Viburkol suppositories for teething children instructions

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Teething: how to help your baby?

When do the first teeth appear?

The timing of teething in children can vary significantly.
They depend on the physical constitution of the child, the nature of his nutrition, individual characteristics and inherited genetic parameters. On average, teething begins at 6–8 months of life. However, for some babies, the first tooth may appear at 4 months or even earlier, while for others it may appear closer to a year. For some children, teeth erupt painlessly, without causing much concern. But most babies experience discomfort at this time. The child may become capricious, irritable, wake up periodically at night, and refuse to eat. The most common warning signs of teething are excessive salivation, redness and swelling of the gums, and itching in the gums. The baby may also experience increased body temperature and diarrhea.

What are these problems associated with and how to alleviate the child’s condition during teething?

Increased salivation during teething

Excessive salivation is due to the fact that growing teeth irritate the nerve receptors of the salivary glands, and they begin to show their activity. As a rule, drooling appears 4-6 weeks before tooth eruption. Due to excessive saliva production, the baby may develop redness on the skin around the lips and on the chin. To avoid this, wipe your child's face with a soft cloth throughout the day. If irritation already exists, you can lubricate the skin in this area with baby cream or cream containing dexpanthenol while the baby is sleeping.

Pain syndrome during teething

The sharp edge of the tooth, breaking through the sensitive gum tissue, irritates the nerve endings and causes unpleasant pain in the baby. It is because of this that the child becomes capricious and irritable. At night, as a rule, the pain syndrome is more pronounced, and therefore the baby may often wake up at night. During this period, you should try to give the baby as much attention, affection and care as possible. You can try to distract your baby from “dental problems” with a new bright toy or rattle. It is also advisable to maintain the child’s usual routine, not introduce new complementary foods, and not do vaccinations.

If pain during teething is severe, you can use special gum gels with an analgesic effect. These products contain the anesthetic lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. The gels may also contain chamomile extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. A small amount of gel (the size of a small pea) should be applied to a clean finger and gently rubbed into the area where the tooth is erupting. This procedure is carried out after meals and before the baby goes to bed. Gels can be used a maximum of 6 times a day with breaks of at least 3 hours.

Gel in tube “Kamistad Baby”, 10 g

You can try giving your baby a gentle gum massage. To do this, gently massage the child’s gum with a clean finger or gauze swab dipped in boiled cool water. Pressure on the gums during massage reduces pain.

Itching during teething

Many mothers notice that with the beginning of the appearance of the first teeth, the child began to put everything in his mouth. He does this to scratch the irritated gum. If you look into your baby's mouth, you will see that the gums above the erupting tooth are red and swollen. To help relieve itchy gums, there are special teethers available. They can be made of silicone or food grade rubber. Some of them contain liquid filler – water. Before giving such a teether to your baby, you can cool it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes (not in the freezer!). Cold soothes itching, relieves swelling of the gums, reduces inflammation and relieves the baby from discomfort.

Increase in temperature during teething

There is a widespread belief among parents that the appearance of teeth in a baby is accompanied by an increase in temperature. In fact, this is not always the case. Fever during teething is usually associated with a weakening of the body's defenses, decreased immunity and a viral infection entering the child's body. Thus, if the baby’s temperature rises, you should call a doctor and rule out all acute conditions. If the doctor is sure that the child does not have any infectious process, then an increase in temperature to 37.5 ° C can be considered the result of gum inflammation.

If the temperature rises above 38.5 °C, antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to reduce it. These drugs can be given to babies in strictly age-appropriate dosages.

Stool disorder

During teething, many babies experience loose stools. There may be several reasons. Firstly, it is the swallowing of large amounts of saliva and increased peristalsis; secondly, decreased immunity and disruption of intestinal microflora. If an infection occurs, the child may experience diarrhea. In this case, the stool becomes watery and happens more than 4 times a day. To clarify the diagnosis, the baby should be shown to a doctor.

Refusal to eat

During teething, some babies may be reluctant to eat or refuse to eat at all. This is due to the fact that when feeding, the feeling of pain and discomfort in the gums increases. There is no need to try to force feed your baby: the appetite will be restored immediately after teething.

Caring for your first teeth

Immediately after the first teeth appear, they need to be properly cared for. It is important to remember that one single tooth needs the same careful care as thirty-two. First, parents brush their child’s teeth without toothpaste: the baby will need it after 1–1.5 years, when the teeth have fully erupted and are visible above the surface of the gums.

