Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips



The unique formula of CrestWhitestrips 3DWhite teeth whitening strips will make your teeth dazzlingly white. Teeth whitening with CrestWhitestrips 3DWhite strips is an absolutely safe procedure that anyone can perform at home. It is more economical than visiting the dentist's office. Whitening strips contain the same ingredients that dentists use to professionally whiten teeth. The strips are convenient and easy to use. You can use them anywhere and whenever it's convenient. While the strips are on your teeth, you can shower, surf the Internet, drive a car, watch TV, read or talk on the phone.

Step 1: open.

  • Open the bag and take out the strip.
  • Remove the protective covering from the strips.
  • Please note: the whitening strips for the upper and lower teeth have different shapes.

Step 2: apply.

  • In front of the mirror, place the strips with the side with the applied gel on the front surface of the teeth, the long one on the upper teeth and the short one on the lower teeth.
  • Align the strip with the gum line and press firmly against the teeth.
  • Make sure that the gel is evenly distributed over the surface of the teeth and fills the gaps between the teeth.

Step 3: remove.

  • Remove the strip after 5 or 30 minutes depending on the whitening system and gently brush your teeth.
  • Do not reuse the same strip.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening Strips

1. These strips really gently whiten, causing minimal damage to the enamel. Many manufacturers claim that their strips whiten without harming the enamel, but, unfortunately, this is not true. Any whitening procedure damages the enamel, the main thing is how much. How to make the whitening procedure safer will be discussed a little later.

2. The effect is noticeable after the first use.

3. Fast acting, the procedure takes only 30 minutes.

4. Easy to use. Easily and securely attached to teeth.

5. The effect lasts for about a year.

6. Does not require additional equipment.

7. Everything happens at home.

8. Affordable price.

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips include seven packs, each containing two strips (for the upper and lower teeth). The main active ingredient in Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips is carbamide peroxide; it will whiten your enamel in 1 week and maintain healthy teeth color for a long time.

How to use teeth whitening strips?

Teeth whitening strips are needed to make the enamel surface whiter without going to the doctor.

In some cases, they can also serve as good prevention against caries. This article talks about whitening strips, which ones cause more harm, and how to use them.

Read more about dental strips

Teeth whitening strips are plates containing medicinal substances in the form of a gel.

Quite often this product is used for home whitening, and the result is not inferior to a professional procedure. How harmful they are to teeth depends on sensitivity.

The strips can make the enamel lighter by a maximum of 4 shades - this is a fairly significant effect for the procedure at home.

This remedy is suitable for people with yellowish or gray teeth who drink a lot of coffee and cigarettes. The strip will help remove dark spots; it is often used after removing braces.


Most often, a gel with urea and hydrogen is added to the product. Both of these substances are present in the form of peroxides.

After the sticker is removed from the strips, the components are activated and release oxygen molecules that penetrate the enamel.

Oxidation occurs and dark pigmentation disappears as microparticles penetrate deep into the surface and convert the pigment into water and carbon dioxide.

As you can see, a similar technology is used in professional whitening, only the gel has an even more “aggressive” composition - more hydrogen peroxide.

Teeth whitening strips are used only once or twice a day, no more. The time interval between use must be at least 12 hours.

However, it may be different, depending on what is said on the packaging and in the instructions. Since the composition of the strips can be different, the interval also changes.

When using, you need to remember that this product is disposable.

In addition, you need to look at the size of the teeth whitening strips - the length may vary for each row. As a rule, they are longer for the upper teeth.

Before use, you should definitely look at the composition of the gel in order to understand what harm it can cause and how suitable it is for a particular type of teeth.


Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

One of the advantages of this product is that it can be used at home. In addition, after use you can see the result almost immediately, as reviews often say.

Teeth whitening procedure Zoom 3

Usually the effect becomes noticeable after a few days, but this also depends on the initial shade of the enamel.

Another advantage is that you can lighten the surface by 4 tones without causing significant harm to your teeth, unlike professional techniques.

Despite this, teeth can remain white for up to one year if you follow all the recommendations correctly - smoke less and reduce coffee and tea consumption.

The procedure itself is absolutely painless and does not bring any discomfort.
If everything is done correctly, the enamel will not even become very sensitive. Unlike whitening pencils, such strips can be purchased at any pharmacy or dental store.
Disadvantages include sensitivity. If the gel remains on the teeth longer than expected, it can become very strong.

In addition, when using, you need to press the strip very tightly, otherwise the shade will turn out uneven. This is a fairly common mistake; reviews often say exactly this.

Before purchasing this product, you need to make sure that your teeth are completely healthy - there are no caries, hypersensitivity, etc.

You also need to go to the doctor and find out if you are allergic to certain components of the gel - the composition of the substance is very important. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with which pigmentation whitens better and which worse.

For example, enamel fluorosis is less susceptible to lightening than a simple yellow or grayish tint.

This is very important, because the final result depends on it. Quite often people write negative reviews due to their inattention.

Whitening strips have their contraindications. They should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, or people under 18 years of age due to incompletely formed enamel.

You should not use strips if you have problems with the gums and enamel - caries, pulpitis, etc.

If a person has a lot of crowns, fillings, or dentures that cannot be removed, then this product cannot be used either.

Crest brand stripes

Before purchasing a product, you must first choose which strips you will use. There are quite a lot of manufacturers, so finding them is not difficult.

Each type of strip has its own composition, time of use, etc. There are also very different reviews for each brand - you can rely on them or on the advice of experts.

