parents, children will maintain a beautiful smile for life.

We hope that this article helped you prepare for such an important event as baby teething, and also put our tips into practice.

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