A child bites his lip, tongue or cheek hard until it bleeds: what to do, how to help? I bit my lip, tongue or cheek and a lump or ulcer forms: how to treat it?

What to do if a child or adult has bitten their tongue, cheek, or lip. First aid and treatment.

Children, like adults, can accidentally bite their lip or cheek. A minor and non-dangerous injury can cause a lot of discomfort, and in the case of children, tears. The mucous membrane tightens and heals much longer than the rest of the skin, and this is associated with prolonged pain, and sometimes possible inflammation. After all, an infection can get through an open wound at any time, especially when children are still small and constantly put their dirty hands in their mouths.

In this article we will look at the causes of lip and cheek biting, as well as help and treatment. We will also touch on the topic in which cases it is urgently necessary to visit a doctor.

Possible reasons

We use our lips to express our feelings. There are people who have developed the habit of biting their lips or cheeks. This expresses their feeling of self-doubt and worry. This facial gesture shows that a person is puzzled by something, feels fear and is nervous about something.

The habit begins in childhood. Its causes: lack of attention, lack of parental love, frequent stress and nervous breakdowns. By biting his lip, the child tries to hold back tears or anger when he is scolded. He does this when he doesn’t know the answer in class and is nervous about it. He bites his skin every time he experiences negative emotions. If the baby does this regularly, then the action becomes a habit. And being of a conscious age, he cannot get rid of it.

Biting the skin helps calm you down. In this way a person tries to cope with emotions. When he makes this gesture, he feels better and calms down faster. They believe that physical pain sobers up and helps you come to your senses.

The habit of biting your lips is a way to get rid of rough skin. In a strong wind, lips often become chapped, the skin becomes flaky and irritating. And instead of lubricating it with a moisturizing balm, the person once again chews off the rough skin. But often this brings discomfort. Lips can be bitten until they bleed, which will lead to the formation of cracks.

A child bites his lip, tongue or cheek hard until it bleeds: what to do, how to help?

When biting the mucous membrane, a wound immediately forms. If the bite is insignificant, redness will be visible and slight pain will be felt, more like discomfort. In this case, you can apply ice for a few seconds to numb the area a little, which can help relieve pain.

If blood is released from the wound, even in small quantities, it must be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide and a clean, sterile piece of bandage applied. It is strongly not recommended to treat the mucous membranes and skin of the lips with alcohol solutions, as this will cause more harm than good. So, the damaged mucous membrane will be burned with an alcohol solution, which will significantly slow down its recovery.

A child bites his lip, tongue or cheek hard until it bleeds: what to do, how to help?

Of course, when a mother sees a wound on her baby, she immediately wants to cauterize it with something so that, in her opinion, it will heal faster. But the products do not stay on a wet wound and quickly spread around. And we can guarantee that cauterization will not affect healing, but it may burn the surrounding mucosa.

If the pain is severe and throbbing, ice applied not only to the wound, but also to the outside of the cheek will help relieve the pain. Freezing also works well for severe injuries, this one can definitely be dealt with!

There are times when ice cannot be used. For example, when a child is sick. In this case, a sterile cotton swab soaked in lidocaine can help. But remember, this is a strong medicine that has a number of side effects, and in the case of treatment, it is important not only to help, but also to be able not to harm.

Also, eye drops with an antiseptic will bring temporary relief if you drop them on the wound. Again, do not forget that this is a drug and should only be used in extreme cases.

After you have initially treated the wound, pour your child a glass of mouthwash and let him rinse his mouth thoroughly. Until the wound heals completely, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after each meal.

A child bites his lip, tongue or cheek hard until it bleeds: what to do, how to help?

Until the wound is completely healed, make sure that the child eats only warm food. Cold or hot food can irritate the mucous membrane and, instead of rapid healing, on the contrary, provoke additional irritation and rotting of the wound.

To quickly restore the mucous membrane, it is recommended to enrich the human body with vitamins C and group B. But if the injury occurs in the summer, when a person eats a full diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, then you don’t have to worry about vitamins.

Important: if after 4 days the wound does not heal, pus forms in it, you notice damage to the tongue, the pain does not subside, and even more so if the wound grows, go to the doctor immediately.

Parents are often interested in the question of why their child bites his lip or cheek. There are several primary reasons:

  • At one time, a child may bite his cheek or lip mechanically, trying to survive food. It's not scary and can happen to anyone;
  • If the lip is bitten regularly, this is a sure sign that the child has acquired a bad habit, but you should look for the reason for this habit together with a psychologist;
  • Regular cheek biting may also indicate a particular disease, for which you should go to your doctor to identify it.


Bitten lips look unattractive. Especially if wounds with blood are visible. Even beautiful lipstick won't help hide it.

  1. Inflammation. Infection can occur through cracks. Especially if you have another bad habit - biting your nails. And herpes on women’s lips looks ugly.
  2. Discomfort. For a person with bitten lips, every meal will be problematic. There will be a burning sensation and pain in places where there are wounds. Especially if the dishes are salty and spicy.
  3. Skin condition. Due to constant biting, the skin will become rough.

