Dream Interpretation Flux on the cheek, gum to see in a dream why dream

Swelling of the gums and cheeks is an inflammatory process caused by untreated teeth and infection. The appearance of flux requires immediate contact with a specialist to treat the disease. What to do if these unpleasant phenomena occur not in reality, but in a dream? Why might you dream of gumboil, swollen cheeks and gums? What does a dream warn or warn about?

Learn to fight back

Sometimes a dream is a hint that you are about to encounter a real boor if the pain from the flux spreads throughout your head. Try not to take insults and insults personally, and not to traumatize your nervous system with quarrels with unworthy people, if you dreamed that an abscess broke out at the most inopportune moment.

Flux on the gum in a dream means the dreamer’s strong resentment towards loved ones. The interpretation of the dream in Felomena’s dream book has a peculiar connotation. It turns out that you like to play the role of a victim in reality, so you try in every possible way to blame strangers for your own failures.

Who had the dream

The formation of an interpretation of dreams that corresponds to reality directly depends on who dreams a particular dream. The plot of the dream is of primary importance. Today there are many dream books, among which it is difficult to choose one that suggests the correct interpretation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this issue in detail.

To a woman

For a married woman, dental gumboil predicts the appearance of a financially secure admirer in her life, who will try to gain attention to his person. If a young girl had a dream with the same plot, for her it will mean completing an urgent project at work.

To a man

Interpretation for a married man: flux may dream of making useful acquaintances. If a man is a bachelor, then for him this means well-deserved respect from his colleagues.


For a pregnant woman to acquire gumboil in a dream means that the expectant mother is experiencing strong feelings about the expected baby. To eliminate causes for concern, a woman in an interesting position should check her health with her doctor, and also try to avoid negative emotions and nervous stress.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

“I'm tired of like a toothache” intolerance towards a person. “Punch in the teeth”, “show teeth” or “grasp and gnaw at anyone’s throat” is an aggressive attack, hostility. “Sticking it in your teeth” is boring. “No stone unturned”: complete unpreparedness, ignorance. “Keep your mouth shut”, hide, remain silent. To “belittle one’s teeth” to slander, to deceive. “Putting your teeth on the shelf” is a disaster, ruin. “White, clean teeth” are a sign of health. “to give a tooth” (oath). “Having a grudge against someone” is a feeling of revenge. “Grind your teeth” envy, hatred. “Grit your teeth”, patience, suffering. “Toothy” is a tenacious, tenacious, corrosive, evil, strong-willed person who will not let go of his own. “Pulling out, pulling out a sore tooth” is a relief.


  • The source of infection and the main cause of periostitis is a diseased tooth. This may be caries , periodontitis , periodontitis , alveolitis or a cyst . Most often, periostitis is a complication of purulent apical periodontitis, from where the infection spreads to the periosteum.
  • Lymphogenous and hematogenous spread of infection to the periosteum cannot be excluded - this is how non-odontogenic periostitis . The source is boils and carbuncles located in the neck and face. This route of infection spread is typical for children. With tonsillitis , sinusitis and otitis in patients with weakened immunity, the periosteum is also affected.
  • Jaw injury. Any injury (even tooth extraction) that damages the jaw bone and soft tissue can also cause periostitis.

Personal relationships

If a girl in a dream cannot go on a date because of gumboil, then her relationship with the guy is not so honest. Even if it comes to making serious decisions in the form of a wedding or living together, then very soon life will show you the other side

If you see your family, loved ones or friends with a swollen cheek, then you will have a pleasant time and fun.

If you dream that you have problems with your gums, but in reality there is no such problem, you should pay attention to your overall health. It is recommended to undergo a medical examination

If the dream is ignored and not taken advantage of in a timely manner, then most likely the consequences will be very sad.

If you dream that flux disappears and then appears again, great luck awaits you, but you should not relax. To dream of a dentist who “defeats” inflammation - someone from whom you do not expect help will help you.

