Dantinorm Baby - drops for teething in children: instructions for use, reviews from doctors and parents, composition, analogues, price

Babies usually go through the teething period extremely anxiously. Special gels, ointments and drops help alleviate the condition, and all products should be natural.

The period when a child is teething is difficult for everyone: both for the baby himself and for his parents. The baby experiences incredible discomfort: the gums turn red, swell and hurt, the temperature rises, and the appetite disappears. Parents have to endure the constant whims of the baby and listen to his endless crying.

Here various devices and means come to the rescue that can relieve the baby from pain and help the teething process: rodents, special gels, ointments and drops. All products are selected individually, but which of them are the most effective and easy to use?


Dantinorm baby is a homeopathic remedy that is recommended to be given to babies during teething. It is available in the form of a clear, colorless solution for oral administration; it is tasteless and odorless. The drug is dosed in plastic bottles of 1 ml, the package contains 10 or 30 pieces.

The therapeutic effect of the solution is explained by the following main components:

  • Common chamomile . Its active substances relieve inflammation and pain and have an antiseptic effect. The plant has a calming effect and normalizes sleep.
  • Indian ivy . It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, removes redness of the gums.
  • Pharmaceutical rhubarb . The active components of the plant normalize the function of the digestive tract and prevent indigestion or stool retention.

In addition to the main ingredients, Dantinorm baby contains purified water. The medication does not contain fragrances, milk sugar, stabilizers, or food colorings.

Dantinorm baby relieves pain and inflammation during teething in children, removes redness and swelling of the gums. Children who take the drops normalize their sleep and appetite, and become less capricious and irritable.

The medicine is produced in one release form; Dantinorm gel or tablets are not commercially available.

Popular dental gels for teething

At the moment, gels for teeth and gums are presented by many companies. To make your choice easier, let's look at the most popular ones.

It is a transparent gel with a yellow tint and a distinct scent of mint and chamomile. Using Dentinox gel for preventive purposes allows you to achieve painless and normal formation of the first incisors, primary and subsequent molars. This drug also prevents inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), irritation of the gums and any painful sensations.

  • Composition 1 g of the drug . Active ingredients - tincture based on chamomile flowers (150 mg), polidocanol 600 (3.2 mg), lidocaine hydrochloride (3.4 mg); excipients - xylitol, carbomer (974 P), sorbitol, propylene glycol, polysorbate 20, levomenthol, purified water, sodium edetate, saccharin and hydroxide.
  • Side effects . The appearance of a slight burning sensation, redness and irritation. In some cases, allergies may develop, including contact allergic reactions, itching, skin rashes and angioedema. If any of the side effects occur, stop using the product and consult a doctor.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug, the presence of open wounds on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. Due to the sorbitol content, Dentinox is not recommended for the treatment of children with congenital fructose hypersensitivity.


Compared to cooling gels based on lidocaine, Cholisal has a pathogenetic effect aimed at getting rid of the cause of pain in this process - swelling and inflammation.

After application to the surface of the gums, the active substance of the drug, choline salicylate, is absorbed by the mucous membrane and relieves local inflammation: compression and swelling of nearby tissues are reduced, due to which the pain effect disappears. The adhesive base of the gel ensures a rapid onset of the effect (after 2-3 minutes), as well as its long-term retention, which allows Cholisal to eliminate unpleasant sensations during teething in children for up to 8 hours in one application.

  • Composition per 1 g of product . Cetalkonium chloride (100 mcg), choline salicylate (87.1 mcg); auxiliary components - anise seed oil (1.61 mg), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (1.5 mg), ethanol 96% (390 mg), hyaetellose (20 mg), glycerol (50 mg), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.8 mg), water (up to 1000 mg).
  • Side effects . Allergy; A short-term burning sensation may occur in the area of ​​application of the product, which can be eliminated independently.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to salicylates, as well as other components of Cholisal. When treating a child under 1 year of age, caution should be exercised.

