Using a solution of borax in glycerin for thrush

Most women have experienced vaginal candidiasis, also called thrush. This disease affects patients of all ages and has characteristic symptoms that allow the pathological process to be quickly diagnosed. There are many remedies to combat thrush. Among them are antifungal agents and antiseptics. Traditional medicine is also used. The use of borax in glycerin for thrush is one of the effective methods of alternative treatment.

Features of the disease

Thrush is a fungal infection of the genital mucosa caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. This microorganism is an integral part of the opportunistic microflora of the vagina and under normal conditions does not cause the development of a pathological process. Candidiasis can develop under the influence of the following number of factors:

  • immunosuppression: recovery period after an infectious disease, chronic diseases;
  • hormonal disorders: diseases of the endocrine organs, pregnancy, taking hormonal medications;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • poor nutrition, in which the intake of sugars predominates, and there is a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Specific symptoms make it easy to diagnose thrush. Among them: itching, burning, the presence of white or yellow discharge with a sour odor. If left untreated, candidiasis can provoke the development of complications that are dangerous to reproductive health. In the early stages, thrush is easily treatable. One of the drugs used in the treatment of thrush is brown glycerin.

Additional measures

To avoid re-infection, you must follow the following rules:

  • monitor your child’s oral hygiene;
  • stop biting your nails and putting things in your mouth;
  • treat dishes with boiling water: nipples, bottles, plates;
  • replace a toothbrush with hard bristles with a soft one;
  • treat nipples before breastfeeding;
  • Do not feed your baby too hot food.

To reduce pain when eating, special pain-relieving gels are used. In case of extensive damage to the mucous membrane, the spoon can be replaced with a straw, while giving the child only liquid food.

Avoid sour and spicy-tasting foods during treatment so as not to further irritate the mucous membrane. Make sure that the diet is enriched with the necessary mineral and vitamin composition.

Attention must also be paid to the hygiene of the child’s room. It is necessary to regularly wipe the surfaces from dust with a damp cloth, replace vacuuming with a damp one, monitor the freshness of the air, and if it is excessively dry, humidify the air in the room

Along with treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the child’s immune forces and ensure rapid restoration of the affected tissue. For this use:

  • Aekol - for applications;
  • Vinylin - for quick healing;
  • Solcoseryl - to restore damaged tissues;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - to relieve pain and restore the epithelium.

To speed up tissue healing, rinse with herbs (between the main treatment). To do this, use chamomile, which has antiseptic wound-healing properties. You can use any herbs with an astringent and antiseptic effect (oak, sage, marigold). They also make applications of aloe juice with honey, and rinse the mouth with propolis tincture.

Baking soda with salt is a common remedy for ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane. For small children, prepare in the following proportion: a coffee spoon of soda and salt per cup of cooled boiled water. If the baby does not know how to rinse his mouth, wipe the mucous membrane with the solution - moisten the gauze and treat the mouth.

  • Medicines in dentistry. Directory / L.N. Maksimovskaya, P.I. Roshchina. - M.: Medicine, 2001.
  • “Outpatient surgical dentistry” (Bezrukov V.)
  • Mashkovsky M.D.
    Medicines. — 15th ed. - M.: New Wave, 2005.

Composition, medicinal effects

Borax in glycerin or Buroglycerin is a product for external use. A solution of 5, 10, 20 percent concentration copes well with diseases that affect the skin and mucous membranes: stomatitis, tonsillitis, vaginitis. The active ingredient is sodium borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate), dissolved in glycerin. The medicine is available in glass bottles with a tightly screwed cap.

The product is a transparent, viscous, odorless liquid. Borax in glycerin is an antiseptic; it does not destroy infectious agents, but stops their growth. The course of the disease slows down, however, in the later stages the drug should be used as part of complex therapy with antifungal agents, for example, Terzhinan, Pimafucin. At the initial stage, brown glycerin is able to stop the development of the disease.

In the treatment of candidiasis, brown glycerin has the following effects:

  • elimination of mycelium from the walls of the vaginal mucosa;
  • stopping the growth of bacteria;
  • stopping the growth of fungi;
  • disruption of the life processes of microorganisms.

General information

Sodium tetraborate is also known as borax. It is a powerful antiseptic used for the therapeutic treatment of many diseases. The product is better known in dental practice as the best among all known in the treatment of stomatitis.

