Boxing mouth guard: types, tips for choosing, instructions for use

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A mouthguard is a must-have sports accessory for boxers and participants in contact martial arts. The main task of the attribute is to partially absorb and soften the impact, as well as to protect the owner’s teeth. Without this accessory, no coach will allow a fighter to participate in a fight, even a training one. Therefore, athletes face the question of how to choose a mouthguard for boxing and other martial arts.

Why do you need a mouth guard?

In addition to protecting teeth, the plate performs the following functions:

  1. Prevents the formation of lacerations in the oral cavity. Statistics show that with a protective liner, an athlete's lips suffer less than without it.
  2. Eliminates cerebral hemorrhage due to multiple blows to the head.
  3. Protects the trachea from injury from tooth fragments even if they are knocked out.
  4. Reduces the risk of damage and displacement of the cervical vertebrae.
  5. Helps relieve tension in a number of muscles, which, in turn, allows the athlete to take a more stable position.

A properly fitted martial arts mouthguard has shock-absorbing properties that minimize the possibility of concussions.

Types of mouth guards

Protective plates are divided into types and subtypes according to several main characteristics, which help to choose the right accessory for each athlete. They differ in types of martial arts, material, size and age. Manufacturers have created a special range for people who wear braces or retainers. To choose the right sports equipment, it is necessary to take into account all the individual characteristics of the fighter.

By purpose

According to their purpose, mouthguards are divided into:

  • to single-jawed;
  • to two-jawed ones.

Single-sided plates are intended to protect the upper jaw only. They are considered the most common and convenient for athletes of different categories. Double-sided protection covers both jaws. The separator has a special hole through which you can breathe. However, this attribute greatly impedes the flow of air and complicates mouth breathing, so it is not recommended for use during intense exercise.

By material

Based on the materials used, the following types of mouth guards are distinguished:

  1. Standard hard – suitable for athletes with straight teeth and correct bite. The shape of the accessories is given during production, and during the entire period of use it does not change. A static attribute is cheaper than its analogues, but with non-standard jaw proportions it will not be able to fully perform protective functions.
  2. Thermoforming - are made of thermoplastic, which when heated is able to take a different shape. Such sports equipment is considered a primary product that can be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the owner. The material softens easily under the influence of hot water, and then quickly cools, remembering the structural features of the fighter’s jaw.
  3. Rigid – made according to an individual impression. Such mouthguards are considered more reliable, therefore they are often used in professional sports.

Made from gel, rubber or thermoplastic. There are also combined models.

By size and thickness

Mouth guards come in adult and children's sizes. This is due to differences in the age-related formation of the jaw, as well as the force and intensity of the blows applied.

The thicknesses are:

  1. Single-layer – up to 4 mm. These mouth guards are recommended for children and non-professional athletes with training levels ranging from beginner to intermediate. They can be used for cycling, rollerblading or skating.
  2. Double-layer - consist of 2 layers of plastic, 3 mm each. This accessory is considered a lightweight professional option, which is used in boxing, ice and field hockey, martial arts, basketball, American football, as well as skateboarding and ski jumping. There are adult and children's models.
  3. Three-layer - have a more complex design: between the main layers of 2 and 4 mm there is a special reinforced 0.8 mm layer that protects the most vulnerable areas. These are professional boxing mouth guards, which are also used in other full contact martial arts (oriental martial arts, kickboxing, hockey, etc.).

By color

Dental protection is available in a variety of colors and flavors. However, among professionals, mint earbuds are in greatest demand. The extract of this plant acts as an antiseptic, provides additional protection against bacteria and helps maintain fresh breath. However, coaches advise giving preference to light shades without odor or taste, so that they do not bother or distract the athlete during a fight or match.

It is not recommended to choose red plates, since it hides the bleeding and the fighter will not be able to provide the necessary assistance in time.

