Why are there no first teeth if the child is already 11 months old?

Development of the dental apparatus

Teeth are an important element of the masticatory apparatus, which is formed at the stage of embryonic development. At 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the embryos of baby teeth appear in the fetus. By the time the child is born, the dentition is well developed. Children most often peck their first teeth at 6-8 months.

First, the lower jaw is filled, then the upper jaw, so the correct bite is formed. Complete formation of the dentition ends at 2-2.5 years. If your baby has no teeth at 11 months, there is no need to worry, but it is better to consult a specialist to rule out the presence of diseases.

It should be remembered that the process of the appearance of baby teeth in children is individual. If a child is 11 months old and has no teeth, it is advisable to consult a pediatric dentist who can determine the presence or absence of a problem.

How many teeth should a child have before 1 year of age?

Initial signs of teething, as a rule, appear at six months of age: active salivation, inflammation of the gums, refusal to eat. During this period, the lower incisors begin to break through, which is accompanied by swelling, diathesis, tearfulness, drowsiness, runny nose, cough, fever and even vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. Symptoms disappear 3-7 days after the exacerbation.

Eight- and nine-month-old babies grow up to six teeth. As a rule, the lower incisors are already fully formed, and the upper ones are just beginning to develop. The child learns to chew and bite food independently.

At 10-11 months, as a rule, the incisors of both rows are already formed in the mouth, and adjacent teeth are also breaking through. At this time, after eating food, it is recommended to give the baby water. To avoid caries, you should not accustom him to sweets. Maintain hygiene and cleanliness of the pacifier and spoon from which you feed your baby. If a child’s lower front tooth does not grow at this age, there is no need to panic - experts define this situation as standard and not requiring intervention. To get rid of false suspicions, you can go for a medical examination. Our VTV clinic is always happy to help with any dental problem.

Impaired teething

Impaired teething is considered a pathology. Its signs are their absence at one year of age, incorrect sequence of appearance, poor condition and underdevelopment after pipping. To understand what factors influence teething and what happens in the child’s body, parents need to study information about the development of the dental apparatus.

Should I worry?

Parents often think about what to do if their baby doesn’t get his first teeth for a long time. In this case, do not worry: late teething may be a feature of the development of your child’s body.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment for delayed development of primary teeth always depends on the cause of this phenomenon. The doctor needs to understand what is going wrong in the child’s body and then prescribe treatment specifically for this ailment. It is impossible to cure teeth that do not erupt, because there is always

there is a specific reason why this is not happening. It is also necessary to determine whether the child has any rudiments of teeth at all, because if they do not exist, then other measures will have to be taken.

If teeth erupt early, then parents need to worry about caries not “eating” them prematurely. But if a child does not have chewing organs at one year or 10-11 months, this can be a problem.

Prevention of teething disorders cannot exist, because when a child is born, the parents have a colossal influence on its development, but the entire basis has already been laid, so the main attention should be paid to the health, nutrition and lifestyle of the pregnant woman.

Causes of eruption disorders

If the first teeth of a one-year-old baby have not erupted, the reason most likely lies in impaired fetal development during pregnancy. Pathology of the chewing apparatus in a child may be caused by certain diseases suffered by a pregnant woman in the first trimester. In addition, the formation of the fetal dental system is adversely affected by the bad habits of the mother: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and illegal drugs.

Other reasons for delayed teeth may be:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • poor nutrition of a child at an early age, incorrect introduction of complementary foods, lack of necessary nutritional ingredients in the diet;
  • lack of calcium and phosphorus in the baby’s body, lack of vitamin D;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • rickets;
  • chronic diseases;
  • complete absence of tooth rudiments (congenital adentia) or too compact their arrangement.

The exact cause of the delay in the development of the dental apparatus can be determined by a pediatric dentist after examination and carrying out the necessary tests.

At what age does a permanent bite form?

Permanent elements of the dental series begin to appear even before the temporary ones fall out. The first teeth to appear (at about 6 years old) are the “sixes” (first molars). At 8, the incisors erupt, at 9–10, the canines and premolars, then the second premolars and molars. Well, wisdom teeth (aka “eights”) – after 20 years, and not for everyone. The principle of paired appearance of teeth is preserved during the formation of a permanent dentition. In this case, the molars on the lower jaw grow first, then on the upper jaw. Next, the elements of the lower dentition are replaced, then the upper ones. The surest sign of the early appearance of a permanent tooth is the loss of a temporary one.

Teething symptoms

The symptoms of pecking baby teeth are the same for all children. The first signs include excessive salivation and inflammation of the gums. Most often, they appear a few weeks before teething, but there are cases when the gums itch from 3 months, which causes discomfort to the baby, and he begins to pull various objects into his mouth.

Often the child experiences indigestion, poor appetite, and sleep disturbances. There are times when the temperature rises slightly, diarrhea, runny nose, and wet cough may appear. Children’s behavior often changes: they become capricious, cry for no reason and ask to be held by their parents.

It happens that these signs indicate other diseases, so it is better not to delay visiting a doctor.

