Pain and cold. How to deal with tooth sensitivity in winter.

Teeth can hurt for various reasons. Often toothache occurs from cold. The following factors influence dental hypothermia:

  • The tooth is affected by caries or an inflammatory process has begun in the deep layers of dental tissue and affected the nerve. If the immune system is weakened, the nerve may become inflamed from the cold.
  • Cold causes active activity of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Due to hypothermia, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply intensively in the nasal cavities. The inflammatory process can spread from the nose to the teeth. Cold is a favorable environment for the life of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • If inflammation of the trigeminal nerve occurs from hypothermia, it is difficult to distinguish it from dental diseases.
  • Herpes, which occurs on the lips from hypothermia, can cause inflammation of the nerve endings of the teeth.

Reasons why teeth may hurt after cold weather

  • General hypothermia of the body.
  • Prolonged exposure to the air flow coming from the air conditioner.
  • A draft can cause hypothermia.
  • Inhaling frosty air through the mouth.
  • Being outside in windy weather with your face open.

Increased sensitivity after caries treatment

Pathology may appear during the treatment of living teeth if orthophosphoric acid was involved in the treatment process (a 38% solution of this acid is used to treat the defect area).

Phosphoric acid promotes reliable fixation of the filling, but the product gives the enamel porosity, which makes the nerve endings located in the dentin accessible to external irritants.


After filling a residential tooth, be sure to monitor the process of treating the surface of the teeth with special protective agents, and remind your dentist about this.


Symptoms of toothache during hypothermia can manifest themselves in the following types:

  • sharp, dull or aching pain;
  • pain occurs if you touch your teeth;
  • headache may occur due to toothache;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • swelling of the face and the appearance of small pimples on it.

If the trigeminal nerve is cold, its symptoms appear:

  • distortion of facial expressions;
  • pain in the teeth extending to the face;
  • a painful sensation occurs when chewing food or touching the face.

Combating hypersensitivity

The increased sensitivity of incisors and molars by nature can be easily dealt with. In this case, you will also have to seek help from a dentist. The specialist will apply a special composition to the incisors and molars that strengthens the tooth enamel. This procedure helps to seal the exposed dentinal tubules and you can forget about the unpleasant sensations for a while. However, this composition quickly wears off. If your teeth start to hurt again from the cold, you have to repeat the procedure.

People with hypersensitivity need to choose the right toothpaste. Special products help not only protect the oral cavity from pathogenic bacteria, but also affect nerve endings. But the effect will be noticeable only with regular use of such pastes. The following remedies show good results:

  • New Pearl Calcium;
  • Blanx Med White Teeth;
  • Sensitive for restoration and whitening;
  • Blend-A-Med for desensitization;
  • President Sensitive;
  • Lacflut Extra Sensitive;
  • Splat Professional Biocalcium.

People with sensitive incisors and molars should also choose the right toothbrush. Only the option with soft bristles, which is gentle on tooth enamel, is suitable. Hard bristles will injure incisors, molars and gums, further increasing sensitivity.

The answer to the question of what to do if your tooth hurts from the cold is very simple. It is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. The doctor will identify the cause of the discomfort, provide treatment, and also help you choose the right toothpaste.


You should contact your dentist when you experience pain in your teeth. The pain is of a fading nature, and the inflammatory process can progress. The dentist will examine the mouth and teeth and, having identified the cause of the pain, will prescribe treatment. Emerging and fading toothache can be relieved at home.

Pain and cold. How to deal with tooth sensitivity in winter.

Anastasia Ermakovich

Dentist therapist at the Ekostom dental clinic

Hyperesthesia is the name given in medical practice to the manifestation of increased tooth sensitivity. And, although this in no way affects their appearance, this problem causes significant discomfort, causing severe pain. It can appear, for example, during brushing, when the brush only touches the teeth, when eating sweet, sour foods, as well as cold and hot drinks, food. However, this does not mean that the problem can be solved only by excluding cold, hot or sweet foods from the diet. Even inhaling cold air can cause instant pain, and in such a situation it is hardly worth talking about good health and mood.

If in the summer the sensitivity of intact teeth is most often associated with eating a large amount of sour fruits, then in winter the cause may be a decrease in immunity.

In addition, changes in climate, pressure, temperature in the case of flights, as well as changes in the usual nature of nutrition affect. New Year's holidays are another blow to the immune system and a provocation of all kinds of ailments. It is in winter that the difference in air temperature indoors and outdoors is catastrophically large.

And, if you go out into the cold, you understand that there will be no conversations, all communication is at home, in the warmth, because your teeth “ache”, such a situation cannot be tolerated. You need to urgently contact a dentist who will select the optimal treatment and means that can return you to sociability and your usual way of life.

