Amazing White whitening: description of technology, contraindications, effect

General information

The essence of the Amazing White whitening method is to remove soft deposits and pigmented areas of dentin using a special gel and an LED lamp.
The main active component of the composition applied to the surface of bone organs is 16 or 25% hydrogen peroxide. Due to this concentration, a delicate effect on the enamel is ensured without demineralization.

Under the influence of a special device - an LED lamp emitting blue light, the hydrogen peroxide included in the gel is divided into two elements - atomic oxygen and water.

The resulting oxygen penetrates deep into the dentin and reacts with the molecules of the colored areas, splitting them. Subsequently, the dissolved colored particles are brought to the surface of the enamel with water.

This technology guarantees the absence of damage to the protective layer of the tooth due to the splitting of exclusively pigmented formations.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Like any whitening technology, Amazing White has several disadvantages:

  • the procedure cannot be performed by people with individual intolerance to the components included in the system;
  • the gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which can have a negative effect on enamel;
  • immediately after whitening, tooth sensitivity appears, disappearing after about a day;
  • in some cases, irritation of the gum tissue may occur;
  • in isolated cases, patients experience a burning or tingling sensation during the procedure.

There have been situations where some teeth became much whiter than all the others. Such uneven whitening depends on the quality of the enamel .

The essence of the method

The teeth whitening procedure using the Amazing White system is an advanced modern technique for quickly achieving a snow-white smile in a dental office.
The essence of express whitening comes down to exposing a special gel to cold light from an LED lamp. The technology allows not only to lighten the enamel by several tones, but also to remove stones. First, a gel composition is applied to the surface of the teeth, the main active substance of which is hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the latter is low, only 16%, which minimizes the negative effect on tooth enamel. After applying the substance, the lamp is turned on, and as a result of light hitting the gel, hydrogen peroxide splits into water molecules and atomic oxygen, which destroys the pigment layer. At the end of the procedure, everything is washed off with water.

This way, in a short period of time, a person gets the desired white teeth without compromising the integrity of the structure of the dental tissues. This technique is also called oxygen bleaching.

What it is?

This procedure is oxygen bleaching. The Amazing white whitening system is available at your dentist. Reviews from doctors confirm that the technology, in terms of its minimal impact, is comparable to those that can be used at home.

The main feature is the low concentration of hydrogen peroxide: for example, only 16% peroxide is used for teeth whitening, which is by far the best option, minimizing the harmful effects on dental tissue.

The procedure involves exposing the gel to cold light from an LED lamp. Under the influence of cold light, the hydrogen peroxide in the gel is split into water molecules and atomic oxygen, which, when combined with coloring pigments, gives the enamel a white color. The pores of the dental tissue are then washed out by the water released from the gel, and the patient can immediately enjoy his beautiful smile.

Today, an increasing number of people prefer Amazing White - whitening, patient reviews of which strongly recommend choosing this procedure.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Every day, Amazing white express teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular. However, like any traditional or innovative technology, the white emitting system has its positive and negative sides. Among the advantages of the technique:

  • safety due to the absence of damage to dental tissues and negative effects on enamel;
  • pigment removal occurs even in hard-to-reach places;
  • painlessness;
  • the speed of the procedure, which takes about 15 minutes;
  • achieving quick results within 3 sessions;
  • possibility of lightening by 8 tones while maintaining the natural shade;
  • affordable price;
  • no risk of irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • maintaining the effect for a long time.

Among the disadvantages, of which there are few, you should know:

  • increased tooth sensitivity within 24 hours after the procedure;
  • slight risk of negative impact on enamel from hydrogen peroxide in the gel;
  • individual intolerance to the components in the gel used;
  • teeth may become different shades due to uneven enamel;
  • burning and tingling of the mucous membrane, which is observed when all the rules for bleaching are not followed.