Designed to eliminate pain during teething in children aged 5 months and older. Calgelalidocaine, which is part of the product, helps block the excitability of the membranes of the most sensitive nerve endings, and cetylpyridinium chloride is responsible for suppressing harmful microorganisms.

  • Compound . Cetylpyridinium chloride (10 mg), lidocaine hydrochloride (33 mg); auxiliary components - xylitol, sorbitol solution 70%, glycerin, PEG-40 castor oil, ethanol 96%, xylitol, hydroxyethylcellulose 5000, laureth-9, sodium saccharin, hydrogenated concentrate, macrogol 300, vegetable flavor, levomenthol, caramel E150, purified water .
  • Side effects . Allergy, as well as local irritant effect with prolonged use.
  • Contraindications . The presence of hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary substances of the drug, liver or kidney failure, bradycardia, heart failure of the II or III degree, arterial hypotension, intraventricular conduction disturbance.

Pansoral “First teeth”

The most popular herbal gels to ease teething without anesthetics. At the same time, the plant extracts included in the composition have a softening and soothing effect on the gum mucosa.

  • Compound . Extracts of marshmallow root (49.75 mg), saffron flowers (1 mg) and Roman chamomile (49.75 mg); excipients: sodium methylparaben, glycerol, sodium propylparaben, purified water, sodium saccharin, carbomer, sodium benzoate, Irish moss and triethanolamine.
  • Side effects. Not identified.
  • Contraindications . Newborns up to 4 months, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Refers to the number of dental gels for small children, used at 3 months and later. Kamistad has a quick pain-relieving effect and allows you to temporarily normalize the child’s general well-being. Due to the high content of lidocaine, treatment of children under 12 years of age should be carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician.

  • Compound . Active ingredients: tincture of chamomile flowers (protects against inflammation), lidocaine hydrochloride (anesthetic for pain relief); excipients: purified water, sodium saccharin dihydrate, benzalkonium chloride, trometamol, carbomers.
  • Side effects . If you follow the recommended dosage of the gel, there are no side effects. In rare cases, a burning sensation may occur in the area where the gel is applied, as well as transient hyperemia.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity. Not recommended for treating infants under 3 months.

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Indicated for quick relief of pain in children from 4 months during teething. After application, Dentol begins to act after 1 minute and provides an analgesic effect for 20 minutes.

  • Gel composition .7.5%: per 1 g: benzocaine (75 mg); excipients - sodium saccharin, polyethylene glycol 8 and 75, glycerin, red dye, cherry flavor, ascorbic acid, purified water.
  • Side effects . If the dosage is observed, no negative effects have been identified. There is a possibility of side effects due to individual intolerance. If swelling, itching, or hyperemia occurs in the area where the drug is applied, its further use should be discontinued.
  • Contraindications . The presence of infection or multiple wounds at the site of application of the gel. Hypersensitivity to benzocaine.

Baby Doctor "First Teeth"

The product has a pinkish tint and is odorless and tasteless. Instantly eliminates inflammation and soothes gums. Regular use can significantly facilitate the process of teething without any complications, making it recommended for infants and older children.

  • Compound . Calendula (5.8%), chamomile (5%), water (70%), echinacea (5%), methylparaben (0.2%), marshmallow root (5%), plantain (5%), methylcellulose (4 %).
  • Side effects . When using the drug in recommended doses and according to indications, there are no side effects.
  • Contraindications . Hypersensitivity to herbal components of the medicinal product.

Instructions for use

In accordance with the instructions for use, Dantinorm baby should be given to the baby between feedings. A single dose is 1 ml. The daily dosage of a homeopathic remedy does not depend on age and can vary from 2 to 3 ml. The child should be given drops for 3 days.

