How a lack of vitamins can affect bleeding gums

Orthodontist-dentist Nikolaeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Bleeding gums is a very common symptom that accompanies dental diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis and some general somatic diseases. When gums bleed, treatment depends on the pathology that caused the symptom. Depending on the severity of the disease, bleeding can be pronounced or almost invisible. In people with an initial degree of severity, blood appears only during cleaning , and in people with a severe course it can appear spontaneously .

With mild bleeding, patients rarely seek dental care, either without taking any action at all or self-medicating. Only other serious signs force the patient to look for the causes and treat bleeding gums.

There are two extremes characteristic of self-treatment - stopping brushing teeth or vice versa, excessive attention and diligence when brushing, uncontrolled use of antiseptics and gels. Since bleeding is only a symptom, without eliminating the immediate cause of bleeding, the patient’s actions will be ineffective. There are a sufficient number of pathological conditions of the body in which the gums begin to bleed, but the immediate cause is tartar .

With poor oral hygiene, soft plaque accumulates on the teeth, often around the necks of the teeth. Over time, plaque crystallizes and can no longer be removed with a toothbrush. As it grows, it penetrates the gingival sulcus, destroying the periodontium and the capillaries that feed it. Bacteria living in dental plaque produce lactic acid and toxins that cause inflammation. Thus, it is rational, as soon as inflammation and bleeding gums are detected, treatment should begin with the removal of supra- and subgingival stones.

Only inflammatory processes that occur during pregnancy and puberty in adolescents are not related to hygiene. One important nuance should be noted if pregnant women have bleeding gums - the gynecologist decides how to treat, since there are quite a lot of procedures and medications that are prohibited during pregnancy.

Proper brushing of teeth and gums

Plaque on teeth is a common cause of many oral diseases, so it is important to remove it regularly. Buy a soft toothbrush and brush your teeth with it twice a day. Gently massage your gums, this will help strengthen them. Be extremely careful and learn to brush your teeth properly. Remember to clean your tongue using the special back of your toothbrush. Use toothpastes labeled “for bleeding gums.” They usually contain aluminum lactate, baking soda, herbal extracts and other substances that help fight the problem. Don't forget about the power of dental floss: it can be used to remove plaque from hard-to-reach interdental spaces.

Why do my gums bleed?

As a rule, the causes of bleeding gums are associated with periodontal tissue diseases. This could be gingivitis or periodontitis. What is the difference?

Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum inflammation, which does not cause irreversible changes in the tissues of the oral cavity. With timely treatment, everything can quickly return to normal. But if gingivitis is not treated, it turns into periodontitis, in which the ligament between the tooth and the gum is destroyed, and the inflammatory process spreads from the gum to the bone tissue. This disease is already an order of magnitude more serious, because teeth become mobile and can be lost.


By rinsing, we remove food debris, pathogenic bacteria, and treat gums locally. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, decoctions and diluted herbal tinctures (chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, sage, oak bark) or special dental rinses. Read the instructions for use carefully! In folk medicine, hydrogen peroxide, carrot juice, and sauerkraut are used (it must be chewed periodically). Please note that rinsing for many diseases is only an additional, concomitant method of treatment.

Methods for treating bleeding gums

How to treat bleeding depends mainly on the cause that caused it. If we are talking about the appearance of blood after surgical procedures or injuries, it is necessary to carefully ensure that there is no infection, but in general, the healing process will not require additional manipulations.

If we are talking about bleeding caused by gum disease, we must first eliminate the cause of inflammation. One can argue a lot about the effectiveness of folk methods, but not a single home recipe can cure gums - relief will come only temporarily while the symptoms are blocked, but then everything will return with renewed vigor. Therefore, it is important not to rely on traditional medicine, but to entrust your health to professionals.

Among the methods that have proven themselves to be positive is treatment with the Vector Paro device, which involves treating periodontal pockets using ultrasound. This is where deposits accumulate, which often lead to inflammation and bleeding. The treatment involves several sessions, but after the first one, the discomfort is significantly reduced, the gums acquire a healthy color, and bleeding decreases.

After treatment with the Vector Paro device, it is recommended to consolidate the result using photodynamic therapy. This is a light-activated disinfection procedure using the FotoSan device, which kills germs and has no side effects.


Among the medications that are traditionally used for bleeding gums, we can name Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta, Kamistad, Asepta. All these gels have both an analgesic, antiseptic and wound-healing effect. If a child has problems with gums, then such gels will be the best first aid medicine.

Among the herbal remedies, we found the liquid rinse preparation Stomatofit. It is made on the basis of extracts of medicinal herbs that heal gums. It has no side effects, but is not recommended for people allergic to chamomile and arnica.

What else can cause bleeding gums?