In general, the Amazing White whitening procedure is safe and harmless, but there are still some contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the gel.
  • Children's age (up to 14 years), as well as the presence of milk teeth.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and gums, especially periodontal disease.
  • The presence of open foci of caries, pulpitis and other diseases.
  • The presence of dental implants or crowns in the smile area (whitening cannot change their color).
  • Presence of exposed areas of tooth roots.
  • The presence of “tetracycline” teeth (their lightening is possible by 1-2 tones).
  • Not recommended for thyroid diseases.
  • Presence of mental illness.
  • Presence of neoplasms.
  • Therapy with tetracycline antibiotics, oral contraceptives, statins.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Taking a course of chemotherapy.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for whitening using the Amazing White system is dark plaque or yellowness of the tooth enamel. The technique is equally effective in the case of congenital defects and acquired darkening, which is most often the result of excessive consumption of coffee, tea, wine and other coloring products. Among other indications for the use of express whitening technology, it is worth noting the following:

  • caries and complications caused by it;
  • transparency of dental tissues;
  • darkening of enamel caused by age-related changes;
  • the appearance of pigment spots and defects on the dental surface as a result of the destruction of hard tissues; darkening of dentin in deep layers.

To avoid negative reactions and undesirable consequences after the procedure, you should take into account all situations where this technology is contraindicated. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • the presence of baby teeth (see also: how can you pull out a child’s baby tooth without pain at home?);
  • the presence of bare roots;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide;
  • mental disorders;
  • pulpitis;
  • high sensitivity to light;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the periodontium, especially accompanied by bleeding;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • malignant tumor in the body;
  • recent completion of a course of phototherapy, chemotherapy, or treatment using ultraviolet radiation;
  • the presence of dental structures in the mouth or the cessation of wearing them during the last 6 months;
  • taking medications that affect photosensitivity.


When can Amazing White express whitening be recommended? Reviews from dentists about this procedure convince us that it can be used for both acquired and congenital defects.

The indication for use of Amazing White is, first of all, the dark color of tooth enamel. Moreover, this type of whitening will be effective for both congenital and acquired (usually due to frequent consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, or carrots and beets) darkening of teeth. It is also possible to carry out this type of whitening in case of caries and its complications (after endodontic treatment) and even if the dental tissue is transparent.

Features and principle of operation

Amazing White - whitening (reviews should contain information not only about the condition of the teeth after the session, but also about the health of the oral cavity before bleaching), the operating principle of which is based on the process of the formation of oxygen atoms from the original hydrogen peroxide. Cold light from an LED device stimulates the splitting of hydrogen into water and oxygen.

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To whiten teeth as effectively as possible, the wavelength affecting the enamel must be at least 450 nm. Oxygen atoms, after the breakdown of the molecule of the main substance, are distributed over the surface of the tooth and penetrate into its inner layers, including dentin.

Considering that the pores of tooth enamel are already filled with pigment molecules that determine the shade of teeth, atomic oxygen begins to interact with them.

As a result of this process, the pigment becomes water-soluble. The uniqueness of the process is that atomic oxygen is not able to react with other chemicals.

After each enamel pigment molecule acquires a new physical property, water (which, among other things, initially disintegrated hydrogen molecules) begins to wash out the color from the protective surface of the tooth. As a result of this, the enamel is lightened, while minimally changing its structure.

The features of whitening using the Amazing White system are:

  • the ability to carry out bleaching both in a specially equipped room and at home;
  • no need to have a medical education to understand the whitening process and carry out the procedure yourself;
  • minimum frequency of occurrence of negative reactions of the body to the gel composition used.

What is an LED lamp

The set of LED lamp, due to the influence of which hydrogen decays, includes the following elements:

  • block emitting light waves;
  • tripod;
  • battery;
  • remote controller;
  • sunglasses.

In its action, the LED lamp differs from most analogues, which use ultraviolet light.

It has a wavelength from 430 to 490 nm and a power of 30 W. The cold light emitted by this device does not cause heating or damage to dental tissue.

Preparing teeth for whitening

Amazing White – whitening (reviews must be assessed taking into account the person’s gender and lifestyle), which requires special preparation. Before starting the procedure, dental hygienists talk about its main stages.

