Methods and technologies for treating caries without drilling a tooth

Modern technologies make it possible to treat caries without drilling the tooth. The price for such a service depends on the technology chosen and the degree of caries damage to the tooth. Unfortunately, this method can only get rid of superficial caries. The goal of such techniques is to prevent or stop the carious process in teeth.

Previously, caries was treated only when it began to develop - in the initial stages it was ignored. Now getting rid of caries at the initial stage is not at all difficult. The main advantage of modern methods is the treatment of caries without a drill.

Dental treatment without drilling.


Without drilling or enamel trauma, we treat:

  • superficial and medium dental caries
  • wedge-shaped tooth defect
  • cervical dental caries

We have been using various non-drilling dental treatment techniques since 2006;

In this article, we will help you figure out which one is the best.

Some patients' fear of having their teeth drilled is forcing dentists and medical research centers to look for new treatment options.

An American study involving more than 10,000 patients suffering from dental phobia showed that patients are more afraid of the procedure of drilling teeth with a drill.

Often patients cannot explain what exactly about drilling scares them.

There are 4 methods in the arsenal of modern methods of dental treatment without drilling. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will look at each and choose the best.

General benefits of dental treatment without drilling

  • There is no sound of an unpleasantly buzzing drill.
  • There is no direct contact of the cutting instrument with tooth tissue, which makes infection with HIV and hepatitis B and C impossible.
  • The procedure is painless when treating shallow caries, which allows you to treat teeth without anesthesia.
  • Finding the patient in a comfortable psychological atmosphere, no expectation of pain.
  • No drill vibration and no likelihood of microcracks and enamel chips.

Let's consider several modern methods of treating caries without drilling :

METHOD 1: ICON infiltration method of dental treatment

The Icon procedure technique is based on the infiltration of tooth tissue with a polymer composition after the disinfection procedure.

The developers of the methodology are the DMG concern (Germany).

ICON is a gentle treatment method that involves the introduction (infiltration) of a polymer resin into the affected area of ​​the enamel surface. The principle of operation of the described technique is based on the action of a special organic substance, with the help of which the part of tooth enamel affected by caries is treated. A carious stain on the surface of a tooth is covered with a composition (containing acid), as a result of which the enamel damaged by the carious process splits and becomes permeable. At the end of the process of creating enamel permeability, the acid gel is washed off from the tooth. The area of ​​enamel affected by caries is dried. An organic polymer resin consisting of organic components is applied to the tooth. This composition fills the pores of tooth enamel formed as a result of etching and forms a monolithic structure. After the enamel is impregnated with resin, it is polymerized under the influence of a dental photopolymer lamp with halogen radiation. The resin hardens to form a protective layer on the enamel.

The technique allows you to preserve the strength of the enamel for a period of about 5 years. The material used to fill the enamel defect does not cause an allergic reaction and is biocompatible. Thanks to this polymer layer, cracks do not form on the surface of the tooth enamel for a long time, allowing pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate the surface layers of the enamel and contribute to the development of the carious process. The polymer resin has several shades, which allows you to choose a shade that fully matches the natural color of the tooth surface. On average, the ICON procedure takes about half an hour. Without any unpleasant sensations or discomfort, the superficial area affected by caries is completely eliminated.

Technology and materials

Dental treatment using the icon system has a number of features. These include the following:

  • The procedure will be effective only when treating caries at the spot stage, that is, when there is no superficial damage to the enamel.
  • Anesthesia is not required, since a drill or other mechanical methods of treating the tooth are not used.
  • Without a drill.
  • Strengthening the structure of teeth and protecting it from negative environmental factors.
  • Infiltration – does not lead to the appearance of microcracks. This ensures minimal risks for re-injury.
  • Preservation of the natural shade and naturalness of the dental unit in comparison with the rest of the dentition.

Using the icon method allows you to treat caries without preliminary preparation. A number of drugs and materials are used to carry out the procedure:

  • A special gel containing hydrochloric acid.
  • Ethanol.
  • Composite materials that harden under light rays.

Several options for infiltration kits are available. The first is for treating areas in close proximity to the mucous membrane. The second, for use in areas located in close proximity to adjacent healthy teeth.

Treatment of caries without preparation using the icon system allows you to get beautiful, smooth, transparent and healthy enamel. The action of the compositions begins immediately after application. Without affecting the tooth tissue, the solution penetrates directly into the damaged cavity. A qualified specialist is the key to the success and effectiveness of the procedure. The cost of icon caries treatment will depend on the patient’s clinical picture. However, the cost will be in the range of 4000-6000 rubles.

Indications for use of ICON dental treatment:

  • Removal of caries in the white spot stage on the enamel after removal of the braces system. While wearing orthodontic equipment in the area around braces with poor oral hygiene, tooth enamel may undergo a carious process. Impregnation of the damaged structure of areas of enamel with ICON polymer resin can restore these enamel defects without intervention using a drill. The carious process in the initial stage is localized only in the enamel and the infiltration technique makes it possible to eliminate it.
  • Treatment of children. If a child of conscious age behaves calmly in the dental chair, but experiences fear and does not allow the doctor to use a drill or turbine.

