Can your throat get red when teething?

Teething is an important and sometimes difficult period for babies and their parents. The formation of the rudiments of teeth and their proper growth and health occurs in the womb of the expectant mother.

For each baby, teething is an individual process.

The average baby faces this process from the age of three months, and the period ends by the age of three. There are cases when a newborn is born with 1-2 teeth.

Treating periodontitis correctly

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the gum surrounding the tooth. It can lead to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth and its loss. We will lose a perfectly healthy tooth due to gum problems. Moreover, such inflammation is extremely painful and dangerous. The reason for its occurrence is due to changes in our diet. The food has become softer, there is no need to put stress on the teeth when chewing it - and this is the result. The teeth have weakened. Urgent assistance from a periodontist is needed, who will thoroughly clean the subgingival pockets of stone, plaque and infection, and place medications in the cavities affected by the infection. Usually this is quite enough to quickly improve the situation. To completely eliminate relapses of the disease, it is extremely important to regularly remove tartar and plaque from the surface of your teeth. Advanced cases also require taking antibacterial drugs.

Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

Details Published 01 July 2016

Pulmonologist (head of department) of the Healthcare Institution "GODKB", chief freelance specialist of the health department of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee for Pulmonology Marushko I.V. A child has a red throat. Where to run and what to do? Many people probably know: often in order to assess your child’s immunity status you just need to look at his throat. A child’s red throat is a warning sign that should not be ignored, but you need to know how to deal with this scourge. How to look at a child's throat? To do this you will need a thoroughly washed teaspoon. Stand in front of the window, ask the child to open his mouth wide and gently press the handle of the spoon onto his tongue. Do not push it too deep, this may cause a gag reflex. Causes and treatment tactics. A red throat and fever can be due to either a viral or bacterial infection. To determine treatment tactics, this must be accurately established, because some drugs can help, while others will be completely useless. Selecting medications for children is not easy, since many of the drugs that are successfully used by adults are contraindicated for children, or do not have all the necessary properties. In most cases, throat diseases cause erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and the appearance of epithelial defects. The faster these defects are eliminated, the faster the unpleasant symptoms will disappear and recovery will occur. Conventional drugs are not able to restore the damaged integrity of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. For ARVI, antibiotics will be absolutely useless. For viral infections, antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment must be used. You also need to relieve symptoms. To reduce the temperature, you can give antipyretics and restore water and electrolyte balance. If the temperature is very high (above thirty-eight), then it is imperative to bring it down. However, a temperature of up to thirty-eight indicates the body’s fight against infection; in addition, its own interferon is produced. When using all medications, it is worth remembering that some can cause allergic reactions. At the same time, in addition to antipyretic drugs, it is recommended to do the simplest manipulation - open the balcony (but so that there is no draft), and leave the baby in relatively light clothes (do not wrap them up under any circumstances). In this situation, the elementary laws of physics will work, and the body will begin to give off heat to the environment. This will cause the temperature to drop much faster. Don't follow grandma's methods and put your baby under a warm blanket. This situation will only lead to the conservation of heat, but not to its release. If a child complains of severe hyperthermia in one area, you can wrap a container of cold water in a towel and apply it to the body. To maintain optimal water balance, the child needs to be given water more often, since at high temperatures the body experiences dehydration - liquid comes out through sweat. It is best if it is compotes, teas with medicinal herbs, juices, fruit drinks, jelly. To treat a red throat caused by a viral infection, preference should be given to irrigation and rinsing. You can gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula, coltsfoot, but only after consulting a doctor. A very effective remedy is a solution of soda, salt and iodine. You need to gargle with this solution every half hour. If the child is too small and does not know how to gargle or simply resists, then you can give sucking tablets - they taste sweet and soften the throat well, eliminating redness. If a sore throat is diagnosed, consult a doctor immediately. Do not delay treatment for sore throat, as this disease can lead to serious complications. Older children can lubricate their throats with oils (eucalyptus or sea buckthorn), Lugol's solution, Chlorophyllipt, Iodinol. Do not forget that oils should be used only if the child has no allergic manifestations to these oils. If a child has a red throat due to a bacterial infection, then the situation here may indicate an incipient sore throat. Usually the process increases quite quickly, a coating of gray-white plaques appears on the tonsils, the temperature rises, but without a runny nose or cough. This is the typical onset of a sore throat. In this case, the child needs to be shown to a doctor to begin a course of antibiotic treatment. Even after reading my article, do not resort to self-medication; in any case, immediately consult a doctor.

