Gynecological diseases as causes of facial acne in women

  • Published by: Laima Jansons

There is nothing more annoying than acne on the face. And when they also appear around the mouth, it is not only offensive and ugly, it is also very painful, because many nerve endings are concentrated around the mouth. And if the disease cannot be eliminated quickly, it can result in a general weakening of the body, depression and other related diseases.

Photo 1: The speed of getting rid of acne depends, first of all, on the cause of its appearance and the correctly selected treatment regimen. Source: flickr (Pasha Mek).


Based on what factors triggered the formation of acne, acne can be divided into:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

According to the form of manifestation, they have the following varieties:

  • rosacea – acne with a pinkish tint;
  • herpes - watery contents are noted inside, located in most cases not only around the mouth, but also on the mucous membrane;
  • perioral dermatitis - its symptoms resemble rosacea.

Regardless of the type of tumor, it is better not to try to get rid of the problem on your own, but to consult a specialist.

Causes of acne around the mouth

Not all experts agree that this is a disease on its own. Some associate it with allergic and seborrheic dermatitis. Those who are inclined to believe that the disease is independent also call it perioral and steroid dermatitis. This disease affects women and girls aged 18 years and older. Cases of the disease in children and men are rare. The exact provocateurs have not yet been discovered, but there are a number of reasons contributing to the development of the disease. Basically, this is a weakening of the body’s protective functions, which occurs due to the influence of external factors and internal problems in the body.


Acne can be caused by absolutely any factor. However, specialists were unable to fully identify the true causes of the rashes.

Acne around the mouth is caused by infection, toothpaste with fluoride, hormonal causes, contraceptives, and improper shaving in men.

Diagnosis is based on clinical and laboratory examination, examination and anamnesis. Treatment is appropriate to the causes of acne.

The following are common factors that can contribute to the formation of a rash in the area around the mouth:

  • use of hormone-containing creams;
  • use of decorative cosmetics (powder, foundation);
  • exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • brushing teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste;
  • increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the skin;
  • hormonal imbalances ;
  • complicated consequences as a result of past infectious diseases or colds;
  • frequent use of oral contraceptives.

In women, the appearance of acne may be due to reasons such as changes in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle or the development of certain diseases. In this case, the rashes are large and their location is single.

Pimples around the mouth in men (especially teenagers) appear due to ostiofolliculitis.
The reason is shaving the skin. In this case, it is better to replace the usual razor with an electric one to avoid injury to the epidermis.

Then pathogens will not penetrate the skin and cause acne. It is recommended to use an antiseptic before and after shaving.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

In the male half of the population, a rash in the mouth area occurs in most cases due to improper shaving or endocrine diseases.

How to get rid of acne marks

Facial rashes are a common problem that almost every person faces.

In addition to the above factors, acne can also appear for reasons such as:

  • lack of compliance with hygiene rules ;
  • poor nutrition;
  • of vitamins and nutrients in the body
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • using the wrong cosmetic product;
  • bites ;
  • various infections.

For treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to determine the cause of the rash as accurately as possible.

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathic remedies are good because they allow you to eliminate not only external manifestations of the disease, but also internal disorders, normalizing all vital processes of the body. They help even where traditional medicine is powerless, for example, with many advanced chronic diseases. The principle of homeopathy is to treat like with like, but in doses. This treatment of skin rashes gives a lasting result without relapses.

Important! Taking homeopathic medicines not only aims to cure, but also cleanses the body of toxins, increasing vitality, reducing excess weight, and normalizing metabolism.

The general principles of homeopathy treatment for rashes around the mouth are as follows:

First stage

Increasing the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system (in this case, complex preparations Mucosa compositum , Echinacea compositum , Edas 308 . At this stage, homeopaths also prescribe drugs that promote general cleansing of the body and removal of toxins. For example, Filtrum-STI . Such drugs are also called constitutional.They prepare the body for direct action on problem areas of the skin, strengthen the body, cleanse it and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Second phase

It is necessary if the causes of rashes around the mouth are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, rectum, or viruses and microbes. In case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, the drugs Gastro-gran, Hole-gran . If the causes of acne lie in disruption of the endocrine system, then you need to take it according to the regimen indicated by your doctor, Hormel SN , Hormel S. For disorders in the reproductive system - Ovarium compositum .

Third stage

Actually, it helps inflamed skin with rashes.

Sulfur 6C (Sulfur) and Antimonium curdum 12C (Antimonium curdum) - perfectly eliminate purulent and nodular rashes.

