2 most effective ways in 2021 to remove paint bags on cheekbones

“What do you think is the leading facial rejuvenation surgery according to statistics among American plastic surgeons? No, not the fight against wrinkles or even a facelift.

The American Society of Plastic Surgery names bags and swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes as the most common reason for visiting a rejuvenation specialist.

I confirm that this is indeed the case. Many of us are ready to put up with the first wrinkles and small bags under the eyes. But the cheek bags are too noticeable, and creams are powerless against them. Therefore, it is this problem that sooner or later leads to a specialist.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Swelling on the cheekbones: causes and consequences

Year after year goes by. The first signs of age appear as bags and puffiness under the eyes. After a few more years, a second fold begins to appear in the area of ​​the cheek bones. These are “painting bags” (their second name is “sufa”).

Like bags under the eyes, they have similar unpleasant properties.

Firstly, fatty hernias on the cheekbones greatly spoil the appearance and make the face sad.

Secondly, these formations consist entirely of adipose tissue, so they tend to retain water, increase in size and form malar edema.

We often hear that the cause of swelling on the cheekbones is insufficient self-care. They say, take time for yourself, and miraculous creams, massages and vitamin complexes will remove all the bags under the eyes on the cheekbones in a month, and you will again shine with youth and beauty.

To be fair, it is worth saying that cheekbones are not a disease. This is an anatomical feature of the body: paint bags filled with adipose tissue. However, in youth, the good tone of young skin hides the problem.

With age, the skin becomes drier and thinner, the facial muscles lose their elasticity, the fatty tissue begins to sink down, sag, and... Everything secret becomes clear.

Remove bags under the eyes

What makes a woman age? Not just wrinkles, as you thought! We're talking about bags under the eyes. They make the oval of the face asymmetrical, thereby spoiling the appearance. Professional cosmetologists at Cleo Line will help you get rid of this problem. But first, let's figure out what painting bags are, and why do they appear in the first place?

Mask bags are neoplasms on the cheekbones that are formed from the lipid layer of the skin and adipose tissue. Painting bags are often confused with ordinary swelling on the face, which appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle. In the case of painting bags, we are dealing with the individual anatomical feature of the patient. Paint bags have several names, but the meaning is the same: paint edema, sufa, zygomatic hernia, swelling, etc.

The main reasons for the appearance of paint bags:

  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Ultraviolet skin damage
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Loss of muscle elasticity
  • Excessive amount of fluid in the body (kidney and liver diseases cause this factor)
  • Sudden changes in weight
  • Long-term disruption of sleep and rest patterns

It is worth distinguishing between ordinary bags under the eyes and paint bags. Bags under the eyes are located in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove. Sufas are located on the nasal zygomatic groove, that is, just below the nasolacrimal groove.

There are two ways to remove a zygomatic hernia. This is a vector lifting with Radiesse and plastic surgery of the middle third of the face.

Vector lifting with Radiesse prevents soft tissue ptosis. It is the gravitational descent of tissues that leads to the formation of sufas. Additionally, Radiesse restores the body's moisture supply, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates changes in facial skin texture. The anti-aging effect is achieved by stimulating collagen production. Collagen synthesis begins in the 4th week after injections. Has an increasing effect.

How is the procedure done? First, anesthesia is applied to the injection area. The procedure can be carried out 10-15 minutes after its removal. Small papules (nodules) will be noticeable at the injection site, but they will resolve within 30-60 minutes. After a couple of hours there will be no traces left. The result will be noticeable after one procedure. As practice shows, Radiesse lasts about 15 months (and sometimes longer) with proper self-care. Remember that after injections you cannot visit baths or solariums for 2 weeks.

Correction of the middle third of the face is indicated when flabby or sagging skin appears. Injections are made with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. They return volume to the fabrics in the place where the paint bags were originally located before they were lowered down. Correction of the middle third of the face changes the contour of the cheekbones, the cheeks are pulled up. As a result of eliminating paint bags, you will not only form a new oval face, but also reduce nasolabial folds. Since the fatty tissue of the sufs leads to the formation of creases in the lower third of the face.

How to get rid of bags under the cheekbones: debunking myths

The first thing that comes to mind: massages, medicinal cosmetics, vitamins... This is a good option. It will be great if you add fresh air, proper nutrition and exercise! You will look much better and feel incredibly healthier.

There is only one BUT: these wonderful measures will in no way help you remove the swelling on your cheekbones under your eyes.

Let us remind you: we are dealing with zygomatic hernias, with some mini-containers of adipose tissue that fall down under the influence of the universal law of attraction. Judge for yourself, how can you solve this problem with the most wonderful massage and the longest walks? That's it, no way.

Sufas under the eyes: causes of appearance

  1. Genetics. Perhaps all the women in your line have had such bags since childhood;
  2. Bad habits. It is believed that alcohol abuse and/or smoking can cause sofas on the face;
  3. The sebaceous glands are working “malfunctioning”: something is disrupted in their work or in the work of other internal organs;
  4. Age-related changes in tissues;
  5. Lack of sleep.

If you work on points 2, 3 and 5, you may not need to resort to surgery or any procedures.

Methods to combat sufs

If there are sufas on the cheekbones, how to get rid of them?

There are a number of possibilities and alternatives. Let's talk about the most effective methods.