There is a modern dream book that says that if the cheek is swollen and gumboil appears on it, this is a warning of an unexpected insult. But for men and women the meaning is completely different. For women, such a dream portends joy from new acquisitions.

General information

Odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region are common surgical diseases in dentistry. They affect the periodontium , jaw bones, soft tissues of the mouth, cheeks, cellular spaces, lymph nodes, and are caused by diseases of the tooth or tissues directly adjacent to it.
One of these diseases is periostitis (or dental flux). This is an inflammation of the periosteum (called periosteum), which is represented by connective tissue that covers the bone on all sides and performs the function of nutrition and bone repair. What is tooth flux? This is a serous or purulent inflammation that is localized in the alveolar process (the area of ​​the jaw in which the tooth is located) and the body of the jaw. What causes periostitis? It is caused by the penetration of infection from the pulp of a diseased tooth or periodontium into the jaw and periosteum.

Good blood supply to the pulp, jaw bones and soft tissues causes the process to quickly spread to the periosteum. Beginning as a serous inflammation, it turns purulent and pus accumulates under the periosteum (between the bone and periosteum), forming a subperiosteal abscess - this is a flux. As a result of the purulent process, the periosteum melts, resolves in some places and defects form in it, through which purulent exudate penetrates under the oral mucosa to form a submucosal abscess. It is at this stage that the patient discovers a painful formation in the area of ​​the tooth (outside it, on the palatal or lingual surface). Periostitis of the upper jaw most often develops from the vestibular (outer) surface, less often - on the palatine.

The disease occurs more often at a young age and in men. The incidence of periostitis in the lower jaw is two times higher than in the upper jaw. The lower chewing teeth are often affected, soft tissues are involved, and patients note that the cheek is swollen. In most cases, the disease is acute, but 5% of patients have a chronic course. Periostitis code according to ICD-10 K10.2.

If you dreamed of gumboil

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

If you have no idea about gumboil in real life, whereas in a dream it regularly appears and hurts you, then you need to take urgent and decisive measures. the dream foreshadows serious health complications, and if you do not immediately see a doctor, the consequences of the illness can be catastrophic. Prevention is always better than treatment, but if prevention can’t fix the problem, then you need to start treatment. You dreamed that a dental specialist saved you from flux - in reality the most wonderful period of your life will soon come: you will succeed in everything, you will not have any problems, including with health, so live and enjoy life. If the flux disappears by itself, rejoice all the more - the higher powers are for you, and you do not need to make the slightest effort to achieve anything. However, despite the favor of higher powers, do not relax, since their Love is changeable and can end as suddenly as it appeared. Always be prepared for such a turn of events.

Look at the interpretation of the image in other dream books:

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you had a gumboil, it means that you may be insulted, you may be offended. If in a dream, due to gumboil, the appearance has changed beyond recognition, then the man will feel dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, and the Woman will make successful purchases. If you dream that you developed gumboil and had to undergo plastic surgery, then you will not be able to cope with your problems on your own. You will have to ask for help from someone who is well versed in your affairs and to whom you can entrust your most intimate things. If you come to work and all your colleagues have developed gumboils, this portends a happy family vacation, good news, and a happy turn in your personal life. If in a dream you cannot meet with your loved one because he has a gumboil, in reality there is not enough trust and sincerity in your relationship with your loved one, you are tormented by doubts about the authenticity and depth of feelings between you.

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Pus in the mouth

If in your night dreams you find accumulations of pus in your mouth, then dream books warn you not to enter into various conflict situations, especially family ones. And if you are not satisfied with the remarks of some strangers, then it is best to remain silent in this case, and also not to provoke the continuation of such a quarrel.

This warning from the dream interpreter is very true if in your night dreams you began to spit out pus. If in real life you responded sharply to someone else’s words, then this could cause a large-scale conflict that greatly changed your life. And if you are in a marriage, then dreams of this kind may indicate a possible divorce.

If at a particular moment in life the situation is unstable, and a person dreams of pus coming from the throat, then one should not expect an easy solution to the problems. Quarrels and resentments will only escalate, but this outcome can be avoided if you control your aggression and look at problems soberly and objectively.