Silicea helps with severe forms of inflammation that result in scars.

Traumeel C gel , consisting of 14 components, is also a universal remedy The drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and healing effects and is often used to prevent skin rashes as a cosmetic product.


The following manifestations are characteristic of perioral dermatitis:

  • inflammation of the skin in the lip area, which is accompanied by irritation and redness;
  • multiple small pimples
  • group rashes located close to each other;
  • red tint of formations;
  • peeling, burning and itching.

Subsequently, pigmentation occurs at the site of the skin lesion, which significantly spoils the aesthetic appearance and requires additional treatment.

When pathogenic microorganisms enter the layers of the epidermis, the rash becomes infectious. In most cases, perioral dermatitis is complicated by the addition of demodicosis. The presence of this disease will be indicated by ulcers formed in places of redness, the onset of the inflammatory process and severe itching.

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In the presence of streptococcal infection, the patient experiences the appearance of watery pimples, which contain pus inside.

With non-infectious dermatitis, small red rashes form around the mouth. This type of pathology does not pose a health hazard, but still requires certain treatment.

If measures to get rid of the pathology are not taken in a timely manner, complications may arise in the form of a bacterial infection.

Appearance of perioral acne

Typically, the affected area of ​​skin has a light pink or red tint.
Inflammations can be called small nodules that contain fluid. They can be grouped or located separately from each other. Together, groups of pimples become inflamed and resemble acne. How to distinguish acne that appears due to dermatitis around the mouth? They are rough, a little itchy, and there is a constant feeling of tightness on the skin. However, there are no skin rashes directly around the lips, approximately 3-5 mm. These signs distinguish pimples with perioral dermatitis from rosacea and rosacea. If the disease is started and treatment is not started in time, it will affect new areas of the skin. To prevent this, you need to immediately contact a dermatologist, otherwise his help alone will not be enough.


When the first signs of acne appear, it is not recommended to delay visiting a medical facility. If you can’t immediately see a dermatologist, experts advise starting with the zero therapy method, which will help prevent the development of more serious complications. The essence of such treatment is as follows:

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

  1. The first thing to do is to give up various skin care products, as well as decorative cosmetics.
  2. To brush your teeth, use toothpaste that does not contain fluoride.
  3. Do not take hormonal medications. If this is not possible, then you need to discuss options for replacing them with your doctor.
  4. Perform hygiene procedures daily. Use only warm water to wash your face. Perform actions at least twice a day.
  5. If possible, avoid touching your face with your hands, even if you have previously washed them with soap.
  6. Do not expose your skin to adverse factors such as wind, low or high temperatures.

It is also important not to squeeze pimples yourself. Wrong actions can provoke infection into the layers of the dermis, which is fraught with more serious consequences.

When visiting a doctor, after an examination and passing all the tests, the specialist, based on the results obtained, makes a final diagnosis, and based on this, selects the optimal treatment options.

Among medications, in most cases, drugs of the following groups are prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Vitamin complexes.
  3. Antibacterial - suitable for both internal and external use.
  4. Ointments with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

How to relieve acne inflammation

Acne is a widespread problem.

When diagnosing perioral dermatitis, antibiotic treatment is prescribed in most cases. These may be drugs:

  1. Local purpose - ointments. Their use is necessary first of all.
  2. Systemic action. Here, the leading positions are occupied by tetracycline drugs and macrolides.

In this case, as a rule, you should not expect a quick result. On the contrary, at the initial stage of therapeutic actions the situation is only complicated by an exacerbation, against the background of which an even more intense appearance of acne is noted.

Only after 14-21 days the severity of symptoms begins to decrease.

Complete cure occurs only after about twelve weeks of taking the drugs.


Proper nutrition plays an equally significant role. During treatment it is necessary to avoid such products as:

  • roast;
  • salty;
  • spicy;
  • bold
  • alcohol;
  • bakery,

The diet should contain only healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and the menu should also consist of foods of animal and plant origin.

Measures to take if a rash appears

You cannot start treatment on your own ; you must undergo an examination by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, and pass the necessary tests for the content of hormones in the blood.

As a preventive measure, you need to strengthen your immune system, take care of facial hygiene, do not use cheap cosmetics, and do not self-medicate with hormonal drugs.

Photo 3: A proper diet, healthy food and giving up bad habits will be a good help in maintaining the overall health of the body. Source: flickr (janelle).


