Dental mousse for teeth GC Tooth Mousse is your best friend for beautiful teeth and smile

Remineralizing gel GC Tooth Mousse is an effective solution to many dental problems in adults and children. Tus Mousse helps to get rid of the increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, as well as unflattering white spots - the first harbingers of caries.

The use of Tooth Mousse is allowed for children (treatment of milk and permanent teeth), pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and adults . The product quickly reduces sensitivity to hot and cold by 97%.

Indications and contraindications for use

GC Tooth Mousse remineralizing gel is widely used throughout the world. It is recommended and prescribed by dentists for the following oral problems:

  1. Violation of the structure of tooth enamel, requiring the use of remineralizing drugs.
  2. Prevention of problems with salivation, elimination of dry mouth.
  3. Increased sensitivity of teeth to thermal or mechanical stress. Painful reaction to cold/hot. Hypersensitivity of teeth after hygienic cleaning or whitening.
  4. Tus Mousse effectively treats demineralized areas of enamel - caries at the white spot stage, returning the enamel to its natural color and structure.
  5. The use of Tus Mouss helps in the prevention and treatment of caries at any stage, multiple carious lesions in the oral cavity.
  6. According to the recommendations of orthodontists, Tus Mousse cream can also be used for orthodontic treatment of the dentition, while wearing braces.
  7. Gel Tooth Mousse is used to treat teeth with fluorosis and hypoplasia.
  8. Tuss Mousse paste is also used if a person is bothered by an unpleasant taste or odor from the mouth.

As you can see, the professional remineralizing cream Tus Mouss has found wide application for solving dental problems.

Mousse is only contraindicated for use by people allergic to milk proteins or benzoate preservatives.

The excellent therapeutic effect of this product is ensured by its unique composition and method of action on enamel.

Dental mousse for teeth GC Tooth Mousse is your best friend for beautiful teeth and smile

I believe that clean white, healthy teeth are 99% of the beauty of a smile; they make a girl look better than any lipstick :))) As a former braces wearer and a dentist who spent more than the cost of an average foreign car, I have amassed a whole arsenal of must-haves for my teeth. One of them is this dental mousse for remineralizing enamel, eliminating plaque, stones, carious stains and darkening on old fillings. So: Dental mousse-cream for teeth Tooth Mousse
Made in Japan. Weight - 30 g in a small tube with a tight screw cap. The instructions are for a whole sheet, which I unfortunately threw away because I’ve been using the mousse for a long time and I don’t need it.

Why did I need it?

- to restore damaged areas of enamel while wearing braces, mouth guards, regular home “therapy” for sensitive teeth, whitening.

What does mousse do?

- remineralizes areas with thin enamel - restoring it and protecting it from damage (of course, not completely, but after eating a coloring, sour, etc. meal - it helps). - whitens - removes plaque - protects against stones - whitens dark “old” fillings - which darken. - compares the tone of teeth (especially yellowing fangs) - reduces tooth sensitivity Can be used by everyone except pregnant and lactating women. I don’t understand the ingredients, but judging by the names, it’s all chemicals and a couple of oils. The whole point is obviously in technology.

How to use it?

For those who wear mouth guards after braces or similar things, squeeze a little into the mouth guard, distribute, put on and leave overnight.:) For those who just want to get their teeth in order, apply it to the teeth with a cotton swab or spatula and leave it there for at least half an hour in the evening after regular brushing. It's not worth swallowing. You can be patient. Then rinse your mouth with plain water or brush with a brush without toothpaste. The mousse tastes different - I have multi-fruit, sometimes melon, strawberry. Sweetish, dense, pleasant. The consumption is very small. The mousse is dense, thick, and difficult to spread - this is its main disadvantage.

What are the results?

— the mousse amazingly evens out the tone of the teeth.:) See for yourself from the photo. There were stains from braces on the front teeth, but they are gone. The bottom row has two crowns - indistinguishable from the main row. It does not whiten crowns , but it returns teeth to the color they were at the time of their installation. — completely removed the plaque — whitened the dark filling between the front teeth — there’s a little dark left there, but it needs to be polished. -removed the sensitivity to cold-hot.

I bought it in an online store. It happens in pharmacies and dentists. I recommend!

Price: 1790 RUB Testing period: 2 years Rating: 5+


How does the product work?

Tuff Mousse is water-based and does not contain sugar. Mousse contains a patented complex Recaldent or CPP-ACP - casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate. Simply put, the main components that the Tuf Mousse remineralizing paste is rich in are minerals - calcium and phosphates, which act as the main building elements of the tooth. Molecules of calcium and phosphate, entering the oral cavity, settle on hard and soft tissues, which is how remineralization occurs.

Flavoring additives, which are also included in Tuss Mousse, stimulate salivation. And saliva, in turn, enhances the effectiveness of the CPP-ACP molecules, and also removes food debris and bacteria from the oral cavity.

According to research results, the longer the drug molecules and saliva are in the oral cavity, the more noticeable, faster and more effective the treatment result.

