Antipyretics for children. Are they necessary?

Release form, composition, effect of the drug

"Viburkol" are rectal suppositories (suppositories) of white or yellowish-white color. Sold in packs of 12 pieces. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. According to the manufacturer, the drug contains natural and safe ingredients.

Composition according to instructionsIngredient nameProperty
Chamomilla recutitaChamomileAnti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Beneficial effect on the digestive tract and respiratory system.
Plantago MajorPlantainAnti-inflammatory, expectorant, sedative, anticonvulsant. Relieves nervous tension.
Pulsatilla pratensisLumbagoCalms the nervous system and is a mild natural sleeping pill.
Calcium carbonicumCalcium carbonateSolves the body's increased need for calcium. As an adjuvant it is used to treat allergic reactions.
Solyanum dulcamaraNightshadeAnalgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antifever agent. Therefore, “Viburkol” also helps with fever for children.
Antropa belladonnaBelladonnaReduces the secretion of glands, relaxes muscles and relieves spasms, has a bronchodilator effect.
Solid fatSolid fatConsists of plant components. Allows the candle to keep its shape and ensures ease and painlessness of use. Makes the candle easily soluble when ingested.

Attention! The suppositories contain belladonna, which has a lot of positive properties. However, this is a very poisonous plant. Although the component is present in a minimal concentration, not all doctors and specialists consider its use in medications for children acceptable.

What is the drug "Viburkol"?

Viburkol is a suppository that has anti-inflammatory, soothing and antipyretic effects. They are mainly used by children, but sometimes pregnant women also take them.

The composition of one candle is as follows:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • large plantain;
  • belladonna or belladonna;
  • meadow lumbago;
  • bittersweet nightshade;
  • calcium carbonate.

All of the above components are taken in homeopathic dilution, and inert pharmacologically solid fat is used as a basis. Since the fat base can melt at a temperature similar to body temperature, it is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator or other place, and the air temperature should not exceed +25 ° C.

The homeopathic drug Viburkol helps ease teething in the baby

Indications and contraindications for use

According to the instructions, Viburkol suppositories are suitable for newborns (0+) and children of all ages. The main area of ​​application is complex therapy in the treatment of ARVI. The manufacturer himself also recommends using the drug if there are alarming symptoms and conditions during teething: fever, pain, itching of the gums, restlessness of the baby and severe crying, increased salivation, cough and nasal discharge, sleep disturbance, refusal to eat, infection.

Viburkol for use during teething

Some doctors prescribe these suppositories in the complex treatment of rubella, chickenpox and sore throat, with increased gas formation and flatulence, and with inflammation in the ear-nose-throat area. And also before and after vaccinations, to avoid possible adverse effects of vaccination.

Important! If your baby has ARVI or other diseases of the body, then he needs complex treatment. And this is once again emphasized by the candle manufacturer. In this case, suppositories alone are not enough, so parents need to call a pediatrician and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Minimum contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How to give the drug to a child

Obviously, this herbal remedy really helps relieve acute symptoms, but how to give the drug to a child? Usually one candle 2-3 times a day is quite enough. In special situations, when the pain is too severe, more frequent use is allowed. In such cases, suppositories can be placed at intervals of half an hour, but the maximum duration of such intensive use of the drug is 2 hours.

It is recommended that a child under one year of age take half a candle twice a day. If a very young baby’s teeth begin to erupt, that is, in the first months of life, then in such situations experts allow the use of a quarter of a whole candle up to 4 times a day. It is better to discuss the exact dosage with your treating specialist.

On a note! How long does it take for Viburkol to work? As the active components of the drug are absorbed through the intestinal walls, they gradually reduce the temperature and pain. The sedative effect is usually observed half an hour after the introduction of the suppository, and the inflammation subsides only as a result of repeated use.

The use of the drug helps the child fall asleep peacefully

It is better to light a candle before bedtime - this way the child can get a good night’s sleep and rest. Keep in mind that when placing a suppository, there is still a risk of the drug leaking, especially if the child remains in an upright position. The product is also used for teething without fever, to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain.

Operating principle

It is important to understand that Viburkol is a homeopathic medicine. What is homeopathy? Translated from Greek “similar to suffering”, “like a disease”. This is an alternative direction in medicine, where multi-component products with a very low concentration of active substances are used for effective treatment.

According to the philosophy of homeopathy, if a person is healthy, then such concentrations can cause symptoms of a particular disease. If the patient is unwell, cure him.

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It is believed that all homeopathic medicines, including Viburkol, enhance the functioning of the immune system, help cope with external irritants, and therefore have the desired effect within a short time after use. In the case of Heel candles, this is a moderate anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect.

