Whitening strips Crest 3D White Whitestripes Professional Effects

Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular among clients of dental clinics every year. Unfortunately, this procedure remains very expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

But manufacturers of oral care products offer consumers a large selection of whitening products for home use. One such product is Crest 3D White whitening strips. Let's figure out what they are, how they work, and what results can be expected from their use.

Why do teeth darken?

Tooth enamel is naturally white, but it darkens over time. Some people believe that this is caused by poor oral hygiene. However, this is only one of many factors that provoke a change in the shade of the enamel.

Teeth can darken as a result of taking certain types of medications, eating food rich in dyes (both synthetic and natural), after an illness, etc.

It is not always possible to remove dark plaque with a paste and a brush, because the pigment covers not only the surface of the enamel, but also penetrates into its deeper layers.

How whitening strips work

Crest 3D White teeth whitening strips are needed to return the enamel to its natural white color. The product is applied to the surface of the dentition and left for the required time. The strips are coated with a special whitening compound. The main component of the composition is hydrogen peroxide. It penetrates the inner layers of tooth enamel, removing stubborn dark stains and old plaque.

Crest 3D White strips for teeth whitening at home

Other components of the composition enhance the effect, make whitening safe, and also reduce tooth sensitivity. The strips allow you to achieve visible results after the first use. The whitening effect lasts for quite a long time if contact of the enamel with coloring substances is excluded.

Working principle of brightening plates

Using 3D-White teeth whitening strips is quite simple. Even a child can understand the instructions. In order for the plates to produce the expected effect, you need to properly attach them to the teeth of the upper or lower jaw and wear them for some time. Enamel lightening occurs due to the action of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical component is present in the solution in which the bleaching strips are soaked. While wearing the plates, hydrogen peroxide is constantly in contact with the surface, due to which stains are eliminated, not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the teeth.

During the use of Crest 3D-White whitening strips, the solution penetrates into the enamel structure and is partially absorbed into it, which allows you to prolong the effect obtained, but only if the teeth are protected from exposure to strong reagents. Plates that lighten the surface of teeth contain special synthetic substances that aggressively remove even old plaque, but at the same time these substances do not cause any harm. The main thing is not to deviate from the manufacturer’s instructions.

Unlike toothpaste, 3D-White strips are in contact with the enamel for a longer period, so achieving the desired effect and visually assessing the result will be much faster. At the same time, it is undesirable to overuse brightening plates. If you use them too often, tooth sensitivity will increase, causing a painful reaction to hot and cold.

What are the benefits of whitening strips?

Crest 3D White is designed specifically for home use. The whitening gel has a gentle effect on the teeth without damaging the coating. At the same time, the strips are highly effective, and the results from their use can last for a year or even longer.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of products in this segment. Whitening strips are produced by such well-known brands as Braight Light, Dr. White and Crest. They are all of equally good quality.

Zubtsova R.M.

Currently, due to poor nutrition, smoking, drinking alcohol and antibiotics, patients who need teeth whitening are increasingly coming for consultation. Due to busy schedules, many people are unable to visit dentists once every six months. In this case, the disease becomes severely affected, which can ultimately lead to tooth loss. In this case, one of the best choices is Crest 3D White Whitening Strips.

Whitening strips should be used after consultation with a hygienist.

Write a comment

  • Olga

    November 30, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    I've been eyeing these stripes for a long time. The price doesn't bother you, you have to pay for quality. On the contrary, if they were too cheap, I would doubt that this is a good product. Of the presented ones, I like the kind of strips that need to be kept on the teeth for only 5 minutes. I can’t stand it for an hour, even though the result lasts a long time, it’s still not for me.

  • Anna

    December 2, 2015 at 1:56 am

    Pretty good strips, I was very pleased with the results and ease of use. For me, the price is more or less acceptable; for whitening at the dentist, much more money would be spent. And you will spend much more nerves in a dental office than at home. After use, the teeth are of course not as snow-white as we would like. The main thing is not to overuse coffee, otherwise the yellowness of your teeth will return in a couple of days.

  • Ira

    November 30, 2021 at 3:39 am

    They recently sent it to me by mail (I ordered it from an online store). For me this was not a cheap pleasure. But the main thing is the result. And the result did not take long to arrive; I can already see improvements in the appearance of my teeth. It’s very convenient that now you can do without going to the dentist, especially since it would cost more. The main thing is to carefully apply the gel to the teeth without touching the gums, otherwise irritation may begin. Take dental care seriously!

