Instructions for Dentaguttal dental drops: indications, reviews

Dental diseases are often accompanied by severe inflammation and pain, which are quite difficult to get rid of. In these cases, dentists recommend taking an anesthetic that will help reduce pain.

Dentaguttal drops have a good effect and action. This medicine is based on herbal ingredients that do not have any harmful effects on health. Therefore, these drops can be used even for children during teething. But, despite this, before use it is worth carefully studying the properties of the medicine.

Dentaguttal are dental drops that belong to the means for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. The product is a combination preparation, which is based on a natural tincture of plant origin. The tincture is based on valerian rhizomes, essential oil of peppermint and camphor.

Drops are usually used to reduce toothache, which has a different nature, but only before visiting a doctor. You should not use the medicine constantly; it is better to use it as first aid.

Release form and components

Dentaguttal is available in the form of a solution, which has a characteristic reddish-brown color.
The solution has a transparent structure with a specific odor, which is determined by the herbal content in the composition, and is placed in a dark glass bottle, which is equipped with a dropper for convenience. The bottle is packed in cardboard packaging. The composition of the drug Dentaguttal includes herbal components, among the main ones are the following:

  1. Valerian . This herbal component has a calming effect on irritated tissues and ensures vasoconstriction.
  2. Camphor . The action of the component complements the properties of valerian. It has a moderate vasoconstrictor effect, reduces the sensation of itching, pain, and activates the activity of cold receptors in tissues.
  3. Mint has an antiseptic effect, this is due to its high menthol content.

In addition to these main components, there are additional ingredients:

  • glycerol;
  • menthol;
  • alcohol;
  • various medicinal herbs.

Also, some pharmaceutical companies, when producing this medicine, add chemical components to the composition that have a therapeutic effect:

  • thymol;
  • phenyl salicylate;
  • chloral hydrate.

Description of dental drops

Dentaguttal is a solution of medicinal herbs with the addition of excipients. Drops are available in bottles of 5/10/30 ml. The medicine has a stormy hue with a red tint and is distinguished by the specific aroma of medicinal herbs.

The basic composition of the drug includes:

  • valerian;
  • camphor;
  • peppermint.

Some pharmaceutical companies may add additional components to the basic composition of dental drops:

  • glycerol;
  • menthol;
  • alcohol;
  • healing herbs.

Camphor has a disinfectant and disinfectant effect on the affected area of ​​the oral cavity and destroys various types of microbes. Valerian root extract soothes inflamed tissue and relieves pain.

Peppermint essential oil disinfects the source of the inflammatory process and stops the development of putrefactive processes. Due to the presence of medicinal herbs in the composition, dentaguttal can also be used to disinfect the oral cavity without toothache.

Some preparations of dental drops contain chemical medicinal components that have a therapeutic effect:

  • thymol;
  • phenyl salicylate;
  • chloral hydrate.

The active medicinal formula of the listed substances relieves pain in the most advanced forms of pulpitis/caries. However, we should not forget: dentaguttal does not treat caries, it only temporarily eliminates pain.

Pharmacological features

Dentaguttal dental drops are included in the group of combined drugs. The medicine has a moderate analgesic effect, has a local irritating or distracting, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

The herbal composition provides relief of pain in various dental diseases, helps reduce discomfort in advanced forms of caries and pulpitis.

But herbal substances only reduce pain for a certain time, but do not eliminate the disease itself.

Scope of application

Drops are recommended for use when pain occurs due to dental diseases - pulpitis, caries, periodontitis and others.

As a rinse, drops are used in the form of a solution with water. Gargles are used to reduce pain during the following diseases:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • inflammatory gum diseases;
  • various surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

Can be used to relieve pain during wisdom tooth growth and teething in young children.

How do they work?

The above components individually are not capable of leading to the desired result, but a complex of medicinal ingredients leads to a positive result. First of all, it is worth noting a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process. Active substances destroy microbes in the mouth, which are often the culprits of pain. Some components act on nerve endings, which leads to a reduction in pain.

Please note that this remedy cannot cure the cause of the pain. Dental treatment can only be performed by a dentist. Dental drops have a temporary effect, helping to cope with discomfort until you go to the doctor.

How should the drops be used and in what dosages?

In order for this remedy to help reduce pain, you need to know some of the features of using the medication.

In order to eliminate pain in the tooth, you need to soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the painful tooth. In order to reduce painful feelings, just 2-3 drops are enough. After about a quarter of an hour, the cotton wool can be removed.

There is another effective way to use medicine for inflammatory gum diseases. To do this, you need to soak a cotton swab in the solution and lubricate the area of ​​the affected gum with the solution.