A weak solution of sodium salts and glycerin has a beneficial effect on damaged areas of the mucosa, destroys pathogenic microflora, soothes, and quickly improves the clinical picture.

It is used as a treatment as follows:

  • hygienic rinses;
  • local treatment of ulcerative structures using a tampon;
  • applications with solution.

The drug is known in gynecological practice as an effective drug for the treatment of diseases caused by the fungus Candida (thrush), in otolaryngology - for the treatment of otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Borax is the main component of many drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract; it has a depressing effect on fungal flora, destroying all ulcerative elements of the oral cavity.

The product prevents the development of new local inflammatory areas. The medicine is very quickly absorbed by the body, enters the esophagus, and is excreted in feces or urine (intestines/kidneys, respectively).

How often to apply the product

Before using a solution of borax in glycerin against thrush, you must read the instructions for using borax. Therapy lasts 3-7 days. In some cases, the duration of therapy is extended. The product should be applied to the affected tissue daily. For the first 2 days it is recommended to perform treatment twice a day: morning and evening, then once. A mild course of the disease often requires 1-2 uses of borax to relieve symptoms; however, stopping therapy creates a risk of relapse of the disease or chronicity of the process. Therefore, even the initial stage of the disease requires a full course of therapy.


Sodium tetraborate solution can be purchased at any pharmacy in the Russian Federation: pharmacies in St. Petersburg offer the drug at a price of 8.25 to 15 rubles per bottle with a capacity of 30 grams.

In Moscow, the same drug can be bought at a price of 14 to 20 rubles . Before visiting the nearest pharmacy, it is better to call several to find out the price range - when buying one bottle this does not make a significant difference, but for a full course lasting 3 weeks, the savings will be significant.

Indications and contraindications

The product is used for:

  • oral candidiasis;
  • candidiasis of the genitourinary system;
  • diaper rash.

A solution of borax in glycerin contains sodium tetraborate. They are responsible not only for the therapeutic but also for the toxic effect of the drug. At the moment, gynecologists and dermatologists have not reached a consensus on the advisability of using brown glycerin in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

However, there are a number of absolute contraindications for which therapy with this drug is not recommended:

  • in most countries, the use of borax in glycerin by pregnant and breastfeeding women is prohibited, since its active substance can have a negative effect on the fetus or child;
  • use in children under 18 years of age is also prohibited; if thrush occurs in girls, it is recommended to choose an alternative treatment;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the perineal area and external genitalia excludes the use of this toxic substance: through cracks, borax can penetrate into the bloodstream and cause severe intoxication;
  • with acute inflammatory process in the vagina;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Improper use can completely negate the medicinal properties of the drug and cause harm to health.

In no case should you exceed the recommended doses, otherwise poisoning may develop, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • allergic rash;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help.

Use for candidiasis

In gynecology, a 20% solution of brown glycerin is used. The doctor chooses treatment tactics for vaginal candidiasis based on the patient’s condition, medical history and the severity of the process. Before using borax in glycerin for thrush, the external genitalia should be thoroughly cleaned. After the vaginal walls are freed from plaque and discharge, treatment is carried out.


The most commonly prescribed douching is using borax. The procedure should be carried out with a clean syringe, the tip must be boiled or treated with alcohol. For acute thrush, treatment with boroglycerin is carried out twice a day: morning and evening. Relief of the condition is observed already on the next day, complete recovery occurs after 10-12 days.

Douching with a borax solution lasts 15-20 minutes; you must follow a number of recommendations:

  • the solution should not be cold;
  • the course of treatment for thrush should not exceed the period recommended by the doctor; longer use contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis due to the washing out of the natural microflora of the vagina;
  • the solution should not be supplied under pressure, it must be administered smoothly and carefully, otherwise the infection may be transferred to the internal genital organs;
  • devices for douching must be disinfected;
  • If pain occurs, it is recommended to stop the douching process, calm down and repeat the steps after a break.


A sterile bandage or napkin is moistened in a borax solution, wrapped around a finger and wiped over the vaginal walls. The procedure should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to injure the affected mucous membrane, however, it is necessary to treat the vagina as deeply as possible and remove plaque.