When using the product, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • To get the drug, you need to open the sachet, remove the plastic containers and separate one bottle. To open it you need to turn the head. Then you need to press the container and squeeze its contents into the baby's mouth.
  • Place the remaining unopened containers back into the sachet and close it.
  • The child must sit during the procedure.
  • Do not store an opened container, otherwise the homeopathic remedy may deteriorate, since it does not contain preservatives.
  • The used bottle should be thrown away immediately.
  • If after 3 days of using the medicine there is no effect, then you need to consult a doctor.
  • To ensure that the homeopathic remedy does not lose its therapeutic effect, it must be stored in a place inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees for 3 years from the date of release. It should not be given to a child if it has passed its expiration date.
  • Homeopathic drops can be given to the baby in combination with other drugs, including those used to make the child feel better during teething. Simultaneously with Dantinorm baby, you can give Nurofen, which lowers body temperature, which is often elevated during this period. It is permissible to give Nimulid to a child as an antipyretic.

Comparison of addiction between Cholisal and Dentinox

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Kholisal is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Dentinox. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Cholisal has a fairly low “syndrome” value, just like Dentinox.

Dantinorm baby or Dentokind for children, which is better?

Dentokind is a homeopathic medicine that is available in lozenges. They are recommended to be given to children when they experience teething, especially if it is accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • sore and swollen gums;
  • increased body temperature;
  • moodiness and irritability;
  • loose stools;
  • ear pain.

The doctor selects the drug dosage regimen depending on the age of the child. If the baby cannot dissolve the tablets, then they must be dissolved in water. The course of therapy can last 1 week.

Compared to Dantinorm, Dentokind tablets have more contraindications. They should not be given to a child if he has an intolerance to the composition of the homeopathic remedy and milk sugar, impaired absorption of disaccharides, or a lack of lactase in the body. Tablets can cause allergies. But this does not mean that Dentokind is worse; perhaps it is more suitable for a particular baby. The price of 150 lozenges is approximately 500 rubles.

How teeth are cut

Parents can notice the first signs of teeth growth even before the baby begins to be capricious and anxious.
Several weeks before the growth stage, the gums become red and swollen. It is impossible to name the exact age of growth: each child undergoes the process individually. Afterwards, the baby begins to refuse food and becomes whiny, rubs his cheeks and puts various objects and his own fists into his mouth. When the crowns try to break through the gums, irritation of the nerve endings begins, causing the soft tissue to itch, itch and hurt. You may also notice increased salivation, which a small child cannot control on his own.

During the teething process, a runny nose may appear - the fluid from the nose will be thin and transparent, and it will last about four days. No treatment is needed during this period. The only thing parents can do is to clean the nose in a timely manner using special mechanical devices.

The pain may radiate to the ear area, causing the baby to start scratching this area. He will be fussy when feeding and may refuse to eat completely. There is no need to force it; you can replace food with plenty of drink. It is possible that all the symptoms will lead to diarrhea - it will be provoked by a violation of the usual diet.

Is Viburcol for teething or Dantinorm baby more effective?

Viburkol is available in suppositories that need to be inserted into the anus. This is a homeopathic remedy used to ease the child’s well-being during teething, as well as to normalize body temperature and relieve inflammation during acute respiratory infections in children. Suppositories should not be used if their active and auxiliary components are intolerant. They can cause allergies and loose stools. After consultation with a doctor, homeopathic drops can be replaced with Viburkol suppositories. They are convenient to insert into a child if he is capricious and refuses to take the medicine orally. The cost of 12 candles is approximately 370 rubles. But, unfortunately, Viburkol, like Dantinorm, is a homeopathic remedy. As a result of the effect, you will receive only the money spent.


Cholisal is a transparent jelly-like substance without a distinct taste with a faint aroma of anise. Kalgel is a colorless mass with a gel consistency, a pleasant sweet taste and herbal odor. The drugs have advantages over antiseptic solutions and ointments:

  1. have an analgesic effect for several hours;
  2. do not require frequent use;
  3. During treatment, the baby’s diet is not disrupted.

Applying medications to your baby's gums before bed allows him to sleep peacefully all night without feeling pain or itching. Their use also becomes an excellent prevention of stomatitis by strengthening local immunity.