Benefits of a dental drug

How does professional mousse Tuf Mousse differ from other similar preparations:

  • Wide range of tastes. You can purchase a product with the taste and aroma that a child or adult likes most.
  • It allows not only to remineralize the enamel, but also to stabilize the level of acidity in the oral cavity.
  • The mousse eliminates existing dental problems and also acts proactively, helping to prevent enamel erosion and caries.
  • Can be used without age restrictions. Child, adult, elderly people - Tooth Mousse is recommended for use by all people without exception with enamel problems.
  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation - during a period when a woman’s teeth are especially vulnerable.
  • The instructions for Tooth Mousse indicate that the product does not contain fluoride. Therefore, if your dentist has prescribed fluoride-containing medications, you can use them in parallel with Tooth Mousse.
  • Tooth Mousse is absolutely safe if accidentally swallowed, does not damage the structure of enamel or soft tissue, and its use does not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations.

An additional advantage of the mousse is that it can be used with or without a mouthguard, at home or in a clinical setting.

How to use mousse correctly

According to the instructions, you need to use the mousse after each brushing of your teeth. Ideally – 3 times a day after meals, including brushing your teeth before bed.

GC Tooth Mousse cream - instructions for use with an individual mouthguard at home:

  1. It is permissible to use only an individual mouthguard. You need to rinse it with running water.
  2. You need to brush your teeth to remove food debris and plaque. You can also use mouthwash and dental floss.
  3. It is necessary to squeeze out a sufficient amount of mousse into the mouthguard so that its entire inner surface is covered with the drug.
  4. Install a mouthguard on the upper/lower or both rows of teeth.
  5. The aligner(s) remain in the mouth for at least 3 minutes and are then removed.
  6. Distribute the Tooth Mousse remaining on the enamel over the surface of the teeth and gums using your tongue. It is advisable to keep your mouth slightly open.
  7. Do not swallow or spit saliva for at least 1-5 minutes. The longer the gel is in contact with enamel and saliva, the better and faster it will be to remineralize tooth tissue.
  8. Spit out the saliva and remaining gel as thoroughly as possible, but do not rinse your mouth.
  9. It is forbidden to brush your teeth, eat food or liquid, chew gum, etc. for 30 minutes.
  10. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse and dry the mouthguard.

To effectively remineralize tooth enamel, it is not necessary to use a custom mouth guard.

Video: using the gel

Using the drug without a mouthguard

Second way to use remineralize mousse:

  1. Brush your teeth and remove excess moisture from the surface being treated.
  2. Squeeze out Tooth Mousse in the required volume - a medium-sized ball, apply it with a cotton swab or a clean, dry finger to the upper row of teeth. Squeeze out the second ball of gel and apply it to the lower row of teeth.
  3. In order to treat hard-to-reach interdental spaces, you can use a brush or floss.
  4. Distribute Tooth Mousse over the entire surface of the teeth, you can also touch the gum area.
  5. Tooth Mousse should remain on teeth for 5 minutes. The mouth should be slightly open, do not swallow.
  6. Spit out the contents of your mouth. Do not rinse or brush your teeth, eat or drink liquids for half an hour.

How to properly apply gel at home

How long should I use the drug? This aspect should be clarified with your dentist. At least as much time as it takes to improve and stabilize the condition of the enamel.

There is a chance that the doctor will prescribe long-term use of the gel for preventive purposes - a year or longer.

