Amber after aromatic natural vitamins? All about how to get rid of onion odor from your mouth

Among the many possible causes of bad breath, onions are one of the strongest. It emits a particularly pungent odor and remains in the mouth for a long time, however, it does not pose a danger to the human body.

Do not despair when faced with this delicate problem, because there are several effective ways to get rid of the onion smell and be completely confident in the freshness of your breath.

The mechanism and reasons for the appearance of aroma

In the process of chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released, which react with bacteria that are found in the oral cavity. Under the influence of bacteria, onion particles begin to rot and increase the unpleasant odor. In addition, onion particles are not broken down in the stomach and are absorbed into the blood .

During gas exchange, they come out with carbon dioxide, so it is quite difficult to mask the smell of onions or get rid of it. However, there are methods to remove bad breath.

How to remove from kitchen appliances?

The odor is absorbed most strongly by wooden and plastic surfaces, from which cutting boards are most often made, so it is recommended to use glass utensils when cutting onions.

If it does get absorbed into kitchen utensils, it is removed in the following ways:

  1. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. Boards, knives or other utensils that need to be processed are soaked in the solution. After an hour, the liquid is drained and the dishes are washed.

  2. Dilute 50 ml of table vinegar in 1 liter of water, moisten a sponge in this solution and wash the dishes. After 10 minutes, the devices are rinsed with clean water.
  3. Lemon acid. It is dissolved in water and used as a dishwashing detergent.
  4. Mustard powder. They are sprinkled on all surfaces that need treatment. After 5 minutes, the devices are washed as usual. Mustard will not only eliminate odor, but also degrease surfaces.
  5. Soda. You need to use it to clean utensils that smell like onions.

If the smell is absorbed into the walls of the pan, then fill it with water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and bring to a boil. When it cools down, it is drained and the dishes are rinsed.

This video will show you how to remove the smell of onions from a cutting board:

What determines how strong the aroma will be?

Reference! The intensity of bad breath depends on the amount of onions eaten and the condition of the oral cavity. In case of carious lesions, the smell will be stronger and more persistent.

The appearance of bad breath does not depend on the type of onion . Green and onions have the same effect on the occurrence of an unpleasant problem, and also leave an aroma on the hands when preparing dishes that contain the plant.

Recommendations for pre-preparing vegetables to minimize the consequences

Preventing offensive onion odor from your breath is much easier than trying to get rid of it after eating the plant. There are several effective ways to eliminate odor when preparing onions:

  1. Pour boiling water over chopped onions - this will not affect the beneficial properties of the vegetable, but will remove the bitterness and strong odor.
  2. Use vinegar or lemon juice to make a salad that contains onions.
  3. Dress the salad with olive oil.
  4. Cut the onion into small cubes - the smell will partially disappear during cooking.
  5. Soak the plant in cold water.

These methods will make the onion aroma less pronounced and reduce the likelihood of an unpleasant odor.

Eliminate odor with drinks

We can’t help but mention the drinks that really help fight this problem. These include:

  1. Natural high quality green tea. It contains a special substance – polyphenol, which can neutralize even pungent odors. Therefore, after eating food with onions, it is recommended to drink a cup of aromatic green tea, which can quickly freshen your breath by eliminating unpleasant odors.
  2. Natural coffe. In this case, we are talking specifically about ground or freshly ground coffee, since soluble types of this drink are not able to have the necessary effect and eliminate the smell of onions. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is recommended to drink a few sips of strong black coffee, holding the drink in your mouth a little. You can simply chew a few beans of roasted coffee, the effect in this case will be the same.
  3. Milk and cocktails made from it. Such drinks do not completely eliminate the smell of onions, but they significantly reduce its intensity.
  4. Natural juices with sour taste from citrus fruits. Such juices contain many acids, which can quickly get rid of the smell of onion from the mouth and other unpleasant odors.

Drinks that people are familiar with also work well to combat the onion smell.

Alcoholic drinks also help. A teaspoon of liqueur or cognac can also remove the smell of onions.

How can you tell if you smell?

  1. Cover your nose and mouth with folded palms and exhale. If there is an unpleasant odor, it will be easy to smell. This method is well suited for testing breath in a public place, as it is the most invisible to others.
  2. Lightly lick the inside of your wrist - the smell that appears after the saliva dries will give you an idea of ​​the smell from your mouth. You should not carry out such a check if there are strangers around.
  3. Exhale air into a clean cup that fits tightly to your face. Then take a deep breath - this way you can smell the breath.

How to get rid of amber or how to kill it?

There are several ways to remove or mask the repulsive odor of onion from your mouth; we’ll look at how to do this and how to kill the stench below.

