Oral hygiene in children (professional approach)

Anna Andreevna Bespalova, a dentist-therapist at the Denta-El clinic, talks about what procedures are necessary to prevent and protect against oral diseases, as well as how to effectively combat diseases such as caries, stomatitis, etc.

It is common knowledge that poor oral hygiene is the root cause of all problems. However, not everyone understands why hygiene is so important. Without constant care, accumulations of plaque (at first soft) form in the mouth, becoming an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

They digest plaque and release acids that negatively affect teeth. The layers of calcium are washed away and the enamel dissolves, becoming brittle. As a result, so-called demineralization of the enamel is observed, which ultimately leads to the formation of caries.

In childhood, this often manifests itself as white (sometimes yellow) spots on the teeth on the front side. The next stage after this is caries.


Tartar is a soft plaque that has been in the mouth for so long that it has hardened to such an extent that it seems to “ stick ” to the tooth. At the same time, in addition to difficulties with hygiene, the stone can cause inflammation of the marginal gum - swelling and bleeding, causing constant discomfort. As a result, children try to avoid inflamed areas when brushing their teeth.

The result of this process is gingivitis and stomatitis , and in advanced cases, gum atrophy occurs along with exposure of the dental necks. The sensitivity of teeth to temperature and other influences increases significantly .

Pastes to relieve painful symptoms during teething

There are several toothpastes designed to reduce the pain associated with teething.

In addition to the paste indicated at the very beginning of the article, we can recommend:

  1. Gel paste “Weleda” (Weleda) with calendula;
  2. ROCS Baby (ROKS Baby) with chamomile extract.

Both products will help your baby cope with pain.

How to remove plaque

Removing soft and hard plaque from teeth seems to be an elementary procedure, but, nevertheless, it requires the specialist, in addition to attention, to have some experience in such operations . The soft coating is removed with special rubber bands (or a brush). As a rule, children do not object to this - they do not experience discomfort or pain as a result of the procedure . But the importance of such a procedure is difficult to overestimate - despite its apparent simplicity, it can become an important preparation for subsequent treatment, accustoming the child to manipulations in the oral cavity.

In the case of tartar, special devices - ultrasonic or manual.

Pastes for children with stomatitis

Stomatitis occurs quite often in children. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it later.

High mucosal immunity is the best protection against stomatitis. Enzymes (lactoferrin, lysozyme, etc.) included in the composition of children's pastes from SPLAT: Junior and Juicy Set have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Frequency and periodicity of professional hygiene

Of course, the frequency of professional cleaning is different for each child , and depends mainly on the quality of dental care - some children brush their teeth so well that they can only be taken to a specialist annually, while others ...

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, crowded teeth or poor hygiene, preventive maintenance and professional cleaning should be performed as often as possible .

Do not underestimate the importance of professional cleaning - after all, during it, the doctor will not only teach the child how to properly care for his teeth, but will also select individual products or medications - this is especially important for various diseases or defects of the oral cavity.
For example, if there is crowding, a regular toothbrush is not very effective; in this case, the child needs a special brush.

Features of professional oral hygiene

Oral hygiene in children three to five years old

  • removal of plaque and plaque using rotary brushes (using low-abrasive pastes);
  • floss polishing
  • remineralizing therapy (local, using gels and jellies).

Oral hygiene in children six to ten years old

  • determination of quality of care ( plaque markers
  • regular teeth cleaning under the supervision of a specialist;
  • hygiene index – the quality of the child’s teeth brushing, his mistakes;
  • training in proper cleaning;
  • repeated cleaning under the supervision of a specialist, taking into account her recommendations;
  • removal of plaque and plaque using rotary brushes (using low-abrasive pastes);
  • polishing with rubber heads and paste; strips (strips);
  • remineralizing therapy (office or at home);
  • local fluoridation using gels, jellies or varnishes.

Oral hygiene in adolescents aged eleven to sixteen

  • removal of plaque and plaque using rotary brushes (using low-abrasive pastes and air-abrasive devices). For mineralized deposits - cleaning with ultrasonic tips ;
  • periodontal soft tissue indices. If symptoms of inflammation are detected, anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out;
  • remineralizing therapy (at the dentist or at home).


