The use of ozone in the treatment of caries is an amazing result without the use of a drill


New modern methods of treating dental diseases make it possible to carry out therapeutic measures not only more effectively, but also as safely as possible for the patient, as well as with the absence of pain and discomfort.

Recently, the technology of caries treatment using ozone has become popular, which allows you to improve the health of the tooth surface without the use of a conventional drill.

general information

The technology of using ozone for the treatment of caries was first introduced in Germany in 2003. Previously, it was used to treat gingivitis and periodontitis.

The essence of the technique is the effect of ozone, which is a strong oxidizing agent, on dental tissues affected by caries.

Due to the high penetrating ability of this substance, pathogenic microflora is destroyed without affecting healthy tissue.

At the same time, the tooth surface is sterilized, which eliminates the recurrence of the disease in the future.

Ozone therapy is most effective when treating the initial stage of caries - in this case, after treating the tooth surface with a triatomic oxygen compound, remineralization is sufficient.

If there are large carious cavities, the dentist may need to widen them and remove the affected tissue, after which ozone treatment and filling material are applied.

How does the procedure work?

First of all, the dentist places a special cap on the surface of the tooth. Due to the fact that air is sucked out of the cap, something like a vacuum is created. After this, through a special hole in the cap, the surface of the tooth is exposed to ozone. Ozone molecules destroy carious microorganisms within 40 seconds.

Equipment used

To treat caries using ozone therapy, modern dental practice uses special equipment - a German-made Heal Ozone device or one of its analogues.

The essence of the device is as follows:

  • Medical oxygen is supplied from a high-pressure oxygen cylinder to the gas supply system;
  • in the generator of the device it is converted into ozone;
  • A special hose supplies ozone to a silicone tip attached to the problem unit.

Strong fixation of the tip on the patient’s jaw row element is achieved thanks to a vacuum pump that creates negative pressure.

This ensures the safety of the procedure and eliminates the possibility of gas entering the oral cavity.

The concentration of ozone and the duration of its effect on the tooth are determined individually in each clinical case, and are monitored using a special pressure sensor.

Indications and contraindications

The ozone therapy method is quite common in dental practice, as it can effectively combat a large number of oral diseases.

In the treatment of dental caries, the use of gas will be effective in the following cases:

  • caries in the spot stage;
  • early stage carious lesions;
  • damage to dental fissures;
  • presence of enamel cracks;
  • viral and fungal infections of elements of the jaw rows;
  • cavities in teeth that require treatment before filling;
  • root canal pathologies.

Experts note that, despite the effectiveness of treating affected tissues with ozone, large areas of damage may require their removal with further filling.

And in the case of destruction of an element of the jaw arch by 2/3 or more with simultaneous damage to the root system, it is most advisable to perform extraction and prosthetics.

There are also absolute contraindications to ozone therapy, in the presence of which the specialist will categorically refuse to carry out the procedure.

These include the following patient health conditions:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • severe nervous system disorders;
  • chronically low blood pressure;
  • ozone intolerance;
  • seizures;
  • intoxication of the body with alcohol, chemicals or medications.

What signs indicate the need for dental retreatment, and how the procedure is carried out.

Read here real reviews about dental treatment under a microscope.

At this address detailed information about the need and importance of treating caries of primary teeth.

In what cases will ozone dental treatment help?

  • HealOzone root canal disinfection quickly eliminates bacteria, reducing the risk of recurrence of the disease
  • Caries in the spot stage During treatment, we use ozone therapy in conjunction with the DIAGNOdent device. This approach allows you to find all the foci of caries and stop them at an early stage.
  • Treatment of diseases of the gums, oral mucosa and lips After the first procedure, you will notice that the condition of your gums has improved, bleeding and inflammation will decrease

During endodontic treatment, it is very important not only to eliminate microbes, but also to carefully restore the anatomy of the tooth. Our dentist-therapist Naira Samvelovna Panosyan completed a course in aesthetic restoration and successfully applies this knowledge in practice. The doctor will precisely restore the shape of your tooth after treatment, and it will look healthy.

The decision to use ozone therapy in our clinic is made only after a thorough examination. You will have your initial appointment with the head physician, Davoyan Artashes Eduardovich. He diagnoses the oral cavity and prescribes further treatment, referring you to our other specialists. Come to one of the Happy Dents clinics, on Leninsky Prospekt or Academician Tupolev Street, for dental treatment using modern techniques.

Pros and cons of the method

Among the advantages of the method, dentists highlight the following points:

  • absolute hypoallergenic;
  • high-quality sterilization of dental tissues, preventing the possibility of repeated damage by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • no need to remove dental tissues with minimal damage;
  • high speed of the procedure;
  • absence of discomfort and pain during dental treatment;
  • safety of the manipulation, since if the seal of the silicone nozzle is accidentally broken, the supply of ozone stops.