Using spices

These options will help if you need to remove the onion aroma urgently and quickly; we’ll tell you exactly how to proceed below. Spices and herbs are able to overcome strong odors , so they are well suited for solving the problem. You just have to choose the recipe to your taste:

  • Carnation . It is enough to chew several buds for five minutes and the smell will immediately disappear. You can use a cinnamon stick using the same principle.
  • Dried parsley, bay leaves, or oregano will kill odor-causing bacteria. You can use spices in two ways: as a mouthwash or simply chew them. For the first option, you need to dilute any of the spices in 200 ml of water and rinse your mouth.
  • Dry mustard powder . Dilute half a teaspoon of mustard in 150 ml of water and rinse your mouth with the mixture. The procedure cannot be called pleasant, but it will quickly eliminate the unpleasant onion smell.

Hygiene procedures

For fresh breath, it is not enough to rinse your mouth with water. It is important to use all products designed for high-quality oral hygiene.

The following will help quickly and effectively destroy the unpleasant onion odor:

  • Chewing gum or lollipops are the easiest way to mask bad breath, with a short-term effect.
  • Rinse aids - in a minute they will remove the onion aroma and give you a feeling of freshness.
  • Toothpastes with a strong mint or menthol scent will eliminate the odor and leave your breath fresh for several hours. It is necessary to clean not only the teeth, but also the tongue - this is where the main smell is attached.
  • Irrigators – professionally clean the oral cavity, instantly eliminating the unpleasant smell of onions.

Medicines and pharmaceuticals

How can you neutralize the onion aroma? The best medicines to eliminate onion odor are:

  • Activated carbon – quickly destroys bacterial toxins. To get rid of the odor, hold the tablet in your mouth for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Natural antiseptic Chlorophyllipt with eucalyptus extract . The product is available in the form of tablets, alcohol solution and spray. Chlorophyllipt neutralizes unpleasant odors and has an antimicrobial effect. According to user reviews, if there is an onion odor from the mouth, it is better to use a rinse solution. To carry out the procedure, you need to mix 200 ml of water with 5 ml of product. Rinse your mouth thoroughly without swallowing the medicine.
  • Lollipops Antipolitsay . The drug belongs to dietary supplements and contains licorice root extract, acacia gum and eucalyptus oil. The product does not mask the odor, but instantly destroys it and makes your breath fresh.
  • Mouthwash Lakalut Active - contains aluminum lactate and the antiseptic chlorhexidine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates unpleasant odors. To rinse, mix 10 drops of the product with 20 ml of water. It is not recommended to swallow the resulting solution.

Folk remedies

Treatment with traditional methods is considered no less effective in eliminating repulsive bad breath. For fresh breath, you should use one of the suggested recipes:

  1. A decoction of wormwood and chamomile flowers . Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then use to rinse. The drink helps get rid of the smell of onions, disinfects the oral cavity and destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Mint infusion has an antiseptic effect, refreshes the oral cavity for a long time and fights the repulsive odor. Rinse mint leaves (3-4 sprigs) thoroughly, chop them and pour boiling water over them. After 15 minutes, strain the resulting mixture and add honey if desired. After drinking the drink, the unpleasant odor will disappear.
  3. Green tea with honey – destroys sulfur-containing substances. Pour boiling water over half a teaspoon of tea leaves. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for no more than 10 minutes. Add honey. After drinking a few cups of the drink, your breath will smell much better.
  4. Fresh dill decoction . Pour a small amount of dill (2-3 tsp) into a glass of water and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool and use for rinsing.
  5. Soda - eliminates pathogenic bacteria from the oral mucosa. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in 250 ml of water. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.


The strong smell of onions can be eliminated using certain products. Among them:

  • Fruits . Green apples, oranges and lemons work great for scent. To achieve the desired effect, you need to eat a fruit or chew the zest of citrus fruits for a few minutes - the unpleasant smell will quickly disappear.
  • Nuts . To eliminate the smell, you should choose almonds and walnuts - just a few pieces will kill the amber and benefit the body.
  • Greenery . Parsley, basil and cilantro get rid of onion smell most efficiently. You can prepare fresh herbs with the addition of water or simply chew a couple of sprigs.
  • Chocolate . It will eliminate the onion smell, but will not be able to completely get rid of it.
  • Bread . High-carbohydrate foods and white bread will dull the strong onion flavor.
  • Dairy products . A glass of natural yogurt or kefir will help speed up digestion and eliminate the smell of onions.

How to remove the smell of onions in a room (room, kitchen, apartment)

The smell of onions may linger in the room after cooking for two reasons. The first is that a large amount of this vegetable was used during cooking, the room simply smelled of it literally “through and through.” In this case, you can: wash the dishes that were used in the cooking process; ventilate the room by opening the window for 15-30 minutes; additionally turn on the fan for better air circulation. It is recommended to close the door to the room so that the unpleasant aroma does not spread to other rooms.

