Camilia from teeth: instructions, effectiveness, reviews

  • April 2, 2019
  • Other drugs
  • Tatyana Andreeva

All parents are faced with teething in their baby. During this period, the child becomes capricious, irritable, and loses sleep and appetite. In a particularly acute period, he completely screams in pain and bursts into tears. Every parent wants to help their child get through this difficult time.

In addition to a gentle and sensitive attitude, spending time together and more tactile contact, the drug Camilia Boiron (French manufacturer) can help the child.

This homeopathic remedy is completely safe for the health of the baby. It contains only plant components. It perfectly eliminates pain and normalizes the baby’s digestion.

The composition, effectiveness and method of using Camilia for teething (relief of pain during teething) are described below.

What is it needed for?

The Boiron company is considered a world leader in the production of homeopathic medicines. The products of this brand have earned recognition from a large number of consumers. Camilia drops are a real lifesaver for many mothers and fathers.

For most babies, teething is very painful. It can be difficult even for an adult to withstand the pain that appears when a tooth passes through the gums. What can we say about children? At this time, the baby often cries, becomes restless and sleeps poorly. In addition, due to teething, digestion is often disrupted, which brings additional discomfort.

Purchasing Boiron brand drops on iHerb

Buying Boiron products is available to everyone. This does not require a prescription from a doctor.

American products are delivered to different countries. You can make such a purchase on the iHerb website.

A reliable way to make a profitable purchase is to take advantage of the offer from the iHerb website. This online store specializes in the sale of nutritional supplements, natural cosmetics and homeopathic remedies. Many people prefer iHerb, as they always have the lowest prices. The cost of 30 containers of Boiron camilia drops is only 653 rubles. On other sites this will be a slightly different amount.

It is quite natural that every mother wants to buy only the best for her child. This applies not only to toys and clothing, but also to medications that provide well-being. Teething drops must be present in the home where the baby lives.

The Boiron brand provides an opportunity to keep a child calm, save him from unnecessary suffering and ensure a good mood for every day. A mother's happiness is a healthy, laughing child. The baby can remain cheerful even when teething. The main thing is to help the baby in time, and not to let the situation take its course. Rest assured, camilia drops will ease this difficult period.

Vera Makarova

Pharmacist. Author of articles about a healthy lifestyle.


According to the instructions for Camilia for teething (teething), the drug contains only natural ingredients. These include:

  1. Chamomilla is a chamomile extract that has sedative properties and has a calming effect. Positively affects the nervous system. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes.
  2. Phytolacca decandra - Phytolacca decandra or Indian ivy. Acts as an analgesic and sedative.
  3. Rheum officinale - rhubarb. It is usually used for digestive disorders, is an antiseptic, and eliminates inflammation.

Purified water is used as an additional component.


All homeopathic preparations contain natural ingredients. They do not harm the health of even the smallest consumers. According to the instructions for using Camilia for teeth, the drops are perfect for long-term use and have a number of advantages over similar products:

  • the risk of overdose is eliminated, since the norm has already been measured by the manufacturer;
  • containers with liquid are sterile and disposable;
  • the drug is easy to use;
  • the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Kids like the taste;
  • does not contain benzocaine or preservatives;
  • The manufacturer is a world leader in homeopathy.

Release form

The release form of the homeopathic drug Camilia is liquid. These are droplets intended for the oral cavity. Each dose is packaged separately. The liquid inside the disposable container is transparent. Its taste is neutral. Therefore, children, as a rule, calmly accept the use of drops.

Relieving pain with Boiron camilia is very simple. The disposable container must be opened and the contents used for their intended purpose. Re-use is strictly prohibited. Even if there is still some liquid left in the container, it should be thrown away after the first time.

Containers with drops are sold in cardboard packaging. There are 30 pieces in one box. On the front of the package is an image of a smiling child. On the reverse side are details about the product.

How to use it correctly

The drug is approved for use in children aged one month and older. According to the instructions for Camilia for teeth, the product is used as follows:

  • one container is broken off from the blister and opened;
  • the contents of the container should be dripped onto the child’s gums;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure by using two more doses every 15 minutes;
  • per day you can use no more than nine doses with medicinal liquid.

Carmolis drops, 1 pc., 80 ml, drops for oral administration

Pharmaceutical action.