The most famous strips from Crest. She has a fairly wide range of similar products for any type of teeth.

For example, there is Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects. This type is practically no different from professional whitening methods - the result is almost the same.

Fast and effective teeth whitening at home

You need to keep the gel on your teeth for up to 30 minutes, the total course is 20 days. Reviews from people say that the effect is visible after 2-3 days.

This product is suitable for people with absolutely healthy teeth and low enamel sensitivity.

If you want gradual lightening, then Crest 3D White Whitestrips Gentle Routine is suitable. They do not whiten the enamel immediately - the process is more gradual, but it is gentle and practically does not harm the teeth.


One procedure takes approximately five minutes, the entire course lasts 4 weeks. The gel contains hydrogen peroxide with a very low concentration, so the strips are suitable for teeth with very high sensitivity.

Another type of product from this brand is Crest 3D White Whitestrips Advanced Vivid. One whitening takes 30 minutes, the entire course takes 2 weeks.

If you have any dental diseases, you should never use them. In addition, this type is not recommended for people using strips for the first time, as the whitening is quite aggressive.

In addition, there are Crest 3D White 2-Hour Express Whitestrips. This product whitens teeth very strongly - you need to keep the strip on for 2 hours. They should be used no more than once every three months.

The product is contraindicated for teeth with thin and sensitive enamel. If you have any diseases, then use is even more contraindicated. Reviews from people say that the result lasts up to a year, which is a definite advantage of these strips.

Another type of aggressive whitening at home is Crest 3D White Intensive Professional Effects Whitestrips. Such a strip can make the enamel lighter by 5 tones at once.

Because of this, the general course lasts a week. Suitable for people with a completely healthy oral cavity.

One of the classic whitening products is Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid. Gives an average result - lightening by 3 tones, but practically does not spoil the enamel.

The general course lasts 10 days, the effect lasts up to 6 months, as reviews often say. Well suited for those who are whitening enamel this way for the first time.

In addition to the usual strips that make the surface of the teeth lighter, there are also means to maintain the result - Crest Whitestrips 3D Stain Shield.

How to properly whiten teeth with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide?

One use takes 5 minutes, the total course is 28 - 30 days. Since the action of the gel is aimed only at maintaining the effect, it does not cause any discomfort. The product can be used by people with high sensitivity.

Using whitening strips

Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are used once daily.

1. Brush your teeth thoroughly, run your tongue over them with saliva.

2. Open the package along the cut line and remove the transparent film with stripes.

3. Glue the strips to your teeth in the smile area. Short to the lower teeth, long to the upper teeth. Try to press the strips as tightly as possible to your teeth.

4. Leave the strips for 30 minutes.

5. Remove the strips and brush your teeth gently, without applying too much pressure with the toothbrush to avoid damaging your gums.

One package contains seven bags of strips for the upper and lower teeth. This is enough for one course. If you are not completely satisfied with the result, you can repeat the course in two to three weeks. It is not recommended to use strips without interruption for two or more weeks.

Buy Crest Advanced Seal Pack

general information

With the Crest Advanced Seal Pack, life never stops. Thanks to a special adhesive base enriched with peroxide, the whitening strips fit securely to your teeth and now, while listening to your favorite melody, you can sing along to your idol without any problems and can drink water in case of need. The sophisticated teeth whitening concept Crest Advanced Seal Pack raises the bar to previously unattainable heights: the whitening period has decreased and the effect has increased by 35%.

Kit contents

  1. Ultra-modern and effective teeth whitening product: Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal (38 whitening strips);
  2. An effective product for whitening and protecting teeth from the formation of tartar, gentle whitening of teeth with increased sensitivity - Crest Whitestrips Daily Whitening & Tartar Protection (10 strips);
  3. Whitening, cleansing and protecting toothpaste Crest Vivid White (116 g);

Instructions for use of Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal.

Whitening strips reviews

You can find many reviews on the Internet that after purchasing the strips, the whitening procedure was not completed. How to carry it out correctly in order to get the desired result and not damage the enamel? Advanced Teeth Whitening Strips are very popular with our customers, so we can give some tips on how to use them correctly.

1. Do not use a hard toothbrush while using the strips. Damage to the gums leads to an unpleasant burning sensation during the whitening procedure.

2. If you have sensitive teeth, after using the strips you feel discomfort and pain, use “ROCS teeth strengthening gel”. This gel can be purchased at a pharmacy; it will strengthen the enamel, significantly reduce tooth sensitivity, and will not reduce the whitening effect.

3. During the whitening procedure, you should avoid “coloring” products.

4. It is better to carry out a repeated course of bleaching no earlier than after three weeks.

5. If your teeth have become too sensitive, carry out the whitening procedure every other day; this will not affect the final result.

Additional recommendations.

  • Do not wear the strips for longer than the specified time (may increase sensitivity)
  • During the course, it is not recommended to consume coloring products (wine, cola, coffee, tea, chocolate, whiskey, cognac, etc.), smoking, because this may negatively affect the result
  • If sensitivity increases, you can take a break; the increase in sensitivity is absolutely harmless and goes away in 1-2 days
  • Not recommended for children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Do not store strips within the reach of children.

Contraindications for use

Despite its safety, the home teeth whitening system should not be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children and adolescents under 16 years of age;
  • for chronic gum diseases;
  • during orthodontic treatment.

The White Light system is designed to whiten only the natural hard tissues of teeth, therefore it is not recommended to clean dentures, crowns and fillings with its help.

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