Dream Interpretation - Your own or someone else's face

Clean and beautiful - to prosperity. A stranger - a profitable commercial offer will come from a stranger. Reflection - you will be able to reveal the secret collusion of your competitors. Peer closely into the faces of friends and acquaintances - in difficult times, your loved ones will help you. A satisfied smiling person means financial stability. Admire - your position in society will be significantly strengthened. A face without a torso is a big change with a good outcome. Seeing something fresh, rosy and cheerful foretells useful services from kind people. Dirty, mutilated, emaciated - to illness. A face covered in dust is a sign of sexually transmitted diseases. Falling face down in the dirt means a nervous breakdown. A sweaty face means a heart attack. A flushed face means a cold. Smeared with soot - get injured in a fight. Pale is a severe, protracted illness. The features are not clear - news of an incurable disease. Imagine that your exhausted face becomes fresh before your eyes, becomes smooth, radiant and beautiful. You admire it and experience true pleasure.

List of sources

  • Kulakov A. A. Surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. National leadership / ed. A. A. Kulakova, T. G. Robustova, A.I. Nerobeeva. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 928 p.
  • Afanasyev V.V. Surgical dentistry - M., GEOTAR-Media., 2011, - P.468-479.
  • Sukhanov A.E. Complex treatment of acute purulent odontogenic periostitis of the jaws: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. honey. Sci. St. Petersburg 2011; 21.
  • Vavilova T.P., Chergeshtov Yu.I., Shishkin V.S. Results of the use of antihomotoxic drugs in the complex treatment of odontogenic periostitis of the jaws / Clinical Dentistry, 2016.-N 2.-P.67-69.
  • Romanenko I. S., Konev S. S., Gandylyan K. S. Clinical characteristics of various variants of the course of acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases / Russian Dental Journal, 2015.-N 6.-P.30-33.

How sleep will affect different aspects of life

Dreams are images and events that arise in a person’s subconscious. Determining their meaning allows you to learn about personal experiences and problems that bother you while you are awake.

Interpretation helps to decipher the information that came in a dream and find out how it will affect future events in life. This unpleasant disease can promise success in business and family happiness in reality.



Often dreams convey information about what may be happening in personal relationships. If you dreamed of flux suddenly appearing in people with whom you are doing the same thing, a pleasant event awaits you in the family. Seeing yourself with a swollen cheek and canceling a meeting with your loved one because of this - perhaps love has faded. Check your feelings, maybe you don't know about something. If in a dream you feel doubts, you don’t want to make decisions or go to a meeting with a friend - take note of this information. Usually this dream warns of insincere relationships.


If you dream of climbing the career ladder and saw in a dream a gumboil that goes away on its own without pain, good luck and success in business await you. If you had to resort to surgery to remove it, you will need the help of colleagues, otherwise you risk being left without money and work. Edema has changed your appearance and your face has become asymmetrical - a promotion awaits you.

Relationships with friends and colleagues

If you had an unpleasant dream and you felt discomfort, be more careful in your communication. You may be insulted, you may have a quarrel at work or with an old friend. The appearance of gumboil in a dream should alert you - a conflict at work is possible. This could be gossip and insults that can cause a break in relationships with friends. For young women, a dream could mean an affair with a work colleague.


Diet Table No. 1a

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after a week
  • Terms: 3-10 days
  • Cost of food: 900-1100 rubles per week

Diet Table No. 1b

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after a week
  • Terms: 10-30 days
  • Cost of products: 1100-1200 rubles per week

Patients who are not indicated for surgical treatment can stick to a general table ( Table No. 15 ). After the operation, for the first time, gentle nutrition is indicated within Tables No. 1a and 1b .