How to properly prepare and cook a dental guard at home

Having realized the importance of the protective element and choosing a suitable copy from high-quality thermoplastic, all that remains is to prepare a mouthguard for boxing. After purchasing, you need to cook the burl, give it the desired shape and cool it. First you need to get rid of excess material at the edges by trying the mouthguard in your mouth and cutting off the excess, and then:

  • Take a container (pan) of such volume that it is enough to freely place the product. Fill it with water.
  • Place the container on the fire and wait for the liquid to boil.

  • Using a tablespoon or slotted spoon, lower the mouth guard into boiling water and brew. When diving for the first time, you need to keep the product in water for no more than 30 seconds - this is the standard time during which thermoplastic softens. Some companies' products have special holders that can be used to immerse them in boiling water.
  • Remove, wait until the temperature is tolerable: when the hot plastic becomes safe for the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Insert the mouthguard into your mouth the way it should sit during the fight.
  • Hold it tightly with both jaws, press with your tongue and hands, giving it an individual shape.
  • Smooth out the outer free part of the material, leaning it against the gums, wait 15–20 seconds.

Less quality plastic requires longer exposure on the teeth - from 3 to 4 minutes. Characteristics are indicated in the instructions for use.

After unclenching the teeth, the product should remain on the upper jaw and sit quite tightly. Only in this case is it correctly fitted. But the preparation does not end there; it is completed by the most important stage - hardening. At home, cold water comes to the rescue. After pouring cooled boiled water into any container, you need to place the formed product in it and leave for 5-7 minutes or as long as necessary for hardening. During this time, the material will cool down and take the shape that will be most comfortable for the user.

Note! In many videos where they cook mouth guards, the characters in the videos try to drown the plastic in boiling water, holding it with various cutlery. There is no need to do this. To make a mouthguard correctly, you need to let it “free float”. Even without complete immersion, the material will heat up perfectly and become plastic.

You can see the process of cooking and fitting the mouthguard in all details in the following video:

How the mouthguard should sit: checking and re-cooking

There are always doubts whether it was possible to correctly fit the protective element to the teeth and whether it will be comfortable for the boxer. To check, you will have to wait until the product cools down after cooking and put it on your teeth. Correct fit will ensure:

  • comfort, absence of pain, rubbing;
  • tight fit: if displacement is noticed when opening the mouth or turning the head, you will have to re-cook the mouth guard and adjust it again;
  • exact correspondence of the shape of the accessory to the shape of the dentition and jaw features.

An external inspection will not be superfluous. Before putting on a mouthguard, you need to check for tooth marks. If they are clear and deep, then the protection is prepared correctly.

If you didn’t succeed in making a mouth guard to fit your teeth the first time, you can brew it again. This should be done using the same technology: prepare a container with boiling water and cook the plastic in it. To get the expected result after failure, it is worth reviewing the instructions for use again. You may need to increase the cooking time by leaving the product to cook for a longer period.

Inexpensive models

Inexpensive models of protective plates can be found in almost any sports store. They are characterized by low cost and average reliability. Considered the best option for amateur training.

Ray sport

Inexpensive thermoplastic single-jaw insert, which is designed for adult athletes over 18 years of age. Suitable for women and men. The protection is able to take the shape of the owner's jaw after heat treatment. The price of the nozzle varies between 200-250 rubles. The disadvantages include the fact that you can only buy it in specialized stores for boxers and fighters. Supplied in a plastic box.

Excalibur 1566

Static silicone model of transparent color, suitable for teenagers and adults. Produced in Pakistan. It is odorless and tasteless. A good option for cycling or non-professional combat training. Users cited the transparency and softness of the material as advantages. The disadvantages are the standard form, which is not suitable for everyone, and one-sided protection. The price of the plate does not exceed 300 rubles.

Everlast 1 jaw Single

The Everlast single jaw plate is considered one of the best professional boxing accessories, which has also found fans among other contact martial arts. It is made of thermoplastic, which, after steaming in hot water, is able to repeat the shape of the owner’s jaw. Transparent color allows you to notice and assess the extent of damage in time and provide the necessary assistance. Designed for adult athletes or large teenagers. Average price – 350-400 rubles.