  • Vita

    April 18, 2021 at 07:18 pm

    Well, what can I say, it’s not a bad thing at all. I have been smoking for many years and the yellow discoloration does not come out of my teeth, I am somehow afraid of whitening, as it seems to spoil the enamel. Well, these whitening strips certainly helped, at least I’m no longer embarrassed to smile!! This is of course a godsend for me, I’ve read so many things and bought so many things, it’s just terrible. I’ll probably focus on them, it’s a really cool thing, I’m very glad I tried it, I don’t regret it.

  • Vika Dex

    December 11, 2021 at 09:05 pm

    These strips helped me make my teeth white! Initially, I used the whitening paste together with an electric brush for about a month, once a day, the rest I cleaned with a regular brush and biocalcium paste. And yes, the remineralizing gel remarse is a must after the procedure. All the plaque has gone from the teeth, but still no, no boiling whiteness. I bought strips, did all the sessions and my teeth really became like those of Hollywood actors. Therefore, if you can’t do it, try removing the plaque first, otherwise it will prevent the penetration of the active substance into the tooth tissue.

  • Lera

    December 13, 2021 at 2:58 am

    I bought this advertised product, used everything strictly according to the instructions, did not violate anything. There was no effect, the teeth were still yellow. It turns out that this is just another advertising gimmick, and the stripes are not cheap. It would be better to add it and go to the dentist for normal whitening. And now the money has been wasted and in-office whitening, it seems, cannot be done after manual whitening, you have to wait several months.

  • Alena K.

    December 13, 2021 at 19:00

    We conducted an experiment, took a pack of identical strips for me and my husband. My teeth are naturally white, plus I always have them professionally cleaned every six months. My husband’s enamel color is really bad, but it’s impossible to drag him to go to the dentist for whitening. And he seemed to be loyal to the stripes. We stuck the strips on, walked around, and used everything from our own packaging. Conclusions: my teeth were still white. This means that those who expect a cosmic effect from the product need to accept the fact that it is impossible to make the result whiter than white; probably only artificial crowns can be like that. My husband's enamel became noticeably lighter, but did not become white. This means that if the case is advanced, you shouldn’t hope for complete whitening either.

What are Crest 3D White strips made of?

The material for the production of whitening strips is polyethylene. It is covered with polyester fiber, which does not allow the whitening gel to dry out or lose its properties. The gel contains the following components:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is the main bleaching agent;
  • carbomer is a gel-like substance that enhances the penetrating properties of all components of the composition;
  • water – protects the enamel from moisture loss during the procedure;
  • glycerin - allows you to obtain the desired viscosity and retains liquid;
  • sodium hydroxide – stabilizes acidity levels;
  • pyrophosphate acid salt – protects teeth from the formation of new plaque;
  • sodium saccharin – gives the composition a pleasant taste.

The combination of these components makes it possible to make the whitening composition not only effective, but also safe for dental health.


  • Achieving results quickly. A lasting effect is achieved within two weeks of use. To keep your teeth white for as long as possible, you need to avoid foods and drinks that stain the enamel (coffee, tea, foods with a lot of spices). It is also better to quit smoking.
  • Ease of use. Using the product is very simple, you just need to carefully follow the instructions.

There is no need to brush your teeth before using Crest 3D White whitening strips. It is only important to follow the time of wearing the strips indicated in the instructions, and also use mouth rinses. This is necessary to reduce tooth sensitivity. Increased sensitivity is a normal reaction to the whitening composition. It can persist throughout the entire course of procedures and then disappears.

With Light

In professional dental clinics, teeth whitening is performed using light. The purpose of the light flux in this case is to have a more powerful effect on hydrogen peroxide. Under the influence of light, this substance breaks down much faster, and its free radicals penetrate the structure of tooth enamel. Moreover, the light must be used not during the procedure, but after it.

The Crest 3D-White With Light kit includes a special portable lamp that is used to activate the brightening components. This device itself does not have whitening properties, but is only a source of blue light waves in the ultraviolet range. Some dental professionals believe that the use of light along with strips is nothing more than a marketing ploy by the manufacturer, used to make the procedure as similar as possible to an in-office whitening procedure. For this reason, the cost of the Crest 3D White With Light kit is considered by many to be unreasonable, since it exceeds 5,500 rubles.


Teeth whitening strips themselves are safe as long as a person strictly follows the instructions. However, dentists say that some patients use whitening products uncontrollably in pursuit of a beautiful smile.