With this method of application, it is not recommended to drink or eat for three hours after the procedure, so as not to wash off the solution.

Use as a rinse

In this case, add a few drops of medicine to a glass of warm water and mix everything well. You need to rinse your mouth with the prepared solution.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body leaves a large amount of calcium, which is required for the formation of the child's skeleton. Therefore, often during this period women develop dental diseases, which are accompanied by increased pain.

Pregnant women are recommended to use dental drops that do not contain alcohol, in particular Dentaguttal. The plant components included in the drug do not have a harmful effect on the formation and development of the child.

Drops can be used in the form of lotions or as a solution for rinsing the mouth.

Application of Dentaguttal dental drops

How to take the product, in what volume? To relieve pain, you need to moisten a cotton swab in liquid and apply it to the tooth affected by pain. Three drops are enough to eliminate pain. After about 12-15 minutes, the tampon can be removed.

Dentaguttal instructions for use No. 2: moisten a cotton swab in the solution and lubricate the gums around the diseased tooth. With this method, it is not recommended to drink/eat for up to three hours, so as not to wash off the medicinal substance from the gums.

The third method of application is an aqueous solution of drops. To do this, dissolve the medicine in warm water and rinse your mouth. This method is suitable for pain relief with:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • gum damage;
  • surgical intervention.

Also, the drug dentaguttal relieves pain during the growth of wisdom teeth.

In what cases is detaguttal prohibited for use? Since plant components have an active therapeutic effect on teeth and gums, there are no contraindications for use. However, the product cannot be used:

  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • with a tendency to seizures;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the drops.

Important! If after using dentaguttal drops allergy symptoms appear - rashes, itching, swelling of tissues - you should immediately rinse your mouth with clean water.

Overdose and side effects

In general, Dentaguttal is well tolerated and does not cause any unpleasant conditions after use. However, if the instructions for use are not followed and the dosage is excessive, unpleasant symptoms may appear, including the following:

  • dizziness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • headache;
  • labored breathing;
  • tremor of the limbs.

In severe cases, a state of shock may occur, which is associated with intolerance to the constituent plant components. For this reason, Dentaguttal should not be used by allergy sufferers.

Drops for children

Can Dentaguttal be used for children? Children under 12 years of age should not be given alcohol tinctures, so choose a product without alcohol. For infants, there are special dental preparations that are taken orally:

  • Fenistil;
  • Dantinorm Baby.

Constant salivation in infants during teething does not allow the effective use of external medications. Fenistil, in addition to pain relief, eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa. The medicinal solution is taken in the volume specified in the instructions.

Important! Abuse of drugs is dangerous for the baby's health.

Dantinorm Baby is popular among mothers. The product eliminates pain in babies, providing restful sleep and good mood for the child during the crucial period of teething. The advantage of Dantinorm Baby over other drugs is that the solution is packaged in containers. One container is used for one application - overdose is excluded.

I have an opinion

Reviews from consumers who have tried the effects of Dentaguttal dental drops on themselves.

Recently my tooth ached very badly, the pain was simply unbearable. There was a feeling that not only the tooth ached, but also the whole head and neck.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to immediately see a doctor because I was out of town. On the first day I had to take Ketonal tablets, the pain went away quickly. However, the next day it appeared again.

Taking pills constantly is very harmful, so I started looking on the Internet for a gentler remedy and saw Dentaguttal drops. I was immediately surprised by the composition of this product; it was made entirely of natural ingredients. I purchased this medicine. Surprisingly, after using it, the pain went away within 10 minutes. Overall the product is effective.

Marina, 38 years old

My husband once had a severe toothache, but since it was evening, it was impossible to see a dentist. We decided to use traditional methods first, but they had no effect.

Therefore, I had to go to the pharmacy for an effective pain reliever. There, the pharmacist recommended Dentaguttal drops to us. I was attracted by the fact that the composition contains only natural ingredients. Drops were used in the form of lotions.

My husband's pain went away within 15 minutes. But this medicine should be used only to reduce pain.

Anna, 36 years old

During pregnancy, caries appeared, which caused severe pain. In the first days, I somehow managed to reduce the discomfort with the help of folk lotions made from herbal remedies, but later these remedies became ineffective. Once again, when pain appeared, I had to go to the pharmacy, where they advised me to use Dentaguttal drops without alcohol. Surprisingly, after use, the pain subsided within 10 minutes. But I still had to go to the dentist, because the drops only reduce the pain, but do not cure the disease itself.

Elena, 28 years old

How else can you relieve toothache:

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