Professional oral hygiene in dentistry: methods of implementation

Problem: in Family dental hygienist E.P. A pregnant woman came to Smirnova for professional oral hygiene. The patient complained of increased tooth sensitivity.

Solution: professional teeth cleaning, teeth polishing, gum massage, strengthening of enamel with Tuss Mousse were carried out, individual oral hygiene products were selected, taking into account pregnancy and its effect on the condition of teeth and gums.

Oral changes associated with pregnancy

Pregnancy affects the functioning of all systems in a woman’s body, including the health of teeth and gums. It is recommended to treat all teeth before pregnancy, and during pregnancy, visit a hygienist more often for professional teeth cleaning and monitoring, then many problems can be avoided.

What happens in the oral cavity? Hormonal changes lead to deterioration of blood supply to the gums. The gums become more sensitive, loose, easily susceptible to inflammation and injury, gum pockets enlarge and a lot of plaque accumulates in them - an excellent breeding ground for microbes in the mouth. Due to swelling and looseness, the gums move away from the necks of the teeth, which causes increased tooth sensitivity to sweet/sour, cold/hot.

In addition to hormonal changes, changes in diet can affect the health of the gums, because pregnant women like to treat themselves to sweet and carbohydrate foods, which lead to an increase in the formation of plaque on the teeth.

Pregnancy gingivitis (gum inflammation) is a source of infection in the body. Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women cannot be delayed, otherwise the aggressive microbial environment can harm the child. To treat gingivitis, drugs that are safe for a pregnant woman are selected, which have only a local effect, but effectively cope with gum inflammation if the problem is not neglected.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the baby’s teeth begin to form, and the expectant mother’s body begins to work for two. With an unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and microelements, tooth enamel loses its strength and teeth are destroyed. This can also cause increased tooth sensitivity.

Rule 3. Fresh air

During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases, so walking in the fresh air is important. From a hygiene point of view, it is better to walk in a park where there is no noisy road or a lot of cars. In the hot season, this is done in the evening, during sunset.

In an apartment, to maintain hygiene, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms as often as possible. Dust that settles on things and floors contains a large number of allergens and harmful substances. Therefore, for the health of the expectant mother, you need to do daily wet cleaning.

Professional teeth cleaning

Professional teeth cleaning is aimed at removing all dental plaque. Hygienist E.P. Smirnova removed plaque using the Air Flow method. This procedure is not dangerous for pregnant women, as it is practically painless and does not require anesthesia. The cleaning powder is removed from the mouth with a special vacuum cleaner during the cleaning process and its entry into the body is completely negligible. Tartar is removed using ultrasound.

To strengthen the gums, improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation, the gums were massaged with an antiseptic gel. The antiseptic gel has a local effect and is not dangerous for the child. Tooth enamel is strengthened using dental cream Tuss Mousse (Japan), which contains calcium and phosphorus in active compounds. Penetrating into the tooth enamel, calcium and phosphorus make it stronger and more resistant to acids, which serves as an excellent prevention of caries and reduces tooth sensitivity.

The cost of the entire complex of professional oral hygiene is 4,400 rubles.

Rule 2. Eat right

The need for nutrients and vitamins during pregnancy doubles, and the process of food digestion changes, intestinal motility slows down, and the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases. Therefore, nutrition during pregnancy must meet the following hygiene requirements:

  • balanced in composition;
  • contain a sufficient amount of vitamins;
  • in small portions, but at least 4 times a day;
  • without dyes, preservatives and other toxic substances.

Eliminate alcohol from the diet, reduce the amount of sweets and fatty foods, and increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits. But you won’t be able to increase your vitamin intake through diet alone. For pregnant women, there are special vitamin complexes that contain all the necessary components in the required proportions.

Prevention of gingivitis in pregnant women and increased sensitivity of teeth

To prevent gingivitis in pregnant women and protect tooth enamel, hygienist E.P. Smiirnova recommended that the patient use a soft toothbrush Curaprox 5460. The soft bristles of this brush, rounded at the ends, gently but effectively remove plaque without damaging the tooth enamel and gently massaging the gums.

