A child has a severely broken lip, what to do and how to treat it?

A lip bruise is damage to soft tissues and subcutaneous capillaries as a result of exposure to various factors. This causes swelling, hematoma and swelling of the lips. Bruises do not pose a serious health risk.

Rather, it causes external discomfort, a feeling of unattractiveness, as well as discomfort while eating and talking. In such a situation, the most important thing is not to delay and start treatment as soon as possible so that the tumor does not spread to the face.

  1. The most common causes of hematomas and swelling of the lips
  2. Bruised lip: symptom manifestation
  3. Additional symptoms of bruising include:
  4. Bruised lip: first aid
  5. Bruised lip: medicines and folk remedies
  6. Remedies that are available in every home will also help with bruising of the lower and upper lip and the appearance of a bruise:

Prohibited techniques. What should you never do?

Before we talk about what to do if an adult or child has a broken lip, we will tell you what measures are prohibited from being taken. Let's look at them:

  1. You should not apply anything warm, as well as ointments that have a warming effect. Such drugs can lead to increased swelling.
  2. Do not use cosmetics to hide the swelling. This can lead to infection in the wound.
  3. You should not eat food immediately after you have a split lip. During the recovery process, you should not consume too hot or cold foods.
  4. During the treatment period, give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  5. Do not touch your lips with your hands or bite them. This way you can easily get infected.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight and kissing.


You need to know what medications are used for swelling, inflammation, what you need to take for healing

Some parents, either out of ignorance or inexperience, use means that can harm the baby. So, with such a wound, it is unacceptable to use antiseptics such as iodine, its derivatives and brilliant green. Parents should be aware that even low concentrations of these drugs can cause burns. If you have already performed this action, then it is necessary to provide first aid typical for burns.

If the baby has swelling, then medications based on natural ingredients can be used to help cope with the hematoma. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to combat infection or relieve inflammation. Let's look at what medications can be used in a situation with a broken sponge and how to treat the wound.

  1. Zinc ointment relieves inflammation perfectly.
  2. Bepanten helps restore tissue condition.
  3. The Healing balm will help speed up the healing of abrasions.
  4. If an infection is present, the antifungal and antibacterial drug Boro Plus is prescribed.
  5. If there is itching or irritation, La-kri will come to the rescue.
  6. Solcoseryl will contribute to a speedy recovery, as well as acceleration of metabolism.
  7. Badyaga gel is used to resolve the hematoma.

Can I use ice? How to do this correctly?

Usually, if a lip or other part of the body is broken, it is recommended to put ice on the bruised area. This is done in order to relieve pain and, of course, relieve swelling. This method can be used if, apart from swelling, there are no various cuts and bleeding. Remember that pure ice should not be applied to sensitive tissue. This can lead to additional complications such as necrosis and hypothermia.

If you apply ice, is it possible to get rid of swelling in a short period of time? Unfortunately no. The swelling can be removed in this way only in a few days. Apply a compress every three hours for ten minutes.

Common causes of hematoma and swelling of the lips

If the lip is bruised with swelling, it causes bleeding and further accumulation of blood as a result of ruptured blood vessels. This is how a hematoma forms. There may be several reasons before an injury:

  • fall or blow;
  • Inflammation after visiting a dentist or cosmetologist;
  • operation;
  • biting, cutting, cutting;
  • sports injuries.

Bruises of the upper and lower lips most often occur in young children. They cannot sit still and get injured during active games. Athletes involved in sports such as boxing, gymnastics, football, basketball, etc. are also susceptible to bruising.

Folk remedies for a broken lip

How to relieve swelling with folk remedies? If urgent medical intervention is not required, then these methods can be used. We will now consider popular means:

  1. Tea lotions. First, place a tea bag in the water. Afterwards, squeeze it out a little. Just remember that the bag should not be hot. Hold this tea lotion for a couple of minutes on the injured area.

  2. Aloe juice. This tool has unique capabilities. Therefore, aloe juice is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. So how to use such a tool? You need to take a cotton swab and moisten it with aloe juice. You need to keep the lotion on the sore spot for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
  3. Celandine lotions. First you need to squeeze the juice out of the grass. Then soak a tampon in it. Lotions with fresh juice should be applied several times a day.

Drug therapy. What drugs are used?

If you have a broken lip and you trust traditional medicine, then the following tips are for you. So what to do in such cases? To relieve swelling, you can use the following medications:

  1. Bodyaga. It is better to buy it in gel form and rub it in an unlimited number of times throughout the day.
  2. Ointment "Rescuer". It will improve the overall condition of the lip and also disinfect it.
  3. Various ointments (Ketonal, Nurofen-gel, Troxevasin and other similar medications).
  4. Lotions with lead water. The product must be refrigerated before use. Lead water has an analgesic effect. In addition, the product quickly solves the problem of swelling.