Dream Interpretation - Face

if a person sleeping in a dream sees his face beautiful, then this is a sign of a good position in worldly life, good news and joy. And if he sees it black, this is a sign of news of the birth of a girl from someone whose wife is pregnant, as the Koran says: “When one of them is pleased with the good news about his daughter, his face darkens, and he becomes sad and dejected.” .(Sura-Nakhl, 58). If he sees that his cheeks have fallen off, he will beg people for alms and will live only on alms. And if he sees that his face has turned blue, then he is a criminal. The blackness of the face also indicates that he lies a lot or will introduce an innovation into religion that is contrary to the Sunnah. And a yellow complexion perhaps indicates love and affection or illness. A cheerful, lively and white face is a sign of the good condition of its owner, whether he is alive or dead. A white face is a sign of honesty, truthfulness and strong faith in Allah. A blackened and dusty face means the death of its owner. If the face of someone who considers himself brave turns black in a dream, then in life he will probably show himself to be a coward. A red face means joy, dignity and consolation.

Treatment of dental flux using traditional methods

To treat flux at home with folk remedies, products and herbs that have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect are suitable. You can make medicinal compresses, decoctions and tinctures from them.


For a therapeutic compress, you need to prepare cabbage, potato or beetroot juice, moisten a cotton pad in it and apply to the source of inflammation for 15 minutes.

To treat flux at home with soda and prepare a compress, you need to mix soda with water to a paste, put the mixture in clean gauze and apply to the sore spot for half an hour, then rinse your mouth with water.


Herbal decoctions not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also improve immunity. To prepare the solution, pour a few tablespoons of dry or fresh herbs with water and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, strain the finished mixture, cool and use for rinsing. The following herbs are suitable for medicinal decoctions:

  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • elder;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oak bark;
  • calendula.


Tinctures of flax seeds and propolis contain analgesic elements and help relieve pain. A cotton pad soaked in the tincture should be applied to the gum for 40 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable not to eat food for an hour.

Go shopping

Seeing a tumor or gumboil on your cheek, even in a dream, is not exactly fun. However, there is no need to despair. Eastern dream books promise that shopping will bring an unforgettable experience. All purchases made in reality will turn out to be profitable, and investments will be profitable.

If you dreamed of a large number of pustules, you also don’t need to be upset. Most likely, you will receive several job offers at once, and at the same time there will be time for reflection. Nostradamus, explaining what gumboil means in dreams, guarantees success in the creative field. Therefore, choose invitations that are somehow related to art.

Consequences and complications

Do not think that periostitis is a harmless disease. Why is flux dangerous? It is worth pointing out the following serious complications that can occur if left untreated:

  • abscesses and phlegmon of the neck and face;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • mediastinitis (inflammatory process of mediastinal tissue);
  • sepsis;
  • formation of fistulas.

Why is flux on the upper jaw dangerous? The danger lies in the fact that nearby organs are involved in the process and the following occurs:

  • inflammation of the orbit;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • abscess of the lower nasal passage;
  • palatal abscess ;
  • suppuration of the fiber of the canine fossa;
  • meningitis.

Swelling of the gums

Most interpreters view this symbol very negatively. Predictions can be completely different, from the dreamer’s general dissatisfaction with the state of affairs to receiving undeserved punishment.

What will the dream books say?

I dreamed about dental disease

Almost any symbol can have both negative and positive interpretations, depending on the chosen source.

Interpreter Morozova

This dream book approaches such a symbol positively. It is believed that if you dreamed of gumboil that it swollen one of your cheeks, causing your face to take on an asymmetrical shape, then in reality additional income awaits you. You can make a profitable deal, get a higher-paying position, win a prize, repay a long-forgotten debt. The main thing is that the extra money will be unexpected and quite noticeable for you.

According to this dream book, gumboil that appears in another person’s night vision promises the dreamer a refusal to earn additional income. You will be forced to do this, because otherwise the interests of your family will suffer.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an infectious oral disease in a dream

Did you have a dream about gumboil, but in reality you have no problems with your oral cavity? Not everything is in order with your health; you should urgently undergo a medical examination. The sooner you identify the disease, the fewer losses you will suffer.

The interpreter believes that if you ignore this message, the consequences can be very sad, even death.