To reduce tooth sensitivity, it is recommended to use Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repeir toothpaste for sensitive teeth to brush your teeth daily. This toothpaste reduces tooth sensitivity by filling enamel cracks and dentinal canals with special microrepair particles, which are similar in mineral composition to tooth enamel. The paste contains zinc ions, which reduces the formation of plaque and tartar. Additionally, applying Tuss Mousse cream at home will help reduce sensitivity. The cream should be applied to cleansed teeth at night for 1 month.

It may seem strange, but the condition of dad's mouth is also important. A pregnant woman should be protected from germs as much as possible. Therefore, the future father is recommended to undergo oral sanitation.

See other examples of professional teeth cleaning here.


There are also some restrictions on the choice of toothpaste, and it is worth remembering the nuances associated with pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend the use of whitening toothpastes to all pregnant ladies, without exception. The fact is that such pastes contain coarse particles that provide a whitening effect, but at the same time, it is worth remembering that a pregnant woman’s teeth become vulnerable and such pastes can cause harm. In addition, such pastes also contain whitening substances of chemical origin; such substances are also not particularly beneficial for the teeth of a pregnant lady.

It is best to choose pastes from the therapeutic and prophylactic class. These pastes contain various microelements - calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. By the way, pastes with fluoride can be used; fluoride cannot penetrate the placental barrier and, therefore, cause any harm to the baby, and it acts at the local level.

In addition, such pastes can contain various infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs as additives. Most often these are chamomile, lemon balm, oak bark, sage and many others. Such pastes will serve as preventive and therapeutic hygiene products at the same time; plant decoctions have a therapeutic effect by relieving inflammation.

The ideal option is to alternate pastes; after using pastes containing minerals, you need to use pastes with herbs. But the final advice still remains with the dentist.

Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women

Dental diseases need to be treated during pregnancy! Otherwise, it may later turn out that there is nothing left to treat. Before examining a dentist, you must inform him about your condition so that the doctor can choose the most gentle procedure.

Treatment of this disease consists of removing tartar and any irritants, such as filling defects, traumatic bites, etc. Also, when treating gingivitis, the oral cavity is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Manual preventive toothbrush

Brushes of this type are more preferable because:

  • due to the forceful protrusion, they penetrate deeper into the interdental spaces and better clean the proximal surfaces of the teeth;
  • the contact area of ​​the brush field and the area of ​​the tooth surfaces cleaned by it significantly increases, which in itself significantly increases the effectiveness of teeth cleaning;
  • active deepening allows you to more effectively clean the periodontal sulcus and massage the adjacent gums, which also helps eliminate plaque and prevent its mineralization into tartar;
  • massage of the adjacent gums, carried out by longer bristles of the marginal (peripheral) bundles, helps to improve and normalize blood microcirculation in the peripheral blood vessels of the periodontium.

Personal hygiene of a pregnant woman


Personal hygiene of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy beautifies a woman. During this period, a woman becomes the most beautiful, but pregnancy is not only a pleasant chore, it is a labor-intensive process that requires constant monitoring. The hygiene of a pregnant woman, her state of health and positive emotions deserve special attention during this period.

In pregnant women, all the processes occurring in a woman’s body occur more actively: metabolism becomes faster, sweat production becomes more abundant, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, the skin, figure, breasts change... That is why the hygiene of a pregnant woman is an extremely important aspect of life in an “interesting situation.”


v - it is not recommended to take hot baths, visit baths and saunas during pregnancy (high temperatures can be dangerous for both the fetus and the expectant mother, and can cause spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth);

v decorative and hygienic cosmetics must be safe, do not buy bright colorful shower gels, do not choose very rich odors, such products can not only cause allergies, but also nausea. For this period, it is better to buy special, hypoallergenic hygiene products;

v It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to walk in heels, as the center of gravity of the body shifts and the load on the spine increases. Shoes should be comfortable and convenient;

v Clothes should be loose and not constrict the growing belly. It is better to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, wool);

v a pregnant woman’s underwear and bed linen should always be clean;

v when varicose veins appear, it is necessary to wear compression stockings ( it is advisable to wear elastic stockings in the morning, without getting out of bed, in a lying position !).

