Intraoral 3D scanners: technologies of the future that have already arrived

In public clinics and private dental offices, outdated technology for making physical casts is still actively used for prosthetics and implantation. In some cases, this approach is even justified, for example, if you need to take an instant impression and then scan it with a desktop 3D device.

But science does not stand still. Today, more and more dentists are switching to intraoral scanning for objective reasons:

  • hygienic use of devices;
  • eliminating the need for consumables (impression mass);
  • accuracy of the results obtained;
  • high processing speed.

We predict that within a few years, intraoral (intraoral) scanners will be accepted as standard in all dental clinics.

Connecting the matrix to the scaler.

In fact, I was lucky and my connection to both matrices was identical.
I just had to disassemble the 17″ monitor cable and simply rearrange the contacts. The inputs to the matrix are also identical, in the end I tested 2 matrices of different monitors at once with one cable. Connector and symbols on the matrix.

You can see 10 channels, the power supply is 5 volts and the gaps between the channels are massive.

Scaler connector.

Tryndets, this is where I got into a stupor. There is not a single marking on this connector.

It’s good that there are kind people who posted another version of the scaler with exactly the same pinout.

Everything on the cable from the matrix to the original scaler is mixed up. Need to fix it)

That is: power supply first, and then, as routed on the matrix, in order, 2 signal wires each. Don’t confuse + and -, don’t forget about ground connections (GND).

This is how it happened for me.

Option to check.

The final version.

On the matrix, the two left power +5 are inserted first, then the red one is in the middle, this is common. If you turn the matrix over, you can see that they go to ground.

And then, the first pair, the second pair, etc.

For control, I connected only the general and power supply, and turned on the scaler. It immediately became clear that the matrix was working; it immediately turned black. Without power, when only the lamps work, it is brighter.

Advantages and disadvantages of intraoral 3D scanners

Advantages of digital equipment

  • Comfort for the patient . Intraoral scanners have become a real discovery for people who cannot tolerate standard impression materials. The gag reflex to plaster is especially common in children.
  • Maximum accuracy . Digital models are more accurate than analog ones. This quality is especially important in the manufacture of aligners, which work through a perfect fit.
  • Assessment of the clinical situation upon receipt . All defects in the digital model are immediately visible, and gaps in information can be filled by re-scanning only the area of ​​interest to the doctor, and not the entire oral cavity of the patient.
  • Fast data transfer . The 3D model will reach its destination in a couple of seconds, and the risk of its loss (as was previously the case with physical casts) is completely eliminated.
  • Reducing treatment time . Restoration can begin immediately, without waiting until the physical model is ready, and the number of visits to the dentist is reduced.
  • Hygiene . There are no impression materials in the work, so they cannot stain the clothes of the doctor and the patient.

Disadvantages of intraoral scanners

The new technology has significantly fewer disadvantages. In particular, certain difficulties arise when recognizing poorly visible places and accurately determining the boundary between the dentition and the gum.

Connecting control buttons and speakers to the scaler.

Buttons can be connected to the scaler in two ways. Key port connector.

First option: two wires GND and K0, in this case each button is connected through its own resistance.

Where :

k0 On/Off k1 - R1 680 Sound + k2 - R2 1.5k Sound - k3 - R3 2.7k Input k4 - R4 4.7k Menu k5 - R5 8.2k Channel + k6 - R6 15k Channel - k7 - R7 38k Reserve

Second option: each button has its own contact on the scaler, and goes through the button to zero (GND).

Where :

k0 On/Off k1 Sound + k2 Sound - k3 Input k4 Menu k5 Channel + k6 Channel - k7 Reserved

It is possible to connect 2 LEDs. One red is standby mode, the second green is on. You can connect them to the GRN and RED pins, respectively. Home electronics repair Do-it-yourself repair of a laptop screen backlight inverter We are repairing a Samsung R505 laptop with the following “diagnosis”: the screen does not work. When turned on, the indicators light up, the hard drive and fan start up, and the sounds of the hard drive heads moving are heard. This is a sign that there are no faults in the main part. The screen is dark, but if you shine a flashlight at a certain angle, the image begins to be viewed. This indicates that the display backlight is faulty. As you already know, the backlight itself often fails and just needs to be replaced. But first you need to make sure that this is the case. The backlight also has a so-called “inverter” - a small board that turns a low voltage of about 14 volts into a high voltage, which is necessary to power a cold cathode lamp. So, we disassemble the display by unscrewing the screws and removing the front panel. We disconnect the lamp from the inverter and connect a new one instead - the lamp does not light. Supply voltages are supplied to the inverter board, and there are also control signals (connector 1). We conclude that the inverter is faulty. We check the lamp by connecting it to an external, working inverter - the lamp does not light. We make an assumption that the lamp is faulty. We will repair it sequentially.