Galvanic syndrome

This is the case when physics interferes with physiology. Painful sensations are caused by microscopic current discharges, which have an extremely unpleasant effect on the vulnerable mucous membrane of the mouth. The syndrome occurs due to the fact that in your mouth there are fillings and other dental structures that contain many metals and alloys that are widely used in modern dentistry. An artificial tooth contains a lot of conductive materials and as a natural result: the current irritates the delicate mucous membrane, which leads to the development of inflammation, and this process can spread further to the throat. Eliminating this problem is quite simple, although it is associated with material and aesthetic losses. It is necessary to remove the current conductor - the dental structure. Experience shows that the pain disappears almost instantly, although the inflamed tissues will need time to recover. Well, there is a need to replace the removed structures. Usually, in this case, the doctor prescribes you a course of restorative immunotherapy to minimize all the negative effects of irritants. And problems with missing teeth will be solved by ceramic materials. They are beautiful, natural and have no problems with conductivity.

The danger of redness of the throat during this period

During teething, the baby's body weakens and becomes vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria or colds.

When a baby is teething, the child endlessly puts various objects into his mouth, which are not always sterilely clean. It introduces an infection and hyperemia of the tonsils occurs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat occur), this is a very dangerous disease for such young children.

If some symptoms intensify and last more than 2-3 days (fever, red sore throat, runny nose with yellow or green discharge, cough or wheezing in the chest), you should consult a pediatrician.

Redness in the throat of a baby may be a sign of diseases:

  • mechanical, thermal damage;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • ARVI;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • diseases of the stomach, esophagus;
  • problems with the nasopharynx.

Pathology in tooth eruption

Usually in adults this problem is caused by wisdom teeth. however, nothing can be stated unequivocally; in each case, the problem is solved individually. For example, let’s look at wisdom teeth and the pathology of their eruption. The wisdom tooth begins to hurt as soon as it begins to “peck”. It moves nearby teeth and often grows in the wrong direction. Usually we drink painkillers and then go about our business. But the problem remains unresolved. The tooth continues to grow, begins to violate the integrity of the mucous membrane and forms a “pocket” in it, into which food debris gets trapped. These residues naturally begin to rot under the gums. And the pain becomes much more serious and acute. In this case, urgent medical intervention is necessary. The dentist will clean the wound and install a drainage gum so that it ensures the outflow of infiltrate. You may need to take antibiotics for some time to speed up recovery. After the situation has stabilized, the unfortunate wisdom tooth is removed. This is not done right away, because you had an active focus of inflammation in the gum, and the removal of a wisdom tooth could provoke infection into deeper tissues, which means the spread of this inflammation to the entire jaw. Such inflammation will be much more dangerous and more difficult to treat. Therefore, the treatment will be carried out in stages and will take you some time.

How to help your baby teething

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Teething is an integral part of childhood and an important stage in a child’s development. For parents, this is new joy and new stress. Unfortunately, not all children tolerate the process of the appearance of their first teeth easily, and most parents remember this period as a series of sleepless nights. The child becomes restless, cries, sleep is disturbed, salivation increases, and the gums become swollen and red. Sometimes body temperature rises, appetite decreases and digestion is disrupted. The baby tries to put everything that comes to hand into his mouth.

On average, children erupt one new tooth every month, from 6 months of age until approximately 3 years of age, until they have a total of 20 baby teeth. The timing and order of teeth appearance may vary for each child.

Gum massage will help ease your baby's condition.

Massage can be performed either with your finger or with the help of special soft brushes and teethers. Chill the teether in the refrigerator for a short time, making sure it is cool and not cold like an ice cube. If the object is too cold, it can harm your gums and your baby. To facilitate teething, you should not give your child dry goods, bagels, a piece of apple or carrot, as crumbs can get into the respiratory tract.

Massage helps improve local microcirculation and additional anti-inflammatory effects, and coolness soothes the gums, dulling the sensitivity of the nerves that transmit pain, and gives relief to the child for a while. When massaging, you can use special dental gels for the gums.

How to choose a teething gel?

It is better to give preference to safer products based on natural ingredients. Avoid using topical anesthetics containing lidocaine as they should only be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician. Gel for gum massage “ Pansoral first teeth”

will help the child endure a difficult period easier. “Pansoral first teeth” is produced in France based on natural extracts of marshmallow, Roman chamomile and saffron. These medicinal herbs are known for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing and softening effects. “Pansoral first teeth” is designed specifically for babies. The gel does not contain sugar, ethanol, or synthetic painkillers such as lidocaine or choline salicylate.

Recommendations for use of Pansoral first teeth

Wash your hands thoroughly and apply a small pea-sized amount of gel to your fingertip. Gently massage the gel onto your gums. "Pansoral first teeth" can be used as needed throughout the entire period of teething.

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Before use, consult a specialist.

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How to take care of your teeth to avoid problems

  • We brush our teeth at least 2 times a day;
  • We use dental floss and dental elixir;
  • We visit the dentist at least 2 times a year, and also immediately as necessary;
  • We regularly carry out the procedure for removing tartar;
  • We choose toothpastes on the recommendation of your doctor, and not based on television advertising;
  • We refuse enamel-damaging whitening pastes. If desired, a whitening procedure can be performed at a dental clinic.

Doctors constantly remind us of the need to be more attentive to our health. Dental health is an important component of the overall health of the body. The consequences of a careless attitude towards dental health can be extremely unpleasant.

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