Cleaning a child's teeth at the dentist is an important undertaking, so it is important that it is carried out by a good specialist, and that the chosen clinic has a good reputation. Therefore, we care very much about our reputation and strive to ensure that every little patient is satisfied with the service. And how well we do this, you can judge by the reviews that we always publish unchanged.

Basic personal hygiene mistakes

  • the procedure is performed too quickly ;
  • cleaning occurs before eating ;
  • no intermediate hygiene during the day (after meals);
  • incorrect cleaning method. It is necessary to clean your teeth from all sides;
  • insufficient care for hard-to-reach places - oral care methods
  • poor selection of hygiene products. They also need to be constantly replaced with new ones;
  • abuse of bleaching pastes based on peroxide compounds (usually with increased abrasive properties). This leads to the spread of pathogens .

All these mistakes often result from a lack of awareness among children and parents themselves about proper oral hygiene. To avoid this, regular consultations with an orthodontist are necessary.

When to start brushing your baby's teeth

Hygienic care is necessary even before teething. The procedure must be carried out several times a day: after sleep and during the day after feeding.

The procedure for cleaning your baby's gums is as follows:

  1. place the child on your lap;
  2. take a gauze swab and carefully walk it over the surface of the gums. For greater convenience, you can wrap your finger with a bandage or use special finger pads, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

It is enough to simply moisten the tampon with clean water, but for greater effect you can use foam designed just for such purposes (for example, SPLAT Junior (SPLAT Junior) for children 0-4 years old).

Foam is a modern, effective product that has many beneficial properties. Firstly, it contains lactic enzymes that protect the mucous membrane from infection and bacteria that cause various diseases (for example, stomatitis). Secondly, components such as creatine, arginine and others have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, reducing pain during teething. Thirdly, many foams contain calcis or fluoride in small dosages (the former are best used before a year, the latter - after).

Gum care in the first months of life

The first six months of life is the period when microbes populate the child’s mouth , which means that there is an increased likelihood of diseases - caries, stomatitis, infantile thrush, etc. Parents and other relatives often cause such diseases by transmitting germs to the baby through kisses, pacifiers, dishes and neglect to wash objects with boiled water. To minimize the risk, your child should wipe their gums with special wipes or finger tips every time after eating.

Cleaning baby teeth

Children should brush their baby teeth with a special brush for babies . At the beginning, the cleaning time should be 15-20 seconds , then the duration should be gradually increased . The most difficult thing at this moment, of course, is to arouse the child’s interest in this boring activity, from his point of view.

There are two methods as old as the world that have never lost their effectiveness:

  • Turn hygiene training into a game - what little kid wouldn't love a flying spaceship brush or a superhero protecting his teeth? If the child is interested, he will voluntarily let his teeth be brushed and wait until the procedure is over. Perhaps even patiently.
  • teach a child to do like mom or dad - children love to repeat after their parents. This feature can easily be used in the process of teaching children how to brush their teeth. Doing this with your child every day, you will find that your baby himself is demanding that the ritual be continued. The most important thing is that the pasta is to your taste .

It happens that toothpaste and brushes are simply not nearby, then dentists recommend chewing gum without sugar or a more traditional and healthy option - chewing an apple .

Brush your child's teeth correctly

Teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months of age. Some children easily survive this period of time, others suffer from pain and experience great inconvenience.

Emerging teeth can be cleaned, just like the gums in the first months of a baby’s life: take a gauze swab, apply a special foam to it and rub it over the surface of the gums and teeth. Sometimes you can find finger pads with soft bristles on sale: they make the procedure much faster, better and more convenient.

Perhaps the baby will not like the procedure at first: you should not force things - it is better to give the child the opportunity to get used to it. When the baby is no longer nervous at the sight of tampons, you can move on to using a brush (there is no exact time frame for when exactly this should be done). You can hear from some dentists that it is advisable to use a brush after the appearance of at least 4 teeth in a row, others advise not to rush, waiting until the baby is 2 years old.

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