Get a dental CT scan: what is computed tomography, how and why it is performed, prices for dental CT scans in St. Petersburg

Article navigation: What CT shows Capabilities and advantages of CT Application of computed tomography in various areas of dentistry Indications Contraindications Preparation How they do Cost of CT in INTAN

In any field of medicine, diagnosis is critical to prescribing treatment. Correctly diagnosing a disease in dentistry is often difficult, since it is impossible to examine the hidden part of the tooth and oral cavity. For a more detailed study, X-rays and panoramic photographs of the teeth are used. With the development of technology, new diagnostic methods are being introduced into medical practice, and today dental computed tomography is increasingly used in dentistry. What opportunities open up, what CT scan shows and whether there are contraindications for its implementation – this worries many patients.

Indications for dental CT

CT (computed tomography of teeth) has its own indications for use. A 3D photograph of teeth is not prescribed for the treatment of ordinary dental caries or pulpitis; here it will be enough to take a regular x-ray. CT scanning is performed before treatment of more complex dental diseases and before surgical operations.

Let's take a closer look at the full range of indications for CT scanning of the jaw:

  • 1. A CT scan is required before surgical operations on the jaw - bone grafting, implantation.
  • 2. CT scan is prescribed before prosthetics and allows you to correctly select dentures in the most difficult clinical situations.
  • 3. A 3D photograph of the teeth must be taken before orthodontic treatment, which involves wearing braces for a long time. In this case, CT data will allow you to assess the condition of the tissues of the mouth and teeth, choose the right braces and eliminate possible contraindications to their use.
  • 4. A CT scan is also performed in case of any injuries to the jaw, or when a person experiences strange pain in the jaw, the cause of which cannot be determined during a visual examination.
  • 5. Computed tomography is prescribed if the presence of neoplasms in the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity is suspected.
  • 6. CT can be used to monitor the quality of root canal treatment.

The need for a CT scan to obtain a 3D image of the teeth is determined by the doctor during the patient’s first appointment.

What does a 3D image of teeth show?

Tomography in dentistry is used to study the structure of teeth, their location, vessels and nerves of the jaw area. The examination area also includes the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity.

The tomogram determines:

  • Structure, injuries of the jaws, condition of the skull bones.
  • Defects in root position.
  • Inflammatory phenomena, complications of caries.
  • Pathological gum pockets, general periodontal condition.
  • Anomalies in the development and growth of the dental system.
  • Number and nature of channels.
  • Pathologies of the paranasal sinuses, deviated nasal septum.
  • Tumor process at an early stage, metastases.
  • Quality of installation of seals.
  • Success and progress of treatment: therapeutic, endodontic, surgical, orthopedic (prosthetics), orthodontic.

Computed tomography examination facilitates diagnosis before implantation, surgery in maxillofacial or ENT surgery.

CT scan of teeth before dental implantation

A dental CT scan must be done before dental implantation. Based on the computed tomography data, the operation will be planned in detail; based on the 3D image of the teeth, implants and the method of their implantation will be selected; contraindications to this method of dental restoration will be excluded.

TAKE NOTE: The accuracy of diagnosis is of fundamental importance for the quality of implantation. The risks of complications after implantation, the healing time and service life of installed dental implants will depend on how thoroughly the diagnostic measures are carried out. Implantation can only be planned using a CT scan of the jaw - all other diagnostic studies do not provide the necessary information before such a serious surgical intervention.

Using CT data, it is possible to plan implantation in detail and give a prognosis based on its results. Computed tomography will not only allow you to correctly select dental implants and determine the area for their installation: computer modeling is used to demonstrate the future results of implantation and is a good motivation for people who are worried about how their smile and teeth will look after surgery.

Also, CT scanning of the jaw serves as the basis for creating special surgical templates used in dental implantation. Implantation templates help install implants into the bone without causing serious injury to the soft and hard tissues of the jaw, and this has a positive effect on the recovery time after surgery.

A CT scan before implantation is also important because it allows the doctor to obtain the most detailed data on the condition of the bone tissue, assess its height, volume and density. If a CT scan of the jaw shows that the bone is loose or has a height that is not enough for high-quality implantation, it will be necessary to undergo bone grafting surgery before implantation.