If a new tooth does not grow in place of a baby tooth

The loss of baby teeth, as well as their appearance, does not occur simultaneously, but in accordance with the development of the jaws and the growth of permanent replacement. The concept of a protracted renewal is quite relative, because for some the radical will show itself in a week, and for others in a month or two. And in the second case, we are not always talking about deviation.

Often baby teeth are “pushed out” by molars, which almost immediately make their way out, but if a child’s tooth falls out and a new one does not grow and is not visible, you need to wait a few weeks.

Reasons to see a doctor:

  • lack of replacement 2-3 months after the loss of a baby tooth;
  • swelling and redness of the gums, pain without signs of germination of a molar;
  • sequential loss of other teeth without the appearance of new ones.

Reasons why a child’s tooth does not grow for a long time:

  • Infectious diseases, including past ones.
  • Lack of calcium in the body.
  • Oral diseases.
  • Mechanical injuries.

A child’s tooth has fallen out and is not growing, but the situation does not correspond to the reasons indicated? Perhaps the delay is provoked by poor ecology, incorrect or poor-quality diet, stressful situations, or even genetic preconditions.

How to help your baby with teething

To alleviate the child’s condition and partially relieve pain syndromes, parents can perform a light gum massage. To do this, wrap your finger in a sterile medical bandage and massage the inflamed areas. You can lubricate your gums with a special ointment with a cooling effect, which is sold at the pharmacy. Dentists also recommend making compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile.

When teeth pecking, children try to chew on various objects. In this case, offer your baby a rubber teether or a silicone teething ring, pre-chilled in the freezer. Cold will help relieve unpleasant pain.

It is important to know: during the appearance of incisors, monitor the child’s drinking regime, give him plenty of water to prevent loss of fluid in the body.

During this period, you should be sensitive to the baby, play with him, find interesting activities for him. This will help him redirect his attention and take his mind off the pain and discomfort.

Partial edentia

Adentia is the congenital absence of tooth buds. Most often, the top two “twos” are missing. Moreover, there may be a lack of both milk and permanent teeth, or both.

Adentia is a congenital condition; it occurs due to a malfunction in the embryonic period during the formation of the main organs and systems.

It is very difficult to notice partial edentia of baby teeth: the teeth are small, they are all of a similar shape, and others take the place of the missing ones. Such adentia does not harm the chewing process in any way.

If permanent teeth are missing, this is already noticeable visually. In this case, malocclusion may develop, since the “threes” are pulled up to replace the missing “twos”, and the following teeth are also displaced.

Partial edentia - absence of upper incisors

Partial edentia - there are no upper incisors, but “threes” have taken their place

The exception is wisdom teeth, also known as “eights.” Their functions are not so important; in most people they remain impacted, and if they are lost, they are not replaced with prosthetics. Their absence does not affect the health and aesthetics of the smile.

What to do?

If there is a partial lack of permanent teeth, it is most often necessary to correct the bite and prepare a place for prosthetics. If you do not make dentures, but cover the empty space with neighboring teeth, then this will not be a complete solution to the problem - the dentition will be narrower than it should have been.

Refusal of complementary feeding

Many parents anxiously await the period of introducing complementary foods, as they associate it with the next stage in the baby’s development, his maturation and the emergence of new skills. Most usually already have a clear action plan: when to introduce complementary foods, where to start, how much to give. And this is absolutely correct, because the timely introduction of complementary foods with the inclusion of all necessary products in the child’s diet is the key to his further successful development.

But the wishes of the parents do not always coincide with the needs or capabilities of the child. Unfortunately, sometimes it is during this period that parents have many problems and disappointments, among which the most common is the child’s refusal to accept medication.

With what it can be connected?

Let's try together to understand some of the reasons for this condition.

There are 2 groups of reasons: organizational and medical.

Organizational reasons

  1. Complementary feeding started early

There is no exact figure for when complementary feeding should be introduced, since this process is very individual and depends on the general maturity of the child and his readiness to assimilate new and dense foods. It is known for sure that complementary feeding should not be introduced before 4 months. It is important that by the time complementary foods are introduced, the child’s spoon-pushing reflex has died down, and food interest and the ability to swallow thick foods have been developed. Early introduction of complementary foods can cause choking, frighten the child and delay his further interest in new foods.

What to do?

You can temporarily postpone the introduction of complementary foods to a later time.

  1. Complementary feeding started late

The introduction of complementary foods after 6-7 months is considered late. Many children are conservatives, and the later complementary feeding is introduced, the more cautious they are about new food, reluctant to accept it, preferring their mother’s usual breast or bottle with formula.

What to do?

Try to regularly offer your child new foods, developing his interest in food, take him with you to the table during family meals, allow him to take food from your plate with his hands, etc.

  1. The desire to feed the child at any cost

The biggest mistake parents make is trying to feed their child at any cost. When parents know the norm for consumption of certain foods (which is correct), it often plays a cruel joke on them: they try to forcefully give the child exactly this amount of food, without taking into account the individual needs of the baby. Violence during meals is unacceptable, since it can subsequently lead to persistent eating disorders, up to the child’s complete refusal to eat or to very strong selectivity in food.

What to do?