The preparatory stage in most cases includes (in this order):

  1. Hygienic teeth cleaning. This procedure is painless, but requires at least 30 minutes. During hygienic cleaning, the top layer of plaque, food debris from the interdental space is removed from the surface of the teeth, and tartar is removed. If a person has not previously monitored the condition of his oral cavity, the preparatory manipulations in question may take 60-90 minutes. dentist time.
  2. Placement of the retractor on the lips. A special silicone design makes the tooth surface as accessible as possible to the doctor.
  3. Treat lips with vitamin E or grape seed oil. This will help avoid dryness and tightness of the client's lips during the procedure (otherwise the person will experience discomfort, which will affect his emotions about the procedure and the quality of its implementation).
  4. Determining the initial shade of a particular person's enamel using a tooth color palette.
  5. Drying the surface of the teeth and gums using a cotton pad.
  6. Uniform application of a protective gel to the gums, which can minimize the negative effects of hydrogen peroxide on the oral mucosa.

After the above steps, special glasses are placed on the person’s face to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation during the procedure.

Amazing White (whitening): reviews

Abroad, this type of tooth enamel lightening has been in demand for quite a long time. Consequently, today there are a huge number of patients who have undergone a procedure such as Amazing White (whitening). Reviews are full of varied opinions, but in most cases, all patients come to the same conclusion: the procedure is relatively low cost, and with proper oral care, the effect lasts up to six months to 2 years.

How is the procedure done?

Lightening of tooth enamel using the Amazing White method takes 50-60 minutes. The gel is left on the surface to be treated for 10-40 minutes. The total duration of the session depends on the condition of the teeth and the intended result.

All manipulations are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Determining the original color of teeth

    Fixation of a special retractor on the lips. This will help the patient maintain the correct position of the mouth, and the specialist can easily carry out the intended procedure.

  2. Applying a rubber dam or gel to the gums to protect the tissues and mucous membranes from burns (some versions of Amazing White are carried out without creating a protective layer).
  3. Treatment of the surface of each tooth with a gel containing hydrogen peroxide of the selected concentration.
  4. Shine a lamp onto the treated areas with gel for 15 minutes.
  5. Washing off the reaction that has come to the surface with a stream of water.
  6. Repeat the procedure using the gel and lamp 2-3 more times.
  7. Coating the surface of the teeth with a preparation containing fluoride to restore the enamel structure and consolidate the achieved effect.

Important! The decision on the number of repeated treatments is made solely by the dentist.

Main stages of the procedure

After carrying out the preparatory manipulations, the dental hygienist proceeds to the main stage of the whitening procedure using the Amazing White system:

Whitening stageShort description
Applying active gel to tooth enamelDepending on the initial condition of the teeth and the health of the person’s oral cavity, the doctor selects a gel with the most gentle effect. They differ from each other in the concentration of hydrogen content in them. The most commonly used formulations are 16, 24, 25 and 37%.
Flashing teethApply to human teeth for 15-20 minutes. A special LED lamp is inserted, which illuminates the tooth enamel with its light.
Removing spent gelAfter 15-20 minutes. The dentist removes the remaining gel from the client's teeth using a dry cotton pad. For the most thorough cleaning of the oral cavity from the chemical composition, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with boiled water.
Repetition of the main stagesDepending on the initial condition of the teeth and the result expected to be obtained after whitening, the dentist repeats steps 1 – 3, at least 2 times. The maximum number of repetitions is 4.

The final stage of the procedure is the application of a remineralizing strengthening gel to the tooth surface. If the main points of teeth whitening have been followed, then at the end of the procedure, the tooth enamel will become lighter by 5-9 tones.

Amazing White procedure technology

The first stage of the procedure should be a consultation with a dentist, during which a specialist will conduct a diagnosis. If no contraindications for whitening are identified, then the desired shade of the teeth is determined. In this case, it is better to listen to the dentist’s recommendations. He will advise which shade on your teeth will look natural and harmonious. In some cases, pictures of the possible result are taken for a clear example.