The inverter is designed very simply: a controller chip (3) generates a frequency and monitors the lamp current. Two assemblies of field-effect transistors (4 and 5) “pump” the primary winding of the step-up transformer (6). That's the whole inverter. It would seem that the use of a special controller chip should protect the inverter from any malfunctions. But, as we see in practice, it does not protect. Let's start checking the details. It turns out that the SMD fuse (2) has blown. It's disposable. We check the assemblies of the field workers - one P-channel transistor is short-circuited. This happens when there is an overload: either a short circuit in the primary winding of the step-up transformer, or a short circuit at the output (7).

Field workers' assemblies are used here AO4604. You can use IRF7319 or IRF7309 instead. Perhaps suitable: IRF7389, NDS8839, NDS8858, Si4539DY, Si4542. More details can be found in the datasheets so that the pinouts and parameters match. Unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing of this in stock. Therefore, it was decided to bend the leads of the part of the assembly that turned out to be faulty from the board and solder the transistor with wires in a “surround mounting”. The ancient but good SMD10P was chosen as the transistor - “with a margin”. The SMD fuse has been replaced with a jumper. After replacing the parts, the inverter successfully started up with the new lamp. They didn’t dare test it with the old lamp - and they did the right thing. Since there was a suspicion that it was faulty, it was decided to remove it. To do this, the metal plates on the sides of the display are unscrewed, after which the entire “Sandwich” of glass and films is removed from the metal frame. Attention! You should not allow the display elements to delaminate, as dust will immediately get there, which will be almost impossible to remove. During the process of removing the lamp, it was discovered that one of the ends of its silicone insulator had turned black and had traces of soot. So the reason for the failure of the inverter was discovered. A spark occurred at one of the lamp terminals, either between the torn wire and the terminal, or between the terminal and the metal frame of the display. In any case, the wire from the lamp has already burned out. The increased current led to an overload of one of the transistors, and when it burned out, the fuse also blew. Tellingly, the sophisticated controller chip didn’t even notice the overload.

The wire was soldered to the lamp and insulated with heat shrink tubing. After assembling the display and connecting the inverter, a full image appeared on the screen, the brightness was adjusted within the required limits. A run for several hours showed reliable operation of the inverter. The renovation is complete.

A personal computer monitor is the main means of displaying information. Modern liquid crystal monitors are quite complex electronic equipment, the failure of one of the components of which entails a complete failure of the entire device. But if you encounter problems with your monitor, do not rush to take it to a landfill; perhaps your monitor can still be repaired. — Diary of a beginning TV master

Hi all. Lately, you can often see articles and videos about converting old matrices from laptops and dead monitors into full-fledged TVs. This kind of alteration will be discussed in this article, but before that, a little background.

The content of the article

  1. Background
  2. What is needed to convert a monitor to a TV?
  3. Choosing a scaler
  4. Implementation of monitor backlight
  5. Selecting a cable from the scaler to the monitor
  6. power unit
  7. The process of converting a monitor to a TV
  8. Scaler firmware
  9. Links

About a year ago, they brought me a monitor for repairs in which the backlight power cord had caught fire. The matrix itself was not damaged, but part of the organic glass, which serves as a diverging lens, burned out. Also, 2 backlight lamps burst and the inverter itself burned out. Having told the owner the cost of repairs, he decided not to repair it. After some time, I bought this monitor for spare parts.

A few months later, I decided to try to restore this monitor, using a minimal budget. Since I couldn’t expect a beautiful picture, instead of CCFL 12 volt LED strip , having previously selected the brightest one on the radio market. To turn on the backlight, I used a field-effect transistor that supplied power to the LEDs, receiving a signal to turn on the backlight from the main board. I will describe how this is implemented below. The monitor started working, and I was very pleased with the picture quality. If you look closely, you could see small covenants on top, but they didn’t bother me.

So the monitor worked for several months, exactly until I needed another TV, not a large diagonal. To implement this task, I decided to use a universal scaler (monitor controller).

