5 features of using trays for teeth whitening

October 21, 2019

Many people are interested in what dental guards are and what types they come in. But recently, devices that are used directly to lighten enamel have been of particular interest. Of course, because in this case, mouth guards are a more affordable alternative to safe in-office whitening methods. Plus, they allow you to achieve results at home. However, the editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal consider it their duty to warn readers that you need to know how to use these products correctly, and in order not to be disappointed with the result and not cause harm to your health, you need to know the nuances of their use.

Mouthguards for a snow-white smile – safety and effectiveness of the technique

One of the options for giving your smile a flawless whiteness is to whiten your teeth at home using special trays. You do not need to visit a dentist's office to take the course. It is enough to purchase a kit at the pharmacy, and you can carry out whitening sessions yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and also first obtain approval from your doctor. First, a specialist must assess the current condition of the enamel and determine whether this method will be safe specifically in your case. Only after this can you safely start using trays for teeth whitening. Today we’ll talk in detail about this method of brightening a smile, and also give some important recommendations regarding its use.

What are enamel lightening trays?

The mouth guard itself is not a whitening agent - it is a kind of plastic elastic reservoir, an overlay designed to be fixed to the dentition. How to whiten teeth with a mouth guard? To do this, you need to add a special brightening gel to it, which usually contains hydrogen peroxide 6-9% or carbamide peroxide at a concentration of 10-15%1.

Method of teeth whitening with aligners

“I, too, from time to time undergo a course of whitening with trays - I put a weak solution immediately at night. The visible effect can be detected as early as 3-4 days. There is no need to go to the dentist and pay crazy amounts of money. After the course, sensitivity of the enamel appears, but it is insignificant and does not interfere with life. Then everything is restored, but the smile is truly snow-white.”

Elvira R., Nizhny Novgorod, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

Hydrogen peroxide is considered more intense, with its help you can achieve the desired effect faster, but here you need to understand that the substance has a fairly aggressive effect on the enamel, so you can’t go through the procedures too often - you can seriously damage the protective layer of the teeth. Carbamide peroxide provides a more gentle lightening, but also helps achieve noticeable results.


After whitening with trays, do I need to stick to a diet and not eat colored foods?

Kurnakova Gala (10/30/2019 at 01:38) Reply to comment

    Gala, of course, sticking to a “white” diet is necessary after any teeth whitening method. This will help maintain the result. True, when whitening with aligners, you will have to adhere to dietary restrictions much longer than after professional methods of enamel lightening. After all, the doctor uses protocols that allow you to achieve results in 1 session, and mouth guards with gel must be used for at least 2 weeks, while the diet must be followed both during the procedure and for some time after.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (04.11.2019 at 09:17) Reply to comment

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Types of whitening trays

There are currently three main types of dental whitening trays on the market. Let's take a closer look at them.

Mouth guards can be different

Standard models

This is the most budget option, which, however, is associated with certain risks. Firstly, this method is not suitable for everyone - the risk of developing an allergic reaction is too high. Secondly, there is a high probability of contact of the lightening gel with the mucous membrane, which can lead to injury. Sets with mouth guards may come with different gels, so you need to choose the option that suits you and strictly follow the instructions, especially regarding dosages and the duration of one session.

Thermoplastic for immersion in hot water

Such products are designed to be lowered into hot water - only after that they are put on a row. The onlay is tightly suctioned to the teeth, due to which it is practically not felt in the mouth and minimizes the degree of discomfort during whitening. This method is considered safer and more effective, however it is somewhat more expensive.

Individual – perfect fit to the enamel

Such products are created in a dental laboratory. The advantages here are on the surface - the aligners contact the enamel as closely as possible, adapt to all the characteristics of the dental system of a particular patient, provide a high level of comfort and guarantee the achievement of the best effect. Even the gel is prepared taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Individual models fit snugly to the teeth

Features of the technique

The patient is offered products made from hypoallergenic and biocompatible materials, so wearing them does not harm his health. Most often, plates are made from:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • gel-like composite.

Under no circumstances should they be worn on a regular basis. Whitening should be carried out in short courses. Otherwise, the enamel will be damaged. Deep cracks will appear on its surface. Pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to caries and pulpitis.

Composition of the gel inside the aligners

Thermoplastic and standard models usually come complete with a universal gel, the main active ingredient of which is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide - we already talked about this a little higher. Additionally, components are added to the product that help reduce hyperesthesia after the procedure - we are talking about sodium and fluoride.