The dream book also provides a number of interesting predictions:

  • in a dream you got rid of gumboil thanks to the help of a dentist - the dreamer begins to have a bright streak, all his ideas and deeds will begin to succeed, luck will literally follow him on his heels;
  • during sleep, the flux disappears by itself - a wonderful dream, which says that to achieve the goal and find happiness the dreamer will not have to make any efforts, higher powers have decided to reward you in full, all that remains is to gratefully accept their gifts;
  • flux appears and disappears - luck will be on your side, but you should not completely rely on it, since at one point everything may change.

Modern interpretation of sleep

What does flux mean in dreams according to the Modern Interpreter of Dreams? Soon you may be unfairly insulted

Someone will offend you not out of malice, but simply out of carelessness.

Treat oral problems in a dream

The vision of flux, which radically changes one’s appearance, is viewed differently for women and men:

  • after such a dream, a man realizes that his current situation is far from ideal, and the situation is not at all pleasing;
  • For women, this dream promises making useful acquisitions.

If the flux had to be removed by a plastic surgeon in a dream, then you will not be able to cope with the troubles that have befallen you on your own. You will need help from outsiders.


According to the course of periostitis, it happens:

  • Acute (including serous and purulent).
  • Chronic (ossifying and simple).

By localization:

  • Upper jaw.
  • Lower jaw.

According to the development mechanism:

  • Odontogenic (caused by tooth disease).
  • Lymphogenic (caused by an infection spreading through the lymphatic vessels).
  • Hematogenous (caused by infection spread by blood).
  • Traumatic (associated with jaw injury).

In most cases, there is an acute course of the disease, in which manifestations occur suddenly, are pronounced and progress. The cause of acute periostitis may be an exacerbation of chronic periodontitis It is also possible for the disease to develop after traumatic tooth extraction. In this case, the injury activates a dormant infection in the periodontal fissure and the inflammatory process spreads under the periosteum.

With serous inflammation, swelling of the periosteum and surrounding soft tissue occurs. As the area of ​​inflammation expands, exudate accumulates under the periosteum. The serous form is characteristic of the first days of the disease and can develop into purulent periostitis or end in recovery. Acute purulent periostitis is more common than serous periostitis, which is due to the fact that patients do not go to the dentist, and the process progresses quickly. The intensity of pain in this form is associated with an increase in purulent exudate, which stretches and exfoliates the periosteum, rich in nerve endings.

of a carious tooth plays a significant role in purulent periostitis . In the purulent form, detachment of the periosteum can occur over the course of one tooth, which is less common, and more often over the course of two or more teeth. This explains the severity of the process. If periostitis has developed against the background of alveolitis , then after removing a tooth from the socket, pus is discharged within 3 days. With the development of the process in the periosteum, patients develop facial asymmetry due to swelling of the soft tissues around the jaw.

Periostitis of the lower jaw is more common, and develops vestibularly, since the outer wall of the alveoli is thinner. The cause of periostitis of the lower jaw is inflammation in the tissues of the 1st and 3rd large molars, and 2 small molars. When the process is localized in the lower jaw, some patients experience paresthesia of the lower lip. Also, when large molars are affected, contracture of the masticatory muscles associated with inflammation is noted. When periostitis develops from the canine and small molars, swelling of the cheek appears in its middle part. Periostitis of the lower jaw, the source of which is the central and lateral incisors, occurs with swelling of the chin and lower lip, and redness and painful infiltration are detected on the mucous membrane. Purulent periostitis from large molars is manifested by swelling of the lower part of the cheek and submandibular region.

Periostitis of the upper jaw is most often associated with a lesion in 1 large molar and 2 small molars. Pain sensations are identified by the patient at the site of the causative tooth, and then described as pain in the upper jaw. In some patients, pain radiates along the trigeminal nerve. When periostitis develops due to an abscess of the central incisors, swelling of the upper lip appears. If the source of infection is in the canine or small molars, swelling of the cheek and infraorbital area is noted, sometimes it spreads to the eyelid. Good blood supply to the maxillofacial area promotes rapid regeneration after surgery. At the same time, good vascularization promotes the absorption of toxins . The inflammatory process quickly spreads through the venous system and phlebitis and thrombophlebitis . Through the ophthalmic vein, it spreads upward to the veins of the meninges and the cavernous sinus.

