Facial asymmetry: how to correct it using the Starecta method

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Symmetry is a sign of beauty and harmony. However, ideal symmetry practically does not occur in nature, and humans are no exception. It is the asymmetry of the face that provides each of us with a unique expression. But sometimes it happens that facial features are so distorted that serious aesthetic and psychological problems arise. Very often, an incorrect bite plays a cruel joke, which provokes the appearance of a massive chin, sunken asymmetrical cheeks or skewed jaws.

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Facial asymmetry due to malocclusion: manifestations

Malocclusion (and this does not include crooked teeth, but a violation of the position of the jaws relative to each other) often leads to many problems, distorting our appearance. Among the main ones are a small or too massive chin, drooping corners of the lips, sunken cheeks, the mouth may be constantly slightly open.

Facial asymmetry also occurs - an incorrect bite affects the position of the jaws relative to each other. In this situation, we are talking about a crossbite, in which the lower jaw is displaced laterally relative to the upper jaw. This breaks the symmetry of our face. In addition to the obvious aesthetic problems, this disease also threatens with physiological complications.

What does facial asymmetry mean?

Asymmetry of the face and lips is often an acquired form of imbalance in the muscles of the face and neck, which appeared as a result of an imbalance in the anatomical and physiological balance. Any action in the oral cavity aimed at changing the occlusion (even the installation of one small filling), not to mention orthodontic treatment or the manufacture of many crowns and bridges, cannot but affect the 28 cranial bones that make up the human skull. Therefore, treatment of asymmetry of the face and lips should be considered as a reverse unwinding of the processes that led to the disorders.

The human body is much more than just a combination of “measurable parameters”; it is an “open system” that constantly interacts with the environment, with its intellectual and emotional characteristics that react to any influence much more actively than physical parameters. Treatment of asymmetry of the face and lips, chin and cheek muscles consists of using self-regulation and self-control mechanisms.

The benefits of stimulation techniques in treating asymmetry go much deeper than the eyes can see. An example of a stimulation method is the use of the ALF device system (orthodontic light wire technique), restoration of the height of the vertical parameters of the chewing and frontal sections, restoration of normal function of the jaw joints (mouth opening 48-50 mm, absence of clicks and sounds in the joints, free movements of the jaw from side to side). side, 12 mm).

Development of normal jaw sizes, characteristic of each individual (strictly calculated by the width of the teeth in each section of the jaw). Treatment also involves restoring the relationship of the upper and lower jaws, raising, if necessary, a drooping eye (working with the middle part of the skull). Osteopathic effects on the cranial bones also expand the range of therapeutic effects of facial and lip asymmetry. And only after all these stages have been restored, the work takes place at the dental level. Since teeth are the final link of all structural disorders of the skull and posture.

Treatment of asymmetry of the face and lips will also include correction of posture and the position of the pelvic bones. This comprehensive approach to the treatment of asymmetries is widely used at the Dental Spa Center.

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What is the danger of facial asymmetry due to malocclusion?

  • excessive tension in the temporomandibular joint: this problem provokes headaches, joint dislocations, tension in the neck muscles, curvature of the spine, “clicking” of the jaw, the appearance of bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth during sleep,
  • teeth wear unevenly , which not only aggravates facial asymmetry and complicates chewing food, but also leads to dental problems (the formation of caries and its complications, the appearance of plaque and tartar on the teeth, frequent inflammation of the gums),
  • psychological problems: decreased self-esteem


Determining the cause of facial asymmetry is most often carried out by dentists or neurologists. If appropriate symptoms are detected, the patient is referred to otolaryngologists, oncologists, endocrinologists, and other specialists. The examination plan may include the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Questioning, physical examination
    . The doctor establishes the time and circumstances of the onset of the symptom and asks the patient about other manifestations of the disease. Evaluates the severity of asymmetry at rest, during facial and chewing movements. Detects other changes: swelling, redness, blanching, increased local temperature, tumor formations.
  • Dental examination.
    Includes studying the condition of teeth, gums, hard and soft palates, mucous membranes of other areas, and bones of the facial skeleton. Allows you to confirm the presence of diseased teeth, inflammation, injury, suppuration, tumors.
  • Neurological examination.
    The specialist studies the innervation of the facial muscles, asking the patient to perform certain movements: wrinkle his forehead, raise and lower his eyebrows, puff out his cheeks, show his tongue, bare his teeth, follow the movements of the neurological hammer with his eyes. The neurologist then palpates the available nerve exit points.
  • Otorhinolaryngological examination.
    Provides for special research. If pathology of the paranasal sinuses is suspected, echosinusoscopy or diagnostic puncture can be performed. In case of complaints of hearing impairment, audiometry, tuning fork examination, etc. are performed. For vestibular disorders, vestibulometry and rotational tests are recommended.
  • Radiography
    . Taking into account the identified pathological changes, the patient is prescribed an X-ray of the tooth, an X-ray examination of the jaw or paranasal sinuses. In some cases, radiographs of the skull and cervical spine are necessary.
  • Ultrasonography
    . During the examination, sonography of the salivary glands, paranasal sinuses, and soft tissues may be performed. If signs of brain compression are detected, echoencephalography is indicated.
  • Other visualization techniques
    . Most often, CT or MRI are used to clarify the diagnosis and to study in detail the nature of the changes, the volume and location of the pathological focus. For neurological pathology, PET-CT and SPECT of the brain may be prescribed.
  • Lab tests
    . A general blood test determines the presence and severity of inflammation; the results of a microbiological study determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. In case of space-occupying formations, histological and cytological examination of smears, punctures, and biopsy specimens is carried out.