Medicines exhibit the same activity - analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory.

They have the ability to destroy bacteria, yeast-like fungi and even some viruses. The drugs effectively relieve swelling by improving microcirculation in inflamed areas. But the mechanisms of such an effect differ somewhat between gels:

  • Holisal. Blocks cyclooxygenase, prevents the penetration of neutrophils and macrophages into inflammatory foci. Shows antimicrobial and antibacterial activity. Reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, eliminating pain;
  • Kalgel. Blocks sodium channels, which causes inhibition of nerve conduction. Prevents the active growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms due to its antiseptic effect. Cools gums, instantly reducing pain and itching.

Dental gels improve blood circulation in tissues affected by inflammation. The supply of oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances to the cells increases. By accelerating metabolic processes, damaged tissues heal quickly.


Gels for treating gums are completely different in the composition of active and auxiliary ingredients. The active ingredients of Cholisal are choline salicylate, cetalkonium chloride, Kalgel - lidocaine hydrochloride and cetylpyridinium chloride. Dental preparations contain auxiliary components. They are necessary both to form the gel base and to ensure maximum absorption. What is the difference between Kalgel (365 rubles) and Kholisal (375 rubles) in composition:

  • Cholisal: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerin, hyethellose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, ethyl alcohol, distilled water, anise oil;
  • Kalgel: sorbitol, ethanol, hyaetellose, macrogol, sodium saccharinate and citrate, xylitol, glycerin, levomenthol, citric acid, caramel and herbal flavors, water.

The drugs are produced in aluminum tubes, packaged in 10.0 g units. Secondary packaging is cardboard boxes with attached instructions for use.

When teething, which is better Dantinorm baby or Kalgel?

Kalgel is produced in the form of a dental gel, which has an analgesic and antiseptic effect during teething. The medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its active and formative components, children under 3 months, and intolerance to fruit sugar. Kalgel is well tolerated by most children, only sometimes it can cause an allergic reaction. It is impossible to say clearly which drug is better; each of them has contraindications and can cause side effects. The cost of the gel is about 300 rubles.

Comparison of side effects of Cholisal and Dentinox

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Cholisal has almost the same level of adverse events as Dentinox. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Cholisal are similar to Dentinox: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

Dantinorm baby or Holisal, which is better?

Cholisal is a combination drug that is available in the form of a gel. It exhibits antibacterial activity, relieves pain and inflammation. Compared to homeopathic drops, Cholisal has a wider range of applications. It can be used not only as a pain reliever during teething, but also for stomatitis, thrush, oral injuries and some other pathologies. But this does not mean that Cholisal gel is better, it can cause allergies, moreover, it does not lower the temperature, does not eliminate diarrhea and other symptoms that accompany teething.

Comparison of safety of Cholisal and Dentinox

The safety of a drug includes many factors.

At the same time, it is higher for Cholisal than for Dentinox. It is important where the drug is metabolized: drugs are excreted from the body either unchanged or in the form of products of their biochemical transformations. Metabolism occurs spontaneously, but most often involves major organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain and others. When assessing the metabolism of Cholisal, as well as Dentinox, we look at which organ is the metabolizing organ and how critical the effect on it is.

The risk-benefit ratio is when the prescription of a drug is undesirable, but justified under certain conditions and circumstances, with the obligatory observance of caution in use. At the same time, Cholisal has fewer risks when used than Dentinox.

Also, when calculating safety, it is taken into account whether only allergic reactions occur or possible dysfunction of the main organs. In other matters, as well as the reversibility of the consequences of using Cholisal and Dentinox.


Moms' opinion

Mothers who gave their babies Dantinorm Baby noted that they became less capricious during teething and slept longer. Many parents like that the homeopathic remedy is already dosed and they do not need to calculate the dosage themselves, which eliminates the risk of overdose of the medication. In addition, it is convenient to take separate containers with you on a walk or to the clinic and use them as needed, especially since they do not need to be washed down with water. But there are also negative reviews that say that the homeopathic remedy does not help and you have to use other drugs in combination with it. Many parents are not satisfied with the price of the medicine.

