Is it possible to study at a medical institute by correspondence: why choose full-time

Dentist salaryDentist salary as of 09/08/2021Companies where you can work as a dentistImportant qualitiesWhere to studyDentist courses

A dentist is a doctor who specializes in treating diseases and injuries of teeth, jaws and other organs of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area. By the way, in 2021, the ProfGid career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He himself will tell you which professions are suitable for you, and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.

What does a dentist do?

Dentists do different things. There are dental therapists, dental surgeons, orthopedic dentists, periodontists, and orthodontists. The specialty of pediatric dentistry stands a little apart.

What does a dental therapist do?

A dentist-therapist treats caries, dental canals (this area of ​​work is called endodontics), and carries out artistic restoration of teeth using filling materials. The less the tooth is damaged, the easier it is to save it. But modern tools and materials make it possible to cope even with seemingly hopeless cases. Much depends on the skill of the doctor.

What does a periodontist do?

A periodontist treats gum inflammation, i.e. mucous membrane and soft tissues that surround and support teeth. Teeth and gums form a single system, and without healthy gums there are no healthy teeth. The periodontist treats stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), periodontitis (gingivitis turns into it if left untreated), etc. The most unpleasant disease of this kind is periodontal disease. It occurs when an infection enters the space between the tooth and gum. Pain in the gums and bad breath are the most harmless things it leads to. Over time, due to periodontal disease, teeth no longer stay in their sockets, become loose and fall out. The task of a periodontist is to stop the process and restore gums and teeth to health. To do this, he uses medications, but sometimes he has to use surgical treatments.

What does a dental surgeon do?

A dental surgeon deals with teeth for which conservative treatment is no longer sufficient. He removes teeth, cleans cavities between teeth and gums due to periodontal disease (curettage), removes cysts, transplants bone tissue (sometimes this is done in preparation for prosthetics), etc.

Medical School No. 1

The oldest medical school in Moscow has existed for more than 200 years. Here, 70 students are annually recruited for the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, the competition is held based on the average score of the certificate. The school operates a distribution system at the request of the Moscow Department of Health. Dental technicians are employed in children's and adult urban dental clinics. Those who want to work in commercial medical centers find work on their own. 15% of 2013 graduates continue their studies at medical universities.

Dental training

The profession of dental assistant and dental nurse can be obtained at a dental college. Dental courses are for doctors who wish to improve their qualifications in dentistry or to transfer to dentistry from another medical profession. To enter a dental college, you do not have to take exams, but rather bring a high school diploma and undergo testing.


AMO (Academy of Medical Education)

Professional retraining, advanced training, seminars, preparation for accreditation in the field of “General Dentistry”. includes:

  • Individual selection of programs according to your specialty.
  • Compiling a portfolio.
  • Entering all the necessary information for you on the Rosminzdrav portal.
  • Support until successful accreditation.

Every month, the Academy of Medical Education conducts more than 20 educational events (seminars and webinars) with the issuance of CME points.
AMO is in the FRDO register, and in 2021 it passed a scheduled inspection by the Moscow Department of Education. CHTA (Modern Scientific and Technological Academy) (Full-time, remote)

CHTA provides training in the field of “General Dentistry”:

  • Training;
  • Professional retraining;
  • Preparation for passing initial and recurring accreditation;
  • Educational seminars with CME credits.

24/7 customer support.
Delivery of documents throughout Russia. Office in the center of Moscow. More than 7 years in the field of additional professional education. MUIR

At the Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUIR) you can study in the field of Dentistry. The university conducts retraining of dentists in various highly specialized programs, as well as advanced training courses for specialists. You can study in full-time, part-time and distance learning formats; after completing the courses, students are issued certificates, diplomas and diplomas.

Russian Institute of Professional Education "IPO"

Russian Institute of Vocational Education, NANO "IPO" Enrolls students to receive a specialty in professional retraining and advanced training: 1. Professional retraining "Dentistry" 2. Advanced training "Dentistry" Studying at NANO "IPO" is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education . 2000+ training courses. 15,000+ graduates from 200+ cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us! Each document issued by the Institute of Vocational Education is entered into the unified register “FRDO”.

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M.Sechenova

Children's and adult dentists, surgeons, orthodontists, and orthopedists are trained here. To become one of the 119 dental students in the budget department in 2013, it was necessary to score at least 270 points in three Unified State Examinations. The passing score for a paid department is no less than 171. First Med is a leader in the development of innovative teaching technologies. In particular, the first “Training Virtual Clinic” in Russia was created here - virtual clinical departments, specialized simulators, training programs, and instead of teachers - telementors. A great advantage of the university is its own clinical base, the departments of the Faculty of Dentistry are located on the basis of five clinics and a hospital for maxillofacial surgery. In addition to specialists with higher education, the university trains dental technicians; 15 budget places are open in this department.

Medical specialties on correspondence

It is important for applicants to remember that all medical specialties are related to people’s health. The treating oncologist takes enormous responsibility for a person’s life and guarantees quality treatment. It is possible to obtain a specialty as a therapist, surgeon and a decent education only on a full-time basis.