This cannot be done, because the acids contained in their composition can not only remove plaque, remove dark spots, but also damage the enamel. As a result, cracks appear on the dental covering, into which coloring substances penetrate even more strongly.

Popular product line

Today, several types of Crest strips are in demand. They have no fundamental differences from each other, since they contain almost the same substances. The variety of products allows the consumer to find the most suitable product for themselves. Reviews of 3D-White teeth whitening strips often mention products for sensitive teeth and enamel affected by fluorosis. Next, let's get acquainted with the main products of the series and their differences.

Indications for use

  • the enamel of the teeth has darkened and acquired a yellowish or grayish tint;
  • after wearing braces, dark spots appeared on the teeth;
  • the patient has pathologies of the jaw joints;
  • the patient is afraid to undergo a whitening procedure in the clinic.

When choosing a product, you must take into account the sensitivity of the enamel and other characteristics of the teeth. Different degrees of enamel coloring are bleached in different ways. For example, lightening gray or brown enamel will produce different results than whitening yellow teeth.

Terms of use

In order for whitening strips to help you quickly achieve a whiter effect and cause minimal harm, you need to use them in accordance with the instructions:

  1. First you need to prepare your teeth for the procedure: first you should rinse your mouth, and then check that there are no food particles left between the teeth.
  2. While using white crest strips, you will have to refrain from brushing or flossing your teeth. Otherwise, you may accidentally damage your gums, and this may lead to the penetration of the active substances contained in the strips into the blood.
  3. Having finished the preparatory cleaning of the oral cavity, you need to take the package and take out two crest strips for teeth whitening. If you look closely, you can see the inscription “lower” and “upper” on them, which means the dentition on which they need to be fixed. The first are intended for the lower, and the second for the upper. It is no coincidence that manufacturers introduced such a division: all strips have a certain shape, taking into account the characteristics of the part of the jaw for which they are intended.
  4. Next, the plates need to be applied to the teeth, but they should not go too far beyond the edge of the gums.
  5. After making sure that the white crest strips are installed evenly, they need to be pressed against the teeth, then the gel will be evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  6. Typically, the strips are worn on the teeth for 30-60 minutes. But before using them, be sure to read the instructions, since different manufacturers may have their own instructions for using the product. Using these strips, you can safely do normal activities - talk, sing. This will not affect the whitening effect in any way.
  7. When the recommended time for wearing white crest strips has come to an end, they should be carefully removed, the remaining gel should be removed with your fingers, after which you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water. Remember that the strips are for one-time use only.


Although the product is safe, some people should not use it. Contraindications include:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • gum or periodontal diseases;
  • significant damage to tooth enamel;
  • the presence of sealed units, crowns, fixed prostheses;
  • allergic reactions to any of the components of the whitening gel;
  • epilepsy, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma.

Instructions for use of Crest 3D White strips

To get a good result without harming your teeth, it is important to follow the instructions for use exactly.

  1. Before starting the procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to remove food particles. The manufacturer does not recommend brushing your teeth or cleaning the spaces between teeth with dental floss, so as not to injure your gums. Otherwise, the bleaching agent will get into the resulting microcracks and may cause harm.
  2. After cleansing your mouth, open the package containing two strips. Each of them is intended for a specific dentition, and this is evidenced by the inscriptions: lower - for the lower row, upper - for the upper. Each strip has its own shape, adapted to the shape of a specific jaw.
  3. Apply the product to your teeth, focusing on the edge of the gums.
  4. Check that the strips are laying flat and then press them against your teeth to distribute the whitening solution evenly.
  5. Keep the product on your teeth for 30 to 60 minutes (refer to the time specified in the instructions). With stripes on your teeth, you can talk or drink freely.
  6. After waiting the required time, peel off the strips and wipe off any remaining product with your fingers. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Do not reuse strips!

Recommendations and precautions

To achieve the best results, follow some recommendations:

  • During the whitening course, additionally use special toothpaste;
  • after the procedure, do not drink coffee, tea or smoke for two hours;
  • It is best not to drink tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, as well as other drinks and food with dyes, and not to smoke during the entire course of procedures;
  • for half an hour after the procedure, do not drink or eat anything cold or hot, because the teeth become very sensitive to various irritants;
  • Do not swallow bleach because it may cause upset if it enters your gastrointestinal tract.
  • if during manipulation your teeth experience discomfort, stop the procedure immediately and look for a more gentle method of whitening;
  • if you have diseases of the oral cavity or damage to the mucous membranes, first wait for recovery and then use whitening strips;
  • remember that the gel only affects natural enamel - it does not whiten fillings, crowns, or dentures.