Opinion of Evgeny Komarovsky

Evgeniy Komarovsky does not recommend using homeopathic remedies for teething, as he believes that they have no benefit, and they help no more than a placebo (a substance that does not have a therapeutic effect). He also does not recommend using gels containing lidocaine and benzocaine. These substances can cause arrhythmia and seizures.

To relieve pain and eliminate itching, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends using a teether that the baby can chew without harm to health. The material from which it is made does not matter; it can be latex, silicone, plastic or even wood. And to enhance its analgesic effect, the doctor advises keeping the teether in the refrigerator.

Despite the fact that the drug Dantinorm baby can be bought without a prescription, it is prohibited to give it to an infant without consulting a pediatrician or dentist. Only a specialist can decide on the advisability of using a homeopathic remedy, select the correct dosage regimen and tell you how to give Dantinorm baby.


Difference in composition and action

The main difference in the composition of the compared drugs, which you should pay attention to first of all, is the presence of lidocaine

in Kamistad for adults.
In dentistry, it is used in local anesthesia, but this is not done too often or without prior testing (first application in a small amount). The main soothing active ingredient is a completely harmless chamomile
. In addition to lidocaine, formic acid can also be found in the medicine, albeit as just an auxiliary element. Due to its fast and fairly strong anesthetic effect, Kamistad may be a more suitable option for severe pain.

Despite the fact that Cholisal does not contain lidocaine, it also relieves pain quite effectively. The main active ingredients are cetalkonium chloride

choline salicylate
anhydrous. The first component disinfects the surface of the mucous membrane (antiseptic effect), the second has an analgesic and “calming” effect on irritation (anti-inflammatory effect). Among the ingredients that distinguish it from its rival, which are worth paying special attention to, are anise oil and ethyl alcohol. Although the oil is only an auxiliary substance, the amount of which is small, its presence is still important for people with allergies (the same goes for chamomile extract in the opponent).

In the Cholisal line there is also a variant of Cholisal Dental, produced in one and a half times larger volume (15 g). It contains peppermint oil and propylene glycol. It is indicated not only for inflammation and infectious infections, characterized by irritation and swelling of the oral mucosa, but also in the case of ulcerative and purulent processes. Does not contain sugar. Otherwise, the composition does not differ from regular Kholisal. In general, this option is preferable if you choose what is best for stomatitis.

Gels are applied 2-3 times a day before meals (if it hurts to chew) or after (after rinsing your mouth), as well as before bed.

The difference in shelf life is almost double - Kholisal has a shelf life of 3 years, Kamistad 5 years (although tubes of 10-15 g are unlikely to last that long). Both should be kept away from heat sources and not exposed to sunlight.

Neither one nor the other gel should be cooled or even frozen, even if you want to enhance the analgesic effect with coolness - this will negatively affect the effectiveness of the components.

What to choose?

The decision which is better - Cholisal or Kamistad, primarily depends on the purpose and degree of pain. When teething, children's forms of both are suitable; Kamistad's composition is more “natural” in this regard, the main thing is to make sure that the child is not allergic to chamomile.

For adults with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is better to choose Cholisal (regular or Dental), since its composition is more focused on disinfecting and relieving inflammation.

Drops for oral administration

In addition to "Dantinorm baby" there are other drops. As a rule, they have an antihistamine effect and their action is aimed at relieving swelling of the mucous membrane, after which unpleasant symptoms should disappear.


You can use Fenistil a maximum of three times a day. With its help, you can quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membranes in the mouth and nose, which helps relieve pain, and as a bonus, it becomes easier for the baby to breathe.


The peculiarity of the drug is its long-lasting effect, so it can only be used once a day. Anti-allergic actions relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, making it easier for the child to breathe.

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