  • Stomatitis
    This is a lesion of the oral mucosa, which, in addition to bleeding, is accompanied by the appearance of small ulcers, bad breath, and painful sensations when eating
  • Wrong selection of hygiene products
    If the toothbrush you use is too hard, it can cause damage to your gums, especially if used too intensively. Also be careful with dental floss and toothpicks, which can injure your gums.
  • Surgical Interventions
    If gum bleeding occurs in the first few hours after tooth extraction or other surgical procedure, you have no reason to worry. Just follow your doctor's recommendations. But if bleeding lasts longer than a day, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Pregnancy
    A pregnant woman's body undergoes serious hormonal changes, which causes severe damage to the gums. Bleeding may also occur in those undergoing treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • Smoking
    Smokers significantly reduce local immunity in the oral cavity, which leads to gum inflammation and bleeding. Dentists recommend getting rid of this habit - both gums and teeth suffer from it.
  • Lack of vitamins
    First of all, we are talking about vitamin C - if there is not enough of it, scurvy can develop, which can even lead to loss of teeth.
  • Some diseases of the body
    For example, diabetes, leukemia, hemophilia. Also, if you are taking blood thinners, your gums may begin to bleed.

Dental care

Try to take care of your dental health regularly. Be sure to remove plaque, as it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Plaque and tartar can also be removed in the dentist’s office using professional teeth cleaning and the AirFlow method. This significantly improves the health of the oral cavity, restores the natural balance of bacteria, cleans hard-to-reach places, and restores the natural whiteness of teeth. Moreover, such care is absolutely painless for the patient! It is recommended to have professional teeth cleaning once a year.

Causes of problems with teeth and gums

Dentists identify several factors that adversely affect oral health:

  • ecology: poor air, water and even soil conditions affect our teeth;
  • illness and decreased immunity;
  • stress: constant stress, regular physical and psychological stress inevitably affect the immune system. And its decrease may cause the proliferation of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity;
  • frequent use of antibiotics and strong chemical drugs weakens the body and has a bad effect on the condition of our teeth and gums;
  • poor nutrition: the health of our teeth is affected by poor quality foods, junk food, an unbalanced diet, and frequent consumption of sugar;
  • heredity, including hereditary diseases;
  • avitaminosis.

Minerals and beneficial elements necessary for healthy gums and teeth

In addition to vitamins, certain minerals are essential for healthy teeth and gums.

Thus, calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel. And vitamin D can help absorb these elements, which promotes their penetration into dental dentin and accumulation.

Experts from the World Health Organization note that a modern adult does not receive 500 mg of calcium every day. But replenishing its reserves is not at all difficult: to do this, it is enough to eat nuts, dairy products, leafy salads, legumes and cabbage. Or you can take adult dental vitamins that contain calcium.

A mineral such as fluorine plays an equally important role. It is he who protects teeth from caries and destruction. Sufficient amounts of fluoride are found in meat, any seafood, oatmeal and buckwheat, apples and tea.


Many people do not sufficiently understand the benefits of this microelement, but due to its deficiency, the integrity of hard tissues can be impaired. To replenish zinc in the body, you need to consume cocoa, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and sesame seeds as often as possible.

The development of anemia is caused by a lack of a microelement such as iron. In this case, a person may experience light colored gums, and teeth begin to crumble. Iron can be “found” in foods such as red meat, liver, buckwheat, dried fruits and legumes.


Oral hygiene plays an important role in the treatment of dental diseases. Toothpaste against bleeding gums helps reduce pain, swelling, hyperemia, prevents heavy bleeding, and stops the spread of the inflammatory process.

You should not use medicinal pastes for too long, replacing them with full-fledged treatment, since they do not cure the disease, but only reduce the intensity of its symptoms.

Lakalut Active

The most effective of all medicated toothpastes. It contains chlorhexidine, fluorides, aluminum lactate, allantoin and other active substances. Significantly reduces bleeding and reduces tooth sensitivity. You should not use it constantly; it is better to switch to regular preventive toothpaste after the symptoms disappear.

Lakalut Phytoformula

Intended for long-term use due to the lack of antiseptics. Contains additional anti-inflammatory plant components, sodium fluoride. Strengthens tooth enamel and prevents caries.

Parodontax and Parodontax F

It consists of zinc citrate, mineral salts, extracts of medicinal plants, and is available with and without fluoride. Does not contain chemical antiseptics or antibiotics.

Read more about toothpastes in the article: Toothpastes for gums

Folk remedies: herbal treatment

If a patient's gums are bleeding, folk remedies can improve his condition, reduce bleeding and pain. Herbs for bleeding gums help reduce the source of inflammation, cure itching, burning, swelling, and cleanse the surface of the mucous membrane from bacterial plaque.

Homeopathy should not replace full-fledged anti-inflammatory therapy; it only complements the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

You can prepare solutions and infusions yourself or use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations.