What is needed to convert a monitor to a TV?

For the remodel we will need:

  1. The scaler itself
  2. Inverter for backlight
  3. Plume
  4. power unit

Choosing a scaler

In fact, there are a huge variety of scalers, but I will only consider those that are suitable specifically for converting a monitor into a TV. These boards are not called universal for nothing, since they support almost all matrix models that exist. After reading various articles about these boards, I found out that 3 universal scalers are most suitable for implementing my task.

  1. Scaler on chip TSUMV29LU. The board itself is called LA.MV29.P. This scaler model can do almost everything, receive television channels, and has inputs on board HDMI, RCA, VGA, as well as a headphone output. There is also a USB connector, but it is only used for firmware. You won't be able to view files from a flash drive on this scaler.

    Scaler LA.MV29.P

  2. Model scaler L.A. MV56U . They differ only in the chip, but unlike its predecessor, it can already read USB flash drives.

    Scaler LA.MV56.U

  3. Scaler with T2 . Model of this scaler: Z. VST.3463.A. The type is all inclusive. Recently, my friend and I converted his monitor into a full-fledged TV with a T2 tuner, using this particular scaler. Very good product, T2 + analog channels work great.

Scaler with T2 support

I posted all the links to the scaler at the end of the article. The sellers are personally verified, so you can be sure of the quality.

Monitor backlight

The monitor backlight can be done in 2 ways: using CCFL lamps or Led LEDs. To determine the type of backlight, you need to disassemble the monitor and get to the matrix.

After disassembly, pay attention to which wires come out from the side of the matrix. If the connectors are of the same type as in the picture below, then you have lamp-based backlighting, the so-called CCFL backlight.

CCFL backlight

In this case, you need to order an inverter for CCFL lamps.

Connecting a universal 4 CCFL inverter to a scaler

The number of lamp connectors determines how many channels an inverter is needed for. Typically, monitors use 4-lamp inverters. If you want to remake the matrix from a laptop, then only one lamp is used, and an appropriate inverter is needed.

If there are no such wires, and there is a 6-pin connector at the bottom of the monitor, then you are using LED backlighting. Then you need an LED inverter.

LED inverter

If no wires come out from the matrix, but one cable is connected, then you do not need an inverter, it is already on the matrix board itself.

Selecting a cable from the scaler to the monitor

The choice of cable must be taken very seriously, since the performance of the entire system depends on it. I didn’t buy the cable, but remade the old one according to the datasheet, but you can buy a ready-made one. Decide for yourself what to choose, but I will describe both methods.

To determine the type of cable, go to the website and enter the name of our matrix in the search bar. You can see the name itself on the sticker located on the back of the matrix.

sticker on the matrix. Model CLAA170EA 07Q

After this, we receive all the necessary information that we also need to select the firmware.

Matrix information.

Let's look at it in more detail.Diagonal Size: The size of our matrix. In our case, 17 inches. — Pixel Format: Screen expansion. Key information for selecting scaler firmware. In my case, 1280(RGB)×1024 - Interface Type: This is our connector for the cable. My matrix requires a 30-pin cable, the LVDS bus must have 2 8-bit channels. I will post links to popular trains at the end of the article. I will remake this cable from an old one, I will describe the process later.Power Supply: Matrix supply voltage. In my case it is 5 volts. — Light Source: Here is all the information about the backlight. CCFL [4 pcs] means that a 4-lamp backlight is used, so an appropriate inverter is needed. Above, I described how to choose a suitable inverter without using this site.

power unit

The power supply requires 12 volts. Its power depends on the diagonal of the monitor and must be at least 4 amperes. If there is not enough space in the monitor case, then it is better to buy a remote power supply, but I will use a tablet-type power supply, which I will install in the monitor case.

The process of converting a monitor to a TV

Since my monitor is not the latest, I chose a scaler without support for all the bells and whistles, that is, LA.MV29.P. If you choose any other scaler, their connections are identical, you will just use the appropriate firmware.

Delivery was only 15 days. The kit includes the board itself, a remote control and an IR receiver. I actually got the remote control with Chinese inscriptions, but in the links all the scalers will have an English keyboard.

I will be remodeling the LG Latron 17 inch monitor

First of all, I disassembled the monitor and removed all the insides.