Bn Fight Blue

A professional static fighting pad that can simultaneously protect both the upper and lower jaw. The insert is designed with a special shape that allows you to distribute the impact force between the front and back teeth. It is made from a gel, which is covered with a harder substance on top. Despite the standard type, it fits comfortably on the jaw, is equipped with holes for breathing, and does not interfere with talking. Suitable for adult men and women. The price in the Russian Federation ranges from 380-450 rubles.


The cost of mouth guards varies widely. You can find a cheap plastic product for 200 rubles, and there are models made using innovative technologies that cost several thousand rubles.

Examples of prices for mouthguards:

  • plastic flavored mouth guard MoGo - 990 rubles;
  • PAFFEN SPORT thermoplastic mouth guard with mint flavor — RUB 1,390;
  • transparent Fight Empire MG-10 mouth guard made of thermoplastic silicone (needs to be “cooked”) - 230 rubles;
  • multi-layer mouth guard Venum Predator Mouthguard Black / White made of high-density rubber alloy - RUB 1,572;
  • two-layer silicone mouthguard Fight Empire — 534 rub.

Professional and expensive models

Professional mouth guards are made from high quality materials. They provide increased comfort and the best degree of protection for athletes. The plates are securely fixed on the teeth, do not fall off when speaking (swallowing), and do not impede breathing. They are made from hypoallergenic materials that are fully compatible with the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Most of them are odorless and tasteless, which allows you not to be distracted and fully concentrate on the fight (game).

Flamma iceman 2.0

Double-sided sports head with three-component protection. The gel layer adopts the individual structure of the owner’s teeth, and the rubber insert with acrylic pads reduces the intensity of impacts and distributes the load throughout the jaw. Equipped with breathing holes. Suitable for martial arts, hockey, polo, American football. It has a high degree of protection against chips, shocks, lacerations and hemorrhages. Suitable for adult athletes of any gender. The price is about 800 rubles.

Venum Challenger White Black

The standard plate consists of an inner gel layer that provides a comfortable fit on the teeth, and a durable outer rubber layer that protects the fighter's jaw and head from most possible injuries. A specially designed breathing system does not limit the flow of oxygen even under intense stress. Supplied in a special protective case. Designed for adult men and women. Price – about 1000 rubles.

Venum Predator Gray Black

Venum mouthguards are considered the best for professional MMA fights. Professional fighters took part in the development of the model, which made it possible to take into account all the needs of athletes and provide for their weak points. The plate is equipped with shock-absorbing pads that soften impacts and protect soft tissues. The shock wave is distributed in 2 stages, which helps protect bone tissue from chipping and destruction. The protection is intended for adult male fighters. Supplied with storage container. The average price in Russia is 1500-1700 rubles.

Everlast Evershield 2

Thermoforming jaw attachment, which is used in professional martial arts. After heat treatment, it completely follows the contours of the fighter’s teeth, which ensures maximum fit and the best protection during competitions. Equipped with a shock-absorbing cushion that can withstand even too strong impacts. It has no taste or odor and has breathing holes. Suitable for adult athletes of any gender. The average price varies between 1100-1200 rubles.

MoGo transparent fruit

Professional women's protective nozzle with a fruity aromatic layer, which is placed in the outer part of the material. The plate consists of two components: a soft gel that is securely fixed to the teeth on the inside and transparent, dense plastic on the outside. The model has a high degree of protection against concussions, hemorrhages and other maxillofacial injuries. The price is about 1800 rubles.

Shock Doctor Gel Nano

Thermoplastic professional mouthguard, which is suitable for all types of combat competitions. The double degree of protection ensures the safety of teeth and prevents the possibility of concussions and internal bleeding, even in violent sports. Fits well on the jaw and does not interfere with communication and free breathing. The inner layer is made of an adaptive component, which, under the influence of temperature, follows the shape of the owner’s teeth. Belongs to the average price category - 1100-1200 rubles.

Overlay thickness

The thickness of the mouth guard is affected by the number of layers. Manufacturers offer single-layer and multi-layer models, differing in the level of protection and other parameters.