The safety and non-contact nature of the ozone therapy technique allows it to be used for the treatment of caries not only in adults, but also in children whose bite is just forming.

There are also disadvantages to ozone therapy for caries. The most significant among them are the following points:

  • the impossibility of treating medium and deep caries without removing the affected tissue;
  • lack of conditions for high-quality fixation of the filling while preserving softened tissues;
  • high cost of the procedure.

What is the therapeutic effect of ozonation based on?

The key feature of ozone is its instability, due to which this gaseous compound can easily interact with other elements. An important property of ozone is its ability to act as a powerful oxidizing agent, which implies excellent antibacterial properties of the substance. Peroxides, which are formed as a result of oxidation, are destructive to all harmful microorganisms known to science. Ozone can be used not only to combat caries, but also to treat other diseases, for example, stomatitis or gum disease. With its help, you can treat dental canals and combat increased sensitivity of teeth, among other things.

Preparatory activities

The decision on the possibility of carrying out the procedure is made on the basis of an examination of the patient’s oral cavity conducted by a specialist.

It includes a visual assessment of the condition of the elements of the jaw row, as well as a study of the anamnesis, which makes it possible to identify diseases that may be a contraindication to the manipulation.

In addition, radiography may be required - this research method will determine the extent of damage to dental tissues.

In the absence of contraindications, the specialist performs professional cleaning of the jaw row from mineralized deposits and carries out the planned treatment of caries.

In the presence of deep carious cavities, preliminary removal of the affected tissues using standard dental instruments is required.

Operating principle of Prozone

The Prozone device produces ozone, a gas that promotes faster healing of wounds and treatment of infections. Prozone has a powerful antibacterial effect without the use of antibiotics. The used ozone immediately after treatment decomposes to form oxygen.

Areas of use:


  • disinfection of the tooth crown before sealing fissures in children
  • disinfection of periodontal pockets during professional cleaning


  • disinfection of the root canal in the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis
  • treatment of the oral mucosa
  • periodontitis treatment
  • sterilization of carious cavity


  • treatment of the wound after tooth extraction to speed up healing
  • implant processing for speedy engraftment
  • disinfection of wounds when applying sutures


  • disinfection of gum tissue before fixing crowns and orthopedic structures


  • sterilization of the tooth before treatment of multiple caries
  • treatment of herpes and stomatitis
  • disinfection of the surface of teeth under braces


Treatment of the dental surface with ozone is absolutely painless and therefore does not require prior anesthesia.

It is carried out as follows:

  • a special silicone pad is placed on the tooth requiring treatment, which is connected through a hose to an ozone supply device;
  • using a special component of the device, a vacuum is created under the cap by pumping out air, which increases the seal of the lining and prevents gas leakage;
  • the power key is pressed on the device, which starts the supply of ozone to the problematic element;
  • after 20-30 seconds, the gas supply is turned off and the cap is removed from the patient’s tooth.

The completion of the procedure is surface remineralization - coating the treated fragment with a special composition containing micro- and macroelements that increase the strength of the enamel and protect it from the effects of pathogenic microflora.

Features of therapy in children

Carious lesions of teeth in primary occlusion are quite common. The main problem in eliminating it is children's fear of dentists and the undesirability of using anesthesia.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth with ozone is absolutely safe and does not cause any discomfort in young patients.

The only requirement in this situation is superficial damage to the tooth surface, since in the presence of softened tissues and deep cavities it will not be possible to do without filling.

The technology for performing the procedure in children is no different from ozone therapy in adults. A cap of a suitable size is attached to the surface of the affected tooth, after which the gas supply is turned on.

Under the influence of ozone, all pathogenic microorganisms present on the enamel are destroyed, which prevents further damage to the tissue.

Subsequent remineralization of the enamel contributes to its saturation with the necessary mineral components, which reduce susceptibility to external influences and increase the strength of the dental shell.

How the HealOzone device works

Under the influence of current, the oxygen entering the HealOzone device is converted into ozone. The gas effectively eliminates pathogenic microflora and does not irritate soft tissues.

How is ozone therapy performed?

The doctor brings the tip of the device to the tooth cavity or soft tissues and delivers ozone through the silicone cap. The gas operates for 30–40 seconds, during which time it sterilizes the selected area. Ozone eliminates up to 90% of pathogenic bacteria, thereby restoring the health of your tooth.

Ozone therapy in our clinic is used as part of complex treatment of teeth and gums. Ozone is harmless in a clinical situation; no contraindications to the procedure have been identified. The gas does not cause an allergic reaction. Make an appointment at the Happy Dents clinic (South-Western Administrative District) for safe and comfortable dental treatment with ozone.

Expected Result

When carrying out ozone therapy for caries detected at the spot stage, the effectiveness of this treatment method is almost 100%.