Removed all the boards, along with the metal casing

After disassembling, I began to look for the most convenient place to install the scaler. Since I have an old-style monitor and there is a lot of free space in it, the board fits freely there along with the power supply. I installed the board in the upper part of the monitor, and used a soldering iron to make holes for the scaler outputs.

Scaler installation location

It turned out something like this.

In order not to forget, I immediately set the matrix power jumper to the 5 volt position. You choose the position based on the datasheet for your matrix, or use the website and look at the value in the Power Supply field.

Jumper that determines the matrix supply voltage

Next, I started connecting the buttons. The buttons connect very easily. On the old keyboard panel, I removed all the extra resistors and jumpers, and left only the buttons. Next, one end of all the buttons was soldered together with a conductor, and connected to the GND pin (to ground “-”), and the wires were brought out from the board to the second. Which button will do what on the old board, decide for yourself. I only have 5 buttons on my panel, so I sacrificed the OK button.

Designation of connections

Explanation of symbols

K0 - Power button K1 - Volume + K2 - Volume - K3 - Selection button (OK) K4 - Menu button K5 - Channel + K6 - Channel -

connecting buttons on the diagram

The GRN and RED pins indicate the status of the LED. This was done for two color LEDs with 3 legs. One leg is connected to ground “-“, the second and third legs are connected to GRN and RED. I didn’t have such an LED, so I connected only the red LED, which lights up when the TV is in standby mode, and goes out when the TV turns on.

According to the IR receiver, there should be no problems, everything is described in the picture.

I didn’t find a connector, I just soldered the wires to the pins.

This is how I laid out the wires

As I said earlier, I used my own cable. It was inserted into the scaler connector normally, but had a completely different pinout. To avoid confusion, I removed all the wires from the connector by pressing the corresponding tab on the contact.

The process of removing wires from the connector

Next, I installed the block in the scaler and began to connect the matrix one by one, according to the diagram. The scaler pinout is shown below.

Scaler pinout

I took the matrix pinout from the datasheet. This is what she looks like.

CLAA170EA07Q matrix pinout

The connection turns out to be inverse, on one side of the Vcc these are contacts 28,29,30, on the matrix side these are 1,2,3. Please note that the signals leaving the scaler are preceded by the letter “ T” (transfer) , and the matrix is ​​marked with R(received) .

For example, we connect the signal from the scaler TXO1- to the pin of the matrix RXO1-, to put it simply, we just don’t look at the first letter.

Next, I installed the block on the scaler and began connecting the contacts one by one.

Connector set.

When I finished with that, I started connecting the backlight. Since my backlight is not standard, but already modified, I had to use a field-effect transistor as a switch that would turn on the backlight when a signal from the scaler is supplied. For those who are interested in how I connected the transistor, the diagram is below.

Connecting an NPN field switch as a key

In your case, you will only need to connect the inverter to the connector, and everything will work.

Designation of pins for the monitor backlight

Consequences of a previous monitor failure, traces of a burnt wire for the backlight

Next, I installed the power supply. I used a tablet power supply that had been lying idle for a long time. It is more powerful than necessary, namely 5 amperes.

Having collected everything to the heap, all that remains is to flash the scaler.

Scaler firmware

The choice of firmware must be taken seriously, since if you choose the wrong firmware, you can only reflash the scaler through the programmer.

Let's consider the choice of firmware for the CLAA170EA 07Q matrix.

Matrix information.

We get the following information: 2 channels, 8 bits, extension 1280 x 1024, power supply 5 volts. After downloading the firmware, we look for a similar one among the files.

Firmware selection.

In the file, select the desired extension, bits and matrix supply voltage. We go into this folder and see a file that needs to be unzipped and placed in the root of the flash drive.

We connect the flash drive to the scaller and supply power to the board. The LED on the panel should start blinking. We wait until the LED stops blinking, after which the TV can be turned on using the remote control or button.

The firmware is here:

  1. LA.MV29.P
  2. L.A. MV56U
  3. For a tuner with T2, the seller sends the firmware to the cutter after purchase. He sent me this one: Z. VST.3463.A

After the firmware, I immediately went to the language settings and set the language to Russian. Next, I launched an auto search.

Auto channel search.

The scaler receives channels perfectly. I ordered the speakers later, so I temporarily glued the ones I had on hand with thermal glue.

Final assembly of the monitor. The speakers are set up for testing. Later they were replaced with small ones.

The IR port was brought out from below, and additionally glued with super glue.

Result of the work:

Everyone is here.


