How to use crest 3d white whitening strips? How effective are they?

Everyone wants to have shiny, snow-white teeth.
However, the prices for professional whitening treatments in a dental office may not be affordable for everyone.

A modern alternative has become special strips that allow everyone, without leaving home, to make their smile brighter and whiter in the shortest possible time without harming the enamel.

How whitening strips work

Reference! The gel found on Crest 3D White plates, upon contact with the enamel surface, begins to affect the pigment and quickly removes old plaque.

The stains are broken down by the hydrogen peroxide contained in the gel, so the enamel becomes several shades lighter.
If you follow these instructions, the effect can last up to 1-1.5 years.
The surface of the teeth is preserved intact, and the structure of the enamel is not disturbed.


Crest brand strips with a whitening effect, although not directly, still have an effect on the body. Therefore, like many similar methods, they have their contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions to components;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • caries;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • presence of seals. In this case, you should consult your dentist prematurely;
  • carrying out professional-type whitening in a dental clinic;
  • use of orthodontic devices and systems.

Features and benefits of flatbeds from Crest 3D White

Crest 3D White strips are a thin layer of polymer on which a special gel is applied, which is based on hydrogen peroxide .

Note! Advantages of Cross whitening strips:

  • made according to the anatomical structure of the jaw : separately for the lower and separately for the upper row, while they are visually different in shape and size;
  • the effect of “three-dimensional” whitening is achieved due to the uniform distribution of the gel substance over the surface of the enamel;
  • quickly remove dark spots and plaque;
  • the gel penetrates into the most difficult to reach places;
  • safe composition;
  • the ability to select strips according to the type of enamel sensitivity: for gentle whitening or instant effect.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you use the strips in combination with special toothpastes and gels.


Photo: effect of Crest stripes

The use of whitening plates is indicated if:

  • the natural shade of the enamel is yellowish, grayish or darker than a person would like to have;
  • the enamel has darkened due to smoking, drinking coloring drinks (tea, coffee, saturated juices, etc.);
  • the enamel became pigmented after wearing braces;
  • teeth have acquired a dark color after a course of treatment with certain medications;
  • a person does not want to undergo a similar procedure in the dentist's office.

Terms of use

It is worth noting! Each package of strips contains detailed instructions that must be followed.

General rules for use at home:

  1. Rinse your mouth well , it is also advisable to use dental floss without damaging the gums;
  2. Carefully open the package and peel off the protective layer from the strip for each row;
  3. The plate is applied to the teeth with the gel side, pressed tightly and fixed. It is important to ensure that the gel does not touch the gums;
  4. The strips should remain on the teeth according to the time indicated on the package ( from half an hour to 60 minutes ). It is better to avoid overexposure, as unpleasant sensations on the enamel and even burns to the mucous membrane may occur;
  5. Remove the plates from the surface of the teeth, rinse your mouth with water to wash away any remaining gel. It is not recommended to brush your teeth right away; it is better to wait 30-40 minutes;
  6. Stick to a white diet.

Remember! The use of the plates should be postponed if there are open wounds or inflammation on the gums.

Detailed instructions for use

The key to excellent whitening results is the correct use of strips.


  • Position yourself comfortably in front of a mirror to ensure even and accurate application of the strip. Separate the polyester tape from the polyethylene covering;
  • Apply the impregnated side of the tape evenly to the outer surface of the teeth and, pressing, distribute it over the crowns. Apply the long one to the upper row of teeth, the short one to the lower row;
  • the edge of the strip protruding above the cutting part of the dentition should be folded inward;
  • withstand the necessary minutes allotted for the procedure;
  • remove the strip and gel. Remove gel by gentle brushing or rinsing with water. If the enamel sensitivity is low, it is quite acceptable to leave the gel on the teeth.

After using the whitening strip, it is recommended to use a rinse for teeth with increased sensitivity.

Types of stripes Cross

Manufacturers have taken care of everyone who wants to lighten their teeth and make them several shades brighter in a short time.
A wide range of products allows you to choose strips for different types of teeth.

And also try new whitening technologies in combination with additional portable devices.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

This is the newest and most modern product, characterized by the most intense and bright whitening - 6 tones.

For your information! The effect is noticeable the very next day, the duration of the professional course reaches 21 days. The procedure should be carried out daily for 60 minutes.

