Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis (frenulotomy) in Ufa

The frenulum of the upper lip is a fold that attaches it to the jaw bones. A frenulum attached to the gum by 0.5–0.8 cm is considered normal. A frenulum with a distance of less than 0.4 cm is considered short. When examined by an orthodontist, it is easily discovered that the frenulum is short.

The presence of such a feature, unfortunately, can lead to unfavorable factors that cause negative consequences: - difficulty with the sucking reflex in infants; - speech impairment during its formation. In this case, speech becomes difficult when pronouncing vowels; — violation of bite and chewing functions, which in the future can have a detrimental effect on digestive function; - gap between teeth and periodontal disease. Subsequently, loosening of the teeth and increased sensitivity of both teeth and gums can be observed.

To avoid the above factors, it is necessary to correct the frenulum of the upper lip. To correct a short frenulum, you need to seek help from a surgeon. He will be able to eliminate this defect by cutting the bridle. This operation is carried out after examination and consultation with specialists such as an orthodontist or speech therapist. After this, the doctor makes a decision regarding surgical intervention.

Penile frenulum correction - what is it?

A surgical operation is performed in the presence of defects in the longitudinal folds that form on the inner layer of the foreskin or when it ruptures.
The frenulum correction process removes excess tension and prevents future frenulum rupture. The length of this fold of skin on the penis determines the position of this organ during erection, therefore, in many men, a short frenulum of the foreskin is the reason for rapid ejaculation. An anatomical defect can be either congenital or acquired, due to injuries or diseases.

Functions of the frenulum of the penis in men

A longitudinal fold of the inner layer of the foreskin occurs at the site of fusion of the genital sinus, and passes through it:

  • lymphatic vessels;
  • blood vessels;
  • numerous nerve endings.

The main functions of the skin fold of the penis are:

  • connection of the head of the penis and its foreskin;
  • determining the position of the penis during an erection;
  • ensuring closure of the head of the penis.

What to do in case of a breakup?

When a frenulum ruptures, it is important to provide first aid correctly. The injury is usually accompanied by severe bleeding, which should be stopped as quickly as possible.

  • The wound should be pressed with your fingers and not released for at least 15 minutes. During this time the bleeding should stop. You can do it differently - press the bridle to the head and hold for a quarter of an hour. In any case, it is important to regulate the degree of pressure, since there is a risk of developing head ischemia.
  • After the blood stops flowing, it is recommended to treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  • At the final stage, apply a sterile cotton bandage. It should not be too tight, otherwise blood stagnation may occur.
  • If a man is experiencing severe pain, a cold compress can be applied. It will not only eliminate discomfort, but also relieve swelling.

Even with a quick recovery and no pain after injury, a consultation with a urologist is necessary. He will conduct an examination and select the optimal treatment method to avoid problems in the future. As a rule, the doctor recommends frenulotomy.

Indications for surgery to lengthen the frenulum of the penis

Frenulotomy is performed in the following cases:

  • severe pain during opening of the head of the genital organ;
  • tilting of the penis downwards in a state of erection;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • rupture of the frenulum and subsequent bleeding.

The appearance of a short frenulum of the penis, requiring plastic surgery, is often caused by injuries to the foreskin during excessive physical exertion or sports activities. Diabetes mellitus and inflammation of the penile structures can also provoke disruptions in tissue regeneration.

What is the essence of the operation?

Frenulotomy is a surgical procedure during which the doctor lengthens a fold of skin. The doctor makes a transverse incision, thereby stretching the skin to the desired length, and then stitches along the wound. If the rupture occurred a long time ago and a scar has already formed, the pathological tissue is removed. In this case, the operation lasts slightly longer: 30-40 minutes instead of the usual 15-20. The patient can leave the clinic on the same day.

Recovery after a rupture of the foreskin frenulum and frenulotomy takes about 2-3 weeks. At this time it is necessary:

  • carefully monitor personal hygiene, toilet the genitals daily and change underwear;
  • refuse sexual activity;
  • do not lift heavy objects and limit physical activity;
  • do medicinal baths as prescribed by your doctor.

Experienced specialists at our clinic will tell you more about how to speed up recovery after a rupture of the foreskin frenulum and surgery. Make an appointment for a consultation by phone.

Where in Ufa can plastic surgery of the foreskin frenulum be performed?

At the Yuhelp clinic, operations are performed by highly qualified surgeons with extensive practical experience. We have created comfortable conditions for patients to stay in Ufa, and also provide constant medical supervision at all stages of treatment.

Plastic surgery of the male genital organ requires professionalism and accuracy from surgeons. Only our specialists can guarantee patients an excellent plastic result, as well as restoration of the aesthetic and physiological functions of the frenulum of the penis.

Recovery after frenuloplasty

After the operation there is no need to stay in the clinic; the patient can calmly go home. During the first few days, swelling persists, pain and discomfort when urinating may occur. If the surgeon used a laser, all this manifests itself to a lesser extent.

In general, the rehabilitation period lasts 7-14 days. The surgeon’s recommendations will be denoted as follows:

  • to prevent the development of inflammation, a course of antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed;
  • pain is relieved with analgesics;
  • sports activities, visiting a sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, taking baths for a month are excluded;
  • the patient should take care in advance of comfortable underwear - not too tight and not too loose;
  • It is important to avoid erection until the tissue has completely healed (3-4 weeks), otherwise there is a risk of divergence of the wound edges.

Compliance with all recommendations is a prerequisite for a quick and safe recovery. As a rule, complications after frenuloplasty arise precisely through the fault of the patient who ignores the restrictions that must be observed.