Elimination of facial asymmetry

Facial asymmetry: how to fix it?

If signs of malocclusion and facial asymmetry appear, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible. To correct facial asymmetry in children, special orthodontic plates are used, which allow you to shift the position of the jaws and return them to the correct position.


Ask a question Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich Orthodontist, work experience: 16 years “It is important to begin treatment of facial asymmetry in children as early as possible, while the formation of bone tissue has not yet completed and they are more plastic. Then the teeth and jaws can be easily directed in the right direction. If there is a problem with the bite and position of the jaws, from the age of three, special trainers, plates, as well as exercises that strengthen the muscles of the maxillofacial apparatus are used. The optimal age for using braces is 12-13 years, when the baby bite has completely changed to a permanent one.”

Treatment of asymmetry in adults is more difficult. As a rule, in this situation, a combined approach will be required: the use of braces alone does not guarantee an ideal result, since braces for the most part only allow you to move some teeth. But their use will be justified to change the position of the upper dentition. Facial asymmetry can also be corrected surgically: in this situation, the lower jaw is literally removed from the joint and returned to a new, correct place.

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In order to prevent facial asymmetry from appearing, it is very important for parents to monitor the state of their child’s bite and, if necessary, take prompt measures to correct it - in this case, the teeth will be straight, the jaws will be straight in the correct, symmetrical position, and no surgical operations are required.


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Self-ligating Empower (American Orthodontics, USA)65,000 rub.
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The etiology of facial asymmetry is very diverse. Many diseases accompanied by this symptom can pose a serious threat to the patient’s health, especially if treatment is started late. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable; the appearance of this symptom should be considered as a reason to immediately seek medical help.

Conservative therapy

The treatment plan varies depending on the characteristics of the pathology. In many cases, a special diet is recommended. For dental diseases, treatment of caries, pulpitis, and periodontitis can be carried out. Patients with facial asymmetry are prescribed medications of the following groups:

  • Analgesics
    . Indicated for severe pain syndrome. Intramuscular injections or tablet forms are possible.
  • NSAIDs
    . Required to reduce the severity of inflammation, swelling, and pain. General action drugs are taken in short courses to reduce the risk of side effects from the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antibiotics
    . Necessary for general bacterial infections and local inflammatory processes. First, broad-spectrum drugs are used; after receiving the results of microbiological analysis, the antibiotic treatment regimen is adjusted taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.
  • Antiseptics
    . Local medications are used in the form of rinses. Recommended in the presence of inflammation, wounds on the mucous membrane, after surgery.

In some cases, drug therapy is supplemented with physical therapy. When treating diseases that cause facial asymmetry, electrical stimulation, UHF, medicinal electrophoresis, and other methods may be prescribed. For oncological pathologies, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are performed.

Causes of asymmetry

Congenital causes of asymmetry are intrauterine abnormalities of the bone, muscle or nervous system, abnormal development of jaw bones, joints, connective or muscle tissue, leading to distortion of facial features. Acquired facial asymmetry can occur as a result of injury, inflammation of the nerves, malocclusion, and many other reasons. For example, the cause of facial asymmetry, such as a protruding lower jaw, may be improper treatment of frequent colds, adenoids in childhood, when due to difficulty in nasal breathing the child constantly breathed with an open mouth. Various malocclusions in childhood and adulthood are also one of the main causes of facial disproportion.

Physiological asymmetry can be distinguished from pathological asymmetry with the naked eye. Normal disproportion is almost invisible, but with pathological disproportion, the differences are so pronounced that they are noticeable even at a quick glance. In addition to external disproportion, pathological asymmetry can be characterized by weakness of facial muscles and distorted articulation, which is also difficult not to notice (in medicine such deviations are called static and dynamic asymmetry).

In this case, we are most likely talking about neuropathy of the facial nerve - one of the most common causes of asymmetry in neurology. This condition is characterized by weakness of the facial muscles of one half of the face, and with any attempt to make any movement, the disproportion is aggravated. In this case, difficulties arise not only with the movement of facial muscles, but also with articulation and chewing food.

In most cases, facial asymmetry is a combination of several disorders, therefore, the elimination of these pathologies may require the participation of several specialists - a surgeon, an orthodontist, a therapist, an orthopedist.

Is it necessary to correct the bite and when is the best time to do it?

If we talk about whether a malocclusion is worth correcting, then this is everyone’s business. But it should be remembered that not only the beauty of appearance, but also the health of the joints depends on this. Over time, an incorrect bite can lead to dislocation of the jaw joint, which in turn can be responsible for the back and spine. It can also lead to speech impediment and difficulty chewing food.

It is possible that all these consequences can lead to the appearance of complexes when communicating, and a person will be able to withdraw into himself, which will also affect his psychological state. The wisest thing to do is to get rid of this disease immediately and not wait for such severe consequences, so it is worth correcting malocclusion in childhood.

When choosing the optimal time for the formation of a bite, you need to monitor it since childhood. Parents should periodically take their child to the dentist, who will monitor the formation of the dentition and jaw. If there is the slightest deformation in childhood, it can be corrected quite easily. As you age, it becomes more and more difficult to line your teeth and shape your jaw, since the bones are already formed.

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