Thanks to Flexfit technology, the plates themselves have a more elongated shape, repeating the shape of the jaw , which allows you to whiten more of the enamel surface.


  • are well fixed on the teeth, taking their shape;
  • distinguished by the brightest whitening;
  • comfortable and safe;
  • maintaining the effect for up to 1 year.

The average price in Russia is 4000 rubles .

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Glamorous White

The plates whiten the enamel by 3 tones, and the effect is noticeable already on the 3rd day.

Keep in mind! The course lasts 2 weeks, procedures are carried out once daily for 30 minutes, and the result lasts for up to 1 year.

The latest Advanced SEAL technology allows you to drink and talk with strips applied to your teeth .


  • suitable for highly sensitive enamel;
  • comfortable performance of each procedure;
  • the plates do not slip on the teeth, as they are well fixed.

The average cost in Russia is 3200 rubles.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects

Whitening with strips is carried out once a day, the procedure lasts 30 minutes.

It is worth noting! Teeth become 4 shades brighter, and the effect lasts 1 year and is visible already on the third day. The duration of the course is 20 days.

Advanced SEAL technology was used in the manufacture of the plates, which allows you not to be distracted from everyday activities during the procedure.

The product is suitable for strong enamel or teeth of average sensitivity .


  • the gel is tightly fixed to the enamel and the plates do not slip;
  • You can drink water while bleaching;
  • easy to apply and remove from the surface of teeth.

The average cost in Russia is 3,700 rubles .

Crest 3D White Whitestrips White Light

White Light is the company’s latest development, a special tray for flawless whitening .

It is a small waterproof product that you can take with you and carry out the procedure anywhere and at any convenient time.

For your information! Teeth become 8 shades brighter, the effect is noticeable immediately after the first use.

The procedure is carried out once a day for 60 minutes, the result lasts for up to 36 months.


  • increasing the whitening effect due to the presence of a portable mouth guard included in the kit, which provides an additional “Pocket Light”;
  • the product is equipped with a timer, so it turns off automatically at the right time;
  • strips completely remove yellow stains from enamel;
  • the plates adhere tightly to the enamel thanks to Advanced SEAL technology.

One package contains 10 sets of records; you can buy them an average of 5,200 rubles.

Crest Whitestrips Supreme Professional

They are considered a professional dental product for whitening enamel by 8 tones. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day for 30 minutes, the effect is visible already on the third day.

You should know! The products are considered the most effective in the line of whitening products, with each strip 15% longer than the standard one.


  • copes well with dark spots on enamel;
  • suitable for smokers with problem teeth;
  • it is possible to divide the course into several people, whitening teeth not by 8, but only by 2, 3 or 4 tones (depending on the number of participants).

The package contains 42 sets of records, the average cost in Russia is from 1400 rubles to 5400 rubles.

Crest 3D White 1-HOUR EXPRESS

Suitable for those who need immediate results and do not have enough time for long tedious procedures.

The express method is not suitable for people with hypersensitive enamel .

For reference! The degree of whitening is from 3 to 4 tones, the course lasts 7 days. The procedure is performed once a day for 60 minutes.


  • the whitening result is achieved in the shortest possible time;
  • the effect is visible after the first use;
  • the plates stretch well on the enamel and are tightly fixed on the teeth, taking their shape;
  • safe ingredients in the composition that do not harm tooth enamel;
  • the effect lasts for up to 12 months.

The average price on the official website is 2600 rubles.

Crest 3D White Monthly Whitening Boost Whitestrips

They help maintain the whiteness of enamel for a long time , teeth brighten by 2 or 3 tones.

Important! The plates need to be used only 1 or 2 times a month; one procedure lasts 60 minutes.

The course includes 12 procedures, so your smile will remain snow-white throughout the year.


  • the components in the gel are harmless to the enamel thanks to;
  • reliable fixation of the plates on the teeth;
  • the effect is noticeable immediately after the first application;
  • You can drink water and even talk during the procedure.

One package contains 24 records, the average price in Russia is 2,700 rubles.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid

Can be used by beginners , since whitening will not take more than 30 minutes a day.

Keep in mind! Teeth noticeably brighten by 2 shades already on day 5. The entire course lasts up to 10 days.