But when choosing individual overlays, the composition of the lightening gel will be selected individually, depending on the degree of darkening of the enamel and its current condition. In this case, the concentration of the active substance may be slightly higher. So, for example, in professional products its indicator can reach 45%, while for home whitening methods gels with a concentration of no higher than 15% are used.


The price depends on the type of mouth guard and the materials from which it is made. The most inexpensive are ready-made structures. When making individual products, you need to take into account the cost of additional services.

Our clinic uses DayWhite and NiteWhite home whitening systems. The kit includes individual mouth guards made from impressions and two gels with hydrogen peroxide and carbamide for night and day use. All labor and supplies are included in the price. The manufacturer of the Discus Dental system, which is a subsidiary of the developer of the unique Zoom whitening technology.

Current prices can be viewed on the website or inquired by phone.

Properties inherent in this method

A mouthguard is just a kind of case, a tool that allows you to evenly distribute the lightening composition and keep it on the enamel throughout the entire session. This method is characterized by the following properties:

  • usually the course lasts 2-3 weeks, but the first results can be seen after 3-4 sessions,
  • in formulations for self-use, the concentration of the active substance is minimal, so if the teeth are healthy, there is no need to worry about their condition and sensitivity,
  • hyperesthesia - in this case it is a natural phenomenon that goes away on its own within a week from the start of the course (if sensitivity and discomfort increase, you should urgently see a dentist),
  • The maximum duration of one procedure is half an hour. It all depends on the concentration of the gel, look for exact instructions on this in the instructions,
  • One of the undoubted advantages of the method is its ease of use - while the gel is on the enamel, you can safely go about your daily activities.

This bleaching method is very convenient and easy to use.
It is worth noting that the cost of such bleaching will be several times lower than in-office bleaching. On the other hand, there is a higher risk of doing something wrong and causing undesirable consequences. In any case, before starting the course, you should definitely consult with your dentist.

What are the advantages?

Individual dental trays for teeth whitening have a lot of undeniable advantages. Among the advantages of the method, dental experts and patients highlight the following points:

  • simplicity and ease of use at home or even at work,
  • efficiency,
  • almost completely invisible on the teeth,
  • bleaching occurs both on the outside and on the inside of the row,
  • the possibility of individual selection of products, based on the original color of the enamel and the current state of the dental tissues.

The photo shows teeth before and after whitening.
It is important to understand that any home whitening method can only be used after consultation with a specialist, strictly following the instructions. Otherwise, you can cause serious damage to the health of your teeth and oral cavity in general.

How long to wear dental aligners?

Typically, to eliminate orthodontic problems, dental aligners need to be worn for six months to two years. In complex cases, treatment can take up to 3 years. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

During this period, you will need to change 10-30 pairs of dental trays. Each design is replaced with a new one in accordance with the schedule agreed with the doctor. You must come for follow-up examinations at least once every 2 months.

Important! It should be remembered that after the last pair of trays are removed, a retention period follows. If you do not fix the teeth, they will return to their original position and then treatment will have to start from the very beginning.

Disadvantages of the method in question

Along with numerous advantages, mouth guards for cleaning teeth also have some disadvantages. So, for example, they affect diction and interfere with normal conversation. If you walk with gel on your teeth for too long, it can begin to corrode the enamel layer and lead to increased sensitivity. According to some reviews, to achieve a visible effect, you need to use such mouth guards systematically, for quite a long time. Before starting the course, you must carefully study the instructions. Dental experts recommend a professional cleaning to start with, and mouthguards used as a maintenance measure.

Teeth may become sensitive with frequent use

Indications for the use of whitening trays

Experts in the field of aesthetic dentistry say that there is a separate category of patients for whom the use of such home lightening methods is especially recommended. These include elderly people whose enamel has changed its color as a result of natural age-related processes, as well as smokers, coffee drinkers, people taking potent medications, including tetracycline antibiotics - quite often these drugs lead to pronounced yellowing of the enamel layer.