The second reason for the persistent smell of onions is that after cooking a meal, a cut onion is left on the table, which is not covered with anything. The odor molecules of onions are very volatile; it is enough to leave half of the vegetable cut side up for 10 minutes so that the whole room is saturated with a specific aroma. And in this case, ventilation may not be effective at all until the housewife “packs” the onions and puts them in the refrigerator. But even after this, dealing with the smell of onions is not easy. What can be done in such a situation, in addition to standard ventilation of the room:

  1. Take a spray bottle, pour water into it and add a few drops of any essential oil. The smell of onions is well camouflaged and is interrupted by the smell of lemon or any pine aroma.
  2. Place a saucepan with water on the stove, put in it a few slices of orange with peel, lemon, a couple of heads of dried cloves or a few mint leaves, a drop of essential oil, etc. Bring to a boil, let the steam fill the room and displace, muffle, camouflage the smell of onions.

In general, you can use any pleasant-smelling substance to achieve the desired effect, boil a vanilla stick or a few pinches of cinnamon, for example, it depends on your imagination and the products you have on hand.

How to remove onion odor from hands and fingers?

Despite the benefits of onions for the body, its smell can hardly be called pleasant. It gets into the skin of your hands after cooking and is quite difficult to get rid of. However, there are several tips that will help remove the onion aroma :

  1. To remove unpleasant odor from your hands and fingers, you can use your usual mouthwash. A little product should be poured onto the palms and rubbed. After a few minutes the smell will disappear.
  2. Vinegar is no less effective in combating bad odors. You can use either regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar. A couple of drops will be enough to destroy the onion smell.
  3. Mix half a teaspoon of salt with two tablespoons of water and grind the mixture. This should be done carefully, otherwise you may damage the skin.

Methods of disposal

If a person does not want his acquaintances and passers-by to “shy away” from him, he needs to carry out hygienic measures in the oral cavity immediately after consuming this product.

You should thoroughly brush your teeth with toothpaste, clean the interdental spaces with floss, and then rinse all mucous membranes with a special solution.

After this, you will have to use chewing gum, which has an intense menthol aroma.

But, if a person abuses this vegetable, then the above measures will not be enough for him to eliminate the stench.

Useful video

Below is a useful and informative video about ways to get rid of odor on your hands:

Onions contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, protect the body from various infections and help with colds. In addition, it has a piquant taste and is indispensable in cooking. Despite the unpleasant disadvantage of onions, you should not limit the consumption of this healthy vegetable. By following simple recommendations, you can easily get rid of the consequences of eating onions without denying yourself the pleasure of enjoying your favorite food.

Medicines that help you forget about the unpleasant odor

It is known that the off-putting aroma in the mouth is due to the effects of sulfur compounds present in onions on the oral cavity. If a person has carious formations, the disease is significantly enhanced by contact with onion particles. Bacteria enhance putrefactive processes. The method of getting rid of odor, associated solely with hygiene or folk recipes, is far from universal. Careful oral care is necessary for a person. And the following can successfully eliminate an unpleasant odor:

  1. Alcohol-based solutions with eucalyptus leaves that neutralize odor and kill germs. When used, dilute with water. An example is Chlorophyllipt.
  2. An excellent hygiene product is dental floss, which removes food residues and pieces from the interdental spaces, promoting a repulsive effect.
  3. Mexidol Dent - toothpaste with hygienic and disinfecting effects neutralizes the smell of garlic.

  4. Hydrogen peroxide, a substance that inhibits oxidation, can remove odor. 10 drops are combined with a tablespoon of water and rinsed in the mouth. The main thing is not to swallow liquid!
  5. Disinfecting rinses containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride. Their main property is the destruction of sulfur formations in the mouth. Dentists do not recommend using an alcohol compound: the smell of onions in this combination becomes pronounced.
  6. Petrusha capsules are perfect. The composition of the drug includes the following components: vitamin E, sunflower seed oil, parsley grains. It is recommended to eat two capsules after meals. They cope effectively with the difficulty that arises.
  7. Lollipops, Antipolitsay, which contain harsh oils, can fight off the smell of onions. Under its action, the molecules that provoke the appearance of amber are suppressed by the components of the products. Sprays must be sprayed once.
  8. An excellent absorbent is coal, which is used to solve the problem. It is necessary to take the product into your mouth, do not swallow, and rinse your mouth after use.
  9. Chlorhexidine bigluconate has an antimicrobial effect. Purpose – to remove the action of bacteria and microbes. The taste is questionable, but the effect is obvious - the repulsive smell from the oral cavity goes away.

In addition to the indicated methods, we will give a number of tips:

  • Chop the onion as finely as possible. In this case, the vegetable is chewed faster and practically does not remain in the mouth.
  • After cutting, it is recommended to pour boiled water over the vegetable. The bitterness is washed away, but the healing qualities do not go away, giving the prepared dishes a unique taste.
  • When preparing dishes with onions, think in advance about how to eliminate the odor. Take care of the necessary medications or products.
  • Don't eat the onion last. This will block the smell of other products and remove remaining particles from the tongue.
  • Everyday personal hygiene with toothpaste and a toothbrush will help eliminate the unpleasant aroma.
  • The smell from cutlery goes away if you wipe it with diluted vinegar and cut lemon.
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