The line of whitening strips includes products designed specifically for sensitive teeth. Children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should not use the product.

What do buyers say about them?

Crest Whitestrips have received positive reviews from people who have used them. Among the shortcomings, mainly the newly emerging hypersensitivity of the enamel is noted.

If you have experience using whitening strips, share it below in the comments to the article. Perhaps your review will help someone make their choice.

In the next video you will find a review from a girl who used these strips:

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Crest 3D White Professional Effects

Professional Effects teeth whitening strips have proven themselves very well. Judging by consumer reviews, the products effectively cope with their function and whiten teeth no worse than a dentist. The active components of the gel affect not only the visible surface, but also penetrate into hard-to-reach places, making your smile snow-white.

Crest 3D White Professional Effects

Product advantages:

  • does not harm tooth enamel;
  • the whitening composition contains natural ingredients;
  • have a low price.

The strips are glued to the teeth and left for half an hour, and then removed and the teeth are cleaned of any remaining gel. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out 20 procedures (one per day).

During teeth whitening, you must avoid coffee and cigarettes. By following all the recommendations, you can lighten the enamel by four tones. The effect appears after the third procedure and lasts up to 1.5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of whitening strips

There are many benefits to using dental plaques for whitening. The positive points are as follows:

  • the ability to carry out the procedure at home without any special skills;
  • affordable cost of 3D-White whitening strips;
  • the result after bleaching becomes noticeable after a few hours;
  • lightening the enamel by a maximum of four tones;
  • simplicity and ease of use - during manipulation you can do your usual activities, with the exception of eating food and drinks;
  • hydrogen peroxide present in the whitening gel does not have an aggressive destructive effect on the tooth surface;
  • long-lasting effect – the smile will remain snow-white for 4-8 months;
  • The procedure itself is painless and safe.

However, this method of teeth whitening has not only supporters. Despite all the above advantages, this product is credited with several significant disadvantages:

  • for several days after whitening, increased tooth sensitivity is observed;
  • the plates are not always able to be tightly fixed, so they come off, which ultimately leads to uneven whitening of the teeth;
  • if there are infectious or inflammatory foci in the oral cavity, strips cannot be used;
  • there is always a risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • the degree of whitening depends on the cause of the darkening of the enamel (for example, stains on the surface caused by fluorosis can be lightened by a maximum of one tone).

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

Supreme Flexfit strips feature new technology that allows them to adhere better to your teeth. Thanks to this, they do not cause any discomfort, do not interfere with talking or even drinking water during the procedure. The manufacturer paid special attention to the strip intended for the lower jaw, since it was this strip that previously did not hold very tightly.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

The products have a convenient shape and cover the entire dentition. The gentle composition of the drug is suitable for teeth with increased sensitivity.

The strip must be kept on the teeth for 60 minutes. The full course of procedures is 14 days. The visible effect appears after the first use. Teeth remain white for 1–1.5 years (depending on lifestyle and diet). The drug allows you to lighten the enamel by six tones.

Customer Reviews

Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article.

Before whitening, I decided to go to my dentist, since I had never used plates so that the doctor would give the go-ahead. My choice fell on Blend-a-Med 3D White Luxe, they have a good price, and the course lasts only 2 weeks. I decided to shorten it to 7 days, applied stripes 2 times a day, kept it on for half an hour. And voila! After just 5 days I saw the desired effect, so I stopped bleaching, I’m very pleased.

I heard from many people about the miracle effect of Crest 3D White Luxe, I decided to try it and understand why they are so praised. I used it for the first time and was pleasantly surprised, because the kit includes strips specifically for the top and bottom rows. They differ in length and thickness. What can I say, I didn’t get a Hollywood smile, but my teeth became whiter. The main thing is that sensitivity has not increased and the enamel has not been damaged.

I finally decided to remove stains from my teeth and bought Crest 3D White Luxe strips. I decided to play it safe and a week before the course I included foods with calcium and even vitamins in my diet. I was very afraid that the enamel would be damaged, but I wanted more white teeth. As a result, there was no discomfort when applying the plates, the enamel was not felt at all, and I noticed the effect within 3 days. The main thing is not to overexpose the strips on your teeth, otherwise there will be a burn to the mucous membrane.