Another person's flux

People's opinions differ regarding what dreams of gumboil with pus on the cheek or gum mean:

  1. The famous psychologist Miller claims that asymmetrical facial features on the right and left sides can be a harbinger of both positive and negative things. If he has a dream in which he sees inflammation of the root of another’s tooth, then this may indicate that he will have to give up income for someone else’s benefit.
  2. Eastern dream books claim that if you see gumboil on someone else’s cheek, then you urgently need to go to the store for new clothes.
  3. According to Freud, the dream book interprets the meaning depending on personal life. For people who are married, a swollen cheek of the spouse warns of a possible conflict. Most likely, it will be caused by sexual dissatisfaction.
  4. For girls who are free from relationships, a swollen cheek on the face of a new admirer warns that the person is hiding his true face. This also applies to young people. His beloved is a very scandalous person.

It's time to be wary

Freud’s dream book interprets why you dream of gumboil on a tooth based on the dreamer’s marital status. Married couples may begin to rapidly sort things out among themselves. Sexual dissatisfaction will manifest itself in those who happen to visit the dentist.

Lonely girls will have to face a rude and arrogant admirer if flux in a dream caused a feeling of discomfort. Young guys risk finding themselves at the mercy of a very eccentric and scandalous person. In order not to be disappointed in a new acquaintance, interpreters recommend giving preference to spiritual qualities and intelligence when choosing a partner. And only then evaluate his external data.


Why do you dream about gumboil?

Dreams associated with illness often foreshadow illness and difficulties. A dreamed flux is interpreted in different ways: success, profit, loss of a loved one, etc. To determine the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of what you saw.

Flux is a disease of the oral cavity. The infection is strongly associated with the condition of the teeth and gums, and also has external manifestations - swelling on the face.

There are a lot of options why you might dream about flux:

  • bleeding from the gums portends losses and losses on the part of blood relatives;
  • ulcers warn of unforeseen difficulties;
  • ulcers and abscesses can indicate an approaching illness in loved ones;
  • Painful sensations in the gums remind you of the need to go to the dentist.

Seeing yourself with a swollen cheek

If the flux in the dream is located on one half of the face, it means a one-sided perception of problems; on both sides, it speaks of impending disappointment. Swelling due to tooth disease indicates unnecessary worry over trifles.

If the cheek hurts or is red, the interpretation depends on the time of year. A winter dream foreshadows love, a summer dream warns of an approaching illness. A black woolen thread tied around the left ear will help to avoid the disease. Flux without complications - to health. If the swelling is severe and the face has become asymmetrical, this means making a profit and success in transactions.

Seeing another person with gumboil

Seeing someone's face swollen means loss of earnings in favor of relatives or friends. The appearance of flux in strangers means you will be able to provide all possible assistance in solving problems. All of our work colleagues have positive thoughts: happy holidays with family, good news, changes for the better in their personal lives. Seeing an illness in a stranger is not very pleasant news, which can cause financial losses.

Treating a sore tooth at the dentist

Diseases that cause huge gumboil and swelling indicate career growth, profitable work and good luck in transactions. Teeth crumbling or broken is an unbearable burden, a big load (we recommend reading:). A dream in which you got rid of a problem promises impending success in everything. The coming time will be happy and carefree. Enjoy the cloudless period of life, as it may be short-lived.


An oral infection is associated with the penetration of bacteria into the tooth and its structure, and then it spreads beyond the tooth and socket. In the serous stage of inflammation, swelling of the periosteum and soft tissues surrounding the jaw is noted. The spread of infection from the apex of the tooth occurs through bone canals, through defects in the periosteum, as well as through venous and lymphatic vessels. An inflammatory-dystrophic process develops in bone tissue, occurring with bone lysis and expansion of the canals.