The easiest way to care for your first teeth is to use a piece of gauze. Wrap your index finger in gauze soaked in warm boiled water and gently wipe the child’s gums. This procedure can be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes after eating to avoid regurgitation.

You can also use a special silicone brush that is placed on the parent’s finger. This brush is a transparent cap, at the end of which there are many short silicone hairs or pimples. Using this device, you can remove plaque from the first teeth and massage your baby’s gums. After cleaning, the brush should be washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly with warm water.

To care for the oral cavity of babies, you can use special wipes. They are impregnated with a solution containing xylitol, which prevents the growth and development of bacteria that cause caries.

At about 1 year of age, when the child has already erupted 8-10 baby teeth, you can start brushing his teeth with a toothbrush. The bristles on a baby's toothbrush should be soft so as not to injure his teeth and gums. It should be made of synthetic material - polyester. This is due to the fact that natural bristles are difficult to dry and germs accumulate in them more quickly. When choosing toothpaste for children, you need to look at the age indicated on the package. The main rule is that the paste should not contain fluorides. Children under 3–4 years of age often swallow toothpaste, and fluoride is a toxic substance for the child’s body.

Children's toothpaste "Asepta Baby" from 0 to 3 years, 50 ml

Gel paste for protecting the first teeth from bottle caries and preventing inflammatory diseases of the baby’s oral mucosa.

More details >

When the child turns 1 year old, he needs to be seen by a dentist. The doctor will examine the baby for any oral diseases and, if necessary, give parents recommendations on caring for the baby’s teeth.

Every tooth has its time

Normally, the baby's lower incisors appear first: this occurs at 6–9 months. Next come the two upper incisors - at 7-10 months, then, at 9-12 months - the lateral incisors: first the two upper, then the two lower. After this, one molar appears on each side: at the top - at 12-18 months and at the bottom - at 13-19 months. Then the canines grow: first the upper ones - at 16-20 months, then the lower ones - at 17-22 months. Finally, the second lower molar erupts at 20–33 months and the second upper molar at 24–36 months. Thus, at 2.5–3 years the baby already has all 20 baby teeth.

Permanent teeth begin to appear at around 6 years of age. Baby teeth fall out in the same order in which they appeared.

When should you see a doctor?

Violation of the general condition of the child during teething. Vomiting and diarrhea can be symptoms of an intestinal infection, which without timely treatment can cause dehydration in the baby. This condition occurs because just after 6 months of age, when the child begins to develop teeth, his innate immunity, transmitted from the mother, weakens, and the baby becomes defenseless against various infections. When teething, the baby puts everything into its mouth and often sucks its fingers. In this case, it is the oral cavity that can become a gateway for intestinal infection.

Temperature increase. Fever should not be attributed to “teeth” - it is better to call a pediatrician at home, who, after examining the baby, will help to understand the causes of this condition.

Late teething. If a child is one year old and does not have a single tooth, he needs to be shown to a pediatrician or dentist and examined. First of all, the pediatrician will prescribe tests for the child, the results of which can determine whether the baby has disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Most often, delayed teething occurs in children with signs of rickets. Also, a pediatrician or dentist can give the child a referral to an endocrinologist to rule out thyroid disease - hypothyroidism. With hypothyroidism, there is a decrease in the production of the hormone calcitonin, which is involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. And due to a lack of calcium, the normal formation of teeth is disrupted. Prematurity, weight loss (hypotrophy), frequent ARVI, various digestive disorders that weaken the baby’s immune system can also slow down the timing of teething.

Various disorders of teeth eruption and growth. A child should be taken to the dentist if he/she has:

  • the order of teething is disturbed, any tooth is missing;
  • incorrect formation of the tooth occurs, which can be expressed in its size, shape, color, enamel damage;
  • There is an incorrect position of the tooth axis - horizontal or oblique, which is why it erupts outside the arch of the dentition or remains in the thickness of the jaw bone.

Features of application

Viburkol is used only rectally. There is a depression on one side of the candle and a cone-shaped point on the other side. This form allows for easy and painless administration of suppositories.

To perform the insertion correctly, place the index finger in the recess and hold the candle with the middle and index fingers. After this, spread the child’s buttocks and smoothly but quickly introduce Viburkol into the rectum. The candle should completely disappear into the anus.

If everything is done correctly, the baby should not experience pain. Sometimes there is a reflex contraction of the gluteal muscles after injection. To prevent the suppository from being pushed back, the buttocks must be squeezed slightly and held in this position for several seconds.

