The whole truth about teeth whitening

A beautiful smile is a natural result of regular and proper dental care, as well as an integral part of a modern person who is successful in all areas of life.

Just remember that teeth whitening at home should be done no more than once a week. Because any home teeth whitening product wears away the surface of the enamel, and its frequent use leads to thinning of the enamel. In addition, do not forget to rinse your mouth very thoroughly after whitening your teeth at home.

Teeth whitening is when the surface color of the tooth enamel is changed to a lighter shade through a stain removal process.

Where to start teeth whitening?

First, you should consult with an experienced dentist. The specialist will accurately determine the texture of your teeth. This must be done to avoid stains on the teeth when whitening teeth with folk remedies. These stains can appear when there are streaks and deformities on the teeth. The texture of the teeth itself, as a rule, depends on the foods consumed and the quality of teeth brushing.

Moreover, most of the means used for teeth whitening at home are quite aggressive and, if used carelessly or for a long time, cause a strong increase in tooth sensitivity and trauma to the gums. It is for this reason that before teeth whitening at home, it is best to consult a dentist, who will be able to suggest the optimal time for each home teeth whitening recipe to act on your tooth enamel, and tell you how to properly perform home teeth whitening - reviews , of course, you should also read, but in addition to this, a specialist will be able to warn you about possible side effects of the home method of teeth whitening.

First, try making your own teeth whitening toothpaste at home. It usually contains salt, a calcium tablet and water. Mix salt with calcium powder, then dilute it a little with water to get a thick consistency, and in order to give your homemade paste a pleasant smell, you can add a little regular aromatic toothpaste to the resulting mass. Apply the homemade paste with very gentle movements, without putting unnecessary pressure on the enamel. The time it takes to whiten teeth is extremely important - reviews usually warn that it is best to spend at least 3 minutes on this, that is, teeth whitening with folk remedies should be equal in time to regular daily brushing.

There are several ways to whiten teeth at home: reviews of all of them can be found on the Internet, or heard from friends, because, for sure, some of them use home methods of teeth whitening.

The most common ways to whiten teeth at home are listed below:

  1. 1 teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide;
  2. 2 teeth whitening with lemon;
  3. 3 teeth whitening with soda;
  4. 4teeth whitening with iodine;
  5. 5 teeth whitening with strawberries
  6. 6teeth whitening with activated carbon
  7. 7teeth whitening with milk powder

In what cases should you not whiten your teeth with iodine?

Any method of teeth whitening at home should be done with caution. It is highly not recommended to use iodine if you have even the slightest disease of the teeth or oral cavity. Inflammation of the gums, caries, periodontal disease - all these and many other diseases are contraindications for home whitening. There is no point in experimenting in this case.

Iodine intolerance is a very common disease. If you have such a diagnosis, teeth whitening with iodine is contraindicated.

In addition, if your teeth are hypersensitive, then you should also avoid whitening with iodine. In this case, it is better to seek advice from a specialist. Deviations such as exposure of the cervical parts of the teeth or an enlargement of the pulp chamber can only be determined by a dentist, and it is harmful to whiten such teeth with iodine.

Restrictions on the use of iodine whitening may also arise in the presence of numerous fillings, crowns or dentures. After the whitening procedure, a sharp contrast in tooth shades may occur. Moreover, the only way to correct this effect is to replace fillings and dentures.

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Among the traditional methods of teeth whitening, the most suitable for home use are recipes for teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, since you can whiten your teeth this way almost without any necessary preparation. In addition, to the home methods of teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, you can add a modern method by purchasing a teeth whitening gel made from the same peroxide at the pharmacy. And traditional methods of teeth whitening are quite simple.

  1. 1After brushing your teeth, you need to add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide to 50 g. water (or a quarter glass) and rinse your mouth with this solution for 2 minutes, and then rinse it again with water.
  2. 2The second home method of whitening teeth with hydrogen peroxide is when hydrogen peroxide is applied to a cotton ball and the teeth are wiped with it. After this, you should brush your teeth with a clean toothbrush and rinse your mouth with water again.

Please note that at first, homemade recipes for teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide, due to the specificity of this product, are not very pleasant to use, but this method is very effective for teeth whitening - reviews about this method are mostly positive and indicate the effectiveness of such independent whitening teeth. So, if easy and fairly quick traditional teeth whitening recipes are relevant to you, then whitening your teeth with peroxide will be the right choice. Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable home remedy that can cause burning and discomfort in the gums due to the chemical effects of the drug. Know that during this teeth whitening procedure, hydrogen peroxide penetrates the dentin and enamel through an organic matrix located between the inorganic crystals of the dental hard tissues. The whitening reaction begins, but with a subsequent process that destroys the tooth enamel, and if the following reaction is not stopped, then you will say goodbye to the enamel of your teeth forever. Be sure to consult your dentist before using this method.