Tampon insertion

A cotton swab is soaked in borax with glycerin, inserted into the vagina, and left for 20 minutes. It is advisable to be in a lying position during treatment for thrush. It is possible to change the duration of the procedure, depending on the doctor’s recommendation. During the first two days, the insertion of the tampon is repeated 2 times a day, then once a day. If you experience any unpleasant sensations indicating individual intolerance to the drug: itching, burning, you must immediately remove the tampon and douche several times with warm boiled water.

Use for infants

Despite the high danger of this medicine, it is successfully used in the treatment of stomatitis, even in pediatrics. After all, it is sodium tetraborate that very quickly and effectively eliminates the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease. But for the treatment of infants, only the glycerin version of the solution can be used. In this case, you need to act accurately and carefully:

  1. An adult washes his hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Take a sterile bandage and wrap it around your index finger.
  3. You need to moisten it a little in sodium tetraborate solution.
  4. Using a bandage, treat all affected areas - tongue, inside of the cheeks, palate, lips, etc.
  5. These actions should be performed after each breastfeeding.

In addition to treating the oral cavity, you need to pay attention to thoroughly disinfecting other surfaces that the child touches - bottles, pacifiers. They need to be treated with antiseptic agents or boiled, but do not use sodium tetraborate solution, because this will lead to intoxication of the child’s body.

After two days of treatment, the first results become noticeable - the ulcers are reduced, and the child feels much better. But there is no need to stop treatment immediately after the disappearance of pathological formations. Doctors recommend repeating the manipulations for a few more days to prevent the disease from returning.

You should be prepared for the fact that your child will not like the treatment procedure, as the product causes a burning sensation. But in this case, the effectiveness of the drug is important, which becomes noticeable from the first days of its use.

Having learned about the toxicity of the solution, many parents are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to treat stomatitis in infants with sodium tetraborate? Experts say that if you do this carefully with all precautions, the product turns out to be safe and effective. But other pediatricians insist on using other medications that are created specifically for babies, so as not to risk their health.

If this method of treating a baby worries you, then instead you can use an old proven remedy: add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of boiled chilled water and mix it thoroughly. This solution also helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but it will take longer to act than sodium tetraborate.

Use for candidal stomatitis

For oral thrush, brown glycerin is used topically. Areas affected by fungus are lubricated with the solution. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day for 3-7 days, depending on the extent of the lesion and the severity of symptoms. When treating fungal infections of the mucous membrane in the mouth with borax in glycerin, you must follow the instructions:

  • Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly;
  • wrap a sterile bandage around your finger;
  • moisten the fabric with a solution of brown glycerin;
  • treat the tongue from root to tip;
  • then lubricate the oral mucosa;
  • excess liquid must be spat out; it must not be allowed to enter the stomach;
  • The mouth should be rinsed with clean boiled water.

It is recommended to use a sterile bandage or cotton swab. The use of cotton swabs does not provide sufficient pressure to remove the fungus.

In some cases, crusts form in the mouth. They hinder the action of sodium tetraborate, but they cannot be torn off. You should first soften the crusts with oil: vitamin A solution, linseed oil, peach oil. If the lips are affected, it is recommended to make applications with boroglycerin: a moistened cotton swab should be applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

Release form

Sodium tetraborate is commercially available in two forms: as a prepared solution and tablets.

  • A borax solution with a concentration of 20% is used to treat the affected surface of the mucous membrane in children. It is sold in glass bottles with a capacity of 30 grams. This amount is enough for a week's use, during which it is often possible to cope with the disease.
  • When purchasing borax tablets, a mixture is prepared from them for rinsing: 2 pieces are dissolved in a glass of water. The prepared substance is used to rinse the mouth. This solution is toxic and therefore not recommended for use by children, as there is a risk of ingestion and poisoning.

Use during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, immune protection decreases, many chronic diseases worsen, and the body becomes susceptible to infectious diseases. The problem of thrush often arises for patients. During pregnancy, the use of many medications is prohibited; treatment of candidiasis with some drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

The use of borax with glycerin for thrush during pregnancy is perceived ambiguously by both patients and doctors. The drug is toxic and potentially dangerous to the fetus. However, its absorption through intact skin and mucous membranes is minimal. Most gynecologists believe that brown glycerin can be used during pregnancy only in a hospital setting, under supervision. The treatment procedure must be carried out by medical personnel. In this case, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved, and if necessary, the necessary assistance will be provided, including if side effects occur.

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