A friend recommended taking the Crest 3D White Luxe course to whiten my yellow fangs. I used it for the first time, and in the end I evened out the tone not only on my fangs, but on all my teeth! What can I say, I felt severe discomfort on the 3rd day of the procedure, so I decided to stop for 2 days. Then he resumed. But this is due to my hypersensitive enamel. I think it's different for everyone.

Crest 3D White Gentle Routine

The Gentle Routine whitening system is designed specifically for sensitive teeth. Previously, patients with hypersensitivity were not allowed to use whitening products to avoid harming their teeth. The innovative formula made it possible to create a product that carefully removes plaque and age spots without destroying the enamel.

Crest 3D White Gentle Routine

The drug contains natural substances and a low concentration of active ingredients. Thanks to this, it has a delicate effect on the tooth covering, restoring it to its former whiteness.

The strips only last for five minutes. The full course of procedures is 28 days. The result is noticeable within a week and lasts for a year. The products allow you to lighten the enamel by three tones.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid

Vivid strips are designed for patients with sensitive teeth. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the whitening gel is no more than 10%. Due to its low concentration, the substance does not damage sensitive enamel and does not cause discomfort.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid

The drug contains water, which protects the enamel from dehydration and cracking. The composition contains only natural ingredients that are harmless to the oral cavity.

The strips are applied to the teeth for half an hour. The whitening course includes 12 procedures. On the fifth day, a significant result is already visible, which lasts up to 6 months. The drug allows you to lighten the enamel by 2 tones.

Crest 3D White 1-Hour Express

1-Hour Express strips allow you to achieve quick and long-lasting results. The whitening product is safe for health, but it is not suitable for people with sensitive teeth. The strips are designed for quick whitening, so the results appear after the first use.

Crest 3D White 1-Hour Express

Products are worn for 60 minutes. The course consists of only 4 procedures. The effect lasts throughout the year. The enamel shade brightens by 3 tones.


The P&G trademark presents a wide selection of ultra-thin whitening strips Crest Whitestrips on the Russian market.

They are made taking into account the anatomical structure and chemical composition of tooth enamel. They differ in the degree of whitening intensity.

The choice of a specific product from a whole series depends on the caries susceptibility of the dental tissue and the desired degree of whiteness.

For gentle lightening of enamel

The series is intended for people with low-resistant dental coatings. It allows you to achieve lightening by several tones, absolutely safe for the enamel.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Supreme Professional

Thanks to these plates you can achieve maximum effect. They are used once a day for three weeks. Those who want to achieve faster results can use the plates twice a day.

Efficiency is observed already from a single use. Completing the full course guarantees lightening of up to seven tones and maintaining the result for two years.

The package contains 84 strips. This quantity is calculated for two courses. The cost of the set is 3499 rubles.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips 1 Hour Express

For super-fast lightening, the company has provided 1 Hour Express strips. This option is ideal for people who have previously undergone whitening sessions and want to refresh or improve their results.

In one application, lightening of up to three tones is achieved. The effect is noticeable an hour after application.

The product can be used no more than once every three months. The kit is designed for use throughout the year.

The price of the package is 2799 rubles.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Stain Shield

For daily protection of the dental covering from the aggressive external influence of foods and drinks containing dyes, Stain Shield strips have been developed, which translates as “stain shield”.

They can be used daily or once every few days. The recommended exposure time is five minutes.

The result of application is noticeable after seven procedures. Visually, the color is perceived three shades lighter. The results last for a year.

The package costs 2,899 rubles and is equipped with 56 plates, 28 for each row of teeth.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid

For those who have decided to whiten for the first time and want a tone 2-3 orders of magnitude lighter than natural, Vivid is ideal.

Whitening is designed for a twelve-day course. The procedure is carried out once a day for half an hour.

The package contains 12 ultra-thin strips for the upper teeth and the same number for the lower teeth. The achieved lightening result lasts throughout the year.

The cost on the official website is 2599 rubles.

Read reviews about Osstem implants and their features. In this article you will find reviews about Splat whitening toothpaste.

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Crest 3D White Whitestrips Advanced Vivid

This series is made using a reinforced formula that allows the plates to adhere more securely to the teeth.

During use, you can talk, drink and not worry that the strips may come off. They are firmly fixed to the teeth, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the active ingredients.

Apply the plates once a day for half an hour. Already after the fifth procedure, visible results appear. The maximum effect occurs after two weeks. The success rate after completing the course is 3 - 4 tones.