After using the product, the signs of malaise are relieved, the baby stops feeling pain, calms down, falls asleep on his own and allows his mother to sleep. Plus, during the period of teething, suppositories prevent the development of various diseases and acute respiratory viral infections, because the child’s body is weakened.

For fever and other symptoms

You should not use Viburkol just to relieve a child’s fever (especially if the temperature is above 39.0 C). Some mothers do this, believing that it is more natural and safer than other means. However, the drug as an independent measure is not able to bring down the temperature. Only specialized means can cope with this: Nurofen, Panadol.

What happens in a baby's body when teeth begin to cut?

As mentioned above, the period of growth of the first milk teeth is associated with a certain stress for the child and is accompanied by some changes in his body. Obviously, there is a violation of the integrity of the gingival tissue, and this process, in turn, entails symptoms such as pain and burning in the area of ​​eruption. Also, the child’s soft tissues of the oral cavity may become slightly red, and in some cases the cheeks may become slightly swollen. In addition, the body’s defenses are weakened, so many children simultaneously suffer from various infectious diseases.

Erupting the first teeth is a big challenge for a child.

And then the following happens: in order to minimize the risk of infection, the body begins to stimulate the production of saliva and interferon, which protects the child’s body and repels the attack of pathogenic bacteria1. This process is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Due to excessive salivation, slight irritation may appear on the chin and neck, and some disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system may occur - you should not be afraid of this, since all the child’s internal systems will normalize on their own as soon as teeth appear.

Experts do not recommend lowering the temperature during this period, but parents should still stock up on antipyretics in case of emergency. Currently, pharmacy shelves offer a wide range of drugs that help alleviate the baby’s condition during teething. According to reviews of Viburkol, this natural-based product really helps relieve severe inflammation and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Rules of application depending on the age and condition of the child

AgeRelated ConditionsNumber of candles per day
Less than 6 monthsRegardless of whether there is a high temperature or not.1-2 pieces.
6+ monthsBody temperature is normal.1-2 pieces.
6+ monthsBody temperature is from 37.5 to 38.0 C.4 pieces.
6+ monthsTemperature above 38.0 C.up to 6 pieces.

In children who are already 6 months old, it is worth switching to 1-2 suppositories per day for the next 3-4 days after the temperature normalizes. The average time for using suppositories is 5-14 days. The big plus is that they can be used without reference to any specific time, regardless of the diet (can be done both before and after meals) and the child’s daily routine.

Rules of action:

  • It is best to put candles when the baby’s intestines are empty: if the baby was constipated, then the remedy can act as a laxative,
  • before the procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, wash your baby and lubricate the area where the candle is inserted with cream,
  • Lay the baby on his side, bring his legs to his stomach and insert the pre-printed candle with a quick, gentle movement. Straighten your baby's legs
  • try to make sure that the child lies down for the next 10 minutes, otherwise the candle may melt back and quickly slip back out.

Instructions for using "Viburkol"

Viburkol suppositories are used rectally. If you look at the candle more closely, you can see that it is slightly pointed at one end, and at the opposite end it has a small funnel-shaped depression. This form makes it easier to administer the drug.

We place the pad of the index finger in the recess, and with the thumb and middle finger we cover the candle in both directions. Gently spread the child’s buttocks with the other hand and in one movement quickly insert the candle into the anus forward with the pointed end. The drug must enter completely.

Sometimes the baby's buttocks are squeezed a little so that he cannot push the drug out. If everything is done correctly, then the baby will not feel any discomfort from such a procedure.

When to expect results

When buying Viburkol, many people are interested in how long it takes for the suppositories to work. It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Homeopathic remedy. The manufacturer itself does not provide information on this matter. According to reviews, the data is different and often contradictory. Some mothers claim that the drug helped their babies almost immediately - within the first 30 minutes. Others note improvements only 2-4 days after using suppositories. There are also those for whom the remedy did not help at all.

How long can I expect results?

On a note! Rectal administration of drugs implies their rapid effect, because they are instantly absorbed into the blood already in the lower intestines. And this eliminates the breakdown of beneficial components under the action of digestive enzymes.


Many parents, upon learning the price of the drug, want to purchase a cheaper substitute. But pharmacists do not yet offer an analogue of Viburkol with the same composition. But there are plenty of other remedies in pharmacies that can also be used to alleviate a child’s condition during teething. These include:

  • Preparations based on paracetamol to reduce fever and eliminate pain - Efferalgan, Tsefekon, Panadol, etc.
  • Products with a similar effect, but containing another active substance - ibuprofen. This is Nurofen or Ibufen.
  • As well as various pain-relieving gels that have a local anesthetic effect - Dentinox, Kamistad, etc.