Many patients have a question: why do teeth become so sensitive? A specialist will need to figure it out before he can say for sure what the cause of this painful phenomenon is and how to deal with it. Perhaps it is caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, gum disease. God knows, there are many reasons for tooth pain. Therefore, the specialist is important, not the remedy.

Damage to the enamel can cause sensitivity. Excessive indulgence in sweets, carbonated drinks, etc. can cause this. In addition, sensitivity occurs due to changes in the dentinal tubules. Inside these tubules are the nerve fibers of the pulp. When a thermal, mechanical or chemical effect occurs, for example, when eating cold or hot food, touching a toothbrush, etc., the fluid in the dentinal tubule is displaced.

This process, in turn, irritates the nerve endings, which lead to pain impulses in the pulp.

It should be noted that hyperesthesia can only manifest itself in living teeth. This should inspire healthy optimism; a living tooth is much better - it can be cured, but if a pulpless tooth (a tooth in which the nerve was previously removed) hurts, it is a candidate for removal.

If you have any symptoms of tooth sensitivity, you should not delay your visit to the dentist in order to make a timely diagnosis and undergo the course of treatment necessary in such cases. Dental office professionals have the necessary knowledge and equipment to effectively resolve the problem. If necessary, work will be done to close the dentinal tubules. For these purposes, special restorative agents are used. Remineralization of tooth enamel can be carried out using special means.

To reduce tooth sensitivity, your dentist may recommend a toothpaste such as Sensodyne, which will be an excellent support remedy at home. However, we must not forget that the effectiveness of treatment will be high only when the entire range of professional treatment is carried out and the main “culprits” of tooth sensitivity are eliminated.


If the pain is severe and traditional methods are ineffective, then pharmaceuticals are used. These are painkillers. When the pain is of average intensity, Ibuprom, Solpadeine, Tamipul are used. It is undesirable to use older generation painkillers, such as analgin, since these medications are harmful to the stomach.

Anti-inflammatory drugs include Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nise, and Paracetamol. But if these medications do not help, then powerful drugs are used, for example, Ketanov. But the drug is so strong that it has many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, if possible, it should be abandoned. You can also perform local anesthesia by applying cotton wool with Lidocaine or special dental gels - Kamistad or Dentol.

Advantages of the Atlantis Dental clinic

What to do if your tooth hurts when it comes into contact with hot or cold food? Of course, visit the Atlantis Dental clinic! We use advanced technologies and medications, and do not prescribe unnecessary manipulations. The key to successful therapy is the high professionalism of doctors, innovative equipment, and an individual approach to each patient!

The cost of treating hyperesthesia for hot and cold, sour and sweet, is flexible and is determined depending on the identified dental problems, the amount of work and the materials used. An integrated approach taking into account all factors guarantees an excellent result, regardless of the age and general condition of the patient’s body!

Pasta selection

For severe tooth sensitivity, desensitizing pastes with fluoride, potassium and calcium are used. They include components that fill microcracks in the enamel and restore its structure. Sometimes the composition contains a long-term anesthetic. These pastes can be simply applied to the teeth to obtain an immediate analgesic effect.

In Russia, such pastes as SILCA Complete Sensitive and LACALUT Extra Sensitive, Sensodyne F and Blendamed Pro-Expert are in demand. But there can be a lot of fakes in stores. Therefore, you should purchase medicinal paste at a pharmacy. Although the use of such remedies does not differ from the use of conventional ones, the former are considered medicinal. Therefore, you cannot brush your teeth with them without a break: a course of 4-5 weeks is required, and then you need to use regular toothpaste.

For the product to be truly useful, you should brush your teeth thoroughly, for at least 3-5 minutes 2 times a day. Brushes for hyperesthesia should be chosen of medium hardness. They allow you to completely eliminate food debris and do not cause injury to your gums.

What not to do if you have this disease

When a tooth is affected by a cold, no rinsing or painkillers help. They provide temporary relief, but then the pain returns. People often use special dental drops, but for colds they are practically useless, and in some cases they can be harmful. Self-treatment almost always leads to further progression of the disease.

It is forbidden to use antibiotics for this disease, since they are practically unable to help the inflamed nerve. Before going to the dentist, it is better not to use painkillers. They will prevent the doctor from making an accurate diagnosis.

Patients often try to use traditional recipes. But success in this case is possible only after consulting a dentist, who, after conducting an examination, can suggest which folk recipes will help eliminate the problem.

Patients should be aware that there are other restrictions for dental colds. For example, it is forbidden to use various warm compresses, as they can only increase the pain. The patient is recommended to simply bandage the cheek on the side of the damaged tooth with a wool scarf.

If it is not possible to see a doctor, then we must try to alleviate the patient’s condition using alternative medicine.