What are the contraindications

The use of whitening trays, like any other option for lightening the enamel, is associated with the risk of damage to the protective layer of the teeth, the development of hyperesthesia, that is, increased sensitivity, and even complete destruction of dental tissue. Therefore, before you start using such mouth guards, it is so important to make sure that you have no contraindications:

  • tendency to allergic manifestations, especially to the components included in the gel,
  • individual intolerance to the composition,
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding,
  • children's age (up to 16-18 years),
  • pathologies of hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity,
  • dental injuries,
  • piercings on lips and mouth,
  • recent tooth extraction,
  • injured, thinned enamel,
  • taking powerful sedatives,
  • some systemic pathologies, for example, diabetes or rheumatism.

During pregnancy, the use of the procedure is contraindicated
. Obviously, making an independent decision about using trays for home whitening is fraught with serious consequences for the health of your smile. Therefore, first you need to visit the dentist’s office to assess the condition of the oral cavity and enamel.

Who is contraindicated for home lightening?

The method cannot be used:

  • in working with children under the age of eighteen, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who had an extraction less than four weeks ago;
  • if you have a piercing in your mouth;
  • for untreated diseases of teeth and gums;
  • when serving poorly disciplined patients who ignore medical prescriptions.

It is also prohibited to perform whitening if the patient is allergic to the dental material that needs to be used.

How to use correctly - instructions for use

To do everything correctly, achieve the desired result at home and not harm your teeth, it is important to follow all the instructions in the instructions. Experts also suggest taking note of the following recommendations:

  1. before installing the product, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and blot the enamel with a dry paper towel,
  2. then we take out the pad and fill its inner surface with gel - the dosage is indicated in the instructions,
  3. We fix the mouthguard on the jaw so that it fits tightly to the row on both sides. It is important that it does not come into contact with the mucous membrane. If you bought a thermoplastic set, you need to wet the product with hot water before use,
  4. if you squeeze out more gel than you should, just gently remove the excess with a paper towel,
  5. At the end of the session, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

The photo shows filling the mouthguard with whitening gel.
You can leave the mouthguard overnight only if this is permitted and specified in the instructions. If during bleaching you experience unpleasant or even painful sensations, the procedure should be stopped immediately. It is worth taking a break and be sure to consult a doctor.

How to choose mouthguards for teeth

To choose mouth guards for your teeth, you need to consult an orthodontist. First of all, the patient’s oral cavity is examined and existing problems are identified. If necessary, sanitation, treatment of caries or improvement of gums is carried out.

At the second stage, a specific type of medical mouthguard for teeth is selected, after which the manufacturing procedure begins. The process consists of the following steps:

  • An impression of the dentition is made and a plaster model is formed that fully corresponds to the location of the teeth.
  • the result obtained is shown to the patient to discuss the nuances.
  • after selecting a certain type of dental tray system, a digital version of the impression, photo and description of treatment is transferred to a diagnostic laboratory in Russia (Ultralight) or the USA.
  • a three-dimensional virtual model is produced, using which the patient and the doctor can visually examine the stages of rehabilitation treatment and what the future result will look like. After discussion and identification of possible shortcomings, the “clean check” is approved or sent for revision.
  • The actual set of numbered mouth guards are produced within a few weeks.
  • Upon receipt of the finished medical mouth guard, you will also receive a schedule for the regularity of its replacement.

Features of product care

To ensure that the product does not lose its direct functions, you need to ensure proper care for it. There is nothing complicated here. Here are some basic recommendations that experts give in this regard:

  • systematic washing and thorough drying will preserve the shape and integrity of the devices (disposable products cannot be washed or reused),
  • It is better to store them in a special ventilated case - this way you will protect the product from the effects of temperature changes and mechanical damage,
  • The activator gel should be applied carefully and in a minimal amount so that it does not come into contact with the oral mucosa. Excess product can be removed with a napkin.

You need to store the mouth guards in a special case, after washing and drying them.
Following these simple recommendations will maximize the service life of the product. To make sure that everything is fine with him, you can take him with you to your next dentist appointment and show him to a specialist.

Dental guard: how to care?

Caring for medical mouth guards is not particularly difficult. It does not depend on the color or degree of transparency of the product. After removal from the mouth, the dental tray is cleaned with water, toothpaste and a brush, or simply washed in warm water. Do not use hot water to avoid deformation of polymer materials. Therapeutic mouth guards should be stored in containers that can protect the structure from dust, dirt and temperature influences.

It is necessary to periodically inspect the mouth guard for possible cracks and chips that could affect the corrective effect. When visiting the clinic, bring your mouth guard for your doctor's examination. Perhaps the doctor will decide to choose a new design.