In this case, repeated damage to the treated tooth is not observed if the rules of oral hygiene are observed.

If moderate or deep caries is detected, the dentist will have to use traditional methods of treating the disease.

Ozone therapy in the treatment of periodontitis

Ozone improves blood circulation, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, suppresses pain, bleeding, and swelling. Ozone therapy is often used in the treatment of periodontitis in combination with other methods.

Our specialists offer patients several ways to use ozone:

  • ozonated oil applications;
  • rinsing the mouth with ozonated distilled water;
  • introduction of ozone-air mixture.

You can use the first two methods yourself, at home. But the introduction of a gas mixture into the gum pockets is carried out only in the dentist’s chair. The full course consists of 5–10 procedures.

Ozone therapy makes it possible to dramatically increase the effectiveness of treatment and restoration of gums; it has proven itself both as an independent method of therapy and as a supporting agent in combination with other methods. Let's list some advantages of this method.

Possible complications

Dentists note that in most cases of ozone therapy for caries, no complications are observed. Only in isolated situations may the patient be bothered by a burning sensation in the oral mucosa and a change in the rhythm and depth of breathing.

These sensations are short-term and disappear the next day after the manipulation.

Let's find out together whether to treat tooth root caries or remove the problematic unit.

In this publication we will try to explain why a tooth hurts when you press it.

Follow the link if you are interested in modern methods of treating caries between the front teeth.

Alternative methods

In addition to ozone therapy for caries, modern dentistry uses several more methods for treating this disease, eliminating the need for drilling the tooth surface.

Laser Application

Laser therapy is one of the types of non-contact treatment methods. It is based on the impact of a laser beam directed onto the affected surface through a special tip of a dental unit onto damaged tissue. Healthy areas of the tooth are not affected.

Laser treatment of caries involves the evaporation of deformed tissues, as well as the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and sterilization of the affected tissues.

Among the advantages of the technique, experts highlight the following points:

  • absence of overheating and injury to healthy tissues;
  • preventing the possibility of re-development of pathology;
  • painlessness;
  • high speed of conduction;
  • Possibility of use in childhood.

Among the disadvantages of the method are the impossibility of its use for the treatment of deep cavities, high cost and complexity of implementation, which requires a specialist to have certain knowledge and skills.

Icon treatment

Caries therapy using the Icon method involves applying a special preparation developed by the German company DMG to the tooth surface.

This polymer material penetrates the pores of the enamel, giving it strength, shine, and restoring its natural color.

This treatment method is only suitable for caries that is at the spot stage, without spreading to the deeper layers of hard tissue.

Icon treatment has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of stopping the development of caries at the initial stage;
  • preservation of healthy dental tissues;
  • safety and non-traumatic;
  • high speed of the procedure.

Among the disadvantages, dentists especially highlight the impossibility of eliminating pathology that has spread to dentin, as well as the high cost of the procedure, which is why patients rarely agree to have it performed.

Application of ozone in other areas of dentistry

Due to its strong disinfecting properties, ozone is widely used in the field of dentistry, in which the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms determines the success of treatment. In addition to antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects, ozone increases the degree of oxygenation of tissues, thereby accelerating their regeneration. Ozonation is used in orthodontics to eliminate microbes from infected root canals. Ozone, due to its gas form, is able to penetrate into the smallest gaps of the complex root canal system and effectively disinfect them. This reduces the risk of secondary infections while accelerating periapical healing. The use of ozone can often eliminate the need for anastasia.

Application of ozone in surgery

Ozone is also used in dental surgery, for example, to disinfect alveoli after tooth extraction or to treat difficult-to-heal wounds. Ozone therapy reduces pain after surgery and accelerates wound healing. In the field of periodontics and dentistry dealing with the treatment of gum disease, ozone allows for precise disinfection of gum pockets and mucous membranes.




Non-contact methods for caries treatment are quite expensive. In different clinics in Moscow and the region you can find the following prices for these procedures.

Procedure name Cost, rub.
Ozone therapy 500-1500
Laser therapy 2000-5000
Icon therapy 1800-5500

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.


Ozone therapy is one of the newest caries treatment technologies, which combines such positive qualities as safety, reliability, effectiveness and painlessness.

However, it requires identifying pathology at the initial stage, so dentists recommend timely sanitation of the oral cavity and not self-medication.

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The cost of the procedure is determined transparently at the Mane Clinic dental center. We don't have any hidden fees. You can always perform ozone treatment at the most affordable cost - the price for ozonation of baby teeth at the Mane Clinic is available to all patients and is not high. On average, it ranges from 1000 – 3500 rubles.

By contacting our dental center in Moscow for help, you will always receive prompt assistance from the best dentists.

Our specialists have sufficient experience and will perform all necessary procedures competently and professionally. Bring your child to us and we will help maintain the health of his teeth and oral cavity.

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