Rigel whitening strips: a quick way to a snow-white smile

Modern technologies are constantly moving forward, overcoming all sorts of obstacles along the way and eliminating shortcomings in previous developments. Particular attention is paid to aesthetic medicine (human appearance). She encourages people to have a beautiful, symmetrical appearance and a healthy smile with snow-white teeth. Cosmetic dentistry has only recently offered hardware dental whitening, when a new method of whitening strips has already appeared on the market, which has many advantages. One company that offers this option is Rigel.

Rigel company began its work in 2014. It offers high-tech products created using the latest pharmaceutical technologies. Founded and registered in the UK. In its segment, over a short period of existence, the company has acquired a reputation as a reliable and honest manufacturer of medical devices. One of the best products it produces is Rigel teeth whitening strips, which are increasingly gaining popularity due to their effectiveness, affordability and speed of delivery.


Whitening strips are designed to lighten tooth enamel.
They make your smile healthy and beautiful. Made in the form of thin transparent or translucent plates with a special gel, which, when applied to the teeth, reacts and whitens them by 1-5 tones in several sessions. Rigel strips are designed to solve problems with darkened tooth enamel. It acquires a gray or yellow color due to mechanical, chemical damage or a genetic predisposition to pigmentation on the teeth.

Strips are an effective alternative to hardware whitening in dentistry. They are designed for people who do not have extra time or are afraid of visiting the dental office. Over the entire course of use, they create the same lasting effect and save money.


Below are some customer reviews. If you have something to say, leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

RIGEL whitening strips: closer to your dream!

I always wanted to sparkle with a snow-white smile, like the models in gloss. I first learned about RIGEL whitening strips from a friend, before that I didn’t even know about their existence. I love coffee, naturally, my tooth enamel needed whitening, so the discovery of such devices was a real miracle for me.

Having made up my mind, I placed an order for these whitening products. Despite the rather high price - 3,500 rubles for just seven pieces, I was looking forward to the parcel and was anticipating a great result. Having received the drug, I began testing this new product on myself. I chose the method of using it twice a day for a week.

The manufacturer promised that the strips are also suitable for teeth with sensitive enamel. I can confirm that this is indeed the case, since my teeth are very capricious. I am generally a picky person, but I have never regretted buying RIGEL whitening strips!

My teeth became several shades lighter, my close people confirmed this. Now I can smile openly without hiding my teeth. I definitely recommend this product for use!

Anna, 28 years old

Magic stripes!

All my life I have been dissatisfied with the color of my teeth: naturally yellow enamel, despite the fact that I am not fond of coffee and cigarettes. It is believed that enamel of this color is stronger than white, but this was of little comfort to me. Having snow-white teeth was my obsessive desire.

But at the same time, I really didn’t want to endure the pain of a whitening procedure at the dentist or experiment with different liquids and plates. A friend helped me out by telling me that she had recently come across RIGEL whitening strips.

We can say that she discovered the secret of her snow-white smile, despite the fact that she is a heavy smoker. I bought the drug for two weeks at once. I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of use of these devices. I did not feel any discomfort when using it, the strip holds firmly, the gel does not sting and is washed off on its own with saliva.

A huge plus for me is that you can carry the product with you, in any situation you can attach it to your teeth to brighten and make your breath fresh, for this you no longer need to carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with you.

The result became noticeable within a week. My husband immediately noticed the difference and appreciated it. I can say that my expectations are completely justified!

I recommend RIGEL whitening strips to all my friends and acquaintances for their effectiveness!

Katya, 33 years old

RIGEL whitening strips: effective and safe!

Bright lipsticks are my passion. But more than bright makeup, I love coffee. However, these are two completely incompatible hobbies of mine. Bright shades of lipstick draw attention to your smile, and coffee stains tooth enamel yellow.

I spent a lot of time looking for products that would help me lighten my teeth. I bought all kinds of toothpastes, whitened my teeth in a salon, which only thinned out their enamel, as a result I got the opposite effect - my teeth did not become lighter, but only deteriorated.

At work I got into a conversation with a colleague who recommended RIGEL whitening strips to me. I studied the composition of the drug, noted to myself that it did not contain harmful components, and took the risk of trying it. I used the product twice a day for a week. The result delighted me! Teeth have become much whiter! This despite the fact that I didn’t give up coffee!

