Tooth loss: a list of the most effective solutions

Why carry out enamel restoration?

The human mouth contains a huge number of different bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. If their number is balanced, inflammatory processes do not develop. But under the influence of external factors, for example, with a decrease in immunity, the accumulation of a large amount of plaque and stone, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of pathogenic bacteria increases sharply. And first of all, they attack tooth enamel. Gradually it is destroyed, as a result of which inflammatory processes penetrate inside - affecting the dentin, and then the nerve. That is why tooth enamel requires protection, strengthening and saturation with minerals.

Scientists were able to calculate and determine in numbers the weight of microorganisms that inhabit our body - they are about 2 kilograms, and this is almost 10 thousand types of microorganisms. At the same time, about 700 types are represented in the oral cavity. In quantitative terms, this is 40 thousand different bacteria1.

In addition, it is very important to have regular professional cleanings - not only to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, from between teeth and from under the gums, but also to polish the enamel. This will rid the shell of the teeth of micropores, which also often become clogged with tiny bacteria, attacking the tooth literally from the inside.

Teeth wear for physiological reasons

When does the process of tooth wear begin?
The process of wearing away tooth enamel begins almost immediately after teeth erupt. This is natural and normal, as it allows the body to adapt to the resulting load. Physiological abrasion is necessary so that the load on the teeth and jaws is distributed evenly and there is no overload of individual areas. Point contacts of teeth turn into planar contacts and the angle of inclination of the teeth changes. This is necessary for a more physiological functioning of the dentofacial apparatus.

It is important to understand that proper physiological tooth wear affects only the outer enamel, without damaging the inner dentin, and occurs only at the points of contact of the teeth.

Wearing of baby teeth in children

Not only molars and permanent teeth in adults wear out, but also baby teeth in children. By about four years of age, the child’s teeth on the incisors, as well as the cusps on the canines and chewing teeth, completely wear out. It is considered normal for the enamel to wear away by the age of six, even down to the dentin.

And in the period until the complete change of baby teeth - up to 13-14 years, the dentinal layer may also be worn out.

Increased abrasion is considered when the tooth cavity becomes visible or the tooth crown is lost.

Benefits of Apadent Pro paste

Apadent Pro paste (Apadent Pro) is intended for professional use. It contains hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, which are so small in size that they can easily penetrate the micropores of the hard shell of teeth, qualitatively improving its mineral composition and restoring its structure. The substance evens out the surface of the teeth and makes it smooth. Thanks to this, bacteria and plaque are much less likely to penetrate inside the tooth and lead to tissue inflammation.

Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that is the main constituent of our bones. Preparations based on it make it possible to regulate the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is biocompatible and promotes the restoration of bone tissue, including tooth enamel.

What are the advantages of using paste:

  • restoration of the integrity and structure of tooth enamel,
  • restoration of the mineral composition of enamel,
  • increased resistance of teeth to bacteria, reduced risk of caries,
  • reduction of discomfort from temperature stimuli,
  • strengthening dental health,
  • long-term preservation of the results of professional whitening,
  • rapid achievement of high treatment results.


What to do if teeth are worn out depends on the provoking factors. As discussed above, the lack of timely therapy leads to cosmetic defects and disruption of the chewing process. In addition, there are other consequences that affect the quality of life of patients:

  • inflammation of the gums in the interdental spaces;
  • gingivitis;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint;
  • loss of teeth;
  • damage to nerve fibers and muscle tissue;
  • uneven load distribution leading to traumatic articulation;
  • malocclusion.

Indications for use

This paste is prescribed to patients with increased sensitivity of the enamel, in the presence of superficial caries and foci of demineralization. It is also used as a preventive measure for many dental diseases along with comprehensive oral hygiene. The composition is completely safe for both adults and small children, even if a child swallows it, nothing will happen, because the paste contains no dyes or toxic substances.

Strengthening the enamel is also indicated before and after teeth whitening - the procedure will restore the mineral composition of the enamel and reduce sensitivity after aggressive exposure. In addition, the procedure using the paste will prolong the effect for at least six months.