More precisely, the plastic surgeon will most likely advise you on transconjunctival blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, which is a more gentle and most suitable method for getting rid of sufa. Canthopexy can perfectly complement such an operation to tighten and acquire an attractive eye shape.

2. Check-lifting

A check-lift, or check-lift, is a plastic surgery that corrects the lower orbital area and the “painters’ zone.” This procedure is very rarely performed separately as it is part of blepharoplasty.

Some patients are strongly recommended to undergo lower blepharoplasty in combination with a check-lift to achieve a more effective result.

You should do this procedure if:

  • You have “painter bags” (hernia formations under the eyes)
  • As a result of blepharoplasty, there is a risk of lower eyelid inversion
  • The tissues of the cheeks began to droop

How does this operation work?

Either intravenous anesthesia is used or no anesthesia is required at all. General anesthesia brings comfort to the patient during the procedure and the rehabilitation period is reduced. The surgeon will also feel more confident during the procedure, knowing that the patient will not make a sudden movement of his head during the operation.

An incision is made on the lower eyelids along the eyelash line. After this, soft tissues are released in the area of ​​the cheekbones and lower eyelids. If necessary, the “painting bags” are adjusted. Fatty hernias from "painting bags" can even be used to fill in areas where fat tissue is lacking.

Once the soft tissues of the cheekbones and lower orbital region are isolated, they are sutured using a special needle and threads to the lower edge of the orbit. In the event that the tissue is very flabby and cannot hold the threads, you can drill the edge at the bony part of the orbit and sew the tissue into this place.

How long does rehabilitation take?

It will take 3 months for the patient to fully rehabilitate. After this time, no traces will remain. After just two weeks, the skin will look normal, swelling and hematomas will disappear and you can safely “go out into the world.”


Yes, yes, this is not a mistake, liposuction is done not only on the abdomen and hips, but also in such delicate places as the face. It would be more accurate to call this procedure laser lipolysis.

4. SMAS Lifting:

Not every clinic can boast of such equipment as Ultralift HIFU-EVO, but at the Zlataderm clinic you can do SMAS lifting to get rid of sofa.

5. Lipolitics:

In simple words, lipolytic injections are a procedure for introducing a special drug that breaks down fat bags and also saturates with amino acids and vitamins.

6. Exilis:

Another hardware procedure to combat sufs is RF-Lifting Exilis. You can write a lot about it, but it is important for you to know that the special waves of this miracle device warm up the subcutaneous layers and stimulate the production of collagen. As a result, the facial skin is rejuvenated and tightened naturally.

How to remove sufas from your face

? This issue will no longer be a problem for you after you carefully study the procedures that we wrote about above.

Contraindications to the procedure

In principle, they are absolutely the same as for other injections in a beauty salon. But let’s list it anyway:

  • acute skin diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • age under 18;
  • lactation period.

Method 1. You can remove sufas from your face without surgery

“The method used to remove paint bags on the face primarily depends on the severity of the problem.

If malar edema has just appeared and is not yet very noticeable, do not delay going to the doctor. Right now you can get rid of trouble easily and simply


At this stage, non-surgical injection blepharoplasty Dermaheal Eyebag Solution will help remove bags under the eyes.

The procedure was originally developed for bags under the eyes, but it is also great for cheekbones.

The drug is a mixture of biomimetric peptides for various purposes. Some peptides significantly reduce the volume of fat in hernias without destroying fat cells. The latter stimulate collagen and elastin and strengthen the skin, reducing the protrusion of the bag. Still others remove excess fluid and restore the tone of the facial muscles. The fourth improve the quality of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

It is important to note that the drug does not contain any direct lipolytics, which makes its use safe.

To resolve the bags, two procedures are usually prescribed, but many are quite satisfied with the result of the first.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

It is very important that the Dermaheal Eyebag Solution procedure, although it is not plastic surgery, is nevertheless performed by a plastic surgeon. Why a surgeon if there is no scalpel? So that the scalpel is not needed in the future.

It is important to prevent the drug from getting into other areas of the face. The injection area is small, so you need to have a perfect understanding of the anatomical features of the middle zone. Practicing plastic surgeons have this necessary knowledge.

The main reasons for the appearance of paint bags on the cheekbones

It is generally accepted that bags on the cheekbones appear due to an unhealthy lifestyle, for example, excessive drinking. But this is only one possible reason, of which there may actually be many.

  • Sufas can form due to stagnation of fluid in the tissues.
  • Due to internal diseases.
  • Due to gravitational ptosis with age.
  • Often the reason lies in a genetic predisposition to their formation, so sufas can appear even at a young age, and over time and with an unhealthy lifestyle (physical inactivity, dietary errors, the habit of sleeping on the stomach, etc.) become even more pronounced.

The anatomical feature of the suf formation zone is such that it seems as if nature specially created an ideal place for them. The orbicularis oculi muscle is attached to the facial skeleton with the help of two ligaments - under the eye and in the cheekbone area.

Fat cells, under the influence of gravity, swelling or other factors, begin to accumulate between the two ligaments, but the lower zygomatic ligament and the nasolacrimal groove do not allow them to be evenly distributed, so the fat accumulated in the cheekbone area stretches the skin, forming a bag. The situation is also aggravated by the muscle, which shortens with age or due to spasm, tightens the skin and “collects” fat in a bag. The appearance of fat on the cheekbones makes your appearance untidy and unattractive - if you have this problem, read our instructions on how to get rid of fat bags on the cheekbones.

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