To prevent the appearance of acne around the mouth, it is important not to neglect the recommendations of specialists and follow them for preventive purposes. Basic Rules:

  1. Perform hygiene procedures regularly.
  2. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands, since it is pathogenic bacteria that cause the development of inflammatory processes.
  3. Wash your skin at least twice a day. In this case, you need to avoid using products that have a drying effect.
  4. After each use of products, cleanse the skin above the upper lip. Plain water or wet wipes are best for this.
  5. Include foods that contain large amounts of zinc and vitamin B
  6. Stick to the correct routine . Go to bed on time. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep at night.
  7. Do not expose the body to hypothermia or overheating. A sharp change in temperature also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  8. Use slightly warm water to wash your face

If you follow all the recommendations and do them regularly, you can prevent the appearance of a rash. If this cannot be avoided, then it is better to seek help from a dermatologist, who will identify the cause of the rash and prescribe the correct treatment.

Professional fighting methods

The skin of the face requires very careful treatment, especially in the chin area. There are special professional methods for treating acne on the chin, which are used in specialized clinics. These include:

  • beauty treatments;
  • face cleaning;
  • peelings;
  • oxygen-ozone therapy;
  • laser resurfacing.

Cosmetic treatments are a set of procedures using a device and professional series cosmetics. Thanks to the influence of special devices, the substances included in the composition begin to act several times faster, eliminating unwanted defects on the face.

Facial cleansing is a therapeutic and hygienic procedure. Helps fight this disease. There are several ways to carry out this procedure:

  • atraumatic;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mechanical.

Peeling allows you to quickly and effectively cleanse the skin of impurities, as well as remove flaking and oily shine. Peeling should be selected depending on individual indications; only in this case will it be truly effective.

Oxygen-ozone therapy is used mainly as a treatment. Helps significantly improve the appearance of the skin and gain tone.

Laser resurfacing will help get rid of unwanted redness and acne, as well as post-acne marks.

The above procedures can be used not only as a treatment for acne on the chin, but also as a preventive measure.

Which method is more effective?

The effectiveness and efficiency of the method primarily depends on the individual characteristics of the person. It is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors that actively influence the condition of the skin: from moisture to hormonal imbalances. This is why you should not self-medicate. Incorrect treatment can aggravate the situation and the disease will begin to spread throughout the face, which is several times more difficult to cure. You should also not squeeze pimples. This will cause the process to spread, and in some cases may lead to blood poisoning.

At the BioMi Vita clinic you can contact a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin and the severity of the problem. An experienced specialist will choose the right treatment for acne on the chin, and will also prescribe procedures that will help make the relief and tone of women’s faces more even. You can find out more details and also make an appointment by calling the phone number listed on the website. You can also leave your own contact information in the return call form, then our consultant will call you back and answer all your questions regarding this problem.

Pimples* on the face: causes of occurrence in women104

Women's health and skin condition largely depend on hormonal levels. The male hormone testosterone is responsible for the processes that occur in the epidermis. In women, it is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries.

With increased secretion of androgens, the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum. Gradually it mixes with particles of dirt, dead cells, cosmetics and undergoes oxidation under the influence of oxygen. This is how open comedones are formed.

Hypersensitivity to steroid hormones in women over 30 years of age is one of the main causes of acne. An increase in androgen activity disrupts the water-lipid balance and causes clogged pores. Gradually, against the background of a slowdown in the process of sebum removal, bacteria begin to multiply in the sebaceous glands, and foci of inflammation appear on the skin.

An active increase in the level of androgens and the tendency to form acne is especially pronounced in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the level of steroid hormones in the body sharply increases, which activate comedogenic processes.

What to do if acne occurs?

To get rid of acne, you must first determine the true causes of the pathology. Before performing cosmetic procedures, experts advise visiting a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and, of course, a gynecologist. Treatment of acne caused by gynecological or endocrine diseases includes eliminating the primary causes of the rash.

To help the body cope with acne faster, cosmetologists recommend reviewing your diet. Changing gastronomic habits (giving up sweets, flour, spicy, salty, etc.) can have a positive effect on the condition of the face.

Acne on the face: causes and treatment

There are many reasons for the occurrence of acne: the use of cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients, stress, genetic predisposition, taking medications (for example, anabolic steroids), gastrointestinal pathologies, etc.31,49,80. When prescribing treatment, the dermatologist also takes into account why the rash appeared. In the treatment of mild to moderate acne, azelaic acid, for example, Azelik®5,9, can be used. The drug is used twice a day5. It is applied to clean, dry skin5.


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