The paste will also be an excellent solution for patients who wear aligners to correct their bite or are preparing to install/remove braces.

Pathological abrasion of teeth

Pathological abrasion

- this is precisely the factor that readers should pay attention to. Because at the first signs accompanying this pathology, it is advisable to consult a dentist as soon as possible.

What signs may accompany pathological tooth wear?

During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the tooth enamel, how exposed the dentinal layer is - and this affects increased sensitivity

teeth, how much the volume of dental tissue has decreased and how the temporomandibular joint works. Also in the diagnosis, examination of the condition of the skin, the condition of the mucous membranes and tongue, how painfully the masticatory muscles react when pressed, and even the depth of the nasolabial folds can indicate the state of dental health.

Look carefully at yourself in the mirror: pathological wear of teeth is also associated with a violation of the symmetry of the face and the uneven position of the jaws relative to each other.

The doctor also pays attention to the height of the lower part of the face and the sound that is heard when the jaws close


A clear, ringing and short sound indicates normal functioning. But a dull and prolonged sound can be a signal of the beginning of the development of pathologies. If you hear a creaking sound, this indicates problems with the temporomandibular joint or possible problems with the nervous system.

Increased tooth sensitivity also indicates abrasion of tooth enamel. The degree of pain depends on the thinness of the enamel, wear of dentin and open dentinal tubules, as well as on how quickly secondary dentin forms.

Causes of pathological tooth abrasion

The habit of holding something in the mouth
or chewing something with the teeth, such as pens, pencils, or seeds.

Consuming acidic foods and drinks

, this includes all lemonades and sodas, as well as vinegar-based marinades.

Bruxism or nighttime teeth grinding, the habit of clenching the jaw tightly


Taking certain medications

may lead to thinning of the enamel. In this case, it is important to know about the side effects of the medications you are taking and, for example, take additional vitamins or do dental strengthening procedures.

Stomach and digestion problems

when the contents of the stomach are released back into the mouth. As well as increased stomach acidity and vomiting.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

, nervous and endocrine systems also affect dental health.


or improperly performed orthodontic treatment.

Work in hazardous and heavy industries

– in the chemical, metallurgical industry, cement or granite production, as well as work in mines.

How is enamel strengthened?

Apadent paste with the Pro prefix is ​​intended specifically for professional use, that is, in the dentist’s office. As a rule, it is combined with comprehensive hygiene. Both procedures take about 30-60 minutes and are carried out as follows:

  1. applying superficial anesthesia if necessary,
  2. removal of plaque and stone using ultrasound, Air Flow,
  3. polishing tooth enamel using a brush and regular paste without adding abrasive particles,
  4. applying Apadent Pro composition to the enamel, brushing each tooth for 15-20 seconds for better penetration of the active substance,
  5. Keep the paste on the teeth for 2-3 minutes, after which it is washed off.

As a rule, with minor demineralization, one application will be sufficient. For more pronounced pathologies, it is better to carry out the enamel strengthening procedure in a course that consists of at least 3 repetitions. This can be done both in dentistry and at home - for this the patient will need to have individual mouth guards made.

The strengthening of Apadent Pro in general has practically no restrictions - it is suitable for both children and adults. If you monitor the condition of your teeth, treat all diseases in a timely manner and do not forget about comprehensive hygiene, this paste will be an excellent assistant in maintaining the health of your entire oral cavity. But, naturally, this procedure should be carried out on a regular basis - 1-2 times a year will be enough for prevention.


To prevent pathology, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist for preventive examinations at least once every six months. It is also important to promptly replace dental defects. In addition, all experts advise correcting malocclusion pathologies in a timely manner already in childhood or adolescence. Orthodontic therapy will help cope with the abnormal position of the teeth and prevent wear of the crown part.

You won’t have to decide what to do when the hard tissues of your teeth are worn away if you treat all the diseases that lead to it. For example, this includes bruxism, mineral metabolism disorders, thyroid pathologies, and problems with the digestive organs.