Single layer

Single layer plates provide single protection. When choosing such a mouthguard, pay attention to the front (outer) wall - it should be high enough. The protection of the gums and the redistribution of the impact load - the transfer of a certain part of the impact from the teeth to the gums and palate - depend on the height of the side.


Most boxers choose a two-layer mouthguard - it creates double protection. Its outer layer is tougher than the inner one. It is made of rubber. Its function is to absorb and dissipate impact force.

The second layer - the inner one - is much softer than the outer one. It is made of gel and exactly follows the shape of the teeth and jaw. The purpose of the inner layer is to absorb shock.

There are manufacturers offering three-layer models. The structure is reinforced with special inserts for the outer layer. The inner layer has shock-absorbing inserts.

What mouth guard are you using?

Single layer




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Children's and teenagers

Children's ear guards are made from softer materials that fit snugly and comfortably on the teeth. Additionally, children's mouthguards are often equipped with aromatic inserts that will interest the child and lift his spirits before competitions.

Manufacturers took into account the age-related characteristics of the structure of teeth and developed a special series of attachments for braces. These accessories take into account not only the shape of the young fighter’s teeth, but also the location of the aligning retainer systems after braces.

Jabb JE 1713

Teenage one-sided boxing mouthguard, which is made of 3 mm transparent hypoallergenic silicone. Suitable for beginner fighters or non-professional training. Equipped with basic protection for bone and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Prevents concussions and other brain injuries. Sold in a plastic container. There is no taste or smell. Able to follow the contours of the owner’s jaw after treatment with boiling water. The price in sports stores is about 200 rubles.

Flamma Ice Hit Orange

The children's protective pad with orange aroma is made of two components. The external hard exoskeleton of the mouthguard protects from impacts, and the gel pads perform shock-absorbing functions, absorbing and evenly distributing the force of the concussion. The special shape provides protection for the upper and lower jaws and does not impede breathing. The insert is thermoplastic and takes the anatomical shape of the owner’s teeth after cooking. Supplied complete with case and instructions. Suitable for boys and girls. The price depends on taste and varies between 600-750 rubles.

Flamma Lucky

The children's mouthguard Flamma Lucky is intended for young boxers up to 11 years old. The model is made of transparent rubber and equipped with an internal soft gel layer that ensures a comfortable fit on the teeth. It is used to protect the lower and upper jaws, does not restrict air flow, allows you to drink and talk freely. Allows you to reduce the force of impact, protects against traumatic brain injuries and other damage. The average cost is about 450 rubles.

MoGo 1 maxillary children's

Professional baby plate with a wide selection of scents. It prevents your mouth from drying out, which provides additional comfort and endurance during training and fights. Suitable for all types of martial arts and other contact sports. The mouthguard is made of thermoforming material, which requires pre-treatment with boiling water. A specially designed uniform protects the fighter from soft tissue rupture and other maxillofacial injuries.

Aromatic additives are made from natural ingredients and meet international quality requirements. The model is not compatible with braces and other orthodontic systems.

Useful tips

When choosing a mouthguard, it is important to take into account as many nuances as possible in order to buy a product that best suits your individual characteristics and tasks. Tips for choosing a mouthguard:

  • the product should adhere tightly to the teeth;
  • make sure that the mouthguard does not interfere with your bite;
  • the mouthguard should not interfere, create discomfort or cause a gag reflex - check this;
  • the product should have a moderate thickness - do not buy a mouthguard that is too thick or too thin;
  • the optimal thickness of the front side is 3-4 mm, from the side of the palate - 2 mm, from the bottom side - 3 mm;
  • the product should not interfere with breathing during a conversation;
  • sniff the product to see if there is an unpleasant odor.

Expert advice

Demchenko Vitaly Petrovich

boxing trainer, Moscow

Ask a Question

The mouth guard requires serious care; you should not put a dirty product in your mouth. After every workout, my players clean their mouth guards with a brush and toothpaste. This allows you to remove plaque that remains after contact with the teeth. Store mouthguards in special ventilated boxes (boxes). Otherwise, the products will acquire an unpleasant odor.

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