Scalers: LA.MV29.P LA. MV56U Z. VST.3463.A

Inverters: 1 lamp inverter 2 lamp inverter 4 lamp inverter

Universal LED inverter

Cables: LVDS 30pin 6bit LVDS 30pin 8bit 40Pin 2 Channel 6 Bit 51pin cable LVDS 2ch 8bt Power supplies: Power supply Tablet power supply Speakers for scaler

All the tools and consumables that I use in repairs are located here.
If you have any questions about repairing television equipment, you can ask them on our new forum.
( 14 ratings, average: 4.57 out of 5)

What does an LCD monitor consist of?

In the article How to connect a monitor to a computer power supply, we have already touched on the topic of restoring the functionality of a computer monitor. Today we’ll talk about another problem, namely how to fix a monitor if its backlights don’t light up.

The fact is that the image on LCD monitors is illuminated using special devices:

  • fluorescent lamps for the monitor backlight are located along the edges of the screen body, top/bottom or right/left;
  • LED backlighting of monitors is located on the back wall of the screen, or (less often) along the edges of its body.

In this article, we will talk specifically about restoring the backlight of LCD monitors based on fluorescent (gas-discharge) lamps. If one of these lamps “burns out,” the picture on the monitor will not look as bright as it did before the breakdown, and the colors will be much duller. When all the lamps in a monitor of this type fail at once (and most often there can be from two to four, less often, or in portable devices - one backlight lamp), when you turn on the computer, it may seem that there is simply no image on the screen and he was completely out of order. But if you bring the screen to a bright light source or shine a flashlight on the display, you can see that there is a picture on the device. This will be especially noticeable at an acute angle and when the image on the screen changes: when minimizing/maximizing operating system windows, when moving windows around the desktop, when playing video clips, and so on.

Let's look at what a computer monitor consists of. In the picture we see how a monitor equipped with a built-in power supply is constructed, that is, a monitor that is connected to an electrical outlet by a power cord without additional units on it. A monitor without a power supply looks similar, only it does not have a power board, and the inverter is directly connected to the display controller. A display controller is often called a scaler, but this is not entirely true, since in fact the concept of a scaler is much narrower:

A scaler is one of the components of the controller board, which is responsible for scaling the image on the screen

So, today we will not deal with how to carry out component repairs on a monitor board, but will talk about modular repairs.

History of appearance

The first system for the design and production of crowns began to be developed in 1971 in France. In 1973, Dr. François Duret's thesis was published, where he proposed the innovative concept of computer-aided design and manufacture of dentures (CAD/CAM). Ten years later, Duret received a patent for the first CAD/CAM device he created, the capabilities of which he demonstrated at a conference in Chicago in 1989.

In parallel, work on the technology was carried out in Italy and Switzerland. The first commercial intraoral (intraoral) scanner for indirect dental restorations was the CEREC model (Siemens AG). On an industrial scale, devices began to be produced and sold by Sirona (Germany) and OrthoCAD (Israel), the latter’s products were supplied to the US market under the iTero brand.

The first CAD/CAM systems were closed and involved the production of digital impressions on milling machines of the same brand. Partially open systems were then created and expanded with technology from licensed partners. An example of such a solution is the Lava Chairside Oral Scanner from Brontes Technologies without a milling unit, compatible with Straumann (Etkon) and Lava Milling milling machines.

The next stage was the emergence of completely open systems. They allow you to send scans to any recipient and independently manage the process of planning and creating restorations.

What is a monitor backlight inverter?

If the image is displayed on the monitor screen, but there is no backlight, then there are two main probable causes of this problem:

  • malfunction of monitor backlight lamps

In this case, we need to find a similar suitable lamp to replace the faulty one. Or, if one is not available, you can solder a resistor of suitable power and resistance instead of the backlight.

  • monitor backlight inverter malfunction

But there are many things that can go wrong in an inverter: either a simple resistance element in the circuit or a more complex one can fail. These can be resistors, transistors, capacitors, and high-voltage transformers themselves. Often, failed parts can be identified by characteristic black marks on the electronic board.

ATTENTION! Never touch the monitor inverter or other boards while the device is connected to the network. The voltage on some monitor elements can reach 1500 volts or even more!