Oak bark

It has an astringent effect, strengthens the gums, and is used in the form of a decoction for rinsing. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Rinse your mouth regularly for two weeks.


It is famous for its healing, anti-inflammatory, soothing effects, suitable for external and internal use. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of flowers and leave for 20 minutes.


A unique folk antiseptic and analgesic, suitable for rinsing, applications, and baths. Steam 2 tablespoons of the herb in 200 ml of water, use daily, after each meal, until complete recovery.


An excellent hemostatic agent. Infuse 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of boiling water, strain, cool. Rinse your mouth until a stable therapeutic effect appears.

water pepper

Increases the density of vessel walls, stops bleeding, increases blood clotting, and relieves inflammation. Used as an extract and infusion for rinsing.

The best gum rinses

Dentists often encourage their patients to use mouth rinses, as this can serve as an excellent preventive measure for various periodontal diseases. Such manipulations solve several problems at once: they remove food debris, soft plaque, reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection

Rating: 4.9

The Italian manufacturer Coswell SPA produces Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection. The product has a multi-component balanced composition. With its help, you can provide excellent care for both teeth and gums. This rinse contains hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the gums, protecting them from the development of inflammatory processes and bleeding.

This antibacterial rinse is sold in white plastic bottles (500 ml). The kit includes a dosing cup. The product has a thick, enveloping structure. The color of the mouthwash is pale pink. For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to use it 5 ml twice a day. Rinse your mouth for half a minute. For therapeutic purposes, the solution is used after each meal, 5-10 ml, and the manipulation is performed for 60 seconds.

This gum remedy has a very pleasant, soft, minty taste, so many people use it with great pleasure. The product does not burn the mucous membrane. With it you can quickly forget about the appearance of blood on your toothbrush. This remedy perfectly eliminates various inflammatory processes and heals wounds. At the same time, this product has an excellent effect on the condition of sensitive teeth. But the presence of SLS in the composition stops some from purchasing such a rinse aid.


  1. multi-component, working composition;
  2. unusual thick consistency;
  3. effectively stops bleeding;
  4. does not burn the mucous membrane;
  5. It eliminates the inflammatory process well.


  1. SLS included.

Listerine Expert Gum Protection

Rating: 4.8

The next nominee in our review was a product from Johnson & Johnson - Gum Protection mouthwash. It contains ethyl alcohol and other anti-inflammatory components. Moreover, the product is free of fluorine compounds. This rinse perfectly heals the gums, significantly reducing inflammatory processes. It can be used by anyone over 12 years of age.

Gum protection from the Listerine Expert brand is a turquoise liquid. It is placed in transparent plastic bottles with a lid that cannot be opened by children. The packaging of this product in terms of volume is very diverse. This product has a menthol, sweetish taste. You should rinse your mouth with this product after morning and evening brushing. 20 ml of solution is enough. Rinse your mouth for half a minute.

From the reviews it follows that this rinse seriously burns the mucous membranes and tongue. But after such “torture,” the unpleasant sensations quickly pass, and the positive effect on the gums does not take long to appear. It quickly stops any inflammatory processes. Also, with the systematic use of such a rinse, you can forget about bleeding gums. The product gives a pleasant feeling of freshness in the mouth.


  1. reliably eliminates inflammation;
  2. helps cope with bleeding;
  3. reduces the formation of soft and hard plaque on teeth;
  4. Refreshes the oral cavity for a long time.


  1. severely burns the mucous membrane and tongue.

Lacalut Active

Rating: 4.7

Lacalut Aktiv gum rinse solution is manufactured in Germany. It contains: olaflur (fluorine-containing substance), aluminum lactate (strengthens gums, eliminates their bleeding), chlorhexidine digluconate (antibacterial component with anti-inflammatory effect). This product prevents the formation of tartar, stops bleeding and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Ideal for people wearing dentures.

The mouthwash is packaged in pink plastic bottles (300 ml). They are equipped with a measuring cup for dosing. The solution itself is transparent and colorless. The smell of the product is pronounced menthol. The taste of the liquid is vigorous and stings a little. This is especially felt if there are wounds in the mouth. For one procedure, 10 ml of solution is enough. Rinse your mouth for at least half a minute.

People with periodontal problems report that already on the second day of using this rinse, their gums hurt and swell less. This product allows you to forget about traces of blood on your toothbrush and perfectly eliminates any inflammation. Many people like that this solution does not contain ethanol. But people with gastritis need to be especially careful not to accidentally swallow this solution, otherwise this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.


  1. absence of alcohol in the composition;
  2. quickly eliminates inflammation of any complexity;
  3. strengthens gums;
  4. There is a measuring cup included.


  1. stings during use.