If left untreated, the stage of serous inflammation becomes purulent, in which purulent exudate accumulates between the periosteum and the bone. In the exudate, a mixed flora is determined - staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, diplococci, intestinal bacteria. Often the causative agent of periostitis is staphylococcus. The intensity of the process depends on the reactivity of the body. Therefore, the initial period of the disease in some patients proceeds rapidly with an increase in symptoms every hour, while in others the symptoms increase within 1-2 days.

With foci of inflammation near the apex of the tooth, which exist for a long time and are not eliminated, there is a gradual entry of microbial toxins and decay products of microbial cells into the bloodstream. Thus, over time, an allergic mood and a decrease immunity . Allergy mechanisms also play a role in the development of the disease. Antigens travel through the venous vessels into the periosteum, and from there into the bloodstream, where antigen-antibody complexes are formed. They are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, attracting leukocytes and macrophages. Subsequent exposure to microbes and various unfavorable factors increase the allergenicity of the body and infectious-allergic inflammation develops.

Dream Interpretation - Tooth

Teeth typically symbolize health and vitality. In the east, a person’s age was determined by the condition of their teeth. In ancient tribes, a person could not go to the valley of death as long as he had strong and healthy teeth. This symbol has several meanings and is interpreted depending on its appearance in dreams. Sometimes teeth are perceived as a symbol of cruelty and pain. People say about such a person: “Don’t fall for his hungry tooth.” People say about an annoying guest: “He’s already forced himself on me.” So, if you saw or felt in a dream that someone was biting you painfully, this means that someone will cause you severe mental pain. Seeing your tooth growing in a dream is a sign of your wisdom, which will allow you to cope with many of life’s difficulties. A dream in which you saw rotten teeth means illness. If a tooth falls out in a dream, this is a sign of unfulfilled hopes and promises. Seeing artificial teeth in a dream means that in reality you too often rely on the opinions of others. This may cause the collapse of your personal plans. If you saw in a dream how your aching tooth is being removed, it means that in reality you will finally make a difficult, but very important choice for you. A dream in which you are trying to dodge someone's sharp teeth means that the person you consider your friend is preparing a trap for you. People say: “They drowned a pike, but the teeth remained.”


With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. After removing or treating a tooth or opening a subperiosteal abscess the patient recovers completely within a week. In the absence of proper treatment, the purulent process spreads and gives complications, which were mentioned above. Opening a subperiosteal abscess without removing a suppurating cyst or gangrenous tooth contributes to the transformation of acute periostitis into a chronic form, which has a tendency to periodic exacerbations. With repeated exacerbations, the development of osteomyelitis of the jaw , which is a more serious disease, requires extensive intervention on the bones and is accompanied by long-term disability, and sometimes disability.


It is easier and safer not to treat the disease, rather than to allow it to develop. By following simple recommendations, you will protect yourself from flux.

  1. Oral care. Daily hygiene procedures should include not only brushing your teeth, but also using dental floss, irrigator and mouthwash.
  2. Preventive examinations. Visiting the dentist every six months and timely treatment of caries, stomatitis and other diseases will help prevent the development of periostitis. See the list of verified clinics in Moscow here.
  3. Attention to detail. Plaque on the tongue, thickening of the folds of the mucous membrane, loose gums are signs of infection, which can cause gumboil.
  4. Nutrition. Sweets, baked goods, and carbonated water can lead to the development of tooth decay, while fresh vegetables, fruits and meat strengthen gums and teeth.

As we found out, self-medication for flux may not bring results and even worsen the situation. If you don’t know how to relieve swelling and what to do if flux has formed, do not look for traditional methods on the Internet - consult a doctor. He will quickly and painlessly remove the pus and prescribe medications that are suitable specifically for your body. Traditional methods will complement drug therapy well and speed up healing, but will not replace dental intervention. With adequate and timely treatment, the flux goes away quickly and without complications. Do not self-medicate, do not put your health at risk!

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