Professional whitening

Aesthetic dentistry is available both in price and in the choice of clinic. The preparation procedure for each whitening method is similar. The doctor conducts an examination and, depending on the condition of your teeth and the desired result, you are offered a whitening option: chemical, laser or photo whitening. It is necessary to carry out professional teeth cleaning in advance to eliminate caries and other oral diseases. Before the procedure, you are provided with protective glasses, and a special composition is applied to the gums and mucous surfaces to avoid burns. The teeth are coated with a fluoride substance, which reduces their sensitivity. After the procedure, the doctor applies a remineralizing composition.

How to whiten teeth in a clinic? Common and effective methods of whitening:

  1. Opalescence. A chemical composition with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide - 40% - is applied to the teeth. During the chemical reaction, oxygen particles are released, which peel off the pigment from the enamel. The procedure is carried out without the use of ultraviolet or LED lamps. This is the most profitable option; the price of the service starts from 10 thousand rubles. The procedure lasts 1.5 hours. The result is lightening by 5-10 tones. The chemical composition, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, also contains auxiliary beneficial substances. Therefore, opalescence allows you to both whiten your teeth enamel and strengthen it.
  2. Laser. A high oxygen content gel is applied to the teeth. The laser acts on the enamel, activating the effect of the applied composition. The gel releases active oxygen, which peels off pigment particles from the enamel. Compared to opalescence, this is a more expensive procedure - from 17-20 thousand rubles. Whitening with laser takes from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. The result is enamel lightening by 6-8 tones. The effect lasts for at least a year. With proper dental care, this period can be extended to 5-7 years.
  3. ZOOM (latest version - ZOOM 4). How to whiten teeth from yellowness? Using ZOOM technology. Of all the options listed, this is the most expensive. The difference from laser or chemical is the use of a lamp with a cold glow. The gel, which is applied to the enamel, contains a reduced concentration of hydrogen peroxide, 25% versus the standard 35-40%. Potassium phosphate in the composition strengthens the enamel. The procedure is painless and lasts within an hour. The result is lightening by 8 tones or more. With careful oral care, the effect will last 3-5 years. You can do it at home and without a lamp, simply by applying the composition to the enamel. But this takes longer and requires prior consultation with a dentist.

Contraindications to bleaching:

  • diseases of the oral cavity (caries, periodontitis, gingivitis and others) - they need to be treated before whitening;
  • old fillings, crowns or dentures in the smile area. They cannot be whitened, so fillings that have changed color will be recommended to be replaced. If you have crowns or dentures in your smile area, consider other options to improve the appearance of your teeth, such as veneers.
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to bleaching components;
  • mental illness;
  • age under 18 years.

Whitening with lemon

Teeth whitening using lemon is very common. To make your teeth whiter, wipe them with lemon peel or lemon zest. That is, you need to rub the white side of the peel on your teeth. The effect of such teeth whitening with lemon is actually not bad, but this procedure is considered unsafe for the enamel. So it is permissible only as a single emergency measure. In addition to teeth whitening with lemon, you can also use teeth whitening with citric acid. In this case, rinse your mouth with citric acid.

Whitening teeth with baking soda

Teeth whitening with baking soda is considered another hit of teeth whitening with folk remedies: reviews indicate that soda in this regard is a time-tested favorite of housewives compared to other folk methods. Even most dentists agree that whitening your teeth with baking soda is safe for your health and works effectively and quickly. Although you shouldn’t get too carried away with teeth whitening with soda, even for the sake of an excellent result. You should not use baking soda more than once a week, and it is better to combine it with other whitening methods. Yes, and the process of teeth whitening with baking soda should be carried out with great care. People usually brush their teeth by dipping a soaked toothbrush in baking soda, or by mixing baking soda with toothpaste.

In addition, there is a very effective teeth whitening with soda and lemon. To do this, mix a few drops of lemon juice with soda and toothpaste. And brush your teeth with this mixture once every two weeks. In general, in this way, you get not only fast, but very effective teeth whitening with soda: reviews from those who use this method also speak of its accessibility and simplicity.

Teeth whitening with charcoal

Teeth whitening with charcoal or ash is one of the oldest folk recipes for teeth whitening at home. In the old days, wood ash was used to whiten teeth by simply sifting it, applying it to your finger and brushing your teeth in a way that helped whiten them. Today, ash as a method of whitening has been replaced by a recipe for teeth whitening with activated carbon - when you dip a toothbrush in ground carbon and simply brush your teeth. In another option, to whiten teeth with charcoal, you can add a little bit of charcoal directly to the toothpaste. Activated carbon can be purchased at any pharmacy. When whitening with charcoal, plaque is also removed well, and even has a slight abrasive effect on tooth enamel. The main advantage of activated carbon is its safety and the complete absence of any harmful effects on the oral mucosa. The most important thing is to crush the activated carbon into a fine powder and avoid applying too much pressure when bleaching. Otherwise, large coal particles injure tooth enamel. You can brush your teeth with activated carbon once every three days.