This technology is popular among patients. However, the procedure has very limited indications - caries in the stage of chalky destruction of the enamel. Few people notice caries at this stage of development and turn to a dentist for help.

How does ICON work?

Treatment of caries without a drill using the ICON method begins with thorough cleaning of the tooth and removal of dental plaque. Then the teeth are wedged using special wedges. The teeth are moved away from each other using special tools. After that, an etching gel is applied to the affected area using a special nozzle.

Then two different polymers are applied to the affected surface in two stages. If the defect is successfully filled with an infiltrant, the carious lesion is sealed. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately, the diseased tooth becomes white, beautiful and healthy.

METHOD 2: Eliminating caries without a drill using ozone therapy

Elimination of the carious process in the first stages, when the process has not yet developed to the point of a tooth enamel defect in the form of a cavity, but a non-pigmented carious spot has formed - this is possible with the help of an innovative device - the ozone generator Heal Ozone (KAVO) Germany. In this situation, it is possible to avoid drilling and traumatizing the enamel, and it is also possible to keep the tooth structure intact if it is necessary to eliminate the initial dental caries, the beginning process of “rotting” in the grooves of the tooth, and the carious process of the frontal parts of the teeth in the stage of demineralization.

Today this is a method recognized in the global dental community.

A special gaseous chemical substance, built on the basis of oxygen and having the ability to quickly disintegrate, is called ozone. Consisting of 3 oxygen molecules, this gas, when applied to it by physical factors that change the structure of the molecule (light wave, electric discharge), degrades into two chemical particles, one of which is a super active oxygen particle. The atomic oxygen molecule easily interacts with and reacts with any chemical. elements, turning them into oxides and changing their chemical properties. When interacting with substances that are part of the cell membrane of a pathogenic microorganism or virus, their death is caused. The highly active oxygen atoms released as a result of the reaction are destructive for pathogenic microorganisms. Consequently, during the action of ozone on the tooth, microorganisms that cause caries are destroyed.

The technique was first used by doctors from Germany and is highly effective.

Ozone is supplied to the demineralized area of ​​the tooth through a specially designed nozzle. The procedure is not accompanied by sound, smell and is completely painless. Clearly measured portions of gas are supplied through the tube from the ozone generator. Negative pressure is created around the area of ​​damaged enamel, as a result of which the nozzle of the device fits tightly to the tooth, creating a rarefied atmosphere. In 15-45 seconds, the active gas disinfects and sterilizes hard enamel tissue, killing pathogenic microorganisms that cause caries. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should treat the tooth only once, and then carry out at least 1 procedure every six months. The ozone therapy procedure is followed by a special treatment of the tooth enamel: dentists apply a patented HealOzone liquid to the surface of the tooth, which causes mineralization (strengthening) of the tooth.

The liquid does not cause irritation to the soft tissues of the tooth and is safe for patients of any age. Patients are recommended to use the liquids from the HealOzone kit at home every day for 5 weeks, providing a long-term reliable supply of mineral components to strengthen tooth enamel.

  • Removal of the carious process in the stage of white spot and surface demineralization of the tooth.
  • Elimination of the carious process in a groove or blind fossa within the enamel at a stage when the cavity has not yet formed.

The ozone therapy procedure is indicated for use and gives maximum effect in cases where the dentist discovered tooth decay from the very beginning and it did not have time to form a cavity.

Folk remedies for the prevention and control of caries

Homemade “grindings and poultices” cannot be called a treatment, but they are effective in preventing caries and reducing discomfort in the tooth. In addition to the well-known procedures - cleaning twice a day with fluoride and calcium paste and visiting a doctor twice a year - there are other methods. To prevent the development of caries, mineral-saturated gels are used, which enrich tooth enamel with the elements it needs. The compositions are especially indicated during pregnancy, when preventive measures, rather than treatment, come to the fore.

Milk in the form of dry powder helps reduce bleeding gums. Sage stops inflammatory processes, propolis strengthens the immune system, which helps the body independently fight infection. A balanced diet that minimizes sugar and “fast” carbohydrates prevents the progression of caries. However, calamus, garlic, fir oil, alcohol tinctures, manual therapy and other achievements of traditional medicine are not a substitute for professional treatment.

Dental clinic "Mazot" will help get rid of caries at any of its stages and prevent the development of the disease.
We use modern treatment techniques, including Icon, which fill enamel pores with advanced polymers. Modern installations and techniques make it possible to get rid of caries without the use of drills, without discomfort for the patient. Treatment at the Mazot clinic is effective, fast and painless. Make an appointment

METHOD 3: Laser treatment of dental caries (Laser treatment of caries)

This treatment uses laser radiation. Modern dentists have several laser systems in their arsenal. They differ in the source of laser radiation.

A laser beam directed at the tooth will evaporate the areas affected by the carious process.

The procedure is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis: the laser unit is configured in such a way that it burns only dark areas of the enamel and dentin of the tooth, which are pigmented as a result of caries damage.

Healthy tissues do not have a brown color and are therefore not affected.

