4 effective methods of gum massage: indications, rules of conduct

August 2, 2020

Dentists recommend that some patients massage their gums with their fingers, as well as with a brush and other specialized devices. For what? As an additional therapeutic measure in the fight against various dental pathologies. This is also an excellent preventive procedure that allows you to maintain good condition of the mucous membrane, helping to preserve teeth. But to achieve a positive effect, you need to follow certain rules. It is important to know about contraindications, otherwise you can harm your health. In this article, the editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal will tell you who could benefit from gum massage. We will also list effective techniques that are used today.

Indications and contraindications for procedures

  • periodontal diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease,
  • orthodontic treatment with braces,
  • wearing removable dentures,
  • loss of gum volume (recession), exposure of the necks and roots of teeth,
  • bite pathologies,
  • eruption of primary and permanent teeth.
  • bleeding of the mucous membranes and gums due to exacerbation of periodontal diseases, or due to injuries,
  • cyst, abscess, stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, gumboil, fistula,
  • teeth to be removed
  • the presence of periodontal pockets (when the gum moves away from the tooth),
  • abundant soft and hard deposits on the teeth.

Hydromassage using an irrigator

An irrigator is an electrical device for cleaning teeth. Using a thin stream of water (sometimes air) under high pressure, it gets rid of food debris in hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity, washes away plaque and whitens, and easily penetrates into the spaces between teeth. Hydromassage of the gums with an irrigator is performed for the purposes of prevention and treatment, and is also useful for people who wear braces or crowns .

Benefits of gum massage using an irrigator:

  • stimulation of local immunity;
  • improvement of tissue microstimulation;
  • cleaning periodontal pockets;
  • reduction of bleeding.

Attention! Before use, consult your dentist; he will help you choose the optimal operating mode for the irrigator.

Benefits and harms of procedures

Massage of the gums with fingers, a brush and other devices is carried out in order to improve blood circulation in the mucous membrane, strengthen it, and increase local immunity. If you do the procedure regularly and correctly, it promotes rapid regeneration of cells and tissues and helps get rid of swelling.

When the gums are strengthened, this has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth, because then they sit tightly in their sockets, eliminating the possibility of them becoming loose and falling out due to inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues.

For patients who have just started wearing braces and dentures, the procedures are useful because they help reduce the level of discomfort, ease and speed up the period of adaptation. In addition, some gum massage techniques are used specifically to straighten teeth and can reduce the time of orthodontic treatment.

Some types of massage (for example, finger massage) are recommended for young children to speed up teething and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms accompanying this process (itching, pain, swelling, redness). Children are also indicated for procedures to prevent periodontal diseases and the development of dental anomalies.

Massage is recommended for infants during teething

There are also techniques that doctors recommend practicing after tooth extraction and implant installation. Naturally, not during the most critical period of rehabilitation (the first 2 weeks), but after the tissues have healed a little. The procedures accelerate regeneration processes, help prevent postoperative complications, and enhance the absorption of certain medications and ointments.

Massage is very dangerous to perform if there are contraindications mentioned above. In this case, it can further aggravate the situation, contribute to the spread of infectious processes to surrounding areas and tissues, and stimulate the rapid growth of cysts and granulomas.

Now let’s look at the basic massage techniques that are used today.

Massage your gums while brushing your teeth

This type is especially useful for those who suffer from mild gum bleeding. Any adult can perform the procedure at home; it is most convenient to do it with a toothbrush while brushing your teeth. This saves time and effectively heals the oral cavity.

For such a massage,
only a brush with very soft bristles is suitable , since hard bristles can easily injure the tissues of the oral cavity.
Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam the bristles well in hot boiled water and knead them with your hands. It is better to do self-massage in the morning .

The procedure is carried out using one of the proposed methods:

Bell method

The villi should carefully cover the mucous membrane and be positioned from top to bottom.

Attention! It is necessary to do the procedure slowly, moving the brush from the cutting edge of the tooth to its base.