What to do if the backlight lamps are intact, but the image on the screen is still not visible? Two situations are possible (we remind you that within the framework of this article we do not consider the intricacies of component diagnostics and repair):

  1. Our monitor has an external power supply and a separate inverter board. In this case, we simply purchase a new inverter or a suitable used one and connect it to the matrix controller board. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the inverter connection interfaces are universal.
  2. Our monitor is equipped with a built-in power supply, the elements of which are located on the same board with the inverter. Of course, in this case, you can find a similar replacement board, but we will consider another solution to the problem.

What is an intraoral scanner used for?

Intraoral devices allow you to scan the patient’s oral cavity directly and obtain digital models of teeth in real time. Thus, instead of traditional plaster casts, the doctor receives digitized images.

The equipment is used in dental offices for diagnostics and production of 3D models for restorations, production of implants, prostheses, and other surgical and orthodontic products.

Models from the library can be superimposed on the resulting scanned images and edited to achieve maximum compatibility. The entire fitting process takes a few minutes, after which the image is sent to production.

Determining the contacts connecting the inverter to the power supply

First of all, we will also need to find a suitable inverter. You can buy an inverter in online stores and at flea markets.

A very simple way is to buy a damaged monitor, of which there are many on the Internet. For example, LCD monitors with a screen diagonal of 17" with various faults are sold for 500 rubles, but after a short conversation with the seller, you can often pick up a monitor for just 100 rubles. Agree, this is a good alternative to purchasing a new inverter for 500-1000 rubles from China. Of course, there is always a risk that the inverter in the purchased monitor will also be damaged, but here, as they say, he who does not risk, does not drink champagne

Now we need to decide on the connection. The inverter board with the power supply has only one connection connector for connecting to the matrix controller board. Knowing what contacts are at the output of this board and the external inverter board, we can connect them with wires. We look at the ViewSonic monitor board with the power supply and see the connector pin diagram there

In the picture above we have the following decoding of the connector:

  • the two left contacts +12 are responsible, as can be seen from the designation, for supplying plus;
  • the two middle GND contacts are responsible for ground (or minus);
  • the upper right ON/OFF contact is responsible for sending a signal to turn the monitor on/off;
  • The lower right BRIG pin controls the monitor.

Now let's see what we have at the output from the external inverter board

Here the contacts are located side by side and have the following purposes from left to right:

  • two GND contacts are ground (minus);
  • ADJ contact is backlight control;
  • ON/OFF contact—turn the backlight on and off;
  • the two outer contacts of VCC - respectively, the supply of plus.

In our case, we will connect the plus and ground contacts in pairs with one wire, and one wire each for turning the board on/off and for the control contact. Ideally, you can attach a separate wire to each contact.

If your boards do not have a diagram with decoding, then you can always find a datasheet (from the English Datasheet, which literally means “a piece of paper with information,” that is, “documentation”) of the board you are using. We emphasize that it is more convenient and profitable to search for documentation specifically according to the board model, and not according to the monitor model in which this same board was installed

Operating principle of intraoral scanners

Intraoral scanners are devices that are used in dentistry to make digital impressions. They work on the same principle as other optical 3D scanners: they project light onto the scanned object, receive the reflected light signal and transmit it to a computer to obtain a three-dimensional image.

Special software is responsible for processing images obtained by sensors. The clouds of control points created in it are processed by the program and become the basis for a three-dimensional model of a dental product. This model is a prototype of a future physical copy that can be made on a milling machine or printed on a 3D printer.

Connecting an external inverter to the monitor power supply board

Now that we have decided on the contacts on the boards, we can start connecting them. You can implement a connection between boards in different ways, the simplest of which are:

  • directly from the connector, hooking the wires to the contacts at the output;
  • crashing into the wires going from the power supply to the controller board;
  • soldering the wires to the inverter to the power board.

We will use the third method, but if you do not have a soldering iron, then the second option in this case may be preferable.

We solder from the back side of the monitor power supply board along the wire to the positive, negative, control contact and the monitor on/off contact. The contacts must be insulated from each other with heat-shrinkable tubing for each wire or regular electrical tape.

Now we cut off the return line from the inverter connector and connect the wires in pairs with those that we soldered to the power board.

  • wire from +12 to two VCC pin wires;
  • a wire from GND to two wires of the GND contacts of the inverter board;
  • connect the wire from the BRIG contact to the ADJ wire;
  • We connect the ON/OFF wires of the boards to each other.

For reliability and order, we also solder the connections.

That's it, you can now connect the boards, connect the monitor to the computer and turn it on, checking the operation.

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