Plastic surgery (frenulotomy) on the short frenulum of the penis at the Juhelp clinic

We provide medical care to highly qualified specialists who perform surgical interventions with a minimal incision, which significantly reduces the risk of complications. After completion of penile plastic surgery, our patients are under the supervision of doctors for some time. They receive comprehensive consultations regarding the specifics of the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. Every patient who contacts us is guaranteed polite treatment and modern medical care, allowing us to achieve excellent treatment results.

Operation technique

Before surgery, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity to avoid infection in the open wound during plastic surgery. Also, if possible, undergo the simplest tests and undergo fluorography (if the child is very small, a chest x-ray). Although it is believed that the operation of cutting the frenulum is low-traumatic, some specialists still require a minimum set of test results to be on the safe side. It is also recommended, without fail, to feed the child before the operation, because on an empty stomach, the child tolerates this procedure much more difficult, plus, hunger can provoke poor blood clotting.

There are several ways to correct a low frenulum attachment. Depending on the structure and complexity of the situation, the doctor prescribes a more convenient and effective method.

Frenotomy - dissection of the frenulum. Performed in cases where the frenulum is too narrow.

Frenectomy - excision of the frenulum. Performed in cases of wide frenulum.

Frenuloplasty is relocation of the area where the frenulum is attached.

Frenuloplasty according to Limberg. A vertical incision is made in the center of the frenulum, then incisions are made in opposite directions 2 more times diagonally, after which the resulting flaps are stitched.

Laser plastic surgery. A common and very convenient method that is very popular. Very easy to use. A laser is directed at the frenulum, which “dissolves” it. The advantages of this method are the absence of blood and noise, which can often frighten a child. There is no need to stitch the wounds after completion of the manipulations. The reduction in time and absence of pain is a big advantage, given that most of the patients are children.

All of the above methods of upper lip frenuloplasty are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

Why do you need plastic surgery?

The indications for shortening tissue in the area of ​​the tongue, upper and lower lips are approximately the same:

  • inconvenience when eating and low weight gain of the child;
  • impaired diction, problems with speech clarity;
  • improper development of bite;
  • frequent gum injury.

The recommended age for surgery is 5-6 years. For children under 1 year of age, the fold of mucous membrane is trimmed only if the sucking reflex is impaired - immediately in the maternity hospital or later at the Aza&Buka dental clinic.

Dental Treatment Options

There are three main surgical techniques:

  • Frenotomy. Cutting the fold longitudinally. It is indicated if the process is very narrow and practically does not contact the edge of the alveolar ridge.
  • Frenectomy. Excision of a short fold. It will change if there is a large volume of tissue in the transverse direction. Helps cope with extensive diastema. The incision is made strictly along the ridge. As a result, tension is reduced and subsidence of gum tissue is prevented.
  • Frenuloplasty. Changing the place of natural fixation of the frenulum. Eliminates the pathological mechanical impact of an inadequately attached fold on the marginal periodontium.

Each of these operations involves the use of self-absorbing suture material. On average, treatment takes ten to fifteen minutes. To prevent the patient from experiencing pain, local anesthetics are used.

Is it necessary to perform labial frenuloplasty in children?

Pathology of the labial frenulum in a child can lead to many unpleasant consequences, both medical and aesthetic. Therefore, if a specialist recommends plastic surgery, you should definitely take his advice. In children, this anomaly can cause the following problems:

  1. The upper lip in newborns is actively involved in the sucking process along with the tongue, therefore, if the frenulum is shortened, the child will not be able to feed normally;
  2. A frenulum of the upper lip that is too short does not allow the correct pronunciation of labial sounds and some vowels, as a result of which the child will experience difficulties with diction;
  3. Frenum defects are directly related to malocclusion and chewing functions. Thus, there is a risk of digestive problems.

According to doctors, it is best to perform plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum in children aged 5 to 8 years (the indications for surgery on the lower lip are identical). At this time, the child’s baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, and it is important that this process proceeds correctly. However, if necessary, plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum can be performed in adults or adolescents. As for newborns, it is recommended that they undergo surgery only in case of serious nutritional disturbances.


Plastic surgery can lead to lengthening of the frenulum. Examinations that men need to do before surgery:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood clotting testing;
  • examinations to detect hepatitis (groups B, C) and other infectious diseases;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • fluorography.

To eliminate the problem, some doctors recommend circumcision of the foreskin, but a more gentle and effective way to optimize the size of the frenulum is to undergo surgery to correct its length (frenulotomy). The essence of the surgical intervention is that the surgeon makes a transverse incision and then stitches it in the longitudinal plane. There is another type of corrective operation, when the incision is made in the form of a tick (“V”), and it is sutured in the shape of Y or Z. As a result of such an operation, an increase in the frenulum by one and a half centimeters can be achieved. This is more effective than conventional dissection.

The operation is performed under anesthesia (local or general); the surgical intervention lasts about twenty minutes. The sutures placed by the doctor are small, and after a little more than a week they fall off naturally.

Possible complications after frenuloplasty

Complications after this operation are extremely rare. The early postoperative period may be characterized by:

  • pain symptoms that develop due to disruption of tissue innervation;
  • swelling of the genital organ, which goes away on its own after a few days; the development of bleeding, which may require repeated surgery;
  • infection of the operated area - develops as a result of violations of hygiene and antiseptic rules.

The long-term period may sometimes be accompanied by:

  • the formation of scars and adhesions due to injuries to the frenulum or suture dehiscence in the early period;
  • an insufficiently good cosmetic effect, which can occur if the patient physically strained himself after surgery, causing the stitches to come apart.

In both cases, the doctor selects the optimal treatment methods based on the cause and severity of the defect.

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