Customer Reviews

Anna Grebenyuk, Perm

“I am a mother of two children. Suppositories helped only in the case of the youngest son, and had absolutely no effect on the eldest. But the son immediately changed: he could sleep peacefully, he had an appetite. For my daughter, I additionally lubricated my gums with tooth gel.”

Evgenia Grib, Tver

“Viburkol helped great, but when my son became one year old, he began to be afraid of the very process of inserting the suppository: he struggled with all his might and screamed, so I had to switch to anti-inflammatory toothpastes. But they didn’t soothe the inflamed area so well, because the redness remained the same.”

Characteristics of the drug

Viburkol is produced by a German pharmaceutical company that has specialized in the development and production of homeopathic remedies for many decades.

Release form

The medicine is presented in the form of torpedo-shaped suppositories, which facilitates rectal administration.

The presence of hard fat allows the process of introducing suppositories to be carried out without the risk of injuring the mucous epithelium of the rectum.


The composition includes extracts of medicinal plants, which in the dosages used are not capable of causing harmful effects on babies even during the neonatal period. Main components:

  • chamomile;
  • belladonna;
  • plantain;
  • nightshade;
  • lumbago.

The non-plant substance present in the composition is calcium carbonate, but it is also safe to use.

The substances included in the composition have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effect by strengthening the defenses and normalizing impaired body functions.

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to the composition described above, Viburkol has a complex effect during teething for children:

  • relieves local pain;
  • removes toxic substances and reduces their negative impact on the body;
  • reduces spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalizes body temperature;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes.

How quickly does it work? As the suppositories dissolve and are absorbed into the intestinal walls, they gradually reduce body temperature and eliminate pain. The calming effect occurs half an hour after administration of the suppository, and pain relief and relief from the inflammatory process is achieved only cumulatively, that is, from regular use of the product twice a day.

It should be noted that the action of Viburkol is effective without fever or with low temperatures. But if the readings on the thermometer reach 38⁰ or more, then it is advisable to use other medications in the form of syrups or tablets.

The manufacturer notes that there are no negative consequences from taking Viburkol and it does not cause any side effects. And yet, in some cases, a child may experience an allergic reaction in the form of a rash to any active component of the product.

What should the first brush be?

Dentists recommend switching to brushing with a toothbrush when baby teeth are at least halfway through. Your first toothbrush should have a compact head and synthetic bristles. In addition to the usual toothbrush, you can use a silicone finger brush: it massages the gums and relieves itching.

4 principles for choosing your first toothbrush:

  • The head of the brush should be small and cover two teeth, no more. It will be very difficult to thoroughly remove plaque with a brush with a large head due to its clumsiness.
  • The brush head should have silicone pads to make cleaning safe. For babies under one year old, a protective silicone ring (limiter) will not be superfluous.
  • The bristles should be soft, thick and short.
  • The handle of the brush should be comfortable for both the child and the parents.

From the age of 1 year, it is important to motivate children and fuel their interest in the cleaning process. Research has shown that using electric toothbrushes can be a way to build motivation. In addition, switching to an electric device improves oral hygiene compared to a manual brush: the amount of cariogenic microflora in saliva is reduced, and the risk of developing caries is reduced.

An electric toothbrush at an early age will allow the child to get used to the vibrations in the mouth, and it will be more convenient for parents to reach the distant teeth.

3 principles for choosing your first electric toothbrush:

  • For children under 5 years old, it is recommended to choose models with extra soft or soft bristles.
  • If the first electric brush has a bright design depicting fairy tale or cartoon characters, the child will form a pleasant association with brushing his teeth.
  • The size of the brush head should not exceed 2 cm, and the handle should be rubberized. This way, the child will gradually begin to pick up the brush on his own, and the small head will allow him to brush his teeth more thoroughly.

CURAPROX Curakid Baby (0 to 4 years)

CS Medica CS-561 Kids (from 1 to 5 years) Yellow

Mega Ten Kids Sonic Kitten

Hapica Baby DBB-1Y (from 1 to 6 years)

When to expect results

When buying Viburkol, many people are interested in how long it takes for the suppositories to work. It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Homeopathic remedy. The manufacturer itself does not provide information on this matter. According to reviews, the data is different and often contradictory. Some mothers claim that the drug helped their babies almost immediately - within the first 30 minutes. Others note improvements only 2-4 days after using suppositories. There are also those for whom the remedy did not help at all.

How long can I expect results?

On a note! Rectal administration of drugs implies their rapid effect, because they are instantly absorbed into the blood already in the lower intestines. And this eliminates the breakdown of beneficial components under the action of digestive enzymes.

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