When to see a doctor

A child's split lip can be healed at home. However, there are a number of situations in which you cannot do without visiting a specialist’s office.

You should consult a doctor if:

  • the wound is very deep or located on the inside;
  • gums, teeth or frenulum have also been injured - you cannot do without communicating with a dentist, who will be able to determine the consequences of the blow, prescribe special medications or carry out the necessary manipulations;
  • an increase in temperature above 37 and 5 degrees in the next two days after the injury - it is possible that infection has occurred, now it is necessary to engage in special therapy;
  • bleeding does not stop for more than half an hour, even if it is a small ooze of blood;
  • there is a possibility of a foreign body;
  • loss of sensation in the area of ​​injury;
  • the presence of prolonged swelling and hyperemia that does not go away;
  • Cosmetic defects arose as a result of the injury.

The child broke his lip. What to do? What means should I use?

Of course, such an injury looks terrifying. Many mothers panic. But you shouldn't do this. We need to act calmly. What to do?

  1. First of all, wash your hands (yours and your child’s). This is done so as not to accidentally introduce an infection into the wound.
  2. To eliminate a possible infection, use hydrogen peroxide. Wipe the affected area with a cotton swab containing this product. You should not use iodine and brilliant green for processing. Not only do they cause severe pain when applied to a wound, but they can also cause burns. In addition, iodine can also provoke bleeding from a wound, as it causes blood flow.
  3. You can use honey as an antiseptic if you have a split lip. The baby should like this folk remedy. Despite the fact that children perceive honey as a delicacy, it has many beneficial properties, including antibacterial. You can also use sea buckthorn oil and propolis-based ointment for this purpose. Of course, it is advisable to apply the product before bed so that the baby does not quickly eat it.
  4. If your lip is broken from the inside, you can use the drug Miramistin. If a similar problem occurs in a very young child, then you should act a little differently. You need to moisten a cotton swab in this product and wipe the wound with it. Older children, of course, will be able to rinse their mouths with this medication on their own. Chamomile decoction can also be used for this purpose. It perfectly disinfects and heals the wound, and also stops bleeding.

  5. After the lip has been cleaned, it can be examined. Most likely, you will notice swelling and edema on it. What to do next? You can use ice or a spoon that you have kept in the freezer for a while in advance. This method will also help stop the bleeding.
  6. If upon examination you see that the wound is quite deep, then, of course, you need to urgently go to the trauma department. Most likely, the doctor will suggest that you get stitches.

Lip bruise: symptoms

The main symptoms of a bruised lip are pain, bruising and swelling, and bruising may also appear. Symptoms appear quickly, literally against the background of changes in the lips.

There is a thickening on the inside of the lip at the site of the injury. Its size depends on the force of the blow, the amount of blood spilled, the victim’s blood pressure, the degree of coagulation and elasticity of the tissues.

Additional signs of injury include:

  • it hurts to open your mouth;
  • the appearance of watery blisters, ulcers and pustules at the site of injury;
  • coating of lips with cracks;
  • deterioration of general health, apathy, drowsiness;
  • chills and increased body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • Itchy eyes and runny nose.

Severe inflammation and compaction can cause severe pain, increased swelling and an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees.

Further treatment of the child. Adviсe

After first aid, of course, you should continue to treat the child. During the healing process, the lip will become crusty. You need to make sure that the baby doesn’t chew it. Otherwise, the healing process will be delayed, and it is quite possible that the wound will become infected again.

You also need to lubricate your lip with an emollient. Propolis ointments and honey are suitable for these purposes. If the wound is inside, then rinsing with chamomile will be useful.

How to protect your child from lip injury?

Even an adult can break their lip, let alone children. But you can still reduce the risk of injury. For this:

  • Explain to your child the rules of behavior while walking, on the playground, near swings, horizontal bars and carousels;
  • Buy comfortable shoes for your baby with stable, non-slip soles and fastening fasteners;
  • remove from children's clothing all parts that can get caught on surrounding objects and cause injury to the child;
  • always put on protective equipment for your child (helmet, knee pads, elbow pads) if he is skating, cycling, skateboarding or scootering;
  • always look after your child;
  • do not leave the baby alone at home if the windows are open;
  • always put sharp objects out of reach of the baby;
  • In a car, transport your child only in a child seat;
  • Fill your first aid kit with all the necessary first aid supplies for injuries.

A child can fall and break his lip at any age and even with the most vigilant supervision of parents - alas, no one is immune from this. Therefore, it is worth preparing for possible emergency situations, and if this happens, meet it fully armed. Remember that your composure, confidence in actions and care will quickly return the baby to its previous activity.

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