I placed an order for another package, I will use them to prolong the effect and in case of important events.

Svetlana, 21 years old

Operating principle

The strips do not contain peroxide, which is harmful to health.

The main component that penetrates the enamel, reacts and releases active oxygen is an innovative development for sensitive teeth - Eureco HC®. Oxygen begins to affect stains and plaque, producing a whitening effect.

A dry gel is applied to the plates; upon contact with the teeth, it reacts with saliva. The gel takes on a liquid appearance, covering the teeth, and active oxygen begins to act, removing plaque and cleansing the enamel. After 15-20 minutes, the gel is washed off with saliva.

Rigel whitening strips

Hello! I heard about Rigel stripes from Mark K. and couldn’t help but check if they were as cool as he said. I will try to tell about who they will help and who they won’t.

As a preface, I will say that I do not pursue the goal of making teeth super white. To me it looks unnatural and there is more harm from such bleaching than good. After all, our teeth themselves are the color of eggshells, beige, ivory. Moreover, such creamy enamel is considered stronger than lighter enamel. I don’t know how true this is)

My problem lies solely in the “tea” coating. I can’t deny myself the strongest, creamiest black tea, “six glasses” a day. Therefore, at those points where the teeth are located very tightly (even a thin thread can hardly get through), a frightening dark plaque appears. Electro-sonic and other brushes solve the problem, but I want to fix and dissolve the smallest plaque residues.

The package contains 28 thin blisters. The manufacturer advises using two strips in the morning and two in the evening, that is, the package is designed for a week. I allowed myself to make some adjustments and use stripes when convenient. That is, if in the evening I brushed my teeth and buried myself in the pillows, forgetting to stick the strip on, it’s okay. You can use it once a day, the effect will still be there.

About the strips themselves: the blister contains a strip of dry gel. When it comes into contact with wet teeth, it sticks and the gel begins to dissolve. It stays on the teeth for a long time, there is no need to spit it out, and it is safe for the stomach. I tried gluing a separate strip on the upper teeth, and a strip on the lower teeth - and so, a lot of gel

. Just very. Mouthful, sorry. This is unpleasant, you want to get rid of it, and besides, almost all of it will end up in the gastrointestinal tract anyway. I found a way out - I take one strip and cut it lengthwise. It is more than enough for both the upper and lower teeth, taking into account the bend. And then the optimal amount of gel! And this is not a saving, but rather a necessity.

The main advantage of the strips is that they do not harm the gums and enamel. I remember this terrible feeling from the Global White gel. There is simply severe pain and it is impossible to endure it. Even more terrible for me is whitening at the doctor, it takes me a week to come to my senses and even cool water on my teeth is horror, horror. No, I'll pass.

In the case of Rigel - nothing like that. The strips do not contain urea or hydrogen peroxide. They also destroy certain types of bacteria and thus freshen your breath for a long time.

The only caveat is that if you stick the strips on, go about your business and meet a friend, you won’t be able to have a conversation, the gel sticks your teeth together very well)) But this only lasts for 10-15 minutes, so it’s not a big sacrifice.

The strips won't turn your teeth into a sparkling whitened advertising smile, but they will lighten your teeth a tone or two and dissolve tea or wine residue in places where brushes cannot reach.

There is a direct indication: you should not use the strips if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Whitens without pain Freshens breath Fights bacteria in the oral cavity Easy to use Composition without urea and peroxide Harmless to the gastrointestinal tract

I struggle with cutting the strip, as two at once form a huge amount of gel :-)


Kollidon 90F, HPC-LM, Eureco HC®, Blanose 7LF, Glyserol, Sorbitol T80, Peppermint Flavor, Surcalose, Potassium Sorbate, Phosphoric Acid.

This is what a stripe on your teeth looks like, it shines like polyethylene)

About a pack later, but I forget, I don’t glue it every day. I just maintain some natural shade of enamel and, of course, I’m being clever: in contrast with this shade of lipstick (Bond Girl), the teeth appear lighter.


will definitely increase self-confidence, since the teeth still become lighter, the gums do not hurt, and the breath is fresh for a long time.

If you want a commercially whitened smile, these strips are still not for you. It is better to seek professional whitening; it suits many people. If you want to maintain a light shade of enamel, remove the remnants of tea-coffee-wine-cigarette stains, and freshen your breath for a long time - this is them.