First, it is recommended to roll a ball of cotton wool (the size should be small), moisten it in medical alcohol or vodka, and then apply it to the affected area. Cotton wool should not get on the gum, as this may increase the pain due to its burn.

Another folk remedy that is very effective is often used - lard. It can be used fresh or salted. A small piece of the product is placed in the area of ​​the diseased tooth. It is kept for ⅓ hours. The pain gradually goes away.

Some patients prefer to use a Chlorhexidine rinse. A few drops of the medicine are diluted in 200 ml of warm water. You can use the mixture to rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

For some people, the pain goes away after they chew a fresh sorrel leaf. Sometimes a clove of garlic cut in half, which is placed on the gum near the cold tooth, helps. The pain disappears in almost 5-6 seconds, but gum burns may occur. If you infuse chicory in 1 glass of boiling water for 10 hours, you can quickly relieve tooth pain with the resulting solution.

The following recipes can be used:

  1. Take 0.1 liters of alcohol and pour it into 25-30 g of birch buds. Insist for 8-12 days. To use against colds on teeth, cotton wool is soaked in the solution and applied to the patient’s tooth enamel.
  2. It is recommended to soak a cotton ball in clove oil and apply it to the gums. This recipe is used when there is no visible damage to the teeth.
  3. Make a decoction of pharmaceutical sage according to the instructions indicated on the box. The solution is cooled, but before use it is diluted with warm water. It is best to rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid every 30 minutes.
  4. Place 5 tsp in boiling water. willow bark, ground into powder. Before use, the solution is diluted with water. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours. Along with pain, willow will also relieve inflammation.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water has proven itself well. They rinse their mouth with it. The pain goes away quickly.
  6. Some people use a paper equivalent of a cigarette, into which powder from the dried leaves of the cat's paw plant is poured instead of tobacco. There is no need to inhale the smoke, just blow it into the mouth. After 20-30 minutes the pain goes away.

A solution of baking soda in warm water is considered an effective remedy. For this, 1 tsp. The product is diluted in 200 ml of liquid. It is recommended to use this medicine for rinsing 4-5 times a day.

Prevention of dental colds is of great importance. The most common cause of this disease is the development of caries. Therefore, to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to systematically examine the jaw in the dentist’s office, and urgently take action if symptoms of caries are detected.

It is necessary to choose the right clothes appropriate for the cool season, since you can get a cold on your tooth due to the temperature change when leaving the house.

In order to understand the reason why it becomes inflamed, you need to understand the dental structure. The outer layer of the tooth is enamel, which protects against damage and germs. Beneath it is dentin. In the center there is a pulp with a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

The number of large nerves is similar to the number of root processes. In the pulp, small nerve fibers are collected in a kind of ball. For this reason, if the nerve is cold, it occurs. They say that a serious health problem has arisen that cannot be delayed.

Classification of hyperesthesia

There are limited and systemic (generalized) processes in which the hard tissues of most teeth are affected. Also distinguished are hyperesthesia associated with loss of dentin as a result of caries and high sensitivity that occurs when dentin is damaged due to heredity, wedge-shaped defect, trauma and toxic damage to the teeth. According to the clinical course and type of reaction, three degrees of the disease are distinguished:

I - heat, cold;

II - salty, sweet, spicy food;

III - all types of stimuli.

Usually the exacerbation phase alternates with remission. At the same time, subsequent attacks when exposed to hot and cold, sour and sweet are characterized by an intensification of the pain reaction and an increase in the time of the attack. At the initial stage of the disease, when using an effective cleanser and correcting the diet, discomfort is significantly reduced or may be completely absent.

Traditional medicine

Dental hypersensitivity has been known since ancient times, so in folk medicine there are many remedies and methods that can be used today.

Here are just a few sensible tips from traditional medicine:

  • Consume natural (chemical-free) cow's and goat's milk.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin D (fermented milk products, butter, fish, etc.)
  • Use tea tree oil as a rinse (three drops per glass of water); The mask has antibacterial properties, prevents the development of caries, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Why do teeth react to heat?

Women face the problem twice as often as men, which is explained by unstable hormonal levels and high emotionality. Stress affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which entails disruption of metabolic processes and changes in the acidity of saliva. High sensitivity of teeth to hot and other irritants may be associated with age-related changes in the body, chronic diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, among the main reasons are:

  • abrasion of dentin;
  • hypoplasia and demineralization of enamel;
  • abuse of home teeth whitening products;
  • extensive carious processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diseases of periodontal tissues of dystrophic and inflammatory origin.

Very often, high sensitivity to hot, cold and sour is caused by improper use of dental floss and aggressive brushing of teeth with a hard brush. At risk are patients who resort to frequent professional whitening and those with extensive carious lesions. The cause of hyperesthesia can be anomalies of the frenulum, incorrectly manufactured and installed orthodontic structures.

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