How to do a CT scan of the jaw

Diagnosis is carried out in a standing position. You should go to the machine and place your chin on a special stand. It will fix your head in the correct position. After this you need to stand still.

When the doctor starts the machine, the jaw is irradiated with an X-ray cone-shaped beam. A special sensor moves around the head, reading information. At the same time, the dentist regulates the strength of the radiation and completely controls the process.

To protect your internal organs, you will be given a special lead vest. It is also necessary to remove all metal jewelry. The scan lasts 20-50 seconds, and a couple more minutes are spent on preparation.

Types of equipment for CT jaw

Various devices are used for CT scanning of teeth, and therefore, when planning to undergo a study in any clinic in St. Petersburg or any other city, you must find out which specific device is used in a particular dentistry. Why is this so important? It’s simple: not all models of dental CT devices have the required accuracy, and in addition, there are devices that, when taking pictures, will have too much radiation exposure on your body.

Below we will look at the most commonly used CT devices in clinics and indicate their pros and cons.

Types of CT devices

In dentistries in St. Petersburg, the following types of devices for CT scans of teeth and jaws are most often found:

1. Units for step-by-step dental CT. They appeared and are used for diagnostics quite a long time ago and are considered obsolete. The use of devices of this type does not allow obtaining accurate data on the condition of bone tissue; the quality of the images is quite low. But the main disadvantage of step-by-step CT machines is that when using them, the body is exposed to strong and harmful radiation.

2. Spiral devices for CT. The level of safety when using them will be higher, but still the use of such units for CT scans of teeth is undesirable, since the radiation dose remains high. The quality of images of spiral devices for CT of the jaw also leaves much to be desired, since they do not allow one to see and evaluate the structure of the bone tissue.

3. Cone beam tomographs. These devices are considered the most modern, accurate and informative. A CT scan performed with a cone beam device will allow you to see clear images and evaluate:

  • The condition of the root canals of the tooth, the tooth itself and surrounding tissues;
  • Condition of the bone and soft tissues of the jaw.

Based on CT data performed using cone-beam tomographs, it is possible to successfully plan prosthetics, implantation, bite correction with braces, and assess the quality of endodontic treatment. In this case, the radiation dose during CT will be minimal, no more than 90 µV, which allows, if necessary and with complete safety for the patient, to conduct a repeat study.

TAKE NOTE: The cost of a CT scan in St. Petersburg to a certain extent depends on the device with which the study will be carried out. But we categorically do not advise you to save money on a CT scan of the jaw: CT scanning on outdated devices is not informative enough and, moreover, is harmful to your health.

In our dentistry in St. Petersburg - “New line Dent”, modern and high-precision devices are used for CT scanning of the teeth and jaw - GALILEOS Sirona (Germany) and Vatech (South Korea). The diagnostic data that we obtain using these high-tech and modern devices helps us successfully plan and carry out dental treatment of any complexity!

Interpretation of results

After completing the scanning procedure, the radiologist deciphers and interprets the data obtained. The main task of the radiologist when interpreting tomograms is to describe the nature and density of detected tumors, tissue lesions and abnormalities in the development of the jaw. However, the diagnostician does not have the right to make a definitive diagnosis, recommend treatment or give advice on the use of medications. Therefore, after a CT scan of both jaws, the patient should always make an appointment with the attending physician. Based on the issued x-ray report, CT images of the jaw, examination and other studies, the specialist makes a diagnosis and makes decisions on the course of further treatment of the patient.

Study Details

  • Doctor's referral: Required for CT scans for children
  • Preparation: Yes in case of CT angiography, CT OMT, CT OBP
  • Application of contrast: As prescribed by a doctor and with CT scan of blood vessels
  • Time: 5-7 minutes
  • Contraindications and restrictions: Pregnancy, allergy to iodine on CT with contrast, renal failure
  • Results delivery time: 30-40 minutes
List of studiesPriceStock
CT scan of a large joint (knee, elbow, shoulder, hip, ankle)from 2500 rub.At night
CT scan of small joints (wrist joint, foot and toe joints, hand joints and fingers)from 2500 rub.At night
CT scan of the jaw joint and jawfrom 1300 rub.At night
CT scan of bones (one zone)from 2000 rub.At night
CT scan of the skullfrom 2000 rub.At night

Take a 3D CT scan of teeth: what advantages does the technique give to patients?