If the patient is at risk due to professional activities, it is necessary:

  • use personal protective equipment;
  • take a responsible approach to regular hygienic oral care;
  • take courses of vitamins and minerals prescribed by your doctor.

The most important point remains the qualitative diagnosis of the transitional stage between physiological and pathological erasure. For this purpose, regular examinations and timely treatment of identified disorders are indicated.

Apadent series for home use

The Japanese manufacturers of Apadent Pro paste have made sure that people of all age groups can benefit from medical hydroxyapatite. They included it in both professional dental pastes and self-care products for the oral cavity. They can be used at home in combination with office procedures.

There is a whole line of Apadent products:

  • Apadent Total Care: effectively restores demineralized enamel, covers dentinal tubules, fights early caries,
  • Apadent Sensitive: this paste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. Effectively fights plaque, evens out and fills microscopic cracks in enamel,
  • Apadent Perio: paste to reduce bleeding gums and relieve inflammation. In addition to the usual nano-hydroxyapatite, the composition also contains ocean salt,
  • Apadent Kids: a toothpaste that has been specially developed for babies. It also contains nano-hydroxyapatite. It does not contain fluorine, parabens, dyes or sodium lauryl sulfate, so it is as safe as possible for both young children and teenagers.

These pastes are quite expensive - from a thousand rubles and more. Therefore, whether to use them or not at home is the decision of each individual person, which should be influenced by the condition of the teeth. We recommend that you undergo the remineralization procedure at the dentist, after which the doctor will be able to give recommendations on the advisability of using such drugs at home.

Is it possible to restore tooth enamel?

Many people are interested in whether tooth enamel is restored. This tissue cannot grow or repair itself. But modern methods can strengthen it, fill microscopic cracks and chips.

It is best to take care in advance to prevent tooth decay. Here are some simple recommendations:

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly after breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates in the diet, increase the consumption of solid foods - apples, cabbage, carrots.
  • Give preference to brushes of medium hardness.
  • Use whitening pastes only when absolutely necessary.
  • In case of bruxism, it is best to use mouth guards at night to prevent damage to the teeth while you sleep.

If it was not possible to prevent the problem, microcracks, stains appeared, or even the enamel on the tooth broke off, you need to urgently consult a doctor to stop the progression of the process.

Let's sum it up

What to do if the lower front teeth or upper teeth are worn out, pain and other unpleasant symptoms appear? First of all, you need to go to the dentist to conduct a thorough diagnosis and identify the exact causes of the pathology. The longer the patient ignores the presenting signs, the more severe the consequences for him. In order not to encounter this phenomenon, it is necessary to take preventive measures, especially for those at risk.

Sometimes the enamel wears away due to age-related changes. In this case we are talking about a natural process. Which group should the problem be classified into, and whether treatment should be prescribed, should be decided solely by the doctor.

Dental restoration methods

The direct method is the application of a light-curing composite material. The doctor forms a layer, illuminates it with a UV lamp, and so on until he completely restores the shape of the tooth. A rich palette allows you to choose the shade of the composite to match the natural tone of your teeth. Finally, sanding is carried out. The restoration will last up to 5-7 years.

The indirect method is the use of veneers or crowns for chewing teeth. They are made in a dental laboratory from ceramic masses and metal or zirconium frames. Service life – 10-15 years.

How to properly care for restored crowns?

The tooth that was restored by a specialist is no longer as reliable as a healthy one. The attitude towards him should be as gentle and careful as possible. Avoid biting hard foods; do not “test” the composite’s strength by eating dry bread or nuts. If you have restored incisors, avoid biting into hard fruits and vegetables. And remember that the fillings will have to be renewed after a few years.

Doctors at Zuub.rf perform effective restoration of damaged teeth in the smile area, as well as chewing teeth, etc. Experienced specialists will conduct an examination, prepare the crown for further restoration and guarantee the reliability and strength of the “new” tooth, which will not differ from the rest. Sign up for a consultation right now!

If you have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment at our clinic.

Don't self-medicate! Even the smallest problem, if not treated correctly, can significantly complicate your life.