Hirschfeld method

On the lower jaw you need to massage from bottom to top, on the upper jaw - from top to bottom, making sure to touch the edge of the gum.

Fones method

Close your teeth and position the brush at a right angle, massaging in a circular motion. Then open your mouth and repeat the movements on the back of the teeth.

Charters method

Place the brush at the border of the teeth with soft tissues and move it from top to bottom with vibrating movements. During the first sessions, you should not touch the periodontal tissue.

Shtilman method

The toothbrush is placed at a slight angle and carefully brushed over the teeth, then movements begin in the opposite direction.

Rules that will help make massage effective and safe

  1. Visit your dentist to remove plaque and bacterial deposits. Treat all your teeth. Make sure that there are no hidden formations (cyst, abscess) or acute inflammatory processes in the mouth. Get advice on whether massage is contraindicated for you. The doctor will also give advice on which irrigator, paste and rinses are best for you to use.
  2. In conjunction with different massage techniques, use pastes, gels, and various oils (essential and vegetable).
  3. Complete the procedure by rinsing your mouth with warm herbal decoctions based on chamomile or sage.

After the procedure, you should rinse your mouth with a decoction of medicinal herbs
. According to some studies, gum massage helps activate points responsible for the health of various internal organs. For example, if you carefully treat the area where the roots of the incisors are located, you can improve the functioning of the kidneys and reproductive system. If you influence the tissues in the fang area, the functioning of the liver improves.

Do you want to restore the functionality of the pancreas and stomach? Apply pressure to the gums in the area of ​​the molars. Massaging the mucous membrane in the figure eight area will tone the heart muscle and vascular system. However, massage techniques should not be considered a panacea. If there are serious problems with internal organs, then the only right solution is to seek professional medical help.

1Balyan L.N. Practical possibilities of using oral hygiene items and products for periodontal diseases // Problems of dentistry. – 2010.


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Vacuum gum massager

For complex treatment, dentists offer gum massage using a special massager with vacuum tubes .
This technique is based on the effect of negative pressure on periodontal tissue, which increases blood supply. From the deep layers, blood and lymph move closer to the mucous membrane and bone, then under the influence of the procedure, capillaries rupture and a hematoma is formed. During its gradual healing, substances are released that actively stimulate local immunity.

The formation of a hematoma is a rather painful process, so it is worth using local anesthesia .

This method of massaging the gums is prescribed for gingivitis and periodontal disease , and it is also often used before surgical interventions to relax the tissues of the oral cavity. In addition, it is especially useful after operations, as it reduces the possibility of lymph stagnation and significantly reduces the secretion of ichor.

Important! The vacuum method does not cancel a trip to a specialist for a preventive examination, but it keeps the mucous membrane in good shape and protects surfaces from pathogenic bacteria.

Vacuum therapy has several advantages :

  • stimulation of periodontal tissues;
  • reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria;
  • the appearance of new blood vessels;
  • strengthening the mucosa;
  • getting rid of excess fluid;
  • flow of nutrients to damaged areas.


Will gum massage help straighten teeth? Will this eliminate the need to wear braces? I only have 1 crooked tooth!

Anna (08/11/2020 at 08:12 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Anna! Massage alone will not help correct crooked teeth. It is prescribed in addition to myogymnastics and other methods of bite correction. But if the patient has only one crooked tooth, then wearing braces, as a rule, is not required. The problem can be solved with removable orthodontic devices (plates, trainers), or artistic correction, prosthetics with veneers and crowns.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (08/13/2020 at 09:07) Reply to comment

Is it worth giving a massage when a child’s tooth has erupted? If he scratches it actively, will massage help ease teething? Will massage speed up the appearance of new teeth? Are there any contraindications for massaging a baby’s gums?

Elena (09.23.2020 at 08:21) Reply to comment

I have fairly loose gums. I read the article and decided to try massage using the Charter method. I had never observed bleeding gums before, but now blood appeared. Tell me, should I wait and continue, perhaps this is just an adaptation of the gums, or does this already indicate the beginning of problems?