Completely eliminate any violence while eating. For example, violence includes: feeding with blindfolds, feeding with a syringe, feeding with cartoons/toys/gadgets.

It is very important to feed the baby in a calm environment, without any distraction from food. If the baby refuses to eat, then he should be quietly removed from the table until the next meal (in 3-3.5 hours), without offering any snacks during this interval.

  1. Having snacks between meals.

This is one of the main reasons for refusing complementary foods.

If the child’s appetite is reduced or he refuses to eat during the main meals, parents try to feed him “at least something” during the breaks. But the notorious “let him eat at least something” leads to a new problem: the baby eats and demands only sweets or only a very limited amount of food (cookies, curds, fruit spiders, dried fruit, etc.).

What to do?

A child who refuses complementary feeding should not be given any snacks between meals, even if he has eaten very little or has refused to eat at all.

The child can and should be allowed not to finish his allotted portion.

If the child does not express a desire to eat, then you can even skip feeding (and more than one!),

It is important not to be afraid of leaving your child hungry : it is much worse to strengthen in him the habit of sweet snacks, selectivity and refusal of “normal” food. This can subsequently lead to eating disorders and become a huge problem for parents.

  1. Lack of variety in food, incl. in its consistency and appearance.

Sometimes parents are afraid to expand their child’s diet and give their child the same porridge or vegetables for weeks. Often the baby receives food directly from a jar of baby food. Such monotony in food, lack of variety in tastes and textures certainly does not increase the child’s appetite and reduces the baby’s food interest.

What to do?

It is important to regularly introduce your child to new tastes and introduce a new product into his diet every 5-7 days.

Also, you should not give food directly from a jar, but rather put the food in a beautiful plate.

It is important to periodically offer the child different consistencies of the dish: make it either thinner or thicker, in order to develop the baby’s preferences.

The temperature of the dish also matters: it should not be too hot or very cold.

It is important to remember that the child has his own individual preferences for the taste, consistency and temperature of the dish.

Medical reasons

A child may refuse complementary feeding if he has any health problems, for example:

  1. The child is sick or becomes ill

At the onset of any infectious disease, the baby's appetite may decrease.

What to do?

There is no need to insist on complementary feeding. During this period, it is important to give the baby plain water, offer the breast more often, or give only formula milk at the baby’s request.

  1. Baby is cutting teeth

Severe pain during teething can be very disturbing for the child and can also lead to a complete refusal of dense foods.

What to do?

Do not insist on complementary feeding. During this period, give the child, at his request, only liquid food (breast milk, formula, liquid porridge).

  1. The child was vaccinated the day before

For several days after vaccination, the child may have a slight malaise and fever, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and refusal to feed complementary foods.

What to do?

Do not insist on complementary feeding, but give only liquid food at the child’s request

  1. The child has digestive problems that cause general discomfort during or after eating (constipation, abdominal pain, increased flatulence, regurgitation, enzyme deficiency, including lactase deficiency)

What to do?

It is important to consult with a specialist, find out the cause of existing complaints, carry out diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

  1. The child has neurological problems and has difficulty swallowing thick foods.

What to do?

Consult with a specialist.

Dear parents, it is important to remember that food is not just about calories, but also about our respect for the child, his needs and desires. Food should not be a cult and a super task, but should bring joy and pleasure to develop healthy eating behavior in a child.

Lukoyanova Olga Leonidovna

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Nutrition of Healthy and Sick Children of the Federal State Institution "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Do baby teeth need to be pulled out?

There may be several reasons for removing baby teeth. Among them is the one mentioned above, when the permanent incisor or canine needs to be given the opportunity to erupt correctly and take its place in the gum. Another reason is the long absence of a molar tooth in place of the fallen milk tooth, which is prevented from appearing on the surface by tightly seated “neighbors.”

These reasons require the supervision of a specialist - an orthodontist, since they usually talk about insufficient jaw width. There was enough space in the mouth for small baby teeth, but there was too little space for larger permanent teeth. You can decide on removal on your own only if the incisor or fang is actively loose, which causes discomfort for the child and bleeding gums. And the only way to get rid of the problem is to pull out a tooth that is no longer needed and does not perform its functions.

If a change in bite occurs with disturbances, you need to consult a doctor. In childhood, the problem is solved by orthodontic treatment: wearing mouth guards or orthodontic devices - special plates. These products help gradually enlarge the jaw to allow the molars to grow properly. Orthodontic treatment is long-term, but painless and effective. The only thing it requires is discipline from the parents and the child himself.


Is it possible for children to lose molars?

In childhood, molars are just emerging, so, of course, they cannot fall out in a healthy baby. Sometimes parents confuse large molars located deep in the jaw with permanent teeth. And they get scared when a child brings such a large tooth in his palm.

You can lose your permanent dentition as a result of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity - periodontitis. Or against the background of scurvy, a rare disease in modern society associated with a chronic lack of vitamin C in the diet.

But despite this, if you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor. After all, bite formation is a responsible process. And if it is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, there is a much greater chance that the teeth will grow healthy, even and beautiful. To do this, you need to undergo regular dental examinations. And if the dentist recommends consulting an orthodontist, you should not refuse this recommendation.

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