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If a wisdom tooth is removed

In addition to restoring the dentition in the event of a missing tooth in the frontal or lateral group of teeth, the question often arises of restoring the dentition in the event of removal of a wisdom tooth. A very important criterion in such a situation is the functionality of the extracted tooth, whether it was in the bite, whether it was involved in chewing, and how it was located. If the removed wisdom tooth was involved in the act of chewing, then the issue of its restoration becomes relevant. The complexity of this clinical situation is that it is impossible to restore the tooth using treatment options such as bridges or removable dentures. Installing an implant in this area is the only right solution!

Currently, the installation of implants is the most modern treatment method, the result of which satisfies all the necessary requirements, causes minimal trauma to the patient and is the most convenient design to use and care.

When the protective shell is at risk: what to do to restore weakened enamel

Do you know what is the thinnest, only a few millimeters, and at the same time the strongest tissue in our body? This is enamel, which is designed to protect our teeth from external influences. The outer shell is even harder than bones; it can withstand a load of more than 100 kilograms per tooth. However, even the most stable structure of the body, alas, becomes thinner over the years. And since it is not nourished by blood vessels, it, unfortunately, cannot recover on its own. So it is very important to take care of it. Timely restoration of tooth enamel should be a priority so that teeth do not decay prematurely.

It is no secret that the condition of our entire body depends on the strength of our teeth. From this article you will learn how enamel guards our health, what causes it to weaken, and what to do to restore its damaged integrity.

Consequences of abrasion of the outer shell

Thinning of tooth enamel is a rather alarming situation; it threatens the integrity of all elements of the series. When the upper protective layer is damaged under the influence of certain factors, the inner part, the dentin, is exposed. And since this tissue is somewhat softer and more permeable than the hard shell, its destruction will be quite rapid. When the dentin boundaries are open, nothing prevents microbes from quickly penetrating into the pulp and starting the inflammatory process.

The consequence of this is the rapid destruction of bone tissue due to the development of caries, pulpitis or periodontitis. It happens that the ligaments that hold the teeth in the sockets are involved in the inflammatory process. In this case, they will inevitably be lost over time. That's why it's important not to hesitate to see a doctor at the first sign of increased tooth sensitivity, loss of shine, or staining.

Choose a toothpaste and not make a mistake

So, what criteria should you use to choose a toothpaste to restore enamel and not make a mistake? Let's start with the safest pastes, which, if they don't help, at least won't harm.

The safest toothpastes according to dentists

  • Pomorin Maximum Protection;
  • SPLAT Biocalcium;
  • President Unique;
  • Herbal Complete.

The most effective toothpastes according to customers

Efficiency and speed are good. The main thing is not to harm yourself. When choosing a toothpaste for restoring tooth enamel with powerful active ingredients, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Miradent Mirafluor C. Powerful anti-caries agent.
  • PresidentClassic. An effective fluoride toothpaste.
  • Arktikum Splat. Russian analogue of Miradent Mirafluor C toothpaste.
  • ROCS its effectiveness lies in the use of two toothpastes of the brand “Active Calcium” and “Restoration and Whitening”.

Artistic restoration of teeth

Unlike simple restoration, artistic, or cosmetic, direct dental restoration in dentistry solves exclusively aesthetic problems. Irregular shape, insufficient length or size of a tooth can be corrected using this technique. Dental chips and various defects resulting from trauma are also problems that can be solved by artistic dental restoration. In addition, with the help of restorative bleaching, you can correct teeth whose unaesthetic color cannot be changed using standard techniques. Gaps between teeth are also the most common problems that can be solved by artistic restoration of the front teeth.

The technology described is an exclusive, high-cost service that is not offered in all dental clinics in Moscow. For such delicate work, the dentist requires not just skill, but real talent. He must have the technique of layering various materials to achieve a transparent effect. Artistic dental restoration is partly an alternative to indirect dental restoration, which is carried out using inlays, crowns and restoration with veneers or the installation of lumineers, but only for certain indications.

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