Problems with the lips and chewing on the inside of the cheek can cause problems throughout the mouth. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Microbes penetrate the oral cavity and begin to multiply instantly. The result is plaque, caries, ulcers on the inside of the lip.

This is what an open bite looked like in a child aged 7

Her first year was the most unstable and difficult. Since the girl did not want to get rid of the habit and the medicinal mouthguard ended up on the pillow at night in every possible way.

A year of treatment for the girl’s bite has passed, let’s see the results

But one fine day, thanks to daily work, we defeated the BIG PHALANX

The final result of open bite treatment. Photo at 11 years old


It is imperative to get rid of bad habits. This develops willpower.

Learn to control your actions. Pay attention to what you do in moments of stress and anxiety. Motivate yourself. If the process could not be stopped in time, you can come up with a light punishment.

Ways to get rid of the habit of biting your cheek and lips:

  1. Pamper yourself after every small victory. If you manage to spend the planned time without biting the skin on your lips, give yourself a little encouragement. This could be a sweet, half an hour of rest, a walk. Relaxing treatments like going to a spa or massages are excellent motivation.
  2. Taking vitamins. Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals negatively affects the skin. It is important to start taking the appropriate medications to get your lips and mouth in order. You need to drink the whole complex. For a list of medications, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  3. Sedatives. If cheek biting is caused by nervous breakdowns or mental disorders, calming pills will help. They improve the condition of the nervous system, making it easier for a person to find harmony with himself. Be sure to contact a neurologist for an appointment.
  4. Proper care. This is especially true for girls. It is necessary to use special creams and ointments. Before going to bed and going outside, thoroughly lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick.

If your lips are bitten or have cracks, applying lipstick to them is prohibited. This may make the situation worse. Yes, and it doesn't look nice. Only special care products are allowed. This will help make your skin well-groomed, soft and beautiful.

Relatives can help you cope with the problem. Ask them to remind them not to pick the skin every time it happens. The patient will feel ashamed and want to get rid of the habit as soon as possible.

What to do if a child bites through his tongue, how to stop the bleeding?

When chewing food, as a result of a fall, or simply stumbling, a child can bite his tongue until it bleeds, and sometimes even bite through. At the first second, every parent may be confused and not know what to do, but here, as in the case of other injuries, the main thing is to quickly pull yourself together and help the child.

Even if the bite is minor and only redness is visible, be sure to treat and disinfect the wound. Today it may seem that the injury to the tongue is insignificant, but in a day or two a completely different result may appear.

Please note that the tongue can be bitten on the top, bottom and side. Examine the entire tongue before making a final decision.

What to do if a child bites through his tongue, how to stop the bleeding?

If you see that a child has bitten his tongue until it bleeds, immediately treat the surface of the tongue and stop the bleeding. The tongue consists of thousands of blood vessels, and carelessness can lead to a lot of difficulties in the future.

If the tongue is bitten through, go to the doctor immediately; the child may need immediate hospitalization.

So, if a child bites his tongue:

  • We carefully examine the tongue, and even if we see the cause of the complaint, we continue to examine it to the end;
  • Disinfect the wound;
  • We numb the pain with a special antiseptic gel, which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy;
  • Treat the wound every few hours until complete healing;
  • If the wound increases, pus, swelling and lumps form, immediately go to the doctor.

Working with a psychologist

In psychology, the habit of cheek biting is called a mental pathology. To treat it, a technique such as psychoanalysis is used. It is necessary to determine the reasons why the habit of peeling lips or cheeks was formed. To do this, the patient is asked to consider the following:

  • why do I bite the skin on my lips;
  • what happens if you replace this habit with another action;
  • how I feel when I bite my cheek;
  • Does it make me feel better after this?

This allows you to understand whether the disease is related to mental disorders or whether it is a need to remove rough skin. If a person has a second cause, self-treatment should be tried. If the problem arises at a psychological level, you need to seek help from a specialist.

The psychologist asks you to imagine a situation that causes stress and makes you nervous. The doctor’s task is to monitor the patient’s behavior and actions. Usually, habitual actions are performed automatically, on a subconscious level. And if the client begins to bite his cheek, then additional sessions are scheduled. If not, he is asked to start caring for the epidermis.

The client is given homework. These may include finding a favorite activity or hobby. This includes physical activity, travel, new hobbies, and visits to cultural institutions. The main thing is for the patient to relax and forget about his problems. Every competent psychologist says that this technique is effective. And in addition to treatment, it helps you develop yourself and become better.

The psychologist asks the patient to use affirmations. These are positive statements whose purpose is to motivate a person. They work through self-hypnosis.

  • I will succeed;
  • I will definitely stop biting my cheek;
  • I have enormous willpower;
  • I can deal with my problem very quickly;
  • I will stop biting my lips and they will look attractive, etc.

Such phrases help a person to believe in himself. It is important that close people repeat them to the person. This will be double motivation.

The average number of sessions in the course is 5. Depends on the mental state of the patient and his desire to cope with the problem.

What is the treatment for bite treatment?