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itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Professional oral hygiene, which includes removing plaque and tartar, cleaning interdental spaces, applying polish and gel containing fluoride to the enamel.
  2. Moisturize your lips with cream or oil with vitamins E and A.
  3. Installation of a dental instrument - retractor. With its help, there is no contact between the teeth and the mucous membrane.
  4. Isolation of gums with liquid cofferdam. The drug will protect your gums from hydrogen peroxide and prevent burns. This step is not mandatory, since the concentration of peroxide in the gel is low.
  5. Applying whitening gel to teeth and exposing them to a special lamp. After 15 minutes, the gel is washed off and the mouth is rinsed. In this way, only three procedures are performed.
  6. At the end of whitening, the enamel is coated with fluoride-containing preparations.

Whitening procedure

1. If a preliminary consultation with a dentist does not reveal any contraindications for the procedure (we will touch on them a little later), then the first step will be to determine the desired shade. At this moment it is necessary to be guided by common sense and not desires. The doctor will advise which shade of enamel will not only suit you, but will also look harmonious and natural on your teeth. The dentist may suggest taking photographs of your original smile so that you can fully evaluate the result later.

2. Professional oral hygiene.

Enamel whitening using the Amazing White method is impossible without prior professional oral hygiene. Such cleaning not only prepares teeth for upcoming whitening, but also prevents the development of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and even the development of caries.

Professional cleaning is carried out by a dentist using ultrasound or a special brush with paste. Only such care, which is recommended for everyone at least once every six months, can completely remove plaque and even tartar, which is the cause of the development of caries. Therefore, professional hygiene is an excellent prevention of loosening and loss of teeth.

Cleaning hard dental tissue in the dentist's chair consists of several stages:

  • Ultrasound removal of tartar.
  • Removal of soft dental plaque (Air Flow device is most often used).
  • Cleaning between teeth.
  • Teeth polishing.
  • Application of gel containing fluoride.

3. Installation of a retractor - a dental instrument that ensures there is no contact of the oral mucosa with the teeth. Before installing the retractor, the dentist must moisturize the lips with oil or cream with vitamins A or E.

4. Although the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the whitening gel is small, doctors isolate the gums with a liquid rubber dam to further reduce the risk of burns. This bleaching step is optional.

5. Applying the whitening composition to the teeth, after which the gel is exposed to a professional LED lamp. It is carried out in 3 cycles lasting 15 minutes each. At the end of each cycle, it is necessary to wash off the gel and rinse the mouth from its residues.

6. Coating of teeth with preparations containing fluoride.

Effect of the procedure

You can evaluate the results immediately after Amazing White whitening. Tooth enamel becomes lighter by more than 6 tones. Before the procedure, it is worth considering that there are some features in which it will not be possible to achieve a stunning result.

This is, first of all, the condition of the teeth, previous dental diseases, the presence of fillings and the small thickness of the protective layer.

Even if the teeth are absolutely healthy, the enamel layer can be very thin, which is accompanied by increased sensitivity. In such cases, specialists do not use a highly concentrated gel, which reduces the intensity of whiteness.

You can prolong the whiteness of your smile in quite affordable ways.

The formation of yellowing plaque is promoted by bad habits and unhealthy foods, namely:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet dishes;
  • frequent consumption of coffee and black tea;
  • limited diet, which includes only raw vegetables.

Ingredients containing dyes (natural and synthetic) can also affect tooth discoloration. To maintain the results of the Amazing White whitening method, it is recommended that you follow certain restrictions.

Amazing White whitening – before and after the procedure

Post-session care

To consolidate and maintain the results obtained for a long time, it is not enough to follow normal hygiene procedures.

Typically, the dentist gives the following recommendations that are mandatory:

  • within two hours after completion of the procedure, you should not eat or smoke;
  • in case of increased sensitivity of the enamel, it is necessary to use drugs that reduce susceptibility, such as Cholisal gel or Sensodin paste;
  • women should hold off on using lip cosmetics that may get on the tooth surface;
  • to maintain the enamel tone, it is advisable to use a special Amazing White pencil;
  • To seal the enamel pores, it is necessary to regularly undergo the procedure of enamel remineralization;
  • Oral hygiene should be regular and of high quality, using whitening paste and additional devices: irrigator, floss, brushes.

Caring for your teeth and oral cavity after an enamel lightening session

To prolong the whitening effect, dentists recommend following the so-called “white diet” after the session, which consists of abstaining from coloring drinks and food, as well as quitting smoking for several hours after the procedure.