v from 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear an obstetric bandage ( there are contraindications, be sure to discuss this with your doctor!!). The bandage is put on while lying down, over underwear, and removed at night!!

v Pregnant women should not be in stuffy, unventilated rooms, should avoid noisy companies, large crowds of people, and should not visit establishments where they smoke;

v physical activity involving lifting and carrying heavy objects is contraindicated; an active lifestyle with limited sudden movements (turns, bends, raising arms up) is recommended.

Oral hygiene during pregnancy

Oral hygiene for a pregnant woman is a very important aspect. A pregnant woman's body loses calcium and phosphorus, which can lead to dental problems. Hygiene rules for dental care:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Between meals, you should use rinses that will have a beneficial effect on the gums, preventing inflammation from developing, will also wash away food debris and give you fresh breath.
  • Get routine checkups with your dentist.

Dental treatment can only be done in the second trimester. It is impossible to start caries during pregnancy. Because the infection that is in the mother’s mouth may not have a beneficial effect on the child. The health of your teeth is the key to the health of your baby and his bones.

Intimate hygiene of a pregnant woman

At birth, the baby passes through the birth canal. The baby is in close contact with the female genital organs. Accordingly, maintaining microflora and maintaining intimate hygiene is extremely important for a pregnant woman:

-it is not recommended to use panty liners;

-do not wipe your genitals with wet wipes (in case of emergency, you can use special wipes for intimate hygiene);

-depilation of the intimate area should be done periodically; currently there are many ways to carry out this procedure;

— it is recommended to wash the external genitalia with running water twice a day (FRONT TO BACK);

- have a separate towel for intimate hygiene.

In the first three months, it is recommended to completely avoid sexual intercourse. Violating this rule may result in miscarriage or bleeding. You can resume sexual activity from the second trimester, but carefully, choosing the right positions in which the pregnant woman will not feel discomfort. From 30 weeks, it is also advisable to give up sex. This can cause premature labor . Sexual activity is strictly contraindicated at any time if there is a threat of miscarriage!!

Hygiene of the soul of a pregnant woman

Mental hygiene is one of the important points that is often missed. After all, throughout the entire period, the baby experiences everything the same as the mother. All your thoughts, mood and actions do not pass by him. If you are worried, nervous or worried, your child experiences the same thing. Try to make your pregnancy the happiest period of your life. This is the best hygiene for a pregnant woman to follow. Walk more often, watch your favorite movies, indulge yourself in shopping, get creative, listen to music, sing, and just be happy.

Your baby will be very grateful to you.

Obstetrician-gynecologist at antenatal clinic

City polyclinic No. 4, Grodno Prutik Olga Viktorovna

Tel. 485891

Hygiene after childbirth

In the postpartum period, intimate hygiene acquires new features. During the first month, lochia is released from the genital tract - a mucous-bloody discharge. To absorb them in the first few days, it is better to use urological pads, and replace regular underwear with disposable ones.

The mammary glands require special care. The main cream for nursing mothers is any drug with dexpanthenol. It helps prevent the appearance of cracked nipples and speeds up their healing. A special bra for nursing mothers will support the breasts in the correct position, and round pads for absorbing milk will keep the linen clean.

The life of a young mother is adjusted according to the needs of the baby. But modern personal hygiene products make caring for yourself and your newborn easier.

Rule 5. No heels

A feature of pregnant women’s posture is a shift in the center of gravity. Therefore, to maintain personal hygiene, you need to switch to shoes with a stable heel no higher than 2-3 cm. Completely giving up heels and wearing shoes with flat soles is also harmful to health.

Hormonal changes in pregnant women make the ligaments loose. Therefore, many women develop flat feet after childbirth. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose orthopedic insoles during pregnancy.

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