Asepta Active rinse aid

Rating: 4.6

Among the review nominees was also the Russian mouthwash Asepta Active. It contains 2 active components: benzydamine (anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effect) and chlorhexidine (antibacterial effect). This product is designed to protect gums from inflammation and improve oral hygiene. This product can be used by all family members over 6 years of age.

Asepta Active is produced in bottles made of blue, transparent plastic. The set includes a glass that is convenient for dispensing the product. The clear liquid smells pleasantly of mint. During application it stings and burns a little. The rinse aid does not need to be diluted. For one rinse, take 10 ml of this solution and perform the procedure for about 20 seconds. After this, abstain from food and drink for half an hour. Apply the product up to 3 times a day.

Dental patients report that after just a few uses, the condition of their gums noticeably improves. And towards the end of the first week of using this product, you can forget about bleeding. This product also provides fresh breath and reduces the formation of soft or hard plaque on the teeth. Many people quickly get used to the burning sensation and slight numbness of the tongue and are ready to forgive this mouthwash for its effectiveness.


  1. good combination of active ingredients;
  2. Suitable for children from 6 years old;
  3. acts quickly;
  4. fights gum bleeding;
  5. gives fresh breath;
  6. protects against plaque formation.


  1. The mucous membrane burns, the tongue goes numb.

Forest balm with pine nut oil and sage extract

Rating: 4.5

The Russian manufacturing plant Kalina produces Forest Balm gum rinse with pine nut oil and sage extract. In addition to the two components that appear in the name, this product contains a coniferous complex based on extracts of fir, resin, and juniper. In clinical trials, this complex has been proven to reduce gum inflammation by up to 94%.

This rinse is available from the Forest Balsam brand in transparent plastic bottles. The solution itself has a consistency similar to water. Its color is bright green, its aroma is pine. The taste also has bright pine notes. It does not sting or burn during the process. This remedy is advisable to use in the morning and evening, as well as after meals. Fill the cap with mouthwash and rinse your mouth thoroughly for half a minute.

The product copes well with gum inflammation and bleeding. This balm is very comfortable to use. It also has a very attractive price, which is why many people prefer it. In addition to its beneficial effect on gums, it also takes excellent care of teeth. The rinse aid prevents solid deposits from building up on them. This Forest Balm freshens your breath well for several hours.


  1. the composition is rich in natural ingredients;
  2. does not burn or sting during rinsing;
  3. quickly restores damaged gums;
  4. stops bleeding;
  5. prevents plaque from accumulating on the teeth;
  6. makes your breath fresh.

How to rinse

Treating bleeding gums at home involves using a mouth rinse procedure. The main purpose of rinsing is to remove bacterial plaque and food debris. A solution prepared from medicinal plants or medications has additional properties - antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic.

In case of increased bleeding, you can use for rinsing:

  • pharmaceutical antibacterial agents;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • homemade solutions;
  • ready-made solutions and elixirs for rinsing.

Traditional medicine recommends using for treatment agents that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent and hemostatic properties.

It is undesirable to use alcohol tinctures; they cause burns to the inflamed mucosa and aggravate the patient’s painful condition.

Apple vinegar

It is often used in the treatment of bleeding gums with folk remedies. Perfectly dissolves bacterial plaque, strengthens gums, stops bleeding. Regular procedures over 2-3 weeks can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Hydrogen peroxide

Effectively and carefully removes plaque and can be used instead of toothpaste. Disinfects the surface of the gums, prevents the spread of inflammation, and stops bleeding. It is necessary to systematically rinse your mouth or wipe your gums with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.


It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent effect, helps stop bleeding. Rinse your mouth with a weak solution after each meal.


It strengthens the gums well, strengthens the immune system, and prevents hypersensitivity and bleeding. Dilute two tablespoons of juice in a glass of red wine, use both for rinsing and internally.

Foods necessary for healthy gums and teeth

In addition to vitamin-mineral complexes for teeth and gums, you should eat foods such as:

  • hard vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, apples, beets, pears and carrots;
  • citrus fruits: especially grapefruit and orange, which reduce bleeding gums;
  • berries: cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other forest products are especially useful for tooth enamel;
  • dairy products: fresh cottage cheese and cheese can replenish calcium reserves in the body;
  • nuts, in particular cashews and almonds;
  • honey;
  • seafood;
  • eggs.

Treatment at home

The fear of dentists is so firmly established in people’s minds that they are ready to endure toothache for weeks, or even months, just to avoid seeing a specialist. Therefore, only one piece of advice can be given to particularly “persistent” patients - if there is no desire to undergo complex treatment for bleeding at the dentist, then you can simply consult with him and undergo treatment at home.

During the consultation, the specialist will identify the cause of bleeding gums and if it turns out to be insignificant, he will give recommendations on the use of special toothpastes, gels and tablets to eliminate it. Regular use of effective targeted agents will help eliminate bleeding and reduce the risk of complications.

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