Compared to other diagnostic methods, CT of the jaw has a number of advantages, including:

  • 1. Speed ​​of implementation. A CT scan can be done in just a few minutes and also quickly obtain all the data necessary for analysis and treatment planning.
  • 2. CT eliminates the possibility of obtaining inaccurate and blurry images.
  • 3. The CT method is absolutely safe for the patient’s health (provided that modern tomographs are used in the examination, with minimal radiation doses).
  • 4. You can do a CT scan for one or two jaws at once, a separate area of ​​the oral cavity. The ability to select the area of ​​study is convenient for both doctors and patients.

All data obtained after a dental CT scan is easily stored on any information medium and this will allow them to be transferred to another specialist if additional consultation is necessary.

Preparatory stage

CT scan of the upper and lower jaw according to the basic (native) protocol does not require special preparation. If a CT scan of the jaw with contrast is prescribed, the diagnosis is usually carried out with a break in food for 2 hours. If the patient suffers from renal failure, tests to determine the level of creatinine in the blood are preliminarily prescribed before contrast tomography. This way, the doctor can assess the possible risks of developing nephropathy after administration of a contrast agent. Before entering the CT room, it is better to change into comfortable clothes and remove all jewelry.

Is preparation necessary for a dental CT scan and what should it be?

No special or complex preparation is required before a CT scan of the jaw: before the study, you can lead your usual lifestyle without any restrictions. Immediately before a CT scan at the clinic, you may be asked to remove all jewelry, metal accessories, and dentures. Metal products on the body during computed tomography make the examination difficult and negatively affect its reliability.

If you have dentures and metal-ceramic crowns installed in your mouth, warn the specialist about this before the CT scan. Then the radiologist will be able to adjust the equipment so that the presence of metal-ceramic prostheses does not negatively affect the accuracy of the diagnostic results. Pregnant women planning to undergo a CT scan should notify the diagnostician about their situation, and also tell him the exact stage of pregnancy.

TAKE NOTE: during the CT procedure, special protective aprons are used, which are important to apply correctly. If this is not done, the patient may receive an increased dose of radiation, and the images will be blurry and inaccurate.

Contraindications for examination

Research is not recommended if:

  • you are overweight;
  • you have an exacerbation of pain;
  • restlessness is brought to the point of hyperkinesis (uncontrolled movements);
  • the period of bearing a child is underway;
  • there is an allergy to iodine;
  • there is renal failure.

How often can a CT scan of the jaw be done?

Computed tomography is based on the already familiar X-ray radiation. It would seem that in this case it should be carried out quite rarely, for fear of tangible consequences for health. However, this is not true: the tomograph itself is built differently than an x-ray, which helps keep the radiation dose to a minimum. Therefore, you should not expect any irreversible consequences even with repeated use of this technique.

How a CT scan is done in the clinic: a detailed description of the procedure

Depending on the type of machine that will be used for CT in a particular clinic in St. Petersburg, you will be laid on a couch or placed in front of the device in a certain position. The diagnostician must pay the closest attention to choosing the position of the patient during CT: to obtain high-quality images, the beams from the unit must accurately hit a certain area of ​​the face. After preparing for the examination, the specialist will definitely ask you not to move during the entire time required for a dental CT scan.

But there is no need to worry: you will need to remain motionless for a very short time. An image of even two jaws is completed in less than one minute, and the doctor can receive about 200 clear and high-quality images of the jaw, on the basis of which the computer will create a three-dimensional model.

How is it carried out?

The procedure is painless and takes 5 - 10 minutes. Before starting, the patient will be asked to remove metal accessories and hearing aids, which cause false darkening in the image. The safety of internal organs susceptible to radiation (thyroid gland, reproductive system, heart) is ensured by protective pads and vests.

In dentistry, the injection of a contrast agent is rarely used. If such manipulation is indicated, you should come on an empty stomach. Tests are carried out in advance to determine individual sensitivity to the drug.