There are some classes where remote learning of subjects is allowed. Nurses have become in great demand during the pandemic. This year, for the part-time medical faculty, you can apply to universities that are accepting applicants for higher nursing education.

Distance learning subjects do not require practical skills involving intervention in the human body. It is believed that theoretical training is sufficient for:

  • optics;
  • pharmacist;
  • nurses;
  • clerk manager;
  • dental technician.

Practicing otolaryngologists and transplantologists can remotely improve their qualifications.

Why is full-time education better?

Thousands of specialties related to the medical field cannot be obtained remotely, as they require not only mastering enormous theoretical material, but also practice and experience borrowed from practicing gynecologists or ophthalmologists. Such knowledge cannot be achieved without a personal examination of the patient or absence during surgery. Distance education, including nursing, is always lower in quality than full-time education. A student can learn the discipline on his own, but it is difficult to learn the human structure without practice, and patients are unlikely to come to see a specialist after mastering the materials by correspondence.

MIIT Medical College

The college is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Transport University, and trains paramedical personnel for medical institutions of the Russian Railways system. It is also a clinical base for students’ practical training. Graduates of the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” are guaranteed 100% employment in hospitals and clinics of the Moscow railway transport. You can only get a dental technician profession here for a fee; the cost of training is 90 thousand rubles per year.

Documents required for admission

Many students also wonder what documents may be needed to obtain a medical specialty in absentia. As a rule, the list is practically no different from the one that must be provided for full-time training:

  • application for admission, signed personally by the applicant;
  • original passport (as an identification document), as well as a photocopy of it with registration;
  • documents confirming training and certification received at school after completing grades 9 or 11;
  • 6 photographs, measuring 3 by 4 centimeters;
  • medical certificate form 086-U, obtained at any clinic.

However, it is worth understanding that each university or college can put forward its own individual requirements for students or even turn a blind eye to the lack of certain documents. In addition, some universities may require some more documents for the second year of study if the student, for example, changed his passport or got a job. So the student must be ready at any time to provide the information that the university requires from him.

How many years to study?

A future dentist can begin independent work after studying at a university and completing a residency, that is, after 7–8 years.
After the 11th grade, the period of study at a university is 5 years. But such a diploma does not allow you to immediately start working. It is necessary to complete an internship or residency (depending on the specialization - 1-3 years). Thus, the total period of training for a specialist is 7-8 years.

Reference. Some 9th grade graduates prefer to first study at a secondary specialized medical educational institution (2-3 years), and upon completion they enter universities and academies. In this way, young people better master specialized subjects and have the opportunity to experience all the intricacies of the profession in advance and decide whether they want to devote their lives to medicine.

Colleges and technical schools

You can get a secondary medical education at colleges and technical schools, which provide students with the opportunity to study nursing or pharmacology. Such institutions also have a correspondence course, and you will have to spend a little more than 2 years on training. You can enter a college or technical school after 9 years of schooling. However, it is worth understanding that most employers are extremely reluctant to consider job applications from people who have received only such education. Therefore, as a rule, after graduating from college or technical school, people usually go to college.

Although, to get a job as a nurse or nurse, it is not at all necessary to receive a higher education. Some regional clinics need employees so badly that they are ready to turn a blind eye to the lack of knowledge and provide it themselves at work. So after graduating from college, you can try to apply not only to the institute, but also to some hospital. In addition, no one forbids working and studying at the same time. Moreover, most teachers are willing to meet such specialists halfway, and their knowledge is much better, because employees have been using it in practice for a long time.

However, one of the disadvantages of such institutions is that they have a very limited choice of future specialties. It is unlikely that a student will be able to find a technical school or college (even if private) that trains obstetricians or pharmacists. As a rule, such educational institutions provide only basic knowledge, which is enough for employment in a low-paid position or for further admission to a university. However, it is still not worth not considering this option, especially if the student has completed only 9 years of school.

Getting a higher education through correspondence is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. However, this does not mean that with this form of training the student will not turn out to be a good specialist. After all, the most important thing is perseverance and the desire to go towards the goal, and you can find the means to achieve it if you just want to.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

Like any other, the dental profession has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be carefully studied before entering. Studying and then working in dentistry requires great emotional, physical, and sometimes material costs, so it is better to avoid mistakes when choosing this activity.


  • High demand for specialists in the labor market
  • Decent salary
  • Various options for professional development (medical, scientific career, own business, etc.)
  • Prestige and respectability
  • Satisfying the desire to be useful, to help people, to see the results of one’s work
  • Possibility of self-realization, creative component


  • Difficulty in applying for government-funded places due to high competition, high tuition fees
  • Long-term training and regular professional development
  • High emotional and physical stress
  • Occupational diseases (osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, etc.)
  • Long working hours (especially at the beginning of a career).
  • Work without room for error

Career growth of a dentist

Dentists are divided into categories: first, second and highest. To confirm the first category, you need experience (three years), protection of the following categories after seven and ten years, respectively.

Confirmation is carried out before the commission with a report on the work done. To advance up the career ladder, you need to be a talented and hardworking doctor; your merits will not go unnoticed.

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