48 hours after visiting the doctor, you can return to your normal lifestyle, but women should be very careful in applying decorative cosmetics further: it is impossible to predict how lipstick pigments may affect the color of whitened tooth enamel.

What recommendations should you follow after teeth whitening using the American Amazing White system?

After a session using the Amazing White method, the dentist gives each patient advice, adherence to which will help maintain the results obtained.

Among the main ones:

  • For several days after treatment, you should not smoke or eat foods containing dyes;
  • review your diet, minimizing the use of ingredients with a coloring effect (wine, beets, tea, spinach, etc.);
  • regularly clean the oral cavity using special cleaning products;
  • After each meal, remove any leftover food and rinse the mouth with a special composition;
  • Visit your dentist 1-2 times a year for professional oral cleaning.

How long does the effect last?

One of the advantages of the method is that the effect of the procedure lasts a long time. The period during which teeth can retain their acquired shade varies from two months to two years. Much depends on the patient, his habits and oral hygiene.

Over time, the enamel begins to darken again as plaque accumulates. The reasons why the duration of the effect may be significantly reduced are the following:

  • smoking;
  • excessive consumption of tea, coffee and other products with coloring properties;
  • failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • Irregular brushing of teeth;
  • untimely treatment of dental diseases.

A person’s diet plays a separate role in the duration of the effect. It is impossible to completely exclude all coloring foods from the diet, and even their minimal presence gradually leads to pigmentation.

Who is suitable for Amazing White express teeth whitening?

Even such an innovative whitening technology as Amazing White has some contraindications. Firstly, bleaching is not done on children, but it is usually not required at this age. Also, the procedure should not be performed on pregnant women and nursing mothers. Increased photosensitivity and taking medications that affect this indicator also make it impossible to lighten the enamel. In addition, of course, Amazing White express teeth whitening, like many other dental procedures, is not performed in case of significant dental caries.

There are other factors in which teeth whitening is contraindicated:

  • allergy
  • enamel defects
  • gum and periodontal diseases
  • lesions of hard tissues in the cervical area of ​​the tooth

Only a dentist can determine whether a patient has contraindications to whitening. Sometimes it is advisable to carry out the procedure after complex treatment. You shouldn’t rush and turn a blind eye to existing dental problems, as in this case, whitening can cause complications.

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Effect duration

No matter how well Amazing White teeth whitening is carried out, reviews confirm that over time, plaque will accumulate on the teeth, and the enamel will gradually darken. This process usually proceeds very slowly, but if you often drink coffee, tea, or other coloring drinks, fruits and vegetables, the effect of the procedure will last less time.

So, the duration of the enamel lightening result is influenced by the following factors:

  • penetrating ability of enamel;
  • patient's habits.

Home whitening Amazing White

You can improve the color of your teeth at home. Of course, you cannot do this on your own, without consulting a dentist - a whitening kit can only be purchased from a specialist. Firstly, the patient may have oral diseases for which whitening is contraindicated. And secondly, it is necessary to undergo preliminary procedures, for example, professional teeth cleaning. Also, to carry out home whitening using the Amazing White PRO Whitening Home kit system, you will need to order special trays from your doctor. After such preparation, you can begin bleaching. It will take 10 to 14 days - significantly longer than a professional procedure. The whitening period is extended due to the reduced hydrogen peroxide content in Amazing White home whitening gel. Using a home whitening system is quite simple: the gel is applied to the trays, and the trays are placed on the teeth for 30 minutes every day.

The manufacturer offers two versions of the system - with and without an Amazing White teeth whitening lamp. Using a lamp allows you to speed up the process, however, the price for such a kit will be twice as high.

Teeth whitening at home is worth choosing if you decide to save money - it is much cheaper than having it done in a clinic. Also, due to its length, such a procedure is more gentle.

Benefits of Amazing White

Today, dentists can offer many technologies for whitening tooth enamel. Which one to choose is up to you. Let's look at the benefits of whitening using the Amazing White system. Feedback from doctors and patients themselves will help us with this.