Home whitening

Both home and clinical whitening should be professional. You cannot use soda, lemon juice or activated carbon according to advice from the Internet. All these methods lead to thinning of the enamel. The appearance of cracks and chips is also possible. Why? The condition of everyone's teeth is different, as is the level of sensitivity. Do you know how strong your enamel is? How long does the composition need to sit? What will be the result? Hardly. Without this knowledge, safe whitening is impossible. That is why, even before using home methods, consult your doctor. Is it right for you? Will this procedure be harmless? Is the result worth it?

Options for gentle teeth whitening at home:

  1. Home whitening ZOOM. Dentists recommend using this method additionally to prolong the effect of professional whitening. Zoom at home is performed using a special mouthguard and a bleaching agent. With its help you can lighten enamel up to 6 tones. The mouth guard is either worn during the day or worn at night. But due to the different concentrations of the active substance, before using this whitening system, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to whiten your teeth enamel correctly. In addition, oral diseases must first be cured: caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and others. Also, you will need a professional hygiene procedure to achieve a uniform effect. So you won’t be able to avoid a visit to the dentist.
  2. Home whitening strips. The strips contain a low concentration of peroxide gel - about 6%. You can buy them at the dentist. This method allows you to whiten your teeth by 4-6 shades or improve the result of previously performed professional whitening. The disadvantage of strips is long-term use - one course takes 2-4 weeks. However, you need to use them every day. The effect will last up to a year.

Finally, how to whiten teeth without harm? If you want to whiten your teeth quickly, efficiently and without unpleasant consequences, contact your dentist. From the list of possible options for procedures, everyone will find their own. It is important to remember that the duration of whitening results depends on your daily dental care and nutrition. Carry out comprehensive dental care, visit the dentist twice a year, limit the consumption of coffee, tea, and other coloring products. These measures will extend the whiteness of your smile up to 7-10 years.

Whitening with strawberries

Strawberries are one of the natural whitening agents. To whiten your teeth with strawberries, you need to crush the berries and apply them to your teeth like toothpaste, or rub the berries over your teeth, pressing slightly so that the juice appears. You can carry out this procedure once a month for 10 minutes. You need to take a large strawberry and grind it. Then add half a teaspoon of baking soda and apply it to your teeth for 5 minutes. Afterwards, you should brush your teeth thoroughly with a toothbrush.

Or you can simply chew a handful of berries and hold the pulp in your mouth for two minutes, and then brush your teeth. You can resort to this sweet whitening method every day.

Whitening with essential oils

Essential oils are also widely used for teeth whitening. For example, orange oil, you can use it to make a teeth rinse. To do this, you need to shake 2-3 drops of essential oil in a bottle of warm water, or dissolve one or two drops of oil in one teaspoon of alcohol and then in half a glass of warm water - you will get an excellent solution for rinsing and whitening teeth.

Not only orange essential oil is very effective for whitening, but also grapefruit, lemon, and tea tree oils. You can do this whitening: dip a damp toothbrush in baking soda or very finely ground sea salt, then apply one drop of essential oil and brush your teeth very thoroughly (for 3-4 minutes), not forgetting to massage your gums as well. Rinse your mouth afterwards. Any essential oil for teeth whitening can be used once or twice a week, this will depend on the sensitivity of the teeth. But it is not recommended to carry out such bleaching more often.

As you can see, teeth whitening with folk remedies is quite affordable, safe, simple, and, most importantly, effective: reviews from those who have tried at least one of them will convince you better than the brightest advertisement for whitening products from the dentist’s office.

How to whiten teeth using folk remedies/at home?

The answer is simple: no way. Don't try to whiten your teeth with your grandmother's advice, you will only harm your teeth.

You should absolutely not use soda, tooth powders, lemon, activated carbon, etc. to whiten your teeth. The only result of such “whitening” will be erosion of tooth enamel.

Remember! Any folk remedies are a waste of time. The worst thing is that some of them can cause great harm to your teeth.

Here are a few ways for those who don't want to spend a lot of money on teeth whitening, but want to have white teeth:

  • Visit the solarium a couple of times. Against the background of a dark-skinned body, teeth will appear whiter than usual.
  • Get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months. Your teeth will have a healthy, natural color.
  • Try not to overuse foods that can darken your teeth: coffee, tea, chocolate, blueberries, Coca-Cola, fruit, wine.
  • Do not smoke.
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