Question answer

  • At what age can Tooth Mousse be used? Tooth Mousse has no age restrictions; it can be used by both adults and children from the moment the first tooth erupts.
  • What is the difference between Tooth Mousse and MI Paste Plus? Tooth Mousse is a universal remedy and can be used from the first teeth. And MI Paste Plus contains fluoride. Its concentration is 0.2% (900 pmm), which approximately corresponds to the amount of fluoride in adult toothpaste. Therefore, it can only be used at home from 12 years of age. Which product to use for an adult - with or without fluoride - is decided individually by the dentist.
  • What are the contraindications for Tooth Mousse? The use of Tus Moussa has no age restrictions, however, the product has contraindications. Recaldent remineralizing complex (CPP-ACP) is produced from milk casein, so the drug should not be used in patients with a proven or suspected allergy to milk proteins or in patients with hypersensitivity or allergies to benzoate preservatives.
  • How to check the authenticity of products? Each box officially supplied to the Russian Federation has a sticker with a verification code under a protective layer - using this code you can check whether the product you purchased is original or counterfeit. The inspection site is also indicated on the sticker. Please note that there are 2 types of stickers - blue and green, each sticker has its own verification site. Important! The code can be checked only once; this is to protect the code from copying. If you request again, a negative result will be automatically returned. If you have any questions, you can use the verification hotline: 8800-100-100-9. Opening hours: Mon-Thu 10.00-17.00, Fri 10.00-15.00.
  • How to use Tooth Mousse at home? Brush your teeth with any toothpaste. Then, using a toothbrush, a clean finger, or a cotton applicator, spread a small amount of the product over the surface of your teeth. Leave for at least 3 minutes and avoid spitting or swallowing as much as possible. The longer the saliva and Tooth Mousse stay in your mouth, the better. Use your tongue to spread the remaining cream over your teeth and soft tissues of your mouth. You can spit out the saliva, but do not rinse your mouth - any traces of the product will quickly dissolve. Do not take water or food for 30 minutes after the procedure.
  • Can Tooth Mousse be used instead of toothpaste? Tooth Mousse is not a substitute for using toothpaste. It should be applied after brushing your teeth with any toothpaste.
  • What is the shelf life after opening the tube? If not exposed to moisture and stored with the lid closed, the shelf life of the opened tube is limited only by the total expiration date indicated on the tube. Can be stored at room temperature, in the bathroom on a shelf along with toothpaste.
  • What flavors does Tooth Mousse have? Tooth Mousse is available in five flavors: Strawberry
  • Multifruit
  • Melon
  • Vanilla
  • Mint
  • What is the course of use for caries prevention? For prophylaxis, the drug is used once a day, once every six months for 1 month. If there are symptoms of the disease, the duration of the course can be increased up to constant use 2 times a day.
  • What toothpaste should I use before using Tooth Mousse? Before using the cream, you can use any toothpaste. Including toothpaste with fluoride.
  • How often should I use Tooth Mousse for sensitive teeth? Use Tus Mousse 2 times a day during the acute phase of the disease, then you can use it once a day. The duration of the course is from 4-6 weeks until the problem disappears. Can be used in combination with toothpastes for sensitive teeth.
  • What is the advantage of using the product together with a mouth guard? Mouthguards prevent premature rinsing of products, which significantly saves the products used and enhances their effect due to longer contact with the gums and teeth.
  • How to use a thermoplastic mouth guard? Place the mouthguard in hot water at a temperature of 60-80°C, holding it by the special handle. Don't boil!
  • Hold it there for a few seconds. The workpiece will become softer.
  • After making sure the mouthguard is not too hot, place it in her mouth.
  • Press the mouth guard onto your teeth on the outside and inside of your teeth with your fingers. The mouth guard will take the shape of your teeth.
  • Remove and rinse the finished mouth guard under running cold water.
  • Cut off the handle that you use to hold the mouthguard. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • What happens if a child swallows Tooth Mousse? The drug has a registration certificate as a medical product. It is issued on the basis of compliance with state standards after evaluation of the composition and a series of tests, including toxicological ones. If the dosage is observed, ingestion of the product is not dangerous.
  • We bought the gel in dentistry (in a pharmacy, in a store), but there is no test sticker on it. It's a fake copy? Counterfeit goods are quite common on the Russian market - from pharmaceutical products to complex technical devices. If you buy a product at a pharmacy, dentist or other place without a verification sticker, you can with a high degree of probability say that you purchased a counterfeit. All GC products officially imported into Russia have stickers with a verification code.
  • Does Tooth Mousse whiten teeth? Tooth Mousse is a remineralizing agent. Due to remineralization, the enamel becomes stronger, its natural color becomes more noticeable. If the enamel is naturally light, then the teeth may become lighter. But Tooth Mousse does not have a whitening effect.
  • Why is the product called a gel, but the instructions say cream? This product is called differently - gel, paste, mousse, but according to the instructions it is a “water-based cream”. The confusion arises due to the fact that cream is usually called a substance based on oils, but Tus Mousse has a water base, which is typical for gels. Gels are usually transparent, but in this product the color is white and not transparent, like a paste.
  • Is it possible to apply cream to the mouth guard and leave it on all night? Using the product causes increased salivation. If there are voids in the mouth guard due to a loose fit, then saliva can accumulate in them and the risk of choking increases. Therefore, using the product with a mouth guard at night is not recommended.
  • Should I rinse my mouth after removing the trays? No, there is no need to rinse, and it is advisable not to drink or eat anything for at least half an hour.
  • There is caries, the child is 2 years old. How often should I use it? Prevention of caries - 1 time per day 1 month every six months. If there are white spots - 2 times a day for at least six months - only then can you evaluate the result and make a decision on canceling or continuing use. But, if the caries is already deeper, there is a cavity or pain, then treatment by a dentist is necessary. Using Tooth Mousse will help strengthen other teeth to prevent new cavities from occurring.
  • Can Tus Mousse be used by an adult? Yes, it has no age restrictions, it is used by both children and adults.
  • Which gel is better to use for a child - with or without fluoride? Only a dentist can say individually whether fluoride is needed in dental care products or not. If not, then only Tooth Mousse is used. If fluoride products are needed, children under 12 years of age should select a toothpaste containing fluoride in accordance with their age and use Tooth Mousse after brushing their teeth; From the age of 12 you can use MI Paste Plus.

If you have any questions, call or write to us. 9 from 9:00 to 17:00 Moscow time, +7 927 038-84-64 (Whatsapp),

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