Is toothpaste effective for acne on the face and how to use it?

Poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, stressful life, genetic predisposition, and poor skin care lead to the appearance of acne on the face. You can get rid of them using pharmaceutical and folk remedies. For example, some people prefer to use toothpaste. How to use it, and what kind of rashes can be smeared on?

Why does toothpaste help with acne?

To find out whether toothpaste helps against acne, just look at its composition.

The oral hygiene product contains:

  • Menthol, alcohol. They relieve swelling and redness, have a drying property, and prevent the growth of bacteria.
  • Aluminum lactate. Stops the inflammatory process, narrows pores.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, triclosan. They inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic flora and draw out impurities from the pores.
  • Silica. Reduces signs of inflammation, heals minor damage to the integument.
  • Baking soda. Normalizes the pH of the skin, tightens pores, has an exfoliating effect, and relieves inflammation.
  • Chlorhexidine. Acts as an antiseptic, destroying pathogenic bacteria.
  • Allantoin. Reduces pain.
  • Bisabolol. It has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

Toothpaste may contain extracts of medicinal plants (aloe, chamomile, thyme, sage, oak bark, etc.). They perfectly reduce inflammation, dry the skin, destroy germs, and disinfect acne. If the product contains star anise, you can count on a reduction in the production of subcutaneous sebum, which is ideal for oily skin types.

The essence of the method

Many people who have experienced the properties of the paste on themselves claim that it really has a positive effect, reducing inflammation in the acne area with just one application.

This action is explained by the components included in the product.

The antiseptic substances in the paste help destroy microbes that cause inflammation in the pore. Anti-inflammatory components improve tissue regeneration and trophism.

But it should be borne in mind that the effect will be insignificant. A severely inflamed pimple will not disappear after using it.

Due to the complex effects of its constituent components, the use of paste can lead to :

  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • purification;
  • drying the inflamed surface.

Since no one has conducted targeted research, this effect has no scientific evidence.

In addition, the main problem that caused acne will still not be solved .

When can you use toothpaste?

The product is intended for dental care, so it is worth using it when other methods do not help.

It is also worth considering the following nuances:

  • In order not to cause severe irritation, you must first try the paste on a healthy area of ​​skin: hold it for 20 minutes and see how the body reacts. If there are no negative manifestations, you can begin treating acne;
  • Toothpaste in its pure form should not be applied to large areas of the face. You can lubricate only problem areas, pointwise;
  • It is not recommended to treat pustules and the skin around the eyes with a dental hygiene product.

Important! During treatment, it is not recommended to use foundation and powder, excluding fortified and mineral formulations of medicinal cosmetics.


Most experts are of the opinion that this method of fighting acne has become widespread not so much because of its effectiveness, but because of the affordable cost of the products.

But many users indicate in reviews that this method really gives positive results.

You can also leave your feedback if you used this method in the comments to this article.

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Contraindications to the use of toothpaste

It is not recommended to use toothpaste to remove acne for people with:

  • dry and normal skin type;
  • hypersensitive and delicate skin;
  • allergy to components in the drug;
  • diseases of the digestive system and kidneys;
  • anemia and poor blood clotting.

For children under 12 years of age, it is better to use proven and safe products to treat acne.

Result after several procedures

The results of treating acne and other skin rashes can be seen after several procedures. Significantly reduces swelling of the area with formation, redness and size of inflammation.

When using the paste to eliminate acne marks, you may notice an initial change in the color of the affected area, which is associated with whitening properties. 2-3 applications are not enough to determine the effectiveness of the product.

Treatment of comedones should be comprehensive and regular, the final result of which can be assessed after a month of procedures.

How to use toothpaste correctly?

To eliminate redness and drying of acne, white toothpaste is used as follows:

  • wash, then cleanse the face of decorative cosmetics and other contaminants with a suitable product (tonic, micellar water);
  • dry the covers with a soft cloth;
  • apply paste to the ear stick and lubricate the red bumps;
  • leave for several hours (overnight is possible), then wash off with warm water or herbal decoction;
  • if the skin is hypersensitive, the paste can be kept on the face for no longer than half an hour;
  • to eliminate the feeling of dryness, the treated areas are lubricated with a moisturizing cream with a soothing effect;
  • The procedure is repeated no more than 3-4 times a week.

In the absence of contraindications, the dental product helps to get rid of acne not only on the face, but also on any parts of the body: on the back, buttocks, arms, shoulders, legs.

Is it possible to smear a pimple?

Toothpaste helps against acne on the face, which has been proven by the experience of many people. However, this is not a panacea, and the hygiene product will not be equally useful for everyone.

It is recommended to use it when:

  • inflamed pimples;
  • acne, acne;
  • subcutaneous acne (if there is no purulent head).

Treatment should begin when the first signs of a rash appear.

If your entire face is covered with acne, you shouldn’t rely on toothpaste to help with your dermatological problem. It will only dry out oily skin and slightly extinguish the inflammatory process. But if there are not many reddish bumps, and they are caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands, and not by internal causes (diseases of the digestive and liver organs, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders), then the white composition will cope with the situation.

Can I leave the paste on my skin overnight?