Simultaneously with the evaporation of the affected area of ​​the tooth tissue, laser radiation stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora on the carious tooth. The technique is completely non-contact, as a result of which infection of the patient with diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C is excluded.

However, the use of laser techniques is limited by the cost of the laser unit (10-12 million rubles) and the possibility of overheating of tooth tissues with the occurrence of pulpitis.

The technique requires anesthesia before laser treatment of the tooth.


Aimed at preventing the development of the disease, it is carried out by a set of preventive measures designed to eliminate the unfavorable situation in the oral cavity and increase the resistance of the teeth. You should adjust your daily diet by reducing carbohydrate intake, maintain personal hygiene, promptly remove plaque, stones, and developed orthodontic anomalies - malocclusion, crowding. Regular visits to the dentist will allow timely detection of carious lesions and avoid serious complications.

If there is increased abrasion or bleeding of the gums when brushing teeth, it is necessary to use brushes with soft bristles. It is recommended to use applications with tin fluoride and sodium fluoride (1-2%), fluoride-containing pastes, and use rinses, floss, elixirs, and toothpicks.

METHOD 4: SANDMAN air-abrasive dental treatment system

The kinematic system for treating teeth using an air-abrasive method with the SANDMAN system is recognized as the best method for treating teeth without drilling .

It is this technique that the specialists of the Bionic Dentis clinic use in their practice.

This method is based on the fact that a stream of air containing particles of aluminum oxide of a certain caliber acts on the tooth. These particles have such an energy of impact on the tooth tissue that it cleans out the tooth tissue affected by the carious process, but does not injure healthy tooth tissue at all.

Another advantage of the air-abrasive method of tooth preparation without drilling is that there is no need to treat the tooth with acid before installing a light filling.


In our clinic, caries diagnosis begins with an examination. The dentist carefully examines each tooth from the outside and inside, lightly tapping it (percussion). If a source of infection is detected, thermometry is performed - exposing the tooth to cold to assess the reaction. Electroodontometry helps determine the degree of infection development - the impact of a microcurrent on the tooth, to which the inflamed pulp will react. Patients are prescribed x-rays to assess the condition of the root tissues and detect hidden cavities.

Indications for dental treatment without drilling

  • Average caries.
  • Superficial caries.
  • Caries of contact surfaces of teeth.
  • Wedge-shaped tooth defect.
  • Caries in the chalky spot stage.
  • Caries after braces.
  • Caries in the pigmented spot stage.
  • Fluorosis in the spot stage
  • Enamel erosion

The indications for this method cover all diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth, so the system is considered universal and the best of all treatment methods without a drill.

Treatment of a wedge-shaped tooth defect with the SANDMAN system is considered the ideal method of choice

After removing the carious process, the tooth cavity is disinfected with a laser. The dentist begins to restore the lost tissue with light material. With this technique, it is almost impossible to distinguish a filling on a tooth from its own tissues. What makes this technique the most aesthetic of its analogues.

The service life of light fillings with this method of processing hard tissues is more than 10 years.

Our clinic has been working using the SANDMAN air-abrasive teeth preparation method for more than 10 years. We are one of 3 Moscow clinics that have installed this equipment.

Over the years, a large clinical practice has been acquired, and more than 2,000 patients have been successfully treated using this method of dental treatment without drilling.

The technique is ideal for patients who want minimal intervention in the tooth tissue.

By contacting the Bionic Dentis clinic for dental treatment without drilling with the SANDMAN system, you are guaranteed high quality services and an individual approach to dental treatment.

Complications after treatment

If the dentist overheats the dentin or injures the pulp during preparation, the tooth will begin to ache after the anesthesia wears off. We'll have to re-open it and depulp it. A lump may appear on the gum after unsuccessful canal sealing if the material penetrates beyond the root. Then you need to re-open the canal, treat the inflammation, then fill it again.

If the filling is in the way, it means that the dentist did not sharpen or polish it properly. This can be easily fixed. The appearance of a reaction to thermal changes indicates a violation of the tightness of the seal. All these complications often arise due to the fault of the dentist. To prevent them, you should carefully choose a clinic and trust only doctors with extensive experience.

Gallery of dental treatment without drilling


Ozerov Petr Vladimirovich

Chief physician. Dentist, implantologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Laser dentistry specialist

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Werner Elena Vladimirovna

Dentist periodontist

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Eremina Anna Arturovna

Dentist therapist

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The SANDMAN system is recognized as the best method for treating wedge-shaped tooth defects. The advantages are obvious:

  • no need to drill the tooth
  • European-made equipment of PREMIUM class
  • no need to treat the tooth with acid
  • no tooth trauma from drilling (vibration and overheating)
  • With this method of treatment, the restoration stays on the tooth 2-3 times longer!
  • without stress and the smell of a burnt tooth.

The Bionic Dentis clinic was the first in the Russian Federation to use this innovative European method of dental treatment without drilling! Over the years of using this technique, we have treated more than 5,560 wedge-shaped defects.

We have accumulated vast clinical experience and guarantee you long-term results and the absence of complications.

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