A combined preparation of plant origin, it has an expectorant, sedative, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral, choleretic, local irritant, hypnotic and antispasmodic effect.
Thyme oil
has an expectorant, antimicrobial and bronchodilator effect;
thins mucus, reduces its viscosity and accelerates removal from the bronchi. Anise oil
has an expectorant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect;
enhances the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. Chinese cinnamon oil
has an antimicrobial and antifungal (fungistatic) effect, improves intestinal motility and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
Clove oil
has antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and antispasmodic effects;
when applied topically, it has a local irritant and analgesic effect. Lemon oil
increases the functional activity of the stomach.
Lavender oil
has a sedative and choleretic effect.
Sage oil
has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects;
reduces sweating. Nutmeg oil
stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and has a choleretic effect.
Citronella (Indian lemon balm) oil
has a sedative, antimicrobial and irritant effect.
is a local irritant and has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.


Respiratory tract diseases (including sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia); dyspepsia, flatulence, spasm of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary dyskinesia; headache; insomnia; anxiety, irritability (including during menopause); arthralgia (including rheumatism), myalgia, lumbago; sciatica, skin itching, insect bites (for external use).


Hypersensitivity; severe liver and/or kidney failure, chronic heart failure; children under 6 years of age.

With caution:

pregnancy, lactation; alcoholism, epilepsy and other organic diseases of the central nervous system.

Dosage regimen.

For acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract -
10-20 drops, 5 times a day or
- add 20 drops to boiling tea, inhale the vapors, then slowly drink the tea.
as a rinse - add 10-20 drops to 200 ml of warm water; in the form of rubbing the skin of the chest and back. For dyspepsia, flatulence, gastrointestinal spasms, irritability - orally, 10-20 drops 3 times a day. For sleep disorders, insomnia - orally, 10-20 drops immediately before bedtime. For headaches - 10-20 drops orally and additionally rubbed into the skin of the forehead, temples and back of the head. For arthralgia, myalgia, lumbago, sciatica - externally, applied to the affected area (to enhance the therapeutic effect, this area should be covered with a cloth). For insect bites or itchy skin, moisten (without rubbing) the damaged areas of the skin. Children over 6 years of age are prescribed at half the dose. Drops are taken between meals, added to hot water, tea or on a piece of sugar.

Side effects.

Allergic reactions.

Special instructions.

Please note that the drug contains 64% ethanol (the average recommended dose contains 540 mg of ethanol), and exercise caution when engaging in potentially hazardous activities. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Security measures

According to the instructions for Camilia for teeth, the drug only temporarily relieves symptoms. If you have the following signs, you should contact your pediatrician:

  • stomach upset;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe pain that does not go away;
  • long-term inflammation of the gums;
  • rashes of various types on the skin.

In some cases, teething is confused with symptoms of colds, viral and other pathologies. Therefore, when symptoms persist for more than three days and parents have used Camilia drops, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Real help from Camilia Boiron

Almost all children experience pain and discomfort during teething. It can be difficult even for an adult to withstand the passage of bone tissue through a gum riddled with nerve endings, not to mention a child. It is not surprising that the baby becomes capricious and irritable, sleeps and eats poorly.

Camilia Boiron drops provide the following effect:

  • relieve gum pain;
  • normalize emotional state;
  • improve digestion;
  • help you fall asleep faster.


Most parents respond positively to the drug. Caring mothers note the quick effect, the elimination of pain, the pleasant taste of the drops and the convenient dosage.

Negative reviews say that the drug should not be used for more than three days. The lack of instructions in Russian and difficulties in purchasing (the product is difficult to find in pharmacies) are other nuances that may cause negative reviews.

Instructions for use

Since Camilia drops are manufactured in the USA, the instructions supplied with them are in a foreign language. This does not mean that you need to speak perfect English to understand how to use the drug. In our progressive times, reading instructions in Russian is not a problem. There is nothing easier than finding the information you are interested in on the Internet. There were already people who translated the recommendations of the manufacturer of Camilia drops.

By the way, having set a goal, you can find packaging on sale in a language understandable to Russian people. You can recognize the product of an American manufacturer by the inscription on the cardboard box - Boiron. This packaging contains instructions in Russian. There is no need to doubt the originality of the product. All this is done for the convenience of consumers. Inside this package there are containers with liquid from Boiron. They meet high quality standards and will bring exceptional benefits to your baby.

So, what does the instructions for use say?

  1. Drops are intended for oral use.
  2. After opening the container, you need to squeeze the liquid into the child’s mouth.
  3. Each dose should be used once.
  4. The result should be expected within 10-15 minutes.
  5. If the pain returns, it is permissible to use another portion.
  6. The number of doses used should not exceed 9 in one day.
  7. Suitable for children aged one month and older.

The manufacturer also gives clear recommendations regarding the storage of drops. The packaging with containers must be placed in a dark place. Optimal air temperature is up to 25 °C.

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