It is worth noting that at high temperatures it is advisable to use not suppositories, but some drugs in the form of syrups. Local anesthetics, produced in the form of gels, have an anti-inflammatory effect and, due to the lidocaine in the composition, quickly relieve pain. True, the result may be restless behavior of the child due to new “cooling” sensations, as well as increased salivation.

Category Children, Medicines / drugs Published by Mister stomatolog

Reviews about the drug

Many parents value it for its sedative effect and relieving nervousness in the child, which normalizes the baby’s sleep and nutrition. And some also note that suppositories are a way to reduce salivation, after which the baby stops choking on saliva.

“In my opinion, these baby candles are very large. But again, I haven’t seen one smaller in size yet. They feel very hard and sharp to the touch. Before insertion, I lightly stroke their sharp end so that it melts a little and does not injure the baby’s delicate tissues or cause discomfort.”

Veronica, fragment of a review from the site

“I personally still don’t understand how long it takes for Viburkol to work. What was used and what was not. I didn’t notice the effect at all, so I don’t know what others find in it. A similar situation happened with both the first child and the second.”

Anastasia K, review from

“I think that these candles should definitely be in every home medicine cabinet! They help me a lot when my baby is teething. By the way, it was they who saved me when I had already begun to turn into a zombie amid lack of sleep and the constant whims of my son. Yes, they cost a decent amount, but I was ready to give any money for the peace of mind of the child and my own. And I didn’t regret it!”

Helga T,

Effective folk methods

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Hot (or warm) teas with raspberries, honey, cranberries, etc., rosehip infusions, compotes. As mentioned above, the body must receive a large amount of fluid to maintain water-salt balance. Therefore, the main task is to get the child drunk. How? Here the choice is yours, the main thing is that it is a natural and warm drink (preferably at body temperature - this way it will be better absorbed).
  • Compresses on the forehead. Use a soft cloth soaked in water at room temperature. You can also use rubbing with water at room temperature.

Side effects

Viburkol suppositories can cause an allergic reaction in a child. As the manufacturer notes, diarrhea may occur, but these are very rare cases - 1 case per 10,000 uses.

"Viburkol" is a plant-based drug. It has a gentle effect on the organs responsible for metabolism - the liver and kidneys. It does not cause intoxication of the body, unlike chemical-based products, although these can be many times more effective.

It is important for parents to understand that homeopathic medicines can cause an increase in the symptoms of the diseases and pathologies for which they are actually used. In this case, you must stop using suppositories and contact your pediatrician.

Contraindications to the use of homeopathic suppositories and their side effects

To date, no side effects of Viburkol suppositories have been described. The only thing that may occur is an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug.

For the same reason, it is better to refrain from using it if there is a suspicion that the child has hypersensitivity to the active substances that are part of the drug or to its base.

It is not recommended to use Viburkol for a long time at elevated temperatures. Often, malaise may occur not due to teething, but to infection, and in this case, treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician. But you can put a candle in order to alleviate the child’s condition before being examined by a doctor.

What are the disadvantages

  • it is an alternative medicine: more suitable as a complementary measure to traditional treatment. Some doctors believe that one can only expect a placebo effect from Viburkol,
  • high cost: from 300 rubles. If we take into account that there are only 12 pieces in a package, and when a child has a fever, up to 6-8 suppositories per day are needed, then the expenses will be impressive,
  • not the best way to use: after inserting the suppository you need to be at rest for at least 10 minutes, but not all small children agree to this. But children who are already over 2-3 years old may completely refuse this method of administering the medicine, be capricious, and resist.

How quickly will Viburkol act?

It all depends on the desired effect. If the baby cries or is capricious, then a slight calming effect can be achieved 30-40 minutes after taking the drug. The child will calm down and may even fall asleep if all this happened during the natural sleep cycle.

If you need to relieve pain and relieve inflammation, you need to take the drug regularly in order to create a cumulative effect at least twice a day.

To normalize body temperature with the help of Viburkol suppositories, it is hardly possible to do without the use of ibuprofen or paracetamol. The active substances are completely absorbed from the suppository within 10-20 minutes from the moment of administration.

Thus, the use of the homeopathic drug Viburkol for teething in children is completely justified and advisable. But if the body temperature is very high and does not decrease, you should definitely consult a doctor and rule out the possibility of developing other diseases or use stronger medications.

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