  • are safe, therefore they are used on tooth enamel with increased sensitivity;
  • have a soft effect;
  • a good alternative to in-office bleaching;
  • quickly remove surface stains;
  • easy to apply and firmly fixed on the tooth surface;
  • do not cause any discomfort.

The average cost in Russia is 2600 rubles.


Crest Whitestrips 3D White are made in the form of gel-impregnated polyester strips applied to a polyethylene base. Effective enamel lightening in a short amount of time is achieved by well-selected components that are included in the gel used:

  • hydrogen peroxide
    . This is the main component responsible for whitening. Depending on the percentage of its content, it will be more or less intense;
  • sodium hydroxide
    . Provides a neutral effect of the acidic environment, thereby increasing the efficiency of the brightening agent;
  • salts of pyrophosphoric acid
    . They soften old dental plaque, which can then be easily removed. Actively prevent the formation of new plaque;
  • carbomer
    _ Substance that creates high adhesion;
  • glycerin
    . Used to increase the density of the composition so that it is better applied to the enamel. Also actively promotes moisture retention;
  • water
    . Replenishes dehydration caused by carbomer;
  • sodium saccharin
    . Improves the taste characteristics of the gel.

Customer Reviews

Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article.

Before whitening, I decided to go to my dentist, since I had never used plates so that the doctor would give the go-ahead. My choice fell on Blend-a-Med 3D White Luxe, they have a good price, and the course lasts only 2 weeks. I decided to shorten it to 7 days, applied stripes 2 times a day, kept it on for half an hour. And voila! After just 5 days I saw the desired effect, so I stopped bleaching, I’m very pleased.

I heard from many people about the miracle effect of Crest 3D White Luxe, I decided to try it and understand why they are so praised. I used it for the first time and was pleasantly surprised, because the kit includes strips specifically for the top and bottom rows. They differ in length and thickness. What can I say, I didn’t get a Hollywood smile, but my teeth became whiter. The main thing is that sensitivity has not increased and the enamel has not been damaged.

I finally decided to remove stains from my teeth and bought Crest 3D White Luxe strips. I decided to play it safe and a week before the course I included foods with calcium and even vitamins in my diet. I was very afraid that the enamel would be damaged, but I wanted more white teeth. As a result, there was no discomfort when applying the plates, the enamel was not felt at all, and I noticed the effect within 3 days. The main thing is not to overexpose the strips on your teeth, otherwise there will be a burn to the mucous membrane.

A friend recommended taking the Crest 3D White Luxe course to whiten my yellow fangs. I used it for the first time, and in the end I evened out the tone not only on my fangs, but on all my teeth! What can I say, I felt severe discomfort on the 3rd day of the procedure, so I decided to stop for 2 days. Then he resumed. But this is due to my hypersensitive enamel. I think it's different for everyone.


Based on data obtained from patient reviews, we can conclude that the whitening method using strips has a number of disadvantages:

  • the uniformity of whitening depends on the correct fastening of the strip, so people who use them for the first time have difficulties. To obtain an ideal result, experience is required.
  • In some cases, the enamel cannot be whitened, because due to its characteristics, it requires more aggressive methods of exposure, which are available only in dentistry.
  • plates, like any other method of whitening, cause increased tooth sensitivity;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening Plates

Teeth whitening strips have undeniable advantages that set them apart from the total number of home remedies:

  1. Easy to use. You can whiten your teeth quickly at any convenient time, without leaving your home. Using the strips is easy.
  2. Budgeting. The cost of the kit is much cheaper than the procedure at the doctor.
  3. Quick effect and long lasting effect. They begin to work after the second use; the maximum enamel can be lightened by about 5 tones. In practice, the result lasts 3-3.5 months. Some manufacturers claim that the effect should last for a year, but for this you will have to glue the strips too often.
  4. Safety. If you follow the instructions for use, the active gel will not harm your health. It contains tested and approved components.
  5. Public availability. You can order the product on various online resources or buy it in specialized stores.

How to use them correctly?

Using records correctly is not difficult. It is important to first carefully read the instructions for use for a specific product. You need to strictly follow the recommendations, then the procedure will only bring benefits.

It is necessary to carefully separate the strips from the base layer. First, stick a longer and wider plate on the upper jaw (it’s better to do this in front of a mirror). Press firmly, fix and try to distribute the gel evenly, including in the interdental areas. Repeat the same with the lower jaw. For better effect and fixation, you can tuck the free hanging edge inward.

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