The cost of the whitening set is 3200 rubles.

Crest 3d White Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects

It is possible to achieve maximum whiteness in a short time using Intensive Professional Effects.

The session is carried out once a day for two hours. The effect is noticeable after the first use. After a week, the protective covering of the teeth becomes 5 shades lighter than the color determined on the Vita scale.

The package contains 28 strips - 14 for the upper row of teeth and 14 for the lower row, which requires use for two weeks. The price of the set is 3890 rubles.

For intensive enamel brightening

This line is designed to obtain high results in a short time.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Glamorous White

Glamorous are made using a special technology that allows them to be fixed more reliably. The course involves daily use for two weeks.

Darkened enamel becomes lighter after the third application, and after two weeks the result improves 3-4 times.

The price of this whitening system on the official website is 3199 rubles.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

The series is an advanced development by US dentists in the field of professional whitening. The LW Supreme Flexfit system is produced using a unique technology that allows the plates to be securely fixed to the surface of the teeth.

The first use gives visible results on the outside of the teeth. You can achieve maximum whiteness after completing a full course lasting two weeks.

The procedure is carried out once a day for an hour. Effectiveness coefficient - 5 - 6 tones.

You can purchase a whitening course for 3,999 rubles on the official website.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Gentle Routine

Safe and gentle lightening of sensitive enamel by 2 tones is guaranteed with the help of Gentle Routine. The strips can be used to maintain the effect after undergoing whitening procedures.

Apply Gentle Routine daily for 5 minutes. The entire course consists of 28 procedures, which can be carried out at daily intervals. The effect of use becomes noticeable after a week of use.

The cost of LW Gentle Routine is 2999 rubles.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Professional Effects

The course ruler allows you to achieve maximum lightening results. The plates of this series fit tightly to the surface of the teeth, which enhances their impact.

Use LW Professional Effects once a day and wear for half an hour. The set is designed for three weeks of use.

After three sessions, the first results appear. After three weeks, teeth become 5 shades whiter than their original color.

The results obtained are maintained for one and a half years.

The cost of LW Professional Effects is 3,799 rubles.

Question answer

Can I brush my teeth before the procedure?

Manufacturers of Crest 3D White strips do not recommend brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste before whitening. This can cause gum irritation, discomfort during the procedure, and gel getting into microcracks.

If you do brush your teeth, do not start whitening immediately, but wait a while. After the procedure, delicate cleaning is allowed.

Some people want to know: can strips be used after whitening procedures in a dental clinic? If you have had in-office whitening, you will need to wait a few days before using the strips. Otherwise, aggressive components of the composition will lead to increased sensitivity of the enamel.

Is it necessary to quit smoking?

It is not advisable to smoke while wearing the strips, as the product may move, which will negatively affect the results. It is best to give up cigarettes for the entire course of procedures. The strips effectively remove dark plaque that appears on the teeth of smokers.

Can I wear the strips for more than 30 minutes?

Many people wonder if it is possible to keep Crest 3D White strips on their teeth for longer than the time indicated in the instructions to achieve better results? The best option is to wear the products for 30 minutes twice a day. Extending the wearing time is not advisable, as this can make the teeth more sensitive to various irritants, cause irritation of the gums and damage the dental covering.

The use of a bleaching agent allows you to remove darkening caused by various factors and protects against the re-formation of plaque for a long time.

Crest 3D White teeth whitening strips are widely used among consumers due to their unique formula that provides quick and lasting results. They are easy to use and do not cause inconvenience or difficulty. All these advantages allow us to rightfully call Crest 3D White strips one of the most progressive teeth whitening products.


Crest, with its extensive experience in selling whitening products, has developed innovative enamel whitening strips. They are made from the finest synthetic fiber

, which is easily placed on the crowns without causing discomfort during speech.

The polyethylene base ensures easy removal of the plate during use. This allows the product to be used in any conditions by people of different ages. The fabric has a gel impregnation based on natural ingredients.

How it works?

When glued to the teeth, the strip begins to release active substances that are able to penetrate into the deep layers of enamel, quickly brightening the darkened surface

. The composition is approved by leading US dentists.

Peroxides contained in the gel plates cause oxidation reactions due to the release of oxygen ions. Organic substances are destroyed and split into carbon dioxide and water. As a result, the enamel becomes lighter.

During a professional procedure in dentistry, the same technologies are used; activation occurs due to radiation during laser teeth whitening.

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