To put it “scientifically”, what we see is nothing more than an “ open bite
” - one of the most severe malocclusion pathologies in the practice of orthodontists. And this example shows well the effectiveness of solving and treating open bite pathology in children. Most often, in such cases, wearing an ELASTOPOSITIONER is prescribed - an orthodontic mouthguard for children made of medical silicone. The wearing mode for the treatment of an open bite is HOME - this is when a child, both day and night, while at home, must hold such a mouthguard in his mouth, clamping it with his teeth. Knowing the cause of such an overbite and eliminating it, we clearly show how the correction occurs. And all the above violations correct themselves!

Aesthetics and Function - these are the two most important parameters!

Now the girl is 11 years old. And so far we do not see the need for any additional treatment!!! So, the period for occlusion correction is 3 years and 1 year of passive monitoring of stability. Are you ready for this treatment for your child? Then don't wait for braces, contact us! Health to everyone, Yours Alexander Spesivtsev

Articles by Alexander Spesivtsev on the website

  • A bitter experience with braces or a story about how aligners helped improve the situation
  • Wisdom teeth: remove or treat?
  • Protrusion of teeth. Treatment of bite protrusion with aligners

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Human body #76, page 4.

AMBULANCE: Cases from practice

The man bit his lip

Brian was cleaning the living room and dropped a coin on the floor. He bent down to pick it up when he suddenly lost his balance and hit his mouth on the corner of the coffee table.

Brian rushed to the bathroom to see if he had hurt his teeth. He was very frightened when he saw his reflection in the mirror: his chin was

4 Brian fell, hit his mouth on the corner of the coffee table and accidentally bit his lip. The doctor stitched the wound under local anesthesia.

covered in blood. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the teeth were fine, but the lip was badly damaged.

Because the wound was deep and the bleeding would not stop, Brian asked a neighbor to take him to the hospital.

Oral examination

At the hospital, Brian told the doctor what happened. The doctor examined the patient's teeth to make sure they were not damaged by the impact. After asking Brian to close his jaw, the doctor ruled out a fracture of the lower jaw.

The doctor explained to the patient that the lip was probably caught between the teeth, which sharply closed at the moment of impact. He also stated that the wound would need to be sutured and that the procedure would be performed under local anesthesia,

so Brian won't feel any pain.

The nurse carefully cleaned the injury site. The doctor then injected a local anesthetic into the skin around the wound. Brian hardly felt the needle pricks; the numbness in his lip from the injury still lingered. After a couple of minutes, the doctor made sure that the anesthesia had worked and began the operation.

The doctor stitched up the wound and told Brian that he had used a special absorbable thread, so the patient would not have to return to the hospital to have the stitches removed: they would dissolve on their own.

The doctor advised the patient to regularly rinse his mouth with an antiseptic solution for several days. He also explained that a small scar will remain at the site of the wound, which over time will become almost invisible.

For two semesters, Mark and Simon were roommates at university, but they never spoke. Simon seemed very shy and preferred to spend time alone.

One evening, returning from a party, Mark noticed that the door to Simon's room was open. Hearing a strange muffled groan, he came closer to make sure everything was okay.

Self harm

Simon lay curled up on the edge of the bed, something was clearly wrong with him. Taking a closer look, Mark saw that Simon's hand was bleeding heavily. Giving up attempts to get the neighbor to know what had happened, Mark called an ambulance.

At the hospital, he told the doctor on duty that he found Simon in this condition.

Student injures himself

After examining multiple cut wounds on the left arm, the physician suggested that the patient had inflicted them himself and called a social worker.

The doctor treated and bandaged the wounds. Fortunately, none of them had to be sutured.

The doctor asked Simon about the circumstances of the incident in order to assess the patient's mental state and find out whether the incident was a suicide attempt. He also contacted the boy's general practitioner. From the anamnesis it became known that the young man had previously taken antidepressants, and in the past he had already attempted suicide.

Hospital doctors were unable to contact Simon's mother and were unsure he would try to harm himself again, so the patient was kept in the ward overnight. In addition, they were called for consultation

M Simon's medical records indicated that he had a history of depression and was taking antidepressants.

And Often, self-harm, as in Simon's case, is not so much a life-threatening suicide attempt as a desperate desire for attention.

psychiatric service specialists.

Mark felt guilty and regretted that he had not been attentive enough to Simon, so he decided to visit him the next day.

And today he bit his lip until it bled while feeding.

Girls, our bottom tooth came out 2 days ago! And today he bit his lip until it bled while feeding, and he won’t eat anymore! How can I help my baby? We are 6.5

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Such things are not uncommon and blaming parents is not always correct. The reasons for such a habit as thumb sucking are multifaceted:

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  • teething,
  • at an older age, this is a neurological disorder; the child expresses his feelings in this way...

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effectively get rid of this habit?
Because, as we see, such habits lead to disorders of bite, speech function, chewing (biting), and the aesthetics of appearance are also not up to par. For clarity, we show the case of one girl who did not give up for a long time and stubbornly and did not want to give up her “wonderful” habit! And as a result, the child has an open bite.

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