So, why should you choose this particular whitening technology:

  • Clinically tested. Despite the fact that the technique appeared in Russia relatively recently, the practice of using Amazing White is enormous: dentists from the USA have been performing whitening using this method for 12 years, and dentists in Europe have been doing it for 3 years.
  • Minimal negative impact on the enamel of the whitening gel due to the low concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 16%. Patients are increasingly choosing Amazing White due to the absence of aggressive concentrated components.
  • Pigment deposits are cleaned even from hard-to-reach areas of the teeth, which allows you to achieve an ideal result.
  • Relatively short time spent on the procedure: to achieve the desired effect, it will be enough to visit the dentist 3 times, each session will take no more than 15 minutes.
  • If you want to lighten your teeth in a short time and by 7-8 shades at once, teeth whitening using Amazing White technology will help you. Patient reviews confirm these results.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • Irritation of the oral mucosa is eliminated by avoiding the use of special mouthguards.
  • Patients who have undergone whitening note that the results last from six months to 2 years (with proper regular care).
  • The smile after the procedure looks natural, without the effect of “tiled” teeth.

Why do more and more people prefer express whitening using the Amazing White system? Patient reviews primarily contain information about effectiveness, availability, safety and quick achievement of the desired result.

How much does Amazing White teeth whitening cost?

The price of Amazing White teeth whitening depends on the system option you decide to use, whether you choose an at-home or in-office procedure, and many other factors. In many ways, the final amount is also influenced by the level and location of the clinic.

The average price for Amazing White teeth whitening in dentistry will be about 10,000 rubles. Pay attention to the various promotions that clinics run - you may be able to save money. An additional expense will be professional teeth cleaning. Also, you may have to undergo treatment before the procedure, for which you also need to invest certain funds.

Home whitening will cost less - about 5,000 per set, and additionally, making trays in the clinic will cost from 1,500 rubles. If you are willing to wait for the desired effect, you should choose this option.

Many people want a perfect smile, healthy and beautiful teeth. However, there are several obstacles on the way to this, but you can overcome them. Stunningly white teeth will give you self-confidence and a reputation for taking care of yourself.

Patient reviews

For a long time I didn’t dare to have my teeth whitened, but I still chose the Amazing White system and went to the dental clinic. After reading all kinds of reviews, I thought that this procedure was complicated and uncomfortable. However, I did not have any problems during whitening. The dentist did everything very clearly, as a result of which I did not experience any pain. This technology showed that miracles are possible . Before using it, it seemed to me that nothing could whiten my teeth. After the procedure, to strengthen the teeth, they need to be treated for several days with products prescribed by the doctor. I'm very pleased with the result. When I look in the mirror, I can’t stop looking at my snow-white smile.


Three days ago I had whitening done using Amazing White technology. It is carried out in several stages of 15 minutes. First, the gel is applied, and then a lamp is aimed at the teeth. After the third try, my teeth started to ache. But the dentist assured that for greater effect it is necessary to carry out one more stage of the procedure. I agreed, and later regretted it very much.

After whitening, my teeth hurt so much that I could climb the wall. I couldn’t even sleep, although I took a lot of painkillers. It all went away the next day. But you wouldn’t wish such torture for 24 hours on anyone. As a result, my teeth were snow-white only on the first day . Then yellow spots gradually began to appear on them. Now they look very strange, since the enamel is not uniform in color. I'm afraid that this spotting will remain forever. True, the dentist reassured me a little, saying that in 10 days the normal color would be established. I hope that my financial investments and suffering were not in vain.


I tried the Amazing White at-home whitening kit. Its advantage is that the procedure can be performed at home. I really like coffee and tea, so my enamel is yellow. And here the result is immediately visible. My dentist friend does not recommend whitening in the clinic, explaining that after such a procedure the enamel becomes very thin . To remineralize tooth enamel, she advised me to use a special gel, which also has a cleansing effect. I am very pleased with the result!


I did the Amazing White treatment and really liked it. During bleaching, an ultraviolet lamp is used, so wear protective glasses first. My teeth did not ache either during or after the procedure. To strengthen the enamel I used ROCS gel. Since I smoke and drink tea and red wine, the results didn't last very long. Therefore, in six months I want to repeat the procedure.


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