It is not recommended to leave toothpaste on the face for a long time if you have sensitive skin, as it can lead to peeling and severe irritation. People with an oily type of epidermis can leave it overnight if there is severe redness and severe inflammation.

The paste can be left until the morning when fighting subcutaneous acne. This way, the active components will be able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and have the maximum therapeutic effect.

How long should you keep toothpaste on?

How long to keep the toothpaste on your face depends on the composition of the paste. For example, eucalyptus or menthol are washed off after half an hour, and mint can be left on until the morning. Also, the duration of the session depends on the degree of damage to the integument. In severe cases, it is better to leave the drug overnight and wash it off in the morning.

What pastes are chosen for treatment?

Not every toothpaste helps with acne on the face; you need to choose the right product so as not to aggravate the situation and not cause other cosmetic defects in the form of redness and peeling:

  • the paste should be white, without multi-colored stripes and additives;
  • To treat inflamed upper and subcutaneous acne, you cannot use formulations with bleaching particles and fluoride. They can cause severe irritation and even cause a burn;
  • the paste should not be on a transparent gel base, since it does not contain anti-inflammatory components;
  • if the list of ingredients indicates the presence of carbamide peroxide, such a product is not suitable for cosmetic procedures, as it can lead to a serious chemical burn;
  • It is better to give preference to organic, natural-based hygiene products, especially if you need to leave them on the body until the morning.

If the paste contains bromelain (an enzyme extracted from pineapple pulp), you cannot smear it on your face, since this element can destroy facial skin cells.

Important! The ideal toothpaste for acne on the face is white, mint, with oak bark or herbal extract.

How long to keep

The effectiveness of toothpaste will increase several times if it is applied to a newly appeared pimple. It is recommended to leave the product on the face for 30-40 minutes; this period of time will be enough to stop the inflammatory process.

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Toothpaste masks

Inflamed rashes and lumps on the face can be soothed with masks containing toothpaste.

Anti-redness toothpaste mask

Grind 1 Aspirin tablet into powder, add half a small spoon of white toothpaste and mix well. Apply to problem areas and wash off after 10 minutes.

Recipe with baking soda for acne

Mix 1 large spoon of baking soda with two peas of paste. The resulting composition is applied to acne areas or the entire face. After half an hour, wash off with chamomile infusion and apply a soothing cream.

Toothpaste mask against inflammation

1 small spoon of baking soda, ½ small spoon of toothpaste, 2 large spoon of water, stir well. Apply to pimples for 5-10 minutes. After washing with warm water, dry the skin. The procedure is repeated once a day until the condition improves.

Mask for inflammation and pustules

1 small spoon of blue clay is mixed with the same amount of water and a pea of ​​toothpaste. Apply to the acne area and wash off after 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out every two days. In just a week, the skin will look healthy.

Mask for subcutaneous pimples and acne

Salicylic-zinc ointment and toothpaste help here. Both drugs have a powerful antiseptic effect and promote rapid healing of the integument. A small spoon of salicylic paste is mixed with two peas of toothpaste, applied to problem areas and left overnight. In the morning, wipe your face with a cotton sponge soaked in a soap solution, and then wash with running water. You can replace salicylic ointment with any preparation containing zinc.

Anti-blackhead mask

1 small spoon of table salt is mixed with a pea of ​​herbal toothpaste. Apply to the area strewn with dots (the most common area of ​​the face with dots is the nose and chin) and leave for 5 minutes. Afterwards, wash with cool water to tighten the pores.

Streptocide mask for acne

The Streptocide tablet is crushed into powder and mixed with a small amount of toothpaste. After obtaining a homogeneous substance, lubricate each tubercle. After 20 minutes, wash thoroughly.

Can pregnant women use acne paste?

During the period of bearing a child, women are prohibited from consuming certain foods, using most cosmetic services, and taking certain medications. After all, the body undergoes colossal hormonal changes, so it can react to a familiar remedy in the most unpredictable way.

Pregnant women are often prone to developing rashes on the body and face.

This is due to:

  • an increase in the level of testosterone and progesterone in the blood, which helps to enhance the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • intense activity of the sebaceous ducts against the background of stress to which many expectant mothers are exposed during the most crucial period of life;
  • insufficient fluid intake, which leads to increased secretion of sebum.

When asked whether a expectant mother can use toothpaste if a pimple has popped up on her face, experts give a negative answer. The skin of a pregnant woman becomes hypersensitive and vulnerable, so it cannot normally withstand the aggressive effects of a hygiene product. As a treatment, it is better to make not a mask from toothpaste, but from vegetables and fruits, use herbal infusions and special creams.

Side effects

When using an active product, you need to remember that there is a risk of damaging the skin. After exposure, the following may appear:

  • irritation;
  • itching;
  • peeling;
  • whitish spots;
  • increased redness.

The components accelerate the maturation of acne papules, so the next morning white pustules may appear, which will soon dry out. Menthol, contained in some brands, gets into the eyes and causes burning and watery eyes. Rash located close to the eyelids must be lubricated with other means.

The main danger of use is allergic reactions. In this case, the acne will not disappear, but the problem will only get worse. Each new product must pass a skin test on the back of the hand.

Toothpaste is used as a remedy for facial acne only when the cosmetic problem is caused by bacteria. In other cases, it is used to reduce redness.

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