Is it possible to make dental trays yourself?

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make such an overlay yourself. So, for example, some athletes, including boxers, make protective mouth guards on their own, but in the case of dental devices it is not possible to do everything properly - to create a high-quality product, the use of specialized equipment is required. The success of home whitening largely depends on how tightly the overlay adheres to the teeth, and it will not be possible to achieve maximum contact with the enamel surface using amateur methods.

Where to make a custom whitening tray

Despite the variety of ready-made whitening trays presented on pharmacy shelves, the maximum effect from home enamel lightening can be achieved only with the help of individual kits created from casts of the patient’s jaws. Such products are suitable for repeated use; they adhere tightly to the enamel and ensure uniform distribution of the activator gel over the entire surface of each individual tooth.

You can order the production of an individual mouth guard, just like a personal lightening gel, in a modern dental clinic. Today, many medical centers offer this type of service. It is enough to read numerous reviews about various institutions, perhaps go to several consultations, and then choose the option that is optimal in terms of quality and cost.

First, the doctor will take impressions of the patient’s jaws, after which he will send them to the laboratory, where a plaster model will be created from these impressions. It is on its basis that the mouth guard is further formed. The manufacturing process usually takes no more than a few days.

Before manufacturing the product, it is necessary to take impressions of the jaw

Medical mouth guard: benefits

Despite the high cost, a medical mouthguard for solving orthodontic problems has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  • aesthetics of the design, due to the transparency of the material and its small thickness;
  • ideal match to the individual characteristics of the jaw structure;
  • absolutely predictable result;
  • improved control over tooth movement;
  • ease of use;
  • no possibility of soft tissue injuries;
  • shortened treatment periods;
  • the opportunity to see the final result at the initial stage;
  • ease of wearing and care;
  • durability.

This technique is not suitable only for patients with small teeth on which the structure cannot hold tightly enough.

Cost of teeth whitening at home

It is impossible to immediately give an exact answer to the question of how much whitening trays cost - it all depends on the brand, type of product and intensity of the lightening gel. If we talk about average prices, then such a standard set can cost 2-3 thousand rubles. Thermoplastic models are created from more expensive material, so they will cost an order of magnitude more - about 4,500 - 6,000 rubles. Individual sets are considered the most expensive - the production of mouth guards for them involves the use of individual casts of the patient’s jaws. Their cost can vary between 7-15 thousand rubles.

The considered home whitening method allows you to lighten the enamel by several tones, but if it is not suitable for your particular case, you should think about what you can use to replace the aligner. An excellent alternative can be special teeth whitening strips or a professional whitening procedure at the dentist's office. The main thing is to make sure that you have no contraindications, otherwise you may end up with serious dental problems.

  1. Ilyin F.Yu., Baburov A.V. Various Indicators of Teeth Whitening Procedure, 2003.

Other features of the technique

Thanks to the mouth guard, the gel material is distributed as evenly as possible over the teeth. Not a single part of it remains uncultivated. This guarantees a brilliant aesthetic result. Among other features of this whitening:

  • Lasts about two to three weeks. Improvement in the appearance of teeth becomes noticeable after three to four procedures. Therefore, do not despair if after the first use of the solution nothing has changed.
  • It can be carried out only if the condition of the oral cavity is satisfactory. If during the initial appointment the dentist discovers any diseases, they must be cured. It is unacceptable to apply a composition with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide to carious cavities or inflamed gums.
  • You cannot start therapy without first carrying out professional hygiene. The latter is needed to clean the crowns from stone and plaque. If you do not go through it, the units will lighten unevenly, which will look strange and unsightly.
  • Helps increase sensitivity. This is normal, since the enamel is exposed to quite serious damage every day. But, if the toothache becomes severe, you should stop aesthetic procedures and seek medical help again.
  • You need to wear the devices for as long as the doctor says - and not a minute longer. Some people deliberately increase the duration of their sessions in an attempt to get faster results. This is unacceptable, since the whitening gel can destroy the enamel.
  • Affordable price. Home whitening usually costs less than in-office whitening. We cannot ignore the fact that it takes place in comfortable and familiar conditions for a person. During the sessions, he can do any work or relax quietly.

But not everyone can use whitening trays, despite their advantages. This dental technique has certain limitations.

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