Olga (09.23.2020 at 09:23) Reply to comment

What motivates the opinion of the author of the article that gum massage helps activate points responsible for the health of various internal organs? I’m hearing this for the first time and even Wikipedia doesn’t give a clear answer!

Julia (09.23.2020 at 09:25) Reply to comment

We started massaging the baby when teething, sometimes with our fingers, and sometimes with a special massage brush. Once again, blood began to flow around the tooth (it was just emerging). Does this mean that there is no need to do massage anymore? How then can teething be made easier?

Marina (09/23/2020 at 11:28 am) Reply to comment

My gums constantly bleed when brushing my teeth, no matter what level of hardness the toothbrush is, I use toothpaste many times, nothing helps. Will massage help? Does it help reduce bleeding?

Marina (11/20/2020 at 7:00 pm) Reply to comment

Hello! I am wondering whether it is necessary to consult a dentist before starting the procedure, or can I choose the method myself and change techniques? Can making decisions on my own be very harmful to my health?

Ira (11/20/2020 at 7:16 pm) Reply to comment

I only knew the first one, the dentist once showed it to me. Is it worth doing such a massage if I have a wisdom tooth coming out, naturally there is swelling and pain, or is it better to just use some kind of ointment?

Lera (11/20/2020 at 7:27 pm) Reply to comment

Small children can still do this. I don't know about adults. If only everything was sterile. You need to do this with clean hands so as not to introduce an infection and create even more problems than they already are.

Vlad (11/20/2020 at 08:25 pm) Reply to comment

If you need to do a massage, it is better to consult a doctor. He will tell you and show you how best to do this and to avoid further problems if something happens or if the massage is incorrect.

Pavel (11/20/2020 at 9:12 pm) Reply to comment

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For periodontal disease and periodontitis (exposure of the tooth root)

With periodontal disease and periodontitis, the mucous membrane around the teeth becomes hypersensitive to temperature changes .
Bacteria begin to multiply in the interdental areas, causing inflammation and purulent discharge. The gums soften, losing their usual elasticity and begin to bleed heavily. The patient feels these symptoms every time he brushes his teeth and while eating.

When a tooth root is exposed , special medications are used for treatment, but massage , which is prescribed as an additional treatment procedure, helps to enhance their effect. The teeth are first cleaned of plaque, and the procedure itself is carried out using clean fingers. Massage significantly improves metabolic processes, gums become stronger and healthier .

The procedure is simple: you need to apply a few drops of essential oil to a cotton pad and apply to the gums for 7-10 minutes . The procedure must be performed daily for two weeks, then you should take a break .

For your information! The use of natural essential oils will greatly enhance the effect and simplify the procedure. The most beneficial oils will be mint, tea tree, lemon and eucalyptus.

Self-massage techniques with fingers

Important: gum massage should not be carried out with a long manicure, this can damage fragile gum tissue.

You can massage your gums in different ways, focusing on healthy and problematic areas of the jaw. Massage during tooth extraction is best done using the finger method.

Here are some possible options:

  • Stroking is the main tool for preventive action on the gums. They are encouraged to start and end the procedure. If, after extracting a tooth, there is a clear swollen area on the gum, then manipulations begin from a place where there is no swelling, gradually moving towards the problem area.
  • Trituration. This technique involves a strong impact on the gums, which means it can only be performed after the doctor’s instructions. Rubbing is performed using spiral movements from the middle of the gum to its edges. This method has two variations: direct massage and indirect massage. Direct is performed directly on the gums, not straight - through the cheek.
  • Squeezing is carried out with vertical rotational movements.
  • Squeezing is a method of simultaneous compression of the gums with the index finger and thumb. In this case, one compression is very short-lived. Strength of impact: medium, no pain or tingling should be felt.

The video in this article and photos will demonstrate the difference between different massage techniques.

Important: if, at the end of the massage, something pricks in the gum after removal, you must definitely visit the dentist and talk about the symptom; you may need to cancel the procedure.

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