To perform it, you need to sit or stand, pressing your face tightly against the frame of the device. The X-ray room employee will tell you the correct position. The head is fixed with a special stop to prevent “smearing” of the images. You cannot move while a 3D photograph of your teeth is being taken.

The most popular questions about CT scans in St. Petersburg

How often can I have a CT scan?

Radiation doses when using modern tomographs are minimal, so if you need a repeat CT scan, you do not have to worry that the procedure will cause harm to your health.

Is it painful to have a CT scan?

Computed tomography is performed quickly and does not cause any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Is it possible to do a CT scan during pregnancy?

There is no exact data on the effect of CT on the fetus during pregnancy, so pregnant women can undergo this study only in cases of extreme necessity and only after agreeing on the procedure with the doctor monitoring the pregnancy. It is definitely not recommended to undergo a CT scan in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Where to get a dental CT scan in St. Petersburg?

The CT service is offered by different clinics in St. Petersburg, and when choosing a dentist for diagnostics, it is important to find out what equipment will be used in the procedure. Choose those clinics in St. Petersburg that have modern and high-tech equipment that allows you to conduct accurate research!

How to choose a clinic? It’s simple - enter a request on the Internet - do a CT scan of teeth in St. Petersburg, addresses and prices, and the system will give you a list of dentists offering the service. You will need to call clinics and find out what equipment is used to perform CT scans.

Where can I get a dental CT scan in St. Petersburg inexpensively?

The desire to save on dental services is quite understandable, but you should not chase excessively low prices for CT scans in St. Petersburg. An underestimated cost of a service may indicate that the research is being conducted on outdated equipment. Therefore, it is more correct not to ask the question about the price of CT scans in St. Petersburg, but to look for a clinic where the study will be carried out with the highest quality and safety for your health.

Cost of CT scan?

Modern dental clinics at INTAN use high-tech equipment that allows you to make three-dimensional CT projection in 20 seconds, and X-ray images in nine! This acceleration of the procedure makes it safe, minimizing the radiation exposure to the patient’s body.

You can clarify the possibility of carrying out such a procedure in the center you are interested in by calling us.

The cost in our centers for this procedure starts from 1,530 rubles.

Get a CT scan of your teeth in St. Petersburg: price of the service

The cost of computed tomography of teeth in dentistry in St. Petersburg may vary, because the price of the service will depend on:

  • On the type of equipment used in the study;
  • The price of the service will also be affected by the size of the jaw area that needs to be examined;
  • The need for printing the resulting images will increase the price of CT scanning.

It is worth considering the fact that the price of a CT clinic may include various services, but usually it includes the examination itself, recording of finished images on a digital medium and a specialist’s report, which is handed to the patient in writing.

Benefits for the patient

The undeniable advantages of CT scanning of the jaw over traditional film imaging:

  • takes little time;
  • perfectly clear picture in HD quality;
  • eliminates the possibility of a “blurred” image;
  • comprehensive examination of the entire dental system;
  • health safety;
  • all data can be saved on a flash drive and shown to another doctor.

Advantages of Sofia Cancer Center

The Sofia Oncology Center is located in a large modern building - we have everything for a highly informative and safe diagnosis of any dental and other pathologies. Sofia is a leader in healthcare, which is confirmed by Roszdravnadzor - compliance with Russian and international standards is confirmed by numerous certificates and awards, including JCI.

Our advantages:

  • doctors: international consultants, leaders of Russian medicine;
  • the most powerful diagnostic equipment;
  • 30 years of unique experience;
  • full-service clinic: in two adjacent buildings there is a clinic, dentistry, surgical department, oncology center, ambulance, etc.;
  • convenient location (center of Moscow);
  • increased comfort: modern, stylish, warm interior, like in a five-star hotel;
  • excellent service and special care for patients: there is, for example, a cafe and a rooftop restaurant with panoramic views;
  • convenience for the patient: accompanying persons are provided to help navigate the clinic;
  • the principle of family medicine (one general practitioner can take care of your entire family and provide full medical support).

Make an appointment

The Sofia Clinic is located in the Central Administrative District (CAO) of Moscow, next to several metro stations: Novoslobodskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya, Belorusskaya and Mayakovskaya.

You can make an appointment by calling +7 (495) 775-73-60 or using the online form.

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