1990 rub. for one package, at first I bought just one, but often the seller has promotions and it’s more profitable to take three at once.


5, Rigel does everything it claims to do.


Advantages and disadvantages

The plates are produced according to high European quality standards ISO 13485, and also have certificates of safety and compliance with EU and Russian regulations.

Benefits of Rigel teeth whitening:

  1. Quick effect.
  2. Health safety.
  3. Pleasant mint flavor.
  4. Speed ​​and simplicity of the procedure.
  5. Possibility to use at home.
  6. Can be used for sensitive teeth.
  7. The cost of the course is cheaper than a dental procedure.
  8. Fast delivery and the ability to order online.
  9. Can be used even with fillings, braces or crowns.
  10. No oxidation processes occur in the teeth from the components of the strips, and the enamel is not injured. Moreover, they not only whiten, but also remove plaque.

Answers to popular questions about the features of the strips can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

There are no obvious disadvantages; some patients note a long delivery time, incomplete adhesion of the plates, and slow achievement of results.

How long the effect lasts after completing the course depends on lifestyle, individual characteristics of the enamel (drinks and food, coloring enamel, cigarettes, etc.). Without maintenance, the effect lasts about 3 months.

Effect after using the strips:

Useful video

This video talks about the effectiveness of using RIGEL whitening strips:

It is not for nothing that RIGEL whitening strips are considered one of the best means for achieving a snow-white smile.

Effective, easy to use, not harmful to tooth enamel - the advantages of this product can be listed for a long time.

The disadvantages include the high cost, but for those who want to fulfill their dream and gain the ability to smile like Hollywood stars, even this will not be a hindrance.

How to use

To achieve the desired result and prolong the effect, when using Rigel strips you need to observe some restrictions during and after use:

  1. Minimize alcohol consumption and smoking.
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.
  3. Reduce consumption of fruits and berries containing acids: orange, lemon, cherry, pineapple, sweet apples, blueberries, currants, blueberries.
  4. Reduce consumption of chocolate, sugar, sweets.

Without following these 4 points, whitening will take longer and the result will become noticeable only towards the end of the course.

The package consists of 28 strips of gel, which are used 2 times a day (one strip on the upper and lower teeth) for one week or once a day for two weeks. The products are intended for use in courses (3 packs), or continuous use (several times a week) to maintain the whiteness of the enamel.

How to use Rigel teeth whitening strips:

  1. Separate 2 strips that will be attached to the lower and upper teeth of the jaw.
  2. First, apply one plate to the teeth so that it is aligned with the gums, press carefully with clean fingers, then do the same with the second.
  3. It is better to bend the edges behind the teeth.
  4. Wait 3-5 minutes until the plates begin to transform into a liquid gel.
  5. When the strips are converted, it takes 15-20 minutes for the gel to be washed off along with the saliva.

There is no need to specially remove, wash off or clean off the helium layer; it does not cause discomfort.

This procedure is safe because the concentration of each component does not harm the stomach and the body as a whole. This is confirmed by European quality certificates.

How quickly the effect appears after using the strips depends on the structure of the enamel and the degree of darkening.

What are teeth whitening strips?

It is worth noting! Modern care products are strips that are applied to the upper and lower teeth.

A few minutes after application, it dissolves in the mouth and becomes a layer of active gel .

The composition of the gel reacts with tooth enamel and oxygen begins to be released.
The constituent elements of the gel penetrate into the dental coating, break down coloring particles and remove them from the teeth. In addition to lightening the enamel , such products remove plaque and perfectly relieve bad breath.
These lightening devices are completely safe for humans, since the breakdown products of the gel are water and oxygen atoms.

Contraindications for use

Colds, accompanied by difficulty in nasal breathing and coughing, are a reason to postpone the desire to get a snow-white smile until you recover. Other contraindications to the use of the product:

  1. damage and trauma to tooth enamel,
  2. advanced stages of caries,
  3. inflammatory processes in the oral cavity,
  4. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
  5. severe diseases of internal organs,
  6. childhood and adolescence,
  7. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

During the period of bite correction using braces, it will not be possible to take advantage of the advantages of the development to